AnnualReport2023 Eric Young House, Rope Walk, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UU Registered Charity No 02
Committed to empowering islanders with disability, we strive to provide high quality care, fostering independence and dignity within our community.Annual Report20232 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
Chairman’s Statement 5Message from the CEO 6About Us 8Performance Highlights 10Vision & Mission 12Our People 142023 Event Highlights 16Future Plan 18Our Partners 20Financial Summary 22Financial Statements 24Thank You 26Content3
At Jersey Cheshire Home, we transform lives with compassionate care, empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve independence and happiness in their everyday lives.4 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
2023 marked the 40th anniversary of Jersey Cheshire Home, a year of signicant progress despite nancial challenges driven by external factors. Thanks to the dedication of our staff and management, we achieved a highly successful outcome. The anniversary offered a valuable opportunity to raise our prole and share our mission of dedicated service to the physically disabled community. Our strategic team excelled in organising events, fundraising, and securing donations and grants, leading to exceptional support. We extend our sincere thanks to all contributors, whose efforts were vital to our success. Financially, despite a continued operational decit, the combined efforts resulted in a net surplus for 2023. However, challenges remain, particularly the shortfall in residential fees compared to the rising costs of care. We are in ongoing discussions with authorities to address this issue. Special tribute goes to our CEO, Donna Abel, and her revitalised senior leadership team for their commitment to enhancing the lives of our residents and external users. We focus on improving our facilities, upskilling staff, building partnerships with other charities, and leading the disabled community. Signicant improvements were made to the Home’s internal structure, including the pool, gym, laundry, dining room, kitchen, and hall. Maintenance is an ongoing task, supported by contractors, staff, and volunteers. We also remember the loss of residents and our long-term Honorary President, Mr. Robin Rumboll, with deep sorrow. Jim HopleyChairmanChairman’s StatementIn conclusion, I offer sincere thanks to my colleagues on the Foundation Committee and other support committees, with special thanks to our Vice-Chair Marc Burton and legal adviser Simon Franckel for their service. Gratitude is also extended to Donna, our staff, and volunteers for their indispensable contributions, ensuring the Home’s continued success. 5
Message from the CEOExecutive SummaryThe year 2023 marked a signicant milestone for the Home, celebrating 40 years of dedicated service to supporting Islanders with disabilities. Despite the challenges posed by the global pandemic, the Home underwent transformative renovations, introducing a new charging structure vital for our nancial sustainability. Innovative initiatives, like the 40th Challenge, helped residents reconnect with society amidst isolation, showcasing resilience and adaptability.As we look back on the incredible journey of Jersey Cheshire Home in 2023, it lls us with pride and gratitude. This year wasn’t just another chapter in our story; it was a landmark celebration of 40 years dedicated to uplifting Islanders with disabilities.Our role isto enhance the lives of islanders with disabilities, we support 30 individuals by providing a Home from Home and also support the wider disabled community with therapies and respite care. 6 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
In December, in partnership with Andium Homes, we proudly introduced a new Community Centre, providing meaningful volunteering opportunities for our residents and fostering greater collaboration with other charities. This initiative not only enriches the lives of our residents but also serves as a platform to raise much needed funds to support our mission.Despite our achievements, 2023 wasn’t without its hurdles. The global pandemic presented relentless challenges, forcing us to nd innovative ways to navigate through uncertainty. We experienced heartache with the loss of cherished residents and the departure of valued team members. However, we remained undeterred, turning setbacks into opportunities for growth and adaptation.Donna Abel CEO of Jersey Cheshire HomeOur role isto enhance the lives of islanders with disabilities, we support 30 individuals by providing a Home from Home and also support the wider disabled community with therapies and respite care. As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose and unity. Our commitment to empowering individuals, enriching lives, and championing inclusivity burns brighter than ever. Together, we’ll continue to work to ensure that every resident thrives in our Home and receives the support they deserve.We extend our gratitude to residents, their families and friends, our incredible colleagues, foundation committee, and growing volunteer supporters for their continued dedication, care and compassion. Special recognition goes to Marc Burton, Simon Franckel, and the late Robin Rumboll for their signicant contributions to Jersey Cheshire Home over the years. Their legacy will continue to inspire us as we embark on the next chapter of our journey.We are very grateful to those who have supported us nancially this year. This has helped us to greatly reduce our operational decit. 7
