JUBILEE BIBLI ( 62:5)W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 - 2 4 V O L . 8
jubileeBibliWINTER 2023-24 ? . . . - On The Cover2023 12
CONTENTS1 “ “2 : 3 “ “5 8 Jubilee 11 Jubilee 1 5 Jubilee IGM : (Preschool)1 7 Youth Winter Retreat19 JC Ministry21 “2024 ”23 Jubilee : 25 28 29 31 Jubilee Photo Gallery35 Jubilee
“ . . .” ( 12:12) . , . “ ” , . . . , . . . : “ !” , , . . . . . , . . . . , “ ” . .망할수없는인생 , . . , , . .“ . . .” ( 12:2). . . 2,000 . , . . . . . . .“ .” ( 4:8-10). . Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli1 | Winter 2023-24
– : . . . . . . , . . – : . . . . . . , . , . . – : 2 “ ” . . . . . .2Jubilee eLibrary Jubilee eLibrary , 2022 & ? 2 ? , . 63 . , , , , , , , , , . 소망사전GlossaryofHope“절망과 불확실과 혼돈의 시대에 가장 소중한 것은 영원히 변치 않는 소망이다. 흔들리지 않는 부활과 재림의 소망이다. 삼위일체 하나님의 소망이다”- * . ( : library@jubileekapc.org)* : jubilee.dkyobobook.co.kr
Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli3 | Winter 2023-24 “임직을받다” . ‘ ! ! ’ , ’ ..’ . ‘ ’ . , , ... . , . 20 . . . . . ‘ ‘ 30, 40 . . . 53 ‘ ’ . . 19 2023 . .... . .... .... .... “ ” .
4 “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, thathe considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.” (1 Timothy 1:12) , . . . . . , ! . . ’ ‘ ^^
Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli5 | Winter 2023-24Living a life guided by the Word of God 1. ? 45 , / / . . 45 . - . 2. ? 9 30 20 10 . , . 3. ? , . , , . , . , . , . . . , . , 3050 . . . . . . . 4. ? 4 12 . . . . ‘ ’ . - ‘ ’
6“ ” , . , . . , . , . . , . , , ! - “ ”2022 , . . , . , . , . . . . , . . .-
Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli7 | Winter 2023-24“ ” , . . , . , . . . , . , ... ~- “ . , “ ( 6:3) “ ( 6:6) “
! .. , . 7 , 3 10 . ? 2021 . . . , . ? . ? . ! Getting to knowJubilee . ? 13 . “ ” . ? ? . . ? ‘ ’ . . ? :) ‘ ’ ? .8Jubilee : Jubilee :
! . NC . (Mindy Whang) . (Roderick Whang) , 6 (12 ) (Evangeline) & 4 (11 ) (Ellen), 2 . NC 10 PA , 2 . PA , SouthernNJ defense company engineer , Sellersville Grand View Hospital X-Raytechnologist . Getting to knowJubilee .Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli9 | Winter 2023-24 ? 2 . . NC , NC . 10 PA . . ? NC Children Ministry & . , , . . , 6 , . . 1 1C2 , 1 7 . , . , / , . ? . “ ” . , , . , .
10 ? ? . . , ., . , , . ? ? , . , . , , . . ‘ ’ ? sudden death trauma . 1 . , , sudden death , . , , . Jubilee : Jubilee : ? , “Sound of Music” . Julie Andrews ChristopherPlummer , , must-see . 7 , . , . ? 3 Oregon , Oregon Crater Lake , Crater Lake National Park . , , . , (Lake) . ~ .
, Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli11 | Winter 2023-24Jubilee 2 . . . . , . , . . , . . 5 12 . , . . , . , . , .Baptism
Dan & Esther Min I was born into a Christian family, and from a young age, my parents did their best to nurturemy relationship with God, like taking my brother and me to church every week, reading theBible with us before we went to school, and having family worship at least once a week. Sofor a while, becoming a Christian was very natural for me. However somewhere along theline, there was a part of me that grew to fear the world more than God. After some years, I realized that yes, the world and the people in it can be scary, but we’realso very weak, and it is really God who I should fear more. He holds the key to my salvation,and I realized that I needed and wanted Jesus in my life.I know how fortunate and blessed I am to not only have been born into a family of believersbut to also be in a country that is free to worship God, especially provided that there are stillsome places in the world where people do not have the chance to be open about their faithor have not heard of His Word. But as we were recently reminded through our infantbaptism classes, our faith and salvation does not mean that the same automatically extendsto our children.This resonates with me more now that we have Elena, and I realize what a blessing it is thatwe also have the opportunity to bring her up in a Christian family and community and sharethe Word of God with her, the same way my parents did for me. I know it is up to us to be anexample for her, and we commit to bringing her up as a child of God by teaching her aboutHis love and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and by teaching her to love fear and obeyhim .I hope that by doing this and bringing her up in this community, that she will come tolove and accept Jesus as she gets older, and that as a family, we can continue to growtogether in our faith.Elena Min12
