C3 Oil Company2024 BENEFIT GUIDESummary of Benefits and CoverageTo obtain an electronic copy of the Summary of Benefits and Coverage and Benefit Guide, please visitwww.panamericanbenefitsenrollment.com, enter your group ID SE403, and then select View Summary. You may also request a paper copy at any time by contacting us at 1-800-999-5382.
2Preventive Care PlanOne of the most valuable benefits included with your benefit package is preventive care coverage which now covers 100% of eligible preventive service costs when performed in-network. That means that you pay nothing out of pocket for access to a variety of medical screenings, exams, and immunizations which may help reduce your risk of developing health conditions in the future and avoid expensive treatment down the road.Understanding Preventive CarePreventive care is the first step in knowing how healthy you are. The goal is to “prevent” a serious health condition by detecting problems early on. Preventive care includes screenings, tests, medicines and counseling performed or prescribed by your doctor or other health care provider to test for conditions which may develop even when you don’t have signs or symptoms of an injury or illness. Your provider is able to deliver treatment which can prevent you from getting sick and by counseling you on beneficial lifestyle changes or offering prophylactic treatment.Why is Preventive Care Important?• Detection of health conditions early, when they are moreeasily treatable• Identification of potential risks to your future health• Provide adults with immunizations for illnesses such asinfluenza and pneumonia, as well as booster shots andrequired immunizations for childrenDifference Between Preventive and Diagnostic ServicesA preventive procedure starts with the intent of confirming your good health although you may appear asymptomatic. Diagnostic services differ in that they are requested in order to identify the cause of a reported health condition. Services are considered Preventive Care when a person:• Does not have symptoms indicating an abnormality• Has had a screening done within the recommended age andgender guidelines with the results being considered normal• Has had a diagnostic service with normal results, afterwhich the physician recommends future preventive carescreenings using the appropriate age and gender guidelines• Has a preventive service that results in diagnostic care ortreatment being done at the same time and as an integralpart of the preventive service (e.g. polyp removal duringa preventive colonoscopy), subject to benefit planprovisionsServices are considered Diagnostic Care when:• Services are ordered due to current issues orsymptoms(s) that require further diagnosis• Abnormal test results on a previous preventive ordiagnostic screening test requires further diagnostictesting or services• Abnormal test results found on a previous preventive ordiagnostic service requires the same test be repeatedsooner than the normal age and gender guidelinerecommendations would require
3Preventive Care PlanAre Preventive Care Services covered only when performed in-network? Yes, these preventive services are only covered under the preventive care plan when performed by an in-network provider. Your plan includes access to one of the largest preferred provider organization (PPO) networks. Details for locating an in-network provider can be found in the PPO Provider Network section of this guide.Covered Preventive Servicesfor AdultsScreenings for:• Abdominal aortic aneurysm (one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked)• Alcohol misuse• Blood pressure• Cholesterol (for adults of certain ages or at higher risk)• Colorectal cancer (for adults over 45)• Depression• Type 2 diabetes (for adults with high blood pressure)• Hepatitis B (for virus infection in persons with high risk)• Hepatitis C (for infection in persons at high risk) (one-time screening for HCV to adults born between 1945-1965)• HIV (for all adults at higher risk)• Lung Cancer (for adults age 55-80 with a 30-pack per year smoking history and who currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years)• Obesity• Tobacco use• Syphilis (for all adults at higher risk)Counseling for:• Alcohol misuse• Aspirin use for men and women of certain ages andcardiovascular risk factors• Diet (for adults with higher risk for chronic disease)• Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) for sexuallyactive women• Obesity• Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention (foradults at higher risk)• Tobacco use (including programs to help you stop usingtobacco)Immunizations:• Doses, recommended ages, and recommendedpopulations vary.• Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT)• Hepatitis A• Hepatitis B• Herpes zoster• Human papillomavirus (HPV)• Influenza (Flu)• Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)• Meningococcal (meningitis)• Pneumococcal (pneumonia)• Varicella (chicken pox)Additional Covered Preventive Services for Women• Aspirin (low dose as preventive after 12 weeks gestationin women who are at high risk for preeclampsia)• Breast Cancer preventive medications for women withincreased risk (tamoxifen or raloxifene).• Contraception (FDA approved and ACA requiredcontraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, andpatient education and counseling)• Well-woman visits (to obtain recommended preventiveservices for women under 65)Screenings for:• Breast cancer (mammography every 1 to 2 years forwomen over 40)• Cervical cancer (for sexually active women)• Chlamydia infection (for younger women and other womenat higher risk)• Domestic and interpersonal violence• Gestational diabetes (for those at high risk)• Gonorrhea (for all women at higher risk)• Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (for sexuallyactive women)• Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Test: High risk HPVDNA testing every three years for women with normalcytology results who are 30 or older• Syphilis (for all pregnant women or other women atincreased risk)• Osteoporosis (for women over age 60 depending on riskfactors)