“I’ve lived here for 7 years, and I’m very happy and I go out every day, and I’m very lucky”. “I can’t praise them enough, my relative has been there for X years. They are a family, and I am very thankful and very happy with their excellent service” [from a relative]. “On the whole, I like it, and I get on well with the carers. The food is very good, and you get a good choice.”“It’s all good, and the staff take care of me”. Testimonies8 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
About UsJersey Cheshire Home is the only residential facility on the island caring solely for adults with disabilities.Our facility supports 30 residents who have experienced signicant and life-altering changes to their health meaning they are no longer able to live on their own. For the last 40 years, our team have cared for individuals who have a variety of complex neurological conditions or degenerative illnesses such as MS, Stroke, Parkinson’s, Motor Neurone Disease and brain injuries.We pride ourselves on our reputation, the skills and expertise of our workforce and the strong culture we have created at JCH as we strive to become a centre of excellence.With a focus on rehabilitation and encouraging independence, the services at JCH include high quality care, specialist nursing alongside therapies such as Aqua-Therapy and Physiotherapy. In addition to this, we have a dedicated Activities and Well-being Co-ordinator to encourage our residents to participate in their hobbies, interests, and social activities.We also provide respite services for families of individuals who require additional care. Our Community Centre provides a space for community groups such as the MS Society and Parkinson’s Group.Empowering Independence and Excellence in Neurological Care.9
PerformanceHighlights£3,435,395Total expenditure£3,714,281Total income and endowments£785,530 Total fundraising and donations net of expenses(+12.14 %)(+8,6 %)(+19 %)(+3,85 %)We continue to remain committed to supporting the Islands carbon neutral strategy by 2030. Our 166 solar panels provided 28% of our electricity, we have used 90% of what we produced and 10% went to the grid. During 2023 the environment benets were over 28,504 kg in C02 emission saved and 1,725 equivalent trees planted. We also remain a member of Jersey Eco Active. Environmental Stability£634,124Operational decit10 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
2023Important AchievementsWe received a Care Commission inspection on the 21st December 2023. The feedback was very positive with one area of improvement noted regarding re safety training for colleagues. This has been implemented and better record keeping put in place. A discretionary requirement of our regulation is that the Registered Manager complete the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership in Health and Social care by September 2026.The following is a summary of what the Care Commision found during this inspection. “The recently appointed manager is a registered nurse with recent clinical experience relevant to the dependency and care needs of care receivers living in the home. The stafng levels remain suitable and appropriate and meet the Standards”.This year the kitchen and dining room underwent a thorough refurbishment with new ooring, hygienic wall cladding, vision reproof doors in the kitchen and new high and low-level lighting, Scandi-Nordic décor, sound absorbing features, complete mini-service kitchen, multi adjustable tables and easily moveable seating in the dining room. We also re-launched the menu with additional healthy choices for residents.A great big thank you to Sude Renouf who designed our dining room, it has transformed the Home. Care receivers, families and health professionals spoke positively of the standard and quality of care delivered. Family members felt the management and nursing team were approachable and easy to talk with regarding any concerns. The Jersey Cheshire Home Therapy Department experienced signicant changes and improvements in 2023 under the guidance of the previous management. The department, which had been closed for a short period, underwent a major transformation. This strategic move aimed to enhance the quality of care and services provided by the department.The site facilities saw the total refurbishment of the gym and swimming pool, while the new Calorax machine was tted in the pool plant area. The laundry saw the installation of two new washing machines and two new tumble dryers and an upgraded extractor system to combat the build up of heat in the laundry which has greatly beneted colleagues who work in this area. We re-decorated ve bedrooms, hallways and stairways with improved treads. The paving stones on the outside rst oor mezzanine were bre glassed to waterproof the lower oor ceiling which has been successful and stopped leaks in the dining room, kitchen and hallways.Quality of CareWe welcomed Sarah Jemson as the Registered Manager and John Garatsa as the Therapy Manager. Catering Facilities11
Our PurposeProviding a home, specialist care and advocacy for islanders with disabilities.Our VisionBeing a centre of excellence for caring for the needs of islanders with disabilities.Our MisionTo enhance the lives of islanders with disabilities.OurVision & Mission12 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
OurCultureImprove quality through actions and continuous professional development.Accountability for our actions and safeguard those in our care. Work collaboratively to deliver high quality, safe and compassionate care.Respect an individual’s rights and uphold condentiality.Promote equality, diversity, and inclusion for all.Our culture is built on kindness, high quality care, treating all care receivers with love and respect.13
Our PeopleOur colleagues and volunteers are the heartbeat of Jersey Cheshire Home, we thrive on their unwavering commitment In 2023, we welcomed 12 new team members while saying goodbye to 16 colleagues. Despite the competitive nature of the care eld and the shortage of carers on the island, the reasons given by our colleagues for leaving included leaving Jersey, retirement, and pursuing new careers. Recruitment posed challenges, but our team is now complete.We extend our gratitude to those colleagues who stepped up during our recruitment and unexpected absences, supporting one another during that time. The dedication and hard work of our team hasn’t gone unnoticed.Throughout December 2023, we celebrated our colleagues’ hard work by presenting them with goodies every Friday. Looking ahead to 2024, we will be celebrating this recognition through the introduction of a ‘Colleague of the Month’ reward. This initiative will allow colleagues to nominate a colleague(s) who has gone above and beyond their day-to-day tasks, with winners receiving two cinema tickets and recognition from the leadership team.We had 8 new volunteers join our team, our volunteers continue to play a vital role at Jersey Cheshire Home. As we look ahead to 2024, we are launching a Volunteer Handbook, organising regular meetings, and providing the option for our volunteers to attend awareness sessions, training and engage in different activities and projects.14Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
Students and Volunteers11 Volunteers12 Bank workers52 Female and 12 Male nationalities.64 Permanent employees52 Femaler team 12 Male 14 Nationalitiescomprise 57 Entitledr team 4 Registered 3 Licencedr team We continued to provide placement opportunities for young adults, putting their studies into practice. We harness these important relationships with a number of education settings across the island. Our volunteers and work placement students were able to give their time and resources to those in our care. This allowed residents dedicated one-on-one time, taking part in activities that they thoroughly enjoyed and which supported their rehabilitation. 15
Events and Fundraising in 20232023 marked our 40th anniversary and was a successful year for fundraising, a total of £785,530 was raised or received in fundraising, donations and grants. We raised a total of £72,133 through various events and the total grant and donations, including tax recovered was £713,397. The highlight was our 40th Anniversary Ball which exceeded expectations raising £25,938. Our annual golf day was also another success and raised £19,010. The Christmas rafe generated more than in 2022, raising £12,645 (this includes £448.43 of donations). Despite the inclement weather the trek to Mount Olympus generated £12,198. The money from the trek and a £10,000 donation from the Jersey Freemasons was used towards setting up the Community Centre. The residents held a 40th birthday challenge and as a direct result received a donation of £50,000 to enable an electric disability vehicle to be purchased, and an electric charging point to be installed. We received a grant of £90,000 toward our running costs from the Community Fund via the Jersey Community Foundation due to extremely high ination, we received £85,000 from a private donor towards our kitchen project and an additional £10,000 from the Parish of St Helier and £2,000 from the Co-op Community Fund towards this project. While fundraising income is not guaranteed, we have placed greater strategic effort on increasing this year on year, to enable us to fund additional development and reduce our operating decit. We have a strong balance sheet owing to prudent management of reserves over our 40 years, investing these to ensure the sustainability of service to our residents. During 2023 we stopped the drawdowns on our investments where those drawdowns were used to cover daily expenses. Huge thanks to our sponsors Hawk, we couldn’t have done it without you. MayAnnual Golf DayHuge thanks to our trekkers for ongoing support! SeptemberTrek Mount Olympus We celebrated our 40th anniversary with residents and friends of the Home.JulyJCH Ruby Ball16Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
