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J&B Essay Consulting E-Brochure

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www.jbessay.comEssay Writing Meets HUES & LOGIC

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J&B is an essay consulting company founded on the synthesis of in-teractive learning and efciency. J&B’s mission is to help students not only learn how to produce unique and outstanding essays but also to offer a personalized consulting methodology that allows them to prac-tice self-learning habits and take on future essay writing projects with condence and ease. J&B’s systematic approach to essay writing allows students to model and build their essay writing skills through logical reasoning displayed by the essay writing team itself. With J&B, students can rest at ease that the quality of instruction and attention to the process of learning itself is embedded in the company’s methods. J&B aims to unlock clients’ full writing potential in order to collectively make great academic achievements and further deepen essay writing skills.

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HUES & LOGICJ&B’s consulting methodology is centered around the concept of “Hues & Logic,” which advocates the creativity and logical reasoning intrinsic to great essay writing. “Hues” represents the artistic side of writing—the thoughts, emotions, and perspectives that create com-pelling and powerful narratives, while “Logic” speaks to the science of writing—the analytical approach rooted in meticulous research, criti-cal thinking, and evidence-based reasoning. Without “Hues” an essay has no voice; without “Logic,” it has no arguments. Through “Hues & Logic,” J&B strives to create a holistic and integrative approach to intellectual exploration. In essence, the intellectual activity of essay writing brings together the imaginative air of the arts (or Hues) with the rigor of the sciences (or Logic), fostering a holistic and integrative approach to intellectual exploration.

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GREEN PROGRAMESSAY WRITING 11 (GRADES 4-7)Are you interested in learning the ins and outs of essay writing? J&B’s Green Program is tailored specically for young writers hoping to boost their writing skills by understanding the fundamentals of micro and macro outlines and 5-paragraph essays, as well as practicing advanced writing for essay competitions. As they move through three levels, students learn how to craft argu-mentative theses, detailed topic sentences and analyses, and basic research and referencing (MLA and APA) skills—all through interactive and informative lessons.• Essay Writing 11 – Level I (5-Paragraph Macro & Micro Outlines • Essay Writing 11 – Level II (5-Paragraph Essay) • Essay Writing 11 – Level III (Essay Writing for Essay Contests)

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ORANGE PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY 11 (GRADES 7-8)Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is? Ever tried study-ing philosophy? J&B’s Orange Program is geared toward young philos-ophers hoping to develop advanced inquiry and critical thinking skills essential for essay writing. The Orange Program consists of three levels covering the fundamen-tals of philosophy and debate, the basics of logic and argumentative writing, and critical reviews of iconic philosophical texts. By the end of the program, students are better prepared to craft persuasive essays and diver deeper into philosophy.• Module I: What is Philosophy? • Module II: Philosophical Logic • Module III: Philosophical Works

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VIOLET PROGRAMBOARDING ADMISSIONS (GRADE 8)Do you dream of attending a top-tier boarding school, expanding your academic potential, and building independent life management skills? If so, then J&B’s Violet Program is for you. J&B creates admis-sions packages for students looking to enter up to ve schools of their choice, as well as the eight ESA schools. The packages include assistance crafting short and long-answer essays, resumes, recom-mendation notes for teachers, and parent statements. • One School of Your Choice • Five Schools of Your Choice • The Eight ESA Schools Program

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BLUE PROGRAMCONTESTS & JOURNALS (GRADES 8 - 11)Captivated by intellectual inquiry or looking to expand the scope of your academic experience? J&B’s Blue Program allows high school students (Grades 8-11) to broaden their academic interests and enter essay contests.By providing comprehensive assistance with topic selection, research, outlining, editing, and analytical writing, students gain a deeper under-standing of essay construction, logic and argumentation, philosophical reasoning, creative writing, and critical social issues. • Journal of Student Research• Harvard International Review• International Social Science Youth Conference• Ayn Rand Essay Contest• Concord Review• Bennington College Awards• Scholastic Awards• John F. Kennedy Essay Contest• International Philosophy Olympiad• Harvard International Economics• Columbia Undergraduate Law Review• John Locke Essay Competition

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RED PROGRAMCOLLEGE ADMISSIONS (GRADES 11 - 12)J&B’s Red Program helps students prepare stellar application essays, academic resumes, recommendation notes, activities lists, and any letters for deferred or waitlisted schools. With J&B, the application process is transformed into a creative and exciting experience. Wheth-er your academic forte lies in STEM or English Literature, and whether your aspirations lead you to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, or Brown, J&B’s consultants guide high school students through a person-alized consulting program that can make their college dreams come true!• J&B Client Persona, Common App Personal Essay, Comprehensive Resume, Recommendation Notes, Supplemental Essays, Follow-up Support (i.e. Letters of Continued Interest, etc.) • Customized Portfolio (Creative Writing Project or Research Project or Art Project)

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BROWN PROGRAMDISSERTATIONS & THESES (UNIVERSITY STUDENTS)As you plan for your future career, nalize your academic goals, and prepare to complete a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. program, you are just a few steps away from making all of your dreams come true. Enter J&B’s Brown Program. Crafted for university students seeking assis-tance with their dissertations and theses, J&B provides comprehensive guidance with topic selection, academic research, literature reviews, methodologies, results sections, discussions, and conclusion sections. Students who participate in J&B’s Brown Program gain the unique guid-ance of experienced consultants who are there to support the writing process, each step of the way.

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