4Preventive Care PlanCounseling for:• BRCA: Genetic counseling and testing for women athigher risk (family history is associated with anincreased risk for deleterious mutations in BRCA1 orBRCA2 genes) and screening, genetic counseling, andtesting for women who are asymptomatic and have notreceived a BRCA-related cancer diagnosis, but whopreviously had breast, ovarian, or other cancer; womenwhose family history is associated with an increased riskof BRCA-related cancer; women with positive screeningresults should receive genetic counseling and, ifindicated after counseling, BRCA testing.• Breast cancer chemoprevention (for women at higher risk)• Contraception (education and counseling)• Domestic and interpersonal violence• Folic acid supplements (for women of child-bearing ages)• Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (for sexuallyactive women)• Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI): Counseling forsexually active womenAdditional services for pregnant women:• Anemia screenings• Bacteriuria urinary tract or other infection screenings• Breast feeding interventions to support and promotebreast feeding after delivery• Expanded counseling on tobacco use• Gestational diabetes (screening for women 24 to 28weeks pregnant)• Hepatitis B counseling (at the first prenatal visit)• Rh incompatibility screening, with follow-up testing forwomen at higher riskCovered Preventive Services for ChildrenScreenings and assessments for:• Alcohol and drug use (for adolescents)• Autism (for children at 18 and 24 months)• Behavioral issues• Blood pressure (screening for children)• Cervical dysplasia (for sexually active females)• Congenital hypothyroidism (for newborns)• Depression (screening for adolescents)• Developmental (screening for children under age 3,and surveillance throughout childhood)• Dyslipidemia (screening for children at higher risk oflipid disorders)• Hearing (for all newborns)• Height, weight and body mass index measurements• Hæmatocrit or hemoglobin• Hæmoglobinopathies or sickle cell (for newborns)• HIV (for adolescents at higher risk)• Lead (for children at risk of exposure)• Medical history• Obesity• Oral health risk assessment (for young children)• Phenylketonuria (PKU) (newborns)• Tuberculin testing (for children at higher risk oftuberculosis)• Vision (screening as part of physical exam, notseparate eye exam)Medications and supplements:• Gonorrhea preventive medication for the eyes of allnewbornsCounseling for:• Fluoride (prescription chemoprevention supplementsfor children without fluoride in their water source)• Obesity• Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention (foradolescents at higher risk)• Tobacco use (education and counseling to preventinitiation of tobacco use in school-aged children andadolescents)Immunizations:From birth to age 18. Doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary.• Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT)• Hæmophilus influenzæ type b• Hepatitis A• Hepatitis B• Human papillomavirus (HPV)• Inactivated poliovirus• Influenza (Flu)• Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)• Meningococcal (meningitis)• Pneumococcal (pneumonia)• Rotavirus• Varicella (chicken pox)
5Preventive Care PlanPrescription Drug Coverage*The following chart shows categories of pharmaceuticals available to you at no cost. As lists may change, please note that in order to determine which specific drugs or brands within each of the below categories are covered under your prescription benefits, you will need to contact RxEDO at 1-888-879-7336 or go online to rxedo.comfor more information.ItemAvailability CoverageAspirinAdult men and women45 years or moreGeneric, OTCFolic Acid supplementsAdult womenUp to 55 yearsGeneric, OTCFluoridateddrugs 6 months – 5 years Brand, genericTobacco CessationAdult men and women•Generic or OTC only on nicotinereplacement products•Limit to Generic ZybanAdditional Covered Preventive Services for WomenOral ContraceptivesAdult womenGeneric, single source brandsEmergency contraceptionGeneric, OTC, single source brands**Generic, single source brands**InjectablecontraceptivesTransdermal patchGeneric, single source brands**Diaphragm and cervical capGeneric, single source brands***Under PPACA, certain medications and prescription drugs that prevent illness and disease are covered at no-cost as long as services are renderedby a physician who participates in the plan’s network. This chart lists the preventive medications that are covered at 100% under the PanaBridgeAdvantage Plan. In order for these medications to be covered at 100%, a prescription is required from your physician, including over-the-counter(OTC) drugs. Drugs may be subject to quantity limitations.**Single source brands are brand named drugs which do not have generic alternatives.
6PanaMed Limited Benefit Indemnity PlanPays fixed benefit amounts to help cover the costs of common medical servicesAccess to discounted PPO Network RatesYour own Member Advocate is available to assist you to reduce medical costs and stressful billing situationsPanaMed is a limited benefit indemnity plan that pays clearly defined, fixed amounts to help you cover the cost of common medical services, such as doctor’s office visits, hospitalization, intensive care, accidents, and much more. This limited benefit indemnity plan is designed to provide the most value for everyday healthcare expenses as opposed to plans that cover major illness and catastrophicinjuries.In the followingpages you will find a benefitgrid that detailseach of the benefitsincluded in our plans, along with how much each of them pays. You will also find important information regarding additional benefits and services included in your plan.How to get the best from your Plan1. Call or go online to locate an in-network provider (detailsin the PPO Provider Network sectionof this guide)2. Schedule your appointment3. Visit provider and present IDcard4. Provider filesclaim5. PPO Network appliesdiscountsand forwards claimto Pan-American Life (insurancecarrier)6. If the claim is less than the allowablebenefitamount in your plan, you owe nothing7. If the claim is more than the allowablebenefitamount in your plan, you will owe the balance to the providerNOTE – While PanaMedbenefits may be used at any hospitalor physician’s office,members are encouragedto utilizethe PPO Network for discounted provider prices.PanaMedLimited Benefit Indemnity Plan
BENEFIT DESCRIPTION PLAN 1GROUP TERM LIFE WITH Accidental Death and DismembermentAD&D for members onlyMember Term Life - $5,000Member AD&D - $5,000Spouse Term Life - $2,500Children Term Life - $1,250 (6 months to age 26)Infant Term Life - $200 (10 days to 6 months)HOSPITAL ADMISSION INDEMNITY BENEFIT• Pays in addition to hospital indemnity benefit• Once per admission, once per diagnosis• Benefit will not be payable for the same or related injury or illness.$500 first daywhen admitted as an inpatient into a hospital roomHOSPITAL INDEMNITY BENEFIT• Must be admitted as an inpatient into a hospital room• If hospital confinement falls into a category below a different maximumapplies$100 per day Overall calendar year max subject to 60 days total for any inpatient stay in a hospitalIntensive CareIf the participant is confined in a hospital intensive care unit$200 per dayUp to 30 days calendar year max (applied to overall calendar year max)Substance AbuseMust be diagnosed and admitted as an inpatient in a substance abuse unit$50 per day Up to 30 days calendar year max(applied to overall calendar year max)Mental IllnessMust be diagnosed and admitted as an inpatient into a mental illness unit $50 per day Up to 60 days calendar year max (applied to overall calendar year max)Skilled Nursing FacilityMust be admitted in skilled nursing facility following a covered hospital stay of at least 3 days$50 per day Up to 57 days calendar year max (applied to overall calendar year max)DOCTOR’S OFFICE BENEFITBenefit pays one benefit per day if the patient is seen by a doctor for an illness or injury$75 per day4 days per calendar yearOUTPATIENT DIAGNOSTIC LABS• Includes glucose test, urinalysis, CBC, and others• When hospital confinement is not required and the test is ordered orperformed by a doctor$25 per day3 days per calendar yearOUTPATIENT DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY• Includes chest, broken bones, and others• When hospital confinement is not required and the test is ordered orperformed by a doctor$70 per day2 days per calendar year7Limited Benefit Indemnity Plan Pays
BENEFIT DESCRIPTION PLAN 1OUTPATIENT ADVANCED STUDIES• Includes CT Scan, MRI, and others• When hospital confinement is not required and the test is ordered orperformed by a doctor$300 per day2 days per calendar yearINPATIENT SURGICAL BENEFIT• Surgery must be performed due to an illness or injury as an inpatient stay ina hospital• Minor surgical procedures are excluded$500 per day1 day per calendar yearINPATIENT ANESTHESIA BENEFIT 25% of the amount paid under the inpatient surgical benefit$125 per day1 day per calendar yearOUTPATIENT SURGICAL BENEFIT• Surgery must be performed due to an illness or injury at an outpatientsurgical facility center or hospital outpatient surgical facility• Minor surgical procedures are excluded$250 per day1 day per calendar yearOUTPATIENT ANESTHESIA BENEFIT 25% of the amount paid under the outpatient surgical benefit$62.50 per day1 day per calendar yearEMERGENCY ROOM SICKNESS BENEFITPays one benefit per day for services received in an ER as a result of an illness$75 per day2 days per calendar yearSPECIFIED ILLNESS PLUSLump Sum benefit for specified major health events (first diagnosis of invasive cancer, heart attack, stroke, and major organ transplant).Waiting Period:• 30 day waiting period for heart attack and stroke• 90 day waiting period for invasive cancer and major organ transplants$5,000 lump sum1 lump sum per eventSpouse 50% of lump sumChildren 25% of lump sumTHE LIMITED BENEFIT INDEMNITY PLAN ALONE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE (MAJOR MEDICAL COVERAGE) AND DOES NOT SATISFY THE REQUIREMENT OF MINIMUM ESSENTIAL COVERAGE UNDER THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT. HOWEVER, THE PREVENTIVE CARE PLAN OFFERED AS PART OF PANABRIDGE ADVANTAGE DOES MEET THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENT UNDER THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AS IT PROVIDES MINIMUM ESSENTIAL COVERAGE.8Limited Benefit Indemnity Plan Pays
Group Medical AccidentWith Accidental Death & DismembermentHospital room and board, and general nursing care, up to the semi-private room rate ● Hospital miscellaneous expense duringHospital Confinement such as the cost of the operating room, laboratory tests, x-ray examinations, anesthesia, drugs (excluding take-home drugs) or medicines, therapeutic services and supplies ● Doctor’s fees for surgery and anesthesia services ● Doctor’s visits,inpatient and outpatient ● Hospital Emergency care ● X-ray and laboratory services ● Prescription Drug expense ● Dental treatmentfor Injury to Sound Natural Teeth ● Registered nurse expense.Covered ChargesAccident Benefit* per occurrence Up to $2,500Deductible per accident, per insured $100 deductibleAccidental Death$5,000Accidental DismembermentUp to $5,000Initial Treatment Period................................................................. 12 weeks Benefit Period........................................................................... 52 weeks (Initial treatment must be incurred within 12 weeks of the date of the accident) (Expenses must be incurred within 52 weeks of the date of the accident)*Pays “Off the Job” Accident Medical Benefits for Covered Expenses that result directly, and from no other cause, than from a covered accident.The insured's loss must occur within one year of the date of the accident. Medical Accident insurance is issued by Pan-American Life Insurance Company on policy form number SM-2003.Medical Accident is NOT available to residents in ME and WA.9Helping to Provide Peace of Mind During Your Time of NeedThe passing of a loved one can be a difficult and emotional experience. When it occurs during travel, you or your loved ones may feel that help is no longer within reach. Global RepatriationGlobal Repatriation is a worldwide benefit designed to help your family when you or a covered dependent suffers a loss of life due to a covered accident or illness while traveling 100 miles or more away from their permanent residence. The benefit provides transportation of a covered member’s remains to his/her primary place of residence in the United States and repatriation of foreign nationals to their home countries. Benefit Includes:• Expenses for preparations; embalming or cremation• Transport casket or air tray• Transportation of remains to place of residence or place of burialAll services must be authorized and arranged by AXA Assistance designated personnel and the maximum benefit per person is $20,000 USD per occurrence. No claims for reimbursement will be accepted.Global Repatriation benefits are independently offered and administered by AXA Assistance USA, Inc. www.axa-assistance.usPan-American Life and AXA Assistance USA, Inc. are not affiliated. See policy for exclusions and limitations.To Activate Assistance Call: 1-888-558-2703 / 1-312-356-5963(Toll-Free in the U.S.) (Collect Outside of the U.S.)
Helpful Hints • Show the pharmacist your identification card. It includes theBIN # and PCN #, as well as any other information they willneed to process your claim through RxEDO.• If your pharmacy has any questions concerning the process,please have them call the RxEDO Pharmacy Help Desk at(800) 522-7487, which is printed on your new identificationcard.Eligible medications will be available to all members at RxEDO’s pharmacy’s contracted rate, which can typically save members anywhere from 10% - 79% off of the pharmacy’s usual and customary fee. Standard drug inclusions and exclusions apply.Diabetic Supplies: 10% to 60% Saving on Diabetic Supplies. A convenient service for members with diabetes. This program provides special member pricing on most diabetic supplies. These items include: test strips, glucose meters, lancing devices, lancets, and MORE!The RxEDO pharmacy network includes over 68,000 total participating retail pharmacy locations nationwide; all major chains are included as well as 20,000+ independent pharmacies.Discount Prescription Drug Benefit Save on Discount PrescriptionsFor questions or drug look-up go to www.rxedo.com or call 1-888-879-7336.Pharmacy NetworkPharmacy NetworkSome of the participating pharmacies include:CostcoCVS PharmacyK-MartTargetWalgreensWalmartAnd many more.…Sample Prescription Drugs Generic Formulary BrandANTIBIOTIC Rimatadine AugmentinBLOOD PRESSURE Lisinopril MavikCHOLESTEROL LOWERING Lovastatin LipitorDiscount prescription benefits are not insurance products and are administered by RxEDO, Inc. Pan-American Life is not affiliated with RxEDO.10
Prescription Drug Indemnity Benefit1. What is the difference between a co-pay prescriptionbenefit and the indemnity prescription benefit?Instead of paying out-of-pocket for co-pays, yourindemnity prescription plan will pay a fixed dollaramount per day for a maximum number of days permonth or per year depending on your plan. In addition,your indemnity benefit is not limited to formularyrestrictions.2. What if the per day benefit amount is greater thanthe cost of my prescription?A check for the difference will be mailed to you at theend of themonth.3. What if the cost of my prescription is greater thanthe per day benefit amount?You will be responsible for any costs above the per daybenefit amount at thepharmacy.4. How can I find out what my out-of-pocket cost willbe under this plan before I go to the pharmacy?For drug look-up you can go to www.RxEDO.com5. What if I have two generic prescriptions to fill on thesameday?The plan will pay the fixed dollar amount per dayregardless of the number of prescriptions you fill at thepharmacy. Please be aware that your pharmacy willapply your prescription indemnity benefit to only oneprescription at the pharmacy. If there is any indemnitybenefit remaining, you will receive that amount in theform of a check at the end of themonth.6. What if I have a generic and a brand prescription tofill on the same day?If your plan covers brand prescriptions under theindemnity benefit, the plan will pay the fixed dollaramount per day for one generic, and the a fixed dollaramount per day for one brand prescription. If you have acombination plan, the plan will pay the fixed dollaramount for either one brand or one generic prescriptionper day, but not for both. All plans include discounts onprescriptions not covered and /or exceeding the one perday limit.Here’s how your Prescription Drug Indemnity Benefitswork:Example 2 – If your planPays:1 Brand for a total cost of: $60Plan pays thepharmacy: You are responsiblefor:$50$10Example 1 – If your plan Pays:Generic - $10 perday Brand - $50 perdayCalendar Year Maximum Limit for Generic is 12 days per insured Calendar Year Maximum Limit for Brand is 12 days per insuredIn one day, you or a covered dependent ,fills one Genericand one Brand prescription drugs as shownbelow:or call 1-888-879-7336. Prices may vary at eachpharmacy, so it is best to contact the pharmacydirectly.Generic - $25 perday Brand - $50 perdayCalendar Year Maximum Limit for Generic is 12 days per insured Calendar Year Maximum Limit for Brand is 12 days perinsuredIn one day, you or a covered dependent ,fills oneGeneric and one Brand prescription drugs as shownbelow:Plan pays the pharmacy: $4Plan mails you a check for: $61 Generic for a total cost of:$4Plan pays the pharmacy: $38Plan mails you a check for: $121 Brand for a total cost of:$38Plan pays thepharmacy: You are responsiblefor:$25$ 51 Generic for a total cost of:$30This per day benefit for Generic and Brand drugshas been satisfied. Any additional prescriptionsfilled by that particular insured, on the same day,would have a discount applied.This per day benefit for Generic and Brand drugshas been satisfied. Any additional prescriptionsfilled by that particular insured, on the same day,would have a discount applied.Here’s how your Prescription Drug Indemnity Benefits work:Frequently Asked Questions
PPO Provider Network• Savings - Negotiated discounts that result in significant cost savings for you when you choose to see a participatingprovider. A MultiPlan logo on your health insurance card tells both you and your provider that a MultiPlan discount applies, and your out-of-pocket costs are reduced by the discounted amount.• Choice - Broad access to over 4,600 hospitals, 95,000 ancillary facilities and 695,000 healthcare professionals.• Quality - MultiPlan applies rigorous criteria when credentialing providers for participation in the MultiPlanNetwork, so you can be assured you are choosing your healthcare provider from a high-quality network.The term in-network describes doctors, hospitals, and other health care professionals who work with Multiplan to charge lower discounted provider prices for your medical services. 12Using In-Network Providers Can Stretch Your Benefit DollarsYour plan includes access to the MultiPlan Network, one of the largest Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) in the nation, to offer you:To search for in-network Doctors or Facilities call 1-800-457-1403 or visit www.multiplan.com/webcenter/portal/ProviderSearch and follow these simple steps below:PPO Provider services are provided by MultiPlan, Inc. www.multiplan.com. Pan-American Life and MultiPlan are not affiliated.1 Click hereTo search for doctor or facility2 Click here to select Multiplan, which should be the logo displayed on your ID Card.3 Click here to select Limited Benefit Plan4 Once you select Provider Information, youwill enter your zip code and click on themagnifying glass icon.
HealthiestYou is not health insurance and we encourage all members to maintain adequate insurance from a responsible provider. HealthiestYou is designed to complement, and not replace the care you receive from your primary physician. HealthiestYou physicians are an independent network of doctors who advise, diagnose, and prescribe at their own discretion. physicians provide cross coverage and operate subject to state regulations. Physicians in the independent network do not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. HealthiestYou does not guarantee that a prescription will be written.REGISTERAND ACCESSYOUR ACCOUNTmember.healthiestyou.comNo internet? Call adoctor(855) 894-9627To learn how to connect with a doctor 24/7, shop and price procedures, prescription savings and more. Watch our video www.mypalic.com/videohyAnd don’t forget to download theappHealthiestYou is not insurance and is provided by HY Holdings Inