Get to know you a little better and gain anunderstanding of your situation, wants andneeds so that I can tailor a strategy to sellyour home, along with anyrecommendations and advice I may have,to your particular situation.ABOUT YOUShare a little about my personal approachto Real Estate.ABOUT MEProvide you with an overview of thestrategies and tactics I will use to sell yourhomeMARKETING YOUR HOMEShare some statistics with you relative tohome sales in your area along withcomparables of current and recent listings.Discuss the current value of your homeand my recommendations with respecttolisting strategy and price.PRICING YOUR HOMEProvide you with an overview of thestrategies and tactics I will use to sell yourhomeWRAP UPCommunicationDiscussion Overview
Getting to know you will help meto do my job as efficiently and aseffectively as possible. Anythingyou share with me is held in thestrictest of confidence and simplyhelps me understand how I canbest be of service to you. Here is an example of somethings that would be helpful forme to understandWhat are yourmotivations for selling?UnderstandingYour Needs, Wishes & ConcernsWhen do you want orneed to move?Where are going next?Are you upgrading,making a lateral moveor downsizing?Have you sold a homebefore? What did youlike about theexperience? What didyou not like?What, if anything,concerns you aboutselling your home thistime?What, if anything,concerns you about theprocess of selling yourhome this time?What questions are topof mind for you? Whatdo you want to know orunderstand by the endof our meeting today?
Document ChecklistCurrent annual tax bill for your homeCurrent hydro billCurrent gas billCurrent water billProperty Survey (if available)Property Deed (if available)Floor plan (if available)Invoices for recent repairs or upgrades (if applicable)A fixture (any item that is nailed, screwed or glued)remains with the home!UnderstandingImportant Documents & InformationItems to be included in Sale________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Items to be excluded in Sale________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Together, let's embark on this journey with the shared goal of not justselling a property but achieving your unique vision of success in the realestate market.In partnering with you to navigate thesale of your home, my objectives aremultifaceted:MAXIMIZING YOUR RETURNSMy foremost commitment is to secure theoptimal financial outcome for you. I strive toleverage market dynamics, strategic pricing,and negotiation skills to ensure you receivethe highest possible value for your property.TrustMy ObjectivesSEAMLESS AND ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCEI am dedicated to crafting a home-sellingjourney that is not only successful but alsominimizes stress and enhances your overallexperience. My aim is to transform apotentially complex process into a seamlessand enjoyable transaction.BUILDING TRUST AND MAKING AMEANINGFUL IMPACTEarning your trust is paramount. I seek toprovide advice that transcends thetransactional, aiming to make a meaningfulimpact on your life during this significantchapter. Your confidence in my guidance is acornerstone of our collaboration.INFORMED DECISION-MAKINGKnowledge is power, especially in real estate.Throughout our collaboration, I amcommitted to furnishing you withcomprehensive information, empowering youto make well-informed decisions at everyjuncture of the home-selling process.LEVERAGING EXPERIENCE ACROSSALL FACETSWith a wealth of experience in pricingstrategies, home preparation, marketinginitiatives, negotiation techniques, andclosing procedures, I endeavor to use myexpertise to your advantage. Each phase ofthe selling process benefits from the insightsand proficiency honed over the years.
In my commitment to you as we embark on the journey of selling your home, I offera sincere and comprehensive pledge:PROFESSIONAL, HONEST, ANDSTRAIGHTFORWARD ADVICEYou can trust that the guidance Iprovide will be characterized byprofessionalism, honesty, and astraightforward approach. I amdedicated to offering insights thatare not only reliable but alsotransparent.IntegrityMy pledge to youINFORMED DECISION-MAKINGSUPPORTKnowledge is a powerful ally in realestate transactions. I pledge toequip you with the informationessential for making well-informeddecisions throughout the entireselling process.ACTING IN YOUR BESTINTERESTYour best interests will always guidemy actions and advice. Everyrecommendation I offer is rooted inwhat is right for you, ensuring thatthe decisions made align with yourunique goals and aspirations.TIMELY AND ACCESSIBLECOMMUNICATIONCommunication is key, and I amcommitted to being readilyavailable. Your calls and emails willbe responded to promptly,providing you with the assurancethat your concerns and queries area top priority.PRIORITIZING THE SALE OFYOUR HOMEMaking the sale of your home apriority is not just a promise; it's acommitment. I will channel allnecessary resources and efforts toensure that the process is swift,efficient, and successful.ENSURING YOUR COMPLETESATISFACTIONYour satisfaction is paramount. Ipledge to go above and beyond toensure that every aspect of thehome-selling experience exceedsyour expectations. Yourcontentment with the outcome is ameasure of my success.Together, let's navigate the real estate landscape with confidence,transparency, and a shared commitment to achieving your goals.