Thanks to Pallot Glass & Windows for sponsoring this event.Halloween SpooktacularGreat night out, fabulous music and lots of money raised!NovemberMotown & Disco NightPayroll GivingT&G Structural Engineers demonstrated their commitment to social impact by supporting our payroll giving programme, providing a convenient avenue for employees to contribute to our cause directly from their salaries.Corporate Partner PackThe Charity Corporate Partner Pack serves as a gateway for local businesses to join hands with our charity in making a meaningful difference in the community. Through this pack, businesses are presented with diverse partnership opportunities aimed at supporting our charitable initiative fostering community engagement, and amplifying corporate social responsibility efforts.40th Birthday ChallengeThe residents held a 40th birthday challenge and as a direct result received a donation to enable an electric disability vehicle to be purchased, and an electric charging point to be installed, we are awaiting delivery. NovemberThemed EventsThanks to Franckel Law for sponsoring our Anniversary Ball and to Pallot Glass for funding a table at the Ballfor our residents. SRM Accountancy for sponsoring Valentines Day, Jacksons CI for funding celebrations of Liberation Day and Gran Fondo Jersey for choosing JCH as their partner charity.17
2020Future PlanWe are excited to announce the addition of three new rooms allowing us to offer much-needed facilities for three additional individuals with disabilities. These new rooms will provide a safe, comfortable and nurturing environment for our residents, complete with all the amenities and support they need to thrive. By expanding our capacity, we can make a signicant difference in the lives of more individuals, ensuring they receive the high-quality residential care they deserve. We are redesigning our physiotherapy gym and adding a treatment room. The upgraded facilities will feature the latest equipment and technologies, enabling our experienced physiotherapists to deliver even more effective treatments. The new design will create a more functional and welcoming space, allowing for a wide range of therapeutic activities and personalised interventions. These improvements will further enhance our ability to support our service users’ physical health and overall wellbeing, helping them achieve their rehabilitation and tness goals.Continuously Evolving, Consistently Improving202418 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
2020Working in partnership with Andium Homes we opened a Community Centre in January 2024. Our idea is to full our purpose and play a meaningful role in the community by empowering disabled individuals, to help bring people together through effective collaboration with other charities. It will be an amazing place for our residents to go to, volunteer if they wish and have fun, helping them to maintain their independence and choice as well as enhancing their mental health.JCH CentrePay It ForwardPut simply, it’s our way of facilitating giving back to the community. Our website enables users to both GIVE and RECEIVE food and drink items depending on their individual circumstances. For those who have surplus the platform provides an easy and convenient way to donate these goods to others in need.On the other hand, individuals or families experiencing food insecurity can use our website to nd and receive donations that meet their needs. By connecting donors and recipients directly, we foster a sense of community support. This dual functionality not only addresses immediate needs but also promotes a culture of sharing and mutual assistance within the community.At Jersey Cheshire Home, we provide personalised care with a focus on physiotherapy for injury recovery and disability management. Our experienced physiotherapists create tailored plans to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance wellbeing. Our Aqua therapy pool offers a supportive environment for low-impact exercises that strengthen muscles, improve exibility, and promote cardiovascular health. Aqua therapy provides a safe, effective way to achieve tness goals, whether recovering from injury or managing a chronic condition.JCH Wellness19
Our PartnersWe were incredibly fortunate in 2023 to have the support of businesses and individuals who generously contributed to our cause. Their crucial assistance enabled us to provide exceptional care and services to our residents, which would not have been possible without their generosity. With their support, we were able to ensure the Home was safe with the installation of a re sprinkler system, purchase an electric vehicle for our residents, and upgrade our kitchen and dining room to offer a better dining experience. Furthermore, this support allowed us to provide essential activities that are vital for mental wellbeing and a joyful life. We are deeply grateful for their unwavering commitment and dedication to our mission.20 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
