We believe in the power of unity in ourcommunity. We believe one of the mostvital parts of any community is its people,and it's the people who can positivelyimpact their community. In this newsletter,we highlight JFSA members who arecommitted to serving everyone, of all faiths,races, ages, and incomes. We are a familydevoted to those seeking kindness, love,and dignity. Here you will find JFSA’s latest good news,updates, editorials, and upcoming events.We also take pride in highlighting ourvolunteers who do a remarkable job everyday. It is our wonderful volunteers that makeJFSA so special. We hope this helps yougain more insight into what we do and whyour care and compassion are so importantto all that are in need. JFSA stands united,now and forever, in building our communitythrough help, hope, and support. Our missionThe mission of JFSA is to be the place to gofor people of all backgrounds during theirtime of need. We provide solutions andresults to improve the conditions in whichpeople are born, grow, live, work, and age.www.JFSALV.orgJFSA has been a beacon of hope for over45 years, helping those in need bytackling everyday challenges withlife-changing solutions.Please support our mission by donating today!
In the face of the tragedy that is happening in the middle east,we are reminded of the importance of community. JFSA is here for those in need.We know that this attack has caused fear and anxiety in ourown community, as well as in Israel. We want to assure you that we are here for you.We are committed to providing Help, Hope, and Support to allthose who are impacted by this unspeakable tragedy.Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we will continueto make a positive differenceA message from JFSAUnited We Standwww.JFSALV.orgFor assistance or inquiries, please reach out to us at (702) 732-0304Or email us at info@jfsalv.org
JFSA President & CEODr. Ken MoskowitzThe JFSA Board ChairCynthia AsherDear Friends, Inspired by the Jewish principleof “Tikkun Olam,” repairing theworld one life at a time, JFSAwas founded in 1977 to providecomprehensive social supportto people in need.MissionOur mission is to be the place forpeople of all backgrounds to go toin times of need. We providesolutions to improve theconditions in which people areborn, grow, live, work, and age.Our StoryWe hope you’re enjoying a fantastic summer and staying cool despite the extreme heat! We deeplyappreciate your support throughout the year and hope you’ll continue to help us provide lifesaving care toour neighbors by donating to our 2024 Beat the Heat campaign. We were thrilled to have Channel 8 Newsvisit our Food Pantry and feature our Emergency Services in an interview.This year has been full of exciting changes for JFSA. In January, we launched our new website and havereceived wonderful feedback. We’ve also been renovating our building to maximize our space and betterserve our community. We’re nearly finished and would love for you to tour our new space.In May, we kicked off our Buy A Daisy campaign to promote mental health awareness. This ongoing campaignallows you to purchase a digital daisy and send it to a friend or loved one to brighten their day. You can learnmore about this initiative in our feature article on page 5.We also held our first annual Ace of The Courts Pickleball tournament in May, which was a huge success withover 145 attendees and 83 registered players, ranging from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts. Participantsenjoyed stylish pickleball gear and impressive swag bags.This fall promises to be just as exciting, with events scheduled for September, October, and December. Besure to check out the upcoming event schedule on page 16.Thanks to our dedicated staff, volunteers, board, and leadership, we’re making a real difference in ourcommunity by providing help, hope, and support to the most vulnerable. We couldn’t do this without yourgenerous support. Thank you!JFSA Newsletter1Brief
JFSA Newsletter2SPRING-SUMMERHIGHLIGHTS: Capturing Moments, Celebrating Milestones and Looking Forward.JFSA’s Emergency Services Food Pantry isexcited to announce a collaboration with theAnimal Foundation to support our cherishedclients. The foundation’s KEPPT program (KeepEvery Person and Pet Together) will be attendingsome of our pop-up events, offering essentialpet supplies. Our food pantry is committed todelivering complimentary, well-balancednutrition to families, individuals, and seniorsgrappling with food insecurity. Now, we’reextending our care to include the furry familymembers, ensuring no pet is left behind.NEW Collaboration with theAnimal Foundation- KEPPTprogram (Keep Every Personand Pet Together) UNITING FOR A STRONGER TOMORROW:Embrace the Digital Future:Our website’s transformation represents asignificant leap in user-focused design,ensuring effortless navigation and a seamlessexperience across all devices. With newfeatures and easy-to-navigate pages, alongwith a vibrant newsletter, we’ve enhanced ouronline journey. Your feedback has beeninstrumental in shaping this evolution, and weinvite you to continue guiding us. Explore thefresh look and feel of our site, where yourgrowth is our success. Dive into our digitalevolution and join us in celebrating a moreconnected tomorrow.Check us out: www.JFSALV.orgAT OUR NEWLY UPDATED WEBSITEA FRESH LOOK SPOTLIGHT: HEALS PODCASTKen Moskowitz, President & CEO of JFSA,recently appeared on the HEALS Podcast,produced by Las Vegas HEALS. During theinterview, he discussed JFSA’s rich history,forward-looking vision, and ambitious goals. Heemphasized the organization’s significantimpact on local seniors and the comprehensivesupport provided by their counselingprofessionals to individuals and families incrisis, including children and seniors. Theconversation also highlighted the Center forAssessment and Educational Services (CAES),which assists children facing academicchallenges, offering support to those withoutthe means for private evaluation. Additionally,Ken touched upon JFSA’s adoption servicesand Holocaust Survivors Assistance,underscoring the breadth of the organization’scompassionate outreach. To listen to thepodcast, click here. DIEGO TRUJILLO WARMLY RECEIVES KEN MOSKOWITZ ON HEALS PODCASTTo read the Nevada Business article about thepodcast interview click here.
JFSA Newsletter3MORE ABOUT...A special thank you to Silver SummitHealthplan for awarding JFSA as a2024 Rural Community InvestmentProgram recipient.SPRING-SUMMERHIGHLIGHTS: RURAL OUTREACHJFSA is reachingout to the heartof our ruralcommunities inEsmeralda,Lincoln, and NyeCounties, as wellas Clark county. NVCC NEVADA CARECONNECTIONEXPANDING HORIZONS IN RURAL NEVADA:JFSA is the Southern Nevada ResourceCenter for Nevada Care Connection servingseniors, people with disabilities, deaf andhard-of-hearing individuals, and care giversto live independently, make informeddecisions, and access resources needed tothrive. JFSA is the Southern Nevada Resource CenterFor more information: NVCC@JFSALV.ORG • (702) 732-0304JFSA is proud to have been awarded $25,000 fromSilverSummit Healthplan. Their investment willprovide much-needed housing assistance toresidents of rural Nevada counties. For the past three years, JFSA’s Nevada CareConnection Program (NVCC) has been workingwith residents in rural Lincoln and EsmereldaCounties to identify and access resources neededto remain stable and independent. The staffidentified emergency, short-term financialassistance to stop evictions and foreclosures asthe highest unmet need. We deeply value the role that SilverSummit HealthCare plays in our partnership to serve the ruralcommunity. Their contribution of scarce resourcesto these underserved counties significantlyincreases the impact that JFSA makes in Nevada. SilverSummit Healthplan, a Nevadamanaged care organization that existsto improve the health of its membersthrough focused, compassionate, andcoordinated care, is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Centene Corporation(NYSE: CNC)SilverSummit HealthplanSILVERSUMMITHEALTHPLANCapturing Moments, Celebrating Milestones and Looking Forward.
JFSA Newsletter4EventHighlightsTotal amount raised $38,952Auction items ranged from $50to $1,500ACE OF THE COURTSSERVE,SWING, DONATE!INAUGURAL PICKLEBALL EVENTBENEFITTING JFSAFEATURED EVENT:Ace of the Courts Pickleball Event was a resoundingtriumph! Held on May 19, 2024, at the Plaza Hotel’spickleball courts, the event was a hive of activity,drawing both seasoned enthusiasts and first-timers.The inaugural event was designed to garner supportfor JFSA’s valuable programs and services, as well asto welcome new individuals from the Southern Nevadaarea to the organization. Both objectives were metwith overwhelming enthusiasm.The day’s activities included a beginner’s clinic forthose new to the sport and competitive play acrossvarious levels of expertise. Attendees were treated tostylish pickleball gear and an impressive swag bag.Adding to the festivities, the event also featured asilent auction and an array of tasty treats, includingkosher pickles, bagels, pizza, and donuts, ensuring adelightful experience for all.Our deepest appreciation for the unwavering support of our event sponsors: Steinberg Family Foundation, Illisa & Eric Polis, Lake Las Vegas, the Asher family, Wendy Kraft &Laura Sussman, The Investment Counsel Company, Susan Fine & Max Spilka, TaylorInternational, Amy Fieldman, Liz & Jared Finkelstein, Suzie & Sam Green, Select Health, AerensonMetz Luxury Real Estate, Priority Health Group, Dr. Cliff and Gerri Molin, Sue & Scott Langsner,Sue & Rich Mirman, and Medicare Insurance Made Clear. Thanks also to the official ball sponsor,Joola and all of the people and companies who donated to the silent auction and swag bags.Congratulations to the Winners!Novice PlayersGold: Lisa Hutzol and AdamWoodSilver: Rose Peters and AllenPetersBronze: Meyer Wertheimer andBayla MartinIntermediate PlayersGold: Saccha Sebban and AidanSebbanSilver: Sara Mason and Jeff MetzBronze: Sidney Ghenassia andMike WozniakAdvanced PlayersGold: Josh WertheimerSilver: Bradon GreenisBronze: Dillon Martin
May campaign launchfocused on Mental Healthinitiatives.MentalHealthMatters.ArticleHighlightsThe “Buy A Daisy Campaign” is anon-going opportunity to contributeto a legacy of support and care.Donate & dedicate a daisy toa friend, family member, oranyone you wish to uplift,then share your act ofkindness on social media toencourage others to join thecause. DONATE HEREFEATURED ARTICLE:BLOOMING HOPE ANDPOSITIVITY:THE BUY A DAISY CAMPAIGNIn May, JFSA launched the “Buy A Daisy Campaign” tokick off Mental Health Awareness month. Thiscampaign is aimed at growing a garden of support forour community and is more than a fundraiser; it’s amovement that invites everyone to participate in thejoy of giving and the beauty of community support.The “Buy A Daisy Campaign” is an opportunity tocontribute to a legacy of support and care that helpsfund our mission of providing essential services andresources to those in need in our community. It isalso an opportunity to bring joy to someone byletting them know you’re thinking about them. Howdoes it work? It’s as easy as 1-2-3 by following thesesteps:Your donation is an act of solidarity, showing that together, we can cultivate a future whereeveryone has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can uplift and transform countless lives, one daisy at a time.HOW IT WORKS1. Click DONATE & select the amount you wish to donate2. After your donation is complete, you will receive a thankyou email with a 'Daisy link' that you can share on Facebook3. Tag @jfsalv and the person you're sending the daisy to with a special message of encouragementJFSA Newsletter5
JFSA Newsletter6In the sweltering summer months, Las Vegastemperatures often exceed 100°F, with highs reachingup to 115°F or more. This extreme heat can bedangerous, especially for our most vulnerablecommunity members.Our JFSA Emergency Services currently supportapproximately 2,100 individuals each month throughthree key programs: Food Pantry • Financial Assistance •Second Step Rapid Rehousing Program.During the summer, the need for assistance tends torise; however, due to the extreme heat, fewer individualsattend the pop-up distribution events, making it harderto provide balanced nutrition to those who need it most.Currently serving approx. 2,100individuals each monthJFSA Appeals CampaignUNITING FOR A COOLERTOMORROW:WHY YOUR SUPPORT MATTERSJFSA Emergency Servicessupports individuals in needthrough three key programs:Food PantryFinancial AssistanceSecond Step RapidRehousing Program“Nutrition on the Go” Programdelivers food to vulnerablepopulations; current staffingand vehicles limit us to 75deliveries per week, servingaround 300 householdsmonthly. However, we receiveapproximately 30 calls dailyseeking food assistance.Every donation,small or large,supports ourcommitment toserve those in need.To address this, our “Nutrition on the Go” Program delivers food to these vulnerablepopulations. However, with the current staffing and vehicles we have, we are limited to 75deliveries per week, serving around 300 households monthly, but we receive approximately 30calls daily from community members seeking food assistance. The need is great and this is why we’re asking for your support.CampaignHighlights
JFSA Newsletter7EventHighlightsThe Claims Conferencerepresentatives were onhand to meet survivorsand answer questions.JFSA is the only agency inSouthern Nevada dedicatedto survivor needs.The Claims Conferencenegotiates for and disbursesfunds to individuals andorganizations and seeks thereturn of Jewish propertystolen during the Holocaust.HolocaustSurvivorsAssistanceProgramHeartfelt Gathering at Via Brasil Steakhouse On the sunny afternoon of June 24th, 2024, ViaBrasil Steakhouse in Summerlin became a place ofjoy and remembrance as Adam and Anna Gomes,the gracious proprietors, welcomed HolocaustSurvivors for an exclusive luncheon. The ambianceof the restaurant was elevated with live music thatset toes tapping and spirits soaring into dance.This special event was graced by the presence ofesteemed representatives from the ClaimsConference in New York, members of the JFSABoard, and distinguished guests, all of whommingled and shared in the lively atmosphere.The Claims Conference, as the foremost benefactorof the JFSA’s services for Holocaust Survivors,contributes over $1 million annually. This substantialsupport ensures that the essential needs forhomecare, nutrition, healthcare, and social servicesare met for the Holocaust Survivors residing in Las Vegas.Established in 1951, the Conference on JewishMaterial Claims Against Germany has been a pillarof hope, tirelessly working to obtain materialrestitution for Holocaust Survivors globally. With itsheadquarters in New York and additional offices inIsrael and Germany, the organization is a testament to the collective efforts of 23 major Jewishorganizations worldwide. It continues to advocate for justice, negotiating and allocating funds, andreclaiming the Jewish heritage lost during the dark times of the Holocaust.HONORING HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS:
Dear Donors & Volunteers,As a unified force of compassion and action, you have been the cornerstone of ourmission at JFSA. Our hearts swell with gratitude, as we extend our warmest thanks foryour unwavering commitment to bettering the lives of over 75,000 individuals in ourcommunity last year.Your support in 2023 was nothing short of transformative. Because of you, our foodpantry was a beacon of hope, delivering 389,220 meals to those facing hunger. Yourdedication echoed in the laughter of children, relieved sighs of adults, and garnered thegrateful smiles of seniors who benefited from the astounding 55,420 hours of serviceyou contributed.Your generosity provided a haven for 23,750 people through emergency services andshelter, ensuring that during their most challenging times, they were not alone. Yourkindness wrapped around 5,223 seniors, offering companionship and resources, makingtheir golden years brighter and filled with community.Through our Second Step program, 77 individuals who once faced the harsh reality ofbeing unsheltered now have a place to call home, thanks to your belief in secondchances and fresh starts. And let us not forget the 65 Holocaust Survivors who,because of you, received the specialized care and attention they so rightly deserved.Your actions speak volumes of your character and the collective power of individualsdriven by a shared vision of comfort, care, and community. Join other supporters incelebrating this ripple effect of kindness that you have helped to create.As we reflect on these accomplishments, we are reminded that they are not merelynumbers - they represent the very essence of human connection, support, andresilience. Your contributions have stitched a tapestry of solidarity and hope across ourcommunity.We are deeply honored to have you as part of the JFSA family. Your belief in our missionand your tangible acts of giving have lit the path for a future where no one has to faceadversity alone.Let us continue to stand together, shoulder to shoulder, as we continue another year ofservice, impact, and growth. Your continued support means the world to us and to everylife you've touched.With heartfelt thanks,Through the dedicationof our supporters andvolunteersJFSA reached over75,000 individuals in ourcommunity in 2023. 55,420Volunteer hours of servicefor children, adults, andseniors. 389,220Meals delivered from ourFood Pantry.23,750Emergency services andshelter.5,223Seniors assisted incompanionship andresources.77Housed the unshelteredthrough our Second Stepprogram.65Holocaust Survivors assistedwith care and needs.A Community Transformed, Thanks to You!Give Time, Gain PurposeTo become a volunteer contact us:702-732-0304visit: www.jfsalv.org/get-involved8
La’Quita HamptonClinical Therapist ILa’Quita Hampton is a Licensed Clinical Therapist atJFSA. She first joined the Emergency Services staff,working as an Intensive Housing Case Manager forthe first year before obtaining her license as aMaster Social Worker and transitioning to theBehavioral Health Services department.La’Quita Hampton, LMSW, CSW-IName of Volunteer and Event NameCounseling Program JFSA Behavioral Health Services DepartmentIlluminating Excellence: The Program Spotlight SeriesStaff Name and Event NameCounselingJFSA offers counseling tochildren, adolescents, adults,individuals, couples, families,and groups.JFSA Behavioral Services DepartmentCAES Provides evidence-based informationand recommendations to help schoolteams and families identify what factorsmight be impeding a child’s learningBreast Cancer Support ProgramComprehensive, personalizedsupport program designed toempower individuals and familiesaffected by breast cancer.Personal Care Management Program Our team members are knowledgeableabout benefits, programs, and resourcesavailable at the local, state, and federallevels.La’Quita finds her chosen career very rewarding, emphasizing “tears of joy equal a job welldone” and went on to say that her role allows her to have a big impact in mental healthservices and resources. She credits this to the leadership at JFSA, saying Help Hope Supportis their mantra, creating a safe haven for clients, the community, and staff alike.On September 1st, La’Quita will celebrate her two-year anniversary with JFSA. She moved toLas Vegas over six years ago from Chicago, Illinois to be close to family and has a son that justgraduated from pre-K. The family also has a beloved pug named Astro. One of the thingsLa’Quita loves most about living in Las Vegas is the vacation-like setting and abundantactivities in our sunny valley.Beyond work, La’Quita enjoys canvas and ceramic painting, as well as cooking, and hopes tohone those skills for her family. One of the things she cherishes most in her role is facilitatingthe healing & change process in her clients' lives.JFSA Newsletter9
Her passion for this work is evident, and she considers it an honor and privilege to serve herclients. Audrey’s shared Jewish heritage and culture allow her to connect deeply with those sheassists. She has witnessed firsthand the positive impact on the lives of Holocaust Survivors andtakes pride in being part of an organization that offers invaluable support to the community. Hercommitment ensures her clients can live comfortably in their homes for as long as possible andencourages the community to refer any Jewish Holocaust Survivors to JFSA, emphasizing theorganization’s unique ability to provide tailored support.Audrey considers JFSA a beacon of hope and assistance for Holocaust Survivors, creating a safeand welcoming space where survivors can connect, receive care, and access essential services.Audrey, a mother of four with four grandchildren, enjoys cooking and baking. She is also a devoteddog lover, caring for her own four dogs and fostering others. Actively involved in the Jewishcommunity in Henderson, Audrey recently celebrated her four-year anniversary at JFSA on June20th.Audrey DickenHolocaust Survivors Case ManagerAudrey Dicken, a Case Manager for HolocaustSurvivors at JFSA, has dedicated over 37 years to thesocial services field. Before joining JFSA, she workedfor 32 years in Adult Protective Services within theHuman Resources Administration in New York. In herrole at JFSA, Audrey provides essential services toHolocaust Survivors in the Las Vegas community.Audrey Dicken, JFSA Case ManagerHolocaust Survivors Assistance ProgramJFSA Senior Services DepartmentIlluminating Excellence:The Program Spotlight SeriesJFSA Senior Services DepartmentSenior Lifeline ProgramEquips low-income, frail older adults(age 60+) to live independently intheir own homes, maintain a highquality of life, and reduceunnecessary institutionalization.Holocaust Survivors Assistance ProgramThe only agency in Southern Nevadadedicated to Holocaust survivors needsSenior Companion Program Matches seniors who need assistancewith volunteers of a similar age and lifeexperience that can support the clientand their families by helping them withdaily living tasksAmeriCorps Seniors Taps the skills, talents, andexperience of seniors to meet awide range of communitychallenges.JFSA Newsletter10
Name of Volunteer and Event NameJFSA Newsletter11VolunteerSpotlights!On May 17th, 2024, we gathered at CrystalHall Banquet for a fabulous appreciationluncheon. The theme? A lively '50s sockhop! We had a blast with hula hoops, twistdancing, hand jive, and plenty ofsocializing. The icing on the cake(literally!) was a beautiful dessert cake,and a photo booth captured all the funand fabulous outfits.We’d like to express our deepest gratitudefor your selfless dedication and tirelessefforts. Your commitment to making apositive impact in our community is trulyinspiring.Thank you for being the unsung heroes—thebackbone of change. Your contributionsmatter, and we appreciate you more thanwords can express.2024 Volunteer Recognition EventA special THANK YOUto all of our volunteers!“How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” -Anne FrankClick here to learn more aboutVolunteer Opportunities
I hope this message finds you surrounded by as much hope and gratitude as you’veprovided to the countless individuals and families supported by JFSA. It is with a fullheart that we extend our deepest thanks for your unwavering support and generouscontribution.For over 45 years, JFSA has stood as a pillar of strength and support in SouthernNevada. Your sponsorship helps us to continue this legacy of service, ensuring that ourfood pantries remain stocked, our financial assistance programs stay robust, and ourcommunity thrives through the empowerment of its most vulnerable members.Your partnership is more than a donation; it’s a lifeline. Because of you, we have beenable to tackle everyday challenges with life-changing solutions. Your generosity hasdirectly translated into warm meals, secure housing, and brighter futures. You havejoined other supporters in weaving a tapestry of care that truly embodies the spirit ofcommunity.In these times, more than ever, your support has been a testament to the power ofcollective action. You’ve shown that together, we can make an indelible impact on thelives that need us the most. We are endlessly grateful for sponsors like you who stepforward to make a positive difference.As we move forward, we hope to continue this partnership, fortified by yourcompassion and driven by our shared vision of a stronger Southern Nevada. We inviteyou to stay connected with us, to witness the ongoing impact of your support, and tojoin in future opportunities that further our mission.Please accept our heartfelt gratitude and know that your involvement is celebrated byevery life touched by your kindness. We look forward to our continued journeytogether, building hope one life at a time.JFSA Newsletter12To our Sponsors:On behalf of everyone at JFSA, Thank You!We are IRS approved 501c3. All gifts are tax-deductible.To join our Community of Game Changers contact us at: (702) 732-0304JFSA Annual Reports & FinancialsJFSA Corporate Sponsorships &Engagement Opportunities
JFSA Newsletter13Corporate SponsorshipsImpactSponsorship acknowledgmenton our social media channelsLogo on flyers in meal deliveries& drive-through food bank 1xper monthLogo or QR code to yourwebsite on food pantry A-frames 2x per monthAdvertisement on our fooddelivery vanOpportunity to present at oursenior luncheonsPermanent plaque on donor wallPresence on our websiteRecognition at all fundraiserevents in the sponsorship yearOur Behavioral Health Specialist willprovide a presentation to your staffTopics can include: Managing Workplace StressTeam BuildingSubstance Use/Mental HealthChallengesCrises InterventionSilverBenefactor$10,000PremierCollaborator$5,000GoldPartner$25,000ExecutiveAdvocate$2,500PlatinumPartner$50,000Advertisement on our building(near corner of Charleston andJones)3x per year2x per year1x per year 4x per yearYour sponsorship provides a significantimpact by supporting vital programs,expanding outreach, and enhancingour organization’s ability to make apositive difference in our community.It funds new initiatives, improvesexisting services, covers operationalcosts, and ensures long-termsustainability.Our services span the age continuum, from birth to the end of life,serving multigenerational families and all individuals in need.For additional sponsorship opportunities, please visit our website:www.jfsalv.org/jfsacorporatesponsorships
Our programs provide essential support when noother resources are available. The Food Pantryprovides no-cost balanced nutrition to families,individuals, and seniors who are facing challenges.Emergency Financial Assistance is a one-timecrisis intervention program that delivers financialaid to those in urgent need. The Second StepRapid Rehousing initiative helps individuals andfamilies transitioning away from homelessness. JFSA Newsletter14Proudly Serving Our CommunityEmergency ServicesThe focus of our programs is to help senior clientsremain independent, healthy, and in their own homesfor as long as possible. We connect individuals with avariety of services and programs, from in-home care tofinancial assistance, ensuring they have the tools andsupport to reach their goals. Programs include: Senior Lifeline Program, Senior Companion