M. PhillipsI had to sell my condo and find a new place to live inless than 6 weeks. Jason helped me find a new placeto live AND got me the price I wanted when selling mycondo. He explains everything clearly and presents theoptions at the same time making sure nothing slipsthrough the cracks. J. Hines Jason Moseley is "The Man". Jason is conscientious,hard working, committed and never let me down...he'slike "my brother from another mother”. I would easilyrecommend Jason to my family and friends if they arethinking of selling their homes. ExperienceWhat My Clients SayR & D SowaJason's online marketing strategy and listing pricewere bang on. Our home sold within 48 hours, $50kover asking. I believe all the work Jason did helped usto get a result that was beyond what our expectations.
Selling your home is a significantdecision, and market conditionsplay a crucial role in the process.Whether you're entering a seller'smarket or a buyer's market, beinginformed empowers you to makestrategic choices. Let's explore thekey differences between thesemarket scenarios:LIMITED INVENTORYWith fewer homes available, yoursbecomes a hot commodity.Buyers may face increasedcompetition, leading to multipleoffers and potentially driving up thesale priceMarket ConditionsSellers MarketSeller's Market: Seizing OpportunitiesIn a seller's market, demand outweighssupply, creating an environment wheresellers often have the upper hand.Here's what you can expect:FASTER SALESProperties tend to sell quickly in aseller's market.Well-maintained homes oftenreceive immediate attention, andquick transactions are common.PRICING STRATEGIESOpportunities to list at competitiveprices and, in some cases, above theasking price.Strategic pricing can attract multipleoffers, allowing you to negotiatefavorable terms.FAVORABLE TERMS FOR SELLERSSellers often enjoy advantageousterms, such as shorter closingperiods and fewer contingencies.
INCREASED COMPETITIONWith more options available, buyershave the luxury of choice.Homes may stay on the marketlonger, requiring sellers to bepatient and strategic.Market ConditionsBuyers MarketBuyer's Market:Navigating ChallengesIn a buyer's market, the supply ofhomes exceeds demand, providingbuyers with more choices. As a seller,consider the following:PRICE FLEXIBILITYPricing becomes a crucial factor.Sellers may need to be more flexibleto attract buyers.Strategic pricing and value-addedfeatures can make your propertystand out.NEGOTIATION DYNAMICSBuyers may have more negotiatingpower in a buyer's market.Sellers should be open tonegotiations and considerincentives to make their propertymore appealing.EXTENDED TIME ON MARKETProperties may take longer to sell,requiring sellers to adjustexpectations and marketingstrategies.Jason Moseley Real Estateunderstands the intricacies ofboth seller's and buyer's markets.Our seasoned team leveragesproven strategies to optimize yourselling experience, regardless ofmarket conditions.Whether it's capitalizing on aseller's market or navigating thechallenges of a buyer's market, wetailor our approach to your uniquecircumstances. From strategicpricing to targeted marketing,we're dedicated to achieving yourgoals.OUR APPROACH
Pricing MatrixPricing strategies in the Real Estate Market 10%Percentage ofpotential buyers whowill look at property30%60%75%90%+15+10MarketValue-10-15Asking Pricecompared toMarket Value
PRICING MATTERSPricing your home correctly, at fairmarket value, remains a criticaltactic to getting the most value foryour homeMARKET WINSFAIR PRICINGPricing your home above fairmarket value will likely excludemany potential buyers fromconsidering your home and willactually make the competitivehomes in your area that muchmore attractiveUnderstanding RealEstate PricingBuyers are willing to pay what themarket demands, but they are notinterested in overpayingRIGHT PRICINGPricing your home at, or slightlyunder market value creates thepossibility of attracting multiplebuyers which can sometimespush the sales price beyondasking
SellersThe Dangers of Improperly Pricing Your HomeFewer Interested Prospective BuyersMore Days of the MarketMultiple Price ReductionNegative Buyer PerceptionPotential to attract less than market value1st askingPrice2nd askingPrice3rd askingPriceActual Valueof HomeSellingPrice$550K$545K$540K$530K$535KHome Sells for BelowMarket Value Based onPerception Created byPrice drops
EXPEDITED SALE PROCESSEXPANDED POOL OF POTENTIAL BUYERSREDUCED INCONVENIENCE NEGOTIATING STRENGTH AND CONTROLATTRACTION OF HIGHER OFFERSPOTENTIAL FOR COMPETING OFFERSHomes that are accurately priced tend to spendless time on the market. The allure of a fair priceaccelerates the selling process, reducing the daysyour property sits on the listings.The faster your home sells, the fewer disruptionsyou experience. A well-priced home streamlinesthe selling process, minimizing inconveniencesassociated with prolonged periods on themarket.A well-priced home casts a wider net, attracting alarger audience of potential buyers. This increasedinterest sets the stage for a competitiveenvironment, fostering optimal conditions for asuccessful sale.Being in the driver's seat during negotiations is adistinct advantage of pricing your home accurately. Itprovides you with the leverage to negotiate from aposition of strength, ensuring terms that align withyour goals.Don't hesitate to ask your realtor for references or readonline testimonials. Hearing from previous clients canprovide valuable insights into their professionalism,dedication, and success rate.A strategically priced home not only attracts moreoffers but also enhances the likelihood of receivingoffers at or above the listed price. Buyers, recognizingthe value, are more inclined to present compellingoffers.By strategically positioning your home in the market, we aim not just for atransaction but for a seamless and advantageous selling experience. Let'scollaborate to uncover the optimal price that reflects the true value of yourproperty and sets the stage for a successful sale.SellersStrategically Pricing Your Home for SuccessIn the intricate dance of real estate,precision in pricing is a powerful toolthat can significantly impact theoutcome of your home sale. Ameticulously priced home opens upa spectrum of advantages thatdirectly contribute to a successfulselling journey:
UnderstandingCommission Fees ExplainedReal Estate commissions always appear to be a large amount tohomeowners and the assumption by many is that the Real Estate SalesRepresentative taking home the bulk of those commissions. This is notthe case.. A typical commission is usually divided as follows:From their earnings the Real Estate Sales Representative must then payboard membership fees, annual licensing fees, insurance and of courseall business related marketing costs and business related operatingexpenses such as vehicle and mileage costs.Buyers Agent/Brokerage50%Selling Agent20%Listing Brokerage15%Marketing10%Expenses5%
SellerBuyerMandatoryReal Estate FeesLand Transfer TaxHST on Real Estate FeesLegal FeesLegal FeesHST on Legal FeesHST on Legal FeesAdjustmentsMortgage Discharge CostsMortgage InsuranceAdjustmentsHST on Mortgage InsuranceMoving CostsTitle InsuranceOptionalHome StagingAppraisalsPre-Sale RepairsHome InspectionsOntarioTorontoHome Price$500k$500kLTT$6,475$12,2001st Time Buyer LTT$4,475$6,475ClosingExpenses Associated with Purchase & SaleThere are a variety of expenses associated with the purchase andsale of a home. The chart below provides a simple overview of whopays for what.Land Transfer Tax Example
Once your home is sold and allconditions have been removedyour lawyers work begins. Theprimary role of the sellerslawyer is to ensure that thechange in legal ownershipsoccurs properly and the seller ispaid according to the terms ofthe agreement less anyadjustments that must bemade. Your lawyer performsseveral duties including:CONDUCTS SEARCHESConducts all necessary searches in ordertodetermine if there are any legal issues thatcould affect thesalePREPARES TRANSFER AUTHORIZATIONPrepares a Transfer Authorization to conveyownership of the property from the seller tothebuyer.PREPARES STATEMENT OFADJUSTMENTPrepares a Statement of Adjustments that willtell the buyers lawyer how much money theymust send to the sellers lawyer once the LandTitles Office has completed the registrationprocess and created a newtitle.DISCHARGES LIENS, MORTGAGES,CAVEATSDischarges any instruments against the titleincluding any builders liens, mortgages, orcaveats. Discharges any court ordered writs ofexecution registered against the sellers title.SECURES SIGNATURESEnsures the Transfer Authorization andStatement of Adjustments are signedappropriately by both the buyer and the seller.HANDLES CLOSING AND DISTRIBUTESPROCEEDSOn closing day, receives proceeds from thesale, discharges your mortgage from title ofthe property, pays all costs according to theStatement of Adjustments and gives the sellera cheque for the remaining net proceedsClosingRole of Your Lawyer
Pricing your home correctly, marketing it effectively and maximizing the showingpotential of your home will lead to an offer. Here is visual overview of whathappens from the point an offer is received.ProcessWhat to Expect in The Selling Process
Selling Price (A)$Expenses: Real Estate Commission (%)HST on Real Estate CommissionLegal Fees on SaleDisbursements on SaleLand Transfer TaxPayout of 1st MortgagePenalty to Discharge 1st Mortgage (if applicable)Discharge Administration FeePayout of 2nd MortagePenalty to Discharge 2nd Mortgage (if applicable)Discharge Administration FeeProperty Taxes (owing)Other Debts to be paid from SaleMoving CostsTotal Expenses (B)Net Cash Available from Sale (A-B)ClosingClosing Cost Worksheet
CLOSING COSTSCosts in addition to the purchase price of thehome, such as legal fees, transfer fees anddisbursements, that are payable on closing day.They range from 1.5% to 4% ofa home’s sellingprice.CMHCCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. ACrown corporation that administers the NationalHousing Act for the federal government andencourages the improvement of housing andliving conditions for all Canadians. CMHC alsodevelops and sells mortgage loan insuranceproducts.COMMITMENT LETTER (OR MORTGAGEAPPROVAL)Written notification from the mortgage lender tothe borrower that approves the advancement ofa specified amount of mortgage funds underspecified conditions.CONDITIONAL OFFERAn Offer to Purchase that is subject to specifiedconditions, for example, the arrangement of amortgage. There is usually a stipulated time limitwithin which the specified conditions must bemet. Confirmation of Acceptance: Once the Buyerand Seller have reached a mutual agreement andthere are no further changes, the party who lastreceived the offer is the one who notes the timeand date of the final agreement and signs thedocument accordingly. Commission TrustAgreement: This is the Real Estate SalesRepresentatives to sign and confirms howpayment in the transaction willoccurInformationReal Estate Terms ExplainedADJUSTMENTSCertain charges applicable to the property suchas property taxes or utilities will be adjusted onclosing day. For example, if you have alreadypaid property taxes for the year you willreceive a credit for the days in the year you nolonger own the home. Agreement in Writing: Ifit is not in writing and part of the Agreement ofPurchase and sale, it is not legally binding norenforceabale in a court oflaw.APPRAISALProcess for estimating the market value of apropertyAPPRECIATIONThe increase in value of something because it isworth more now than when you bought itASSUMPTION AGREEMENTA legal document signed by a homebuyer thatrequires them to assume responsibility for theobligations of a mortgage by the builder or theprevious ownerCERTIFICATE OF STATUSAlso called an Estoppel certificate, it outlines acondominium corporation’s financial and legalstate. Fees may vary and may be capped by law(does not apply in Quebec). Chattel Inclusions:Items that are included in the sale price of thehome. Common inclusions include appliances orlight fixtures.
HOME INSPECTORA person who visually inspects a home to tell youif something is not working properly, or is unsafe.He or she will also tell you if repairs are needed,and maybe even where there were problems inthe past.LAND REGISTRATIONA system to record interests in land, including theownership and disposition of land.LAND SURVEYORA professional who can survey a property inorder to provide a certificate of location.LIENA claim against a property for money owing. Alien may be filed by a supplier or a subcontractorwho has provided labour or materials but has notbeen paidInformationReal Estate Terms ExplainedCOUNTER OFFERIf, for example, your original offer to thevendor is not accepted, the vendor maycounteroffer. This means that the vendor hasamended something from your original offer,such as the price or closing date. As this newoffer varies the terms of the original offer, thisrejects the original offer. If a counteroffer ispresented, the individual has a specifiedamount of time to accept orreject.DEEDA legal document that transfers ownership in thereal property to the purchaser. This is oftencalled a “Transfer. This document is registered asevidence of ownership.EASEMENTAn interest in land owned by another person thatbenefits the person who has the easement, for aspecific limited purpose (i.e. right of waypermitting passage over a particular strip of land)such as with public utilities.ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATEAlso called a certificate of status, it is a certificatethat outlines a condominium corporation’sfinancial and legal state. Fees may vary and maybe capped by law (does not apply in Quebec).MLS — MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEA multiple listing service that containsdescriptions of most of the homes that are forsale. This computer-based service is used to keepup with properties that are listed for sale.NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAMCoverage in the event that an item under thewarranty needs to be repaired within the specificwarranty period. The repair will be made by theorganization that provided the warranty.NOTARYIn Quebec a notary handles the legal mattersrelated to homebuying. In most other provinces,a notary only administers oaths, certifiesdocuments and attests to authenticity ofsignatures and could not, in his/her capacity asnotary, advise on legal matters.OFFER TO PURCHASEA written contract setting out the terms underwhich the buyer agrees to buy the home. If theOffer to Purchase is accepted by the seller, itforms a legally binding contract that binds thepeople who signed to certain terms andconditions.
SECURITYProperty that is pledged to guarantee thefulfillment of an obligation and that can beclaimed by a creditor if a loan is not repaid.SURVEY OR CERTIFICATE OF LOCATIONA document that shows property boundaries andmeasurements specifies the location of buildings,fences, and other improvements on the propertyand states easements or encroachments, at aspecific point in time.TITLEA freehold title is an interest in land that givesthe holder full and exclusive ownership of theland and building for an indefinite period. Aleasehold title is an interest in land that gives theholder the right to use and occupy the land andbuilding for a defined period.TITLE INSURANCEInsurance against loss or damage arising from amatter affecting the title to real property (e.g.: bya defect in the title or by the existence of a lien,encumbrance or servitude).InformationReal Estate Terms ExplainedOPEN MORTGAGEA flexible mortgage that allows you to pay partbefore the end of its term.OPERATING COSTSThe expenses that a homeowner has each monthto operate a home. These include property taxes,property insurance, utilities, telephone andcommunications charges, maintenance andrepairs.PROPERTY TAXESTaxes charged by the municipality where thehome is located, usually based on the value ofthe home. In some cases the lender will collect amonthly amount as part of the mortgagepayment to cover your property taxes, which isthen paid by the lender to the municipality onyour behalf.RESERVE FUNDA fund required to be set up by the condominiumcorporation for major repair and replacement ofcommon elements and assets of a corporation.This amount is set aside by the homeowner on aregular basis so that funds are available foremergency or major repairs
OUR PLEDGE TO YOUHOW OUR GUARANTEE WORKSInstead of offering empty assurances, weprovide a written guarantee of performance.Should we fall short of this commitment, youwon't bear the consequences—we'll cover thedifference.Our guaranteed home selling program isrefreshingly straightforward: You will receive100% of the market value of your home, orwe'll bridge the difference on closing*. Thisisn't just a promise; it's a commitment backedby our actions.Your Home Soldfor 100% ofMarket ValueGuaranteed, OrI’ll pay you thedifference!*We don’t promise tosell your home….weguarantee it!In the unpredictable world ofreal estate, promises oftenecho without substance.Many agents pledge tosecure your desired homeprice, but the reality is thatmost homes end upchanging hands for less thanexpected. At Jason MoseleyReal Estate, we defy thenorm by being accountableto you—we don't justpromise to sell your home;we guarantee it!WHY CHOOSE OUR GUARANTEE?Accountability: We take responsibility fordelivering what we promise.Certainty in Pricing: Secure the marketvalue of your home without compromises.Financial Peace of Mind: Our guaranteeensures you are fairly compensated.Don't settle for vaguepromises. Choose ateam that stands bytheir commitment.With Jason MoseleyReal Estate, you havea guarantee that putsyour interests first.*Terms and conditions apply.
Jason MoseleyBroker877-272-7272Info@JasonMoseleyRealEstate.comwww.905HomesOnline.com@JasonMoseleyRealEstate@JasonMoseleyRealEstateReady to Experience anotherlevel of real estate services?Contact us today and let'sembark on a home sellingjourney where certainty is notjust promised but guaranteed.