Financially, JCH continued to operate at a deficit this year, requiring substantial donations and investment income to cover its annual running costs. While JCH considers itself fortunate to receive these donations, all of which are greatly valued, our ultimate financial goal is to reduce this deficit year on year and become a self-funding operation.During 2023 our total income for the year rose by over 12.14% on 2022 to £3,714,281 and it was pleasing to see this upli was generated across all income streams. We’ve received contributions of £713,397 from donations and legacies, £248,224 from investments, and charitable activities generated £2,643,261.2023 has seen us hit by a cost-of-living crisis, where Jersey RPI’s percentage increases ranged from 12.7% at the start of the year to 7.5% by the year-end, producing severe inflationary pressures on our operations. The ongoing war in Ukraine and its broader economic repercussions have significantly impacted JCH’s financial stability. The conflict has led to increased costs for essential goods and services, contributing to the operational deficit. In this context it is pleasing to report that our total costs incurred towards our fundraising eorts and charitable activities, only rose by 8.7%. This performance was underpinned in our largest cost category, “Wages and Salaries” which only rose by 4%. Total expenditure for the year finished up at £3,435,395.As of December 2023, the investment portfolio was valued at £3,162,012, an increase of £100,000 during the year and this aligns with the targeted reserve level. The Foundation Committee actively manages these funds through professional investment managers and sub-committees focused on investment and finance. Financial Summary22 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
£2,419,391Wages and salaries£248,224Income from investments£3,162,012Investment portfolioIn summary, even though 2023 had its nancial challenges, JCH’s Team demonstrated great energy in their fundraising and income generation activities, while also ensuring all costs were justied, to deliver a strong set of nancial results, increasing our funds by £306,872 during the year. £713,397Donations and legacies£306,872Net surplus23
Financial StatementsStatement of Financial ActivitiesFor the year ended 31 December 2023 (unaudited)Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal funds 2023Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal funds 2022Income and endowmentsDonations and legacies 153,525 559,872 713,397 457,974 164,085 622,059 JCH Membership 235 - 235 220 - 220 Activities for generating funds 109,164 - 109,164 57,313 - 57,313 Income from investments 248,224 - 248,224 215,059 - 215,059 Income from charitable activities 2,643,261 - 2,643,261 2,417,339 - 2,417,339 Total income and endowments 3,154,409 559,872 3,714,281 3,147,905 164,085 3,311,990 ExpenditureRaising funds 83,753 - 83,753 77,966 - 77,966 Charitable activities 3,274,385 77,257 3,351,642 3,025,043 60,138 3,085,181 Total expenditure 3,358,138 77,257 3,435,395 3,103,009 60,138 3,163,147 Net gains/(loss) on revaluation and disposal of investments 27,986 - 27,986 (686,472) - (686,472)Allowance for doubtful debt - - - - - - Transfers between funds 371,858 (371,858) - 301,785 - 301,785 Net movement in funds 196,115 110,757 306,872 (339,791) (197,838) (537,629)Funds brought forward at 1 January 6,680,461 88,975 6,769,436 7,020,252 286,813 7,307,065 Funds carried forward at 31 December 6,876,576 199,732 7,076,308 6,680,461 88,975 6,769,436 24Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal funds 2023Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal funds 2022Fixed AssetsTangible xed assets 3,157,228 - 3,157,228 3,139,409 - 3,139,409 Investments 3,162,012 - 3,162,012 3,066,280 - 3,066,280 6,319,240 - 6,319,240 6,205,689 - 6,205,689 Current AssetsInvestments - - - 180,000 - 180,000 Debtors 238,315 - 238,315 159,255 - 159,255 Short term deposits 458,703 199,732 658,435 523,226 88,975 612,201 Cash at bank and in hand 222,551 - 222,551 156,215 - 156,215 919,569 199,732 1,119,301 1,018,696 88,975 1,107,671 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 354,236 - 354,236 530,934 - 530,934 Net Current Assets 565,333 199,732 765,065 487,762 88,975 576,737 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year 7,997 - 7,997 12,990 - 12,990 Net Assets 6,876,576 199,732 7,076,308 6,680,461 88,975 6,769,436 Restricted FundsRestricted Funds - 199,732 199,732 - 88,975 88,975 Unrestricted FundsGeneral fund 6,876,576 - 6,876,576 6,680,461 - 6,680,461 Net Funds 6,876,576 199,732 7,076,308 6,680,461 88,975 6,769,436 Statement of Financial PositionAs at 31 December 2023 (unaudited)25
Together, we are building a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone at Jersey Cheshire Home. Together, We Empower Lives.26 Jersey Cheshire Home I Annual Report 2023
Thank You“ With Gratitude and Heartfelt Thanks ”We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters, donors, volunteers, and staff whose unwavering dedication and generosity make our mission possible. Your contributions have a profound impact on the lives of our residents, enabling them to live with dignity, independence and choice. To our donors, your nancial support ensures that we can continue providing high quality care and innovative programs that enhance the wellbeing of those we care for. To our volunteers, your time, skills, and compassion are invaluable, bringing joy and comfort to our residents every day. We also thank our partners, sponsors and the local community for their continued support and collaboration. Your involvement and commitment help us to expand our reach and improve our services, making a signicant difference in the lives of islanders with disabilities. Together, we are building a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone at the Jersey Cheshire Home. Thank you for being an integral part of our family and for standing by us in our mission to enhance lives.27
AddressEric Young House, Rope WalkSt. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UUContactPhone : 01534 285858Websitewww.jch.jeContact Us