Program,Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program, andAmeriCorps Seniors Program.Senior ServicesJFSA is a social service agency that offers help, hope, and support for individuals facing life's mostpressing challenges. We provide comprehensive support, from guidance and problem-solvingassistance to life-changing resources, empowering people to overcome obstacles and buildbrighter futures. Whether it's a single parent struggling to make ends meet or a senior citizenneeding social connection, JFSA is here to offer a helping hand, regardless of background orcircumstance.JFSA ServicesFor additional Information on our programs contact us: (702) 732-0304 Email: INFO@JFSALV.ORGTo join us in our mission andbe part of the Help HopeSupport and make a differencein our community, DonateToday! here
Proudly Serving Our CommunityOpen Arms Adoption Agency, a program of JFSA,is a non-sectarian, non-profit child placingagency licensed by the State of Nevada. OpenArms Adoption Agency’s fundamental purpose isto maintain and strengthen family life andrelationships through the provision ofprofessional services.Adoption ServicesJFSA provides clinical counseling and other programsto serve our community, offering a safe, inclusive, andnonjudgmental environment for those seekingassistance. These include: the Center for Assessmentand Educational Services (CAES), the Breast CancerSupport Program (BCSP), and the Personal/FamilyCare Management Program. Behavioral ServicesJFSA stands as a beacon of help, hope, and support for those confronting life’s formidable challenges. Ouragency extends a comprehensive suite of support services, from practical advice and solutions totransformative resources, enabling individuals to surmount adversity and forge paths to brighter futures.As a non-sectarian, non-profit child placement agency licensed in Nevada, our Adoption Agency is one ofthe many programs through which we serve our community. We provide clinical counseling among otherinitiatives, all within a secure, welcoming, and impartial space. At JFSA, we’re committed to lending asupportive hand to all, irrespective of their background or situation.For additional Information on our programs contact us: (702) 732-0304 Email: INFO@JFSALV.ORGJFSA ServicesTo join us in our mission andbe part of the Help HopeSupport and make a differencein our community, DonateToday! hereJFSA Newsletter15
JFSA Newsletter16Event ScheduleViolins of Hope, a concert series, features violins owned by Jewsduring World War II. This memorial and educational initiative spreadshope through music. Join us September 21st at the Industrial for aVIP cocktail hour and intimate concert. Proceeds from the eventbenefit JFSA. For more information visit: Event page. Purchasetickets hereJFSA's inaugural United Against Breast Cancer event will be held atHenderson's Midbar Kodesh Temple. Attendees can enjoy a lightbreakfast, gain valuable insights from experts, and explore resourcesfrom community vendors. Join us October 27th in our mission toraise awareness, foster unity, and inspire hope in the battle againstbreast cancer. SEPOCTViolins of HopeUnited Against Breast CancerEmbracing the theme of ‘Celebration and Joy’, we invite you to joinus at our Charleston location for a Hanukkah event that embodiesthe essence of community and sharing. The festivities will behighlighted by the ceremonial Menorah lighting, captivating musicalperformances, esteemed guests, and much more. Check out our events page for updates.DECMenorah Lighting EventWe’re thrilled to announce that JFSA has once again been chosento participate in The Giving Machine charity initiative at theDistrict at Green Valley. Your purchases from this unique vendingmachine directly support our organization and those in need whileshowing your support in an impactful way! Donate from mid-November through January 1st!The Giving MachineLas Vegas Aviators Faith & Family NightJoin us on September 20th for a family night at the Las VegasAviators game. Enjoy baseball, celebrate faith and family, andcontribute to JFSA through your ticket purchase. Fireworks will lightup the night post-game. Purchase tickets here. Check our website’s events page for the latest updates!
Contact702-732-0304Phonewww.JFSALV.orgWebsiteinfo@jfsalv.orgEmail5851 West Charleston Blvd.Las Vegas, NV 89146AddressThank you!We couldn’t have done it without your generous support.To all oursponsors,donors,and volunteers.JFSA is registered with the Secretary of State, qualified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization, and a member of Guidestar Gold Transparency. Founded in 1977, JFSAhas grown to be one of the largest and most respected agencies in the region touching over60,000 people each year. One life at a time. Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to theextent allowed by law.