I was born into a heavily Christian family, so God’s existence and the good news of salvation throughJesus Christ has always been...fact. I’m willing to bet that this is a common experience for many.Growing up, we went to church, prayed, and did devotions as a family. My sister and I attended VBS, didBible verse memorization contests, and most importantly: we watched Veggie Tales on TV. Needless tosay, growing up I was completely immersed in the Christian lifestyle. But to me as a child, doing allthese things was just stuff I was supposed to do. God loving me was just what...God was supposed to do.It wasn’t so different from cleaning my room or going to bed on time because my parents said so. Orthat they love me because, well, that’s what they’re supposed to do. Well, fast forward a little bit. I grew up. I became a teenager! I acquired a new sense of awareness andmy Dad taught me this big new word: “reciprocation”. And it was around this time I realized that myparents loving me wasn’t some automatic law of the universe, and that their loving me unconditionallywas something to truly appreciate...and reciprocate. Similarly, God loving us and saving us despite oursinful nature was something to marvel at, and therefore respond back to Him through repentance,worship, prayer, and so on. So I began to own my faith and went through confirmation back at my homechurch. And I felt grown up. But of course, I was still a child. And so fast forward through to now - Godhas tested me over and over again. Through the years and life’s temptations, I’ve repeatedly learned justhow easy it is to succumb to sin and how Satan constantly tempts us to turn a blind eye to God. But Godis good. And not only did I turn out okay, if I do say so myself, He has used my failures to teach me andgrant me new wisdom along the way. Had God not well-equipped me since the beginning of my life,through my parents and the church family around me, who knows how I would have turned out?Would I even know God at all? It’s a scary thought. Now that my wife and I have Emery, the thought ofher not knowing God. THAT is a terrifying thought. Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli13 | Winter 2023-24Emery LeeNathan & Chloe LeeLeading up to today, we attended a class in which we wereeducated that infant baptism is not just a simple ritual, but asolemn reminder of who God is and what he commands us to do.And what a reminder it is. What a reminder it is that it’s my wife’sand my DUTY, not a “do if you can” sort of thing, but a God-givenduty as Christian parents to raise Emery to know and fear Him. Andwhat a reminder it is that we, as parents, need to rely on God morethan ever to raise her in a way that is pleasing to Him. So at thistime, we commit to carrying out His command, and pray that Godwould grant us the ability to raise Emery in a way such that, shetoo, can grow up feeling secure as a child of God. And that, she too,may grow up and learn to rely on Him.
I’m grateful to stand before you today to share my testimony on this special occasion of my son’sbaptism.I grew up in a loving Christian family, blessed to have my dad as a spiritual mentor. He taught me toseek God for strength, wisdom, and comfort; and walking with God felt natural during those days.However, after my dad passed away the year I turned 21, I faced spiritual struggles. Despite the biblicalfoundation my parents had laid for me, I found myself trying to live a self-sufficient life. Though Iprofessed faith, my actions didn’t always align.But God, in His goodness, continued to pursue me. He gently beckoned me to rely on Him and castaway my self-focused lifestyle; reminding me that my sufficiency comes from Him alone. And throughmy children, He revealed my desperate need for His help in my role as a mother. I was humbled with arealization that I couldn’t fulfill this role as God intended without His guidance and wisdom, without acontinual surrendering of my will to Him, and without a community of believers who could help mestay grounded in God’s Word. This baptism symbolizes for me my commitment to entrust my motherhood to God’s loving grace andit signifies my covenant with Him to raise my children according to His Word, as my parents did forme.I’m so grateful that my children can witness the changes in my life through the workings of the HolySpirit and I feel so blessed to have found a loving community at Jubilee for myself and my family.Dylan & Priscilla AlvareDylan Alvare14
Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli(Preschool) , (Preschool) , ? ? (Preschool) (Preschool)15 | Winter 2023-24 (Nursery) . . ...1) .2) 5 (touch,vision, smelling, hearing, tasting) . , , fennel board, Read aloud , , , , ..(preschool) (preschool) ?? 2 5 .JUBILEEIGM 3) 4 / 4) .5) .6) .
. 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 1 , 2 , 3 Fellowship Day, 4 , 5 , 6 VBS, . .Jubilee IGM :Jubilee IGM : ?? . , .- ; .- / ; , .- ; . (fruitof Spirit-Love, Joy ,Peace, Patient, Kindness etc.)- ; , . ? ? ? ? . ..., . , . . . . . ., . .’ . . 6:6-7 ‘ ’ . 1 . , PTO , .- 202 4 “ , 1 , , , .”16
CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN LOVELOVE2023 JUBILEE YOUTH WINTER RETREATJubilee BibliJubilee Bibli17 | Winter 2023-242023 Jubilee Youth Winter RetreatTrain a child in the wayhe should go, and whenhe is old he will not turnfrom it (Proverbs 22:6)The winter retreat of 2023 was a retreat to remember. Throughthe four days and three nights, we’ve embarked on anadventure to find what the theme of “Christian Love” meant.We’ve learned together about the love that our Heavenly Fatherhas for us, we’ve learned about the love that our Groom, ChristJesus has for His Bride, the Church, and we’ve even learnedabout the kind of love that we ought to have for one another.
Youth Winter RetreatYouth Winter Retreat18This retreat really was special because not only was the theme of Christian Lovebeing faithfully preached by our guest speaker, Pastor David Kim, we alsoexperienced it first hand from our wonderful volunteers, many of whom havejust graduated from youth ministry and entered into college. What I’ve come torealize and learn about Jubilee is that we have a beautiful culture or tradition ofthe older serving the younger. Whether it be the Freshmen in college or eventhose who are working in their early young adult lives, we have them all servingand loving the next generation of brothers and sisters and we’ve certainlyexperienced that this winter retreat. Myung Ko/YG pastor
JC MINISTRYJubilee BibliJubilee BibliJC ministry University City Jubilee in the City2023 , 11 University Lutheran Church 19 | spring 2023-24Jesus Christ - Jesus Community - Jubilee in the City -
JC ministry , .- “너희는 이 세대를 본받지 말고 오직 마음을 새롭게 함으로 변화를 받아 하나님의 선하시고 기뻐하시고 온전하신 뜻이 무엇인지 분별하도록 하라" - 로마서 12장 2절20JC ministryJC ministry , JCministry ,
Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli21 | Winter 2023-24(Hope, ) , ; . , . (1960 ), 13 13 “ , , , ” . , ; , , , , , . 5 3~4 “ , , ” . , 119 71 “ , ” . ., (100%) . . , . 2024년소망의편지 , , , ( ) . , ! Sheep(Lamb) Jesus ( ) ( ) + ( ) = ( ) : : .( ) + ( ) = ( ) : : ( ) .( ) + ( ) = ( ) : : . ( ) + ( ) = ( ) : : . - ( 32 )Righteousness Beauty Joy Goodness Prayer
22 2024 2024 ‘ ’ . . “ ” . .-
23 | Winter 2023-24 . .^^ . . . .Jubilee BibliJubilee BibliJubilee 기쁨의교회 주차 위원회에 대해 알려주세요. ? ^^ , ~ . . , .주일 주차 섬김의 시간은 보통 언제인가요? 2 3 . 2 , . 3 .주일 주차 섬김을 통하여 얻을 수 있는 기쁨은 어떤 것이 있을까요?
, . . , . .24 , . . , .주차 섬김을 하시면서 힘든 점이 있다면, 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 기쁨의교회 성도님들께 부탁하실 말씀이 있으신지요? 마지막으로 나누어 주실 말씀이 있으신가요? . , . . ! -
25 | Winter 2023-24Jubilee BibliJubilee BibliEl Salvador Vision TripEl Salvador Vision Trip 2023 12 11 -15 (El Salvador) ( :, , , , , , , , ) , . , . , Covid-19 , , . El Salvador , , 2016 . , . , .
26 . , . . . , . . . . . . . . ? . “ ‘ ’ . , . . , . . ( ) . . . . . . .”
27 | Winter 2023-24Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli(El Salvador) : : 657 : 21,041 ( 1/5 ) , . : (111 ) : 10 ( ) 93.4%, ( , , ) 5.5%, 1.1% 1 ( 600 ) : : 94.5%( 24%, 58%), 4.8%, 0.4% 44.9% 293 , . : (andykimdmd@gmail.com) , , . . , , , , . , , , . , , , , , . 6 8 ‘ 18,’ ‘ ’ , 120 . , ( 10 ), , , , . .1990 , , , . , , , . , , , .
. , . , . . , . . . , . , ‘ ’ . , , , . , . , . … , .1 “ ” , , , . 2 “ ” . 14 , . . , . , , . . . . . - 28
Jubilee BibliJubilee Bibli29 | Winter 2023-24! , . (EM) (JOYFellowship) . Jubilee Bibli , . , (DrewCho) . New Community Church Tokyo . . , , . 10 . 2023 , , . . . , EM 300 , . Shintoism . . .
. . New Community Church Tokyo , EnglishCamp/Vacation Bible School . NewCommunity Church Tokyo . VisionTrip . , , . . 2024 7 1022 . . , . , . . . , . Fundraising ! . . . . , . . ! - /EM 30
jubileeBibli31 | Winter 2023-24Photo Gallery
JUBILEE 33 | Winter 2023-24 "RESTART"
P R A Y E R L I S TP R A Y E R L I S TP R A Y E R L I S TJ U B I L E E JUBILEE PRAYER LIST Ephesian 6:18praying always with all prayerand supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints . / . . . . .에베소서 6장 18절모든 기도와 간구를 하되 항상 성령 안에서 기도하고 이를 위하여 깨어 구하기를 항상 힘쓰며 여러 성도를 위하여 구하라35 | Winter 2023-24
Jubilee Bibli jubileeBibliWINTER 2023-24
: : PRICELESSQR Code eBook . Jubilee Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia1911 W Marshall St. Norristown, PA 19403TEL: (610) 630-6300 | FAX: (610) 630-6301Email: info@jubileekapc.orgjubileeBibliWINTER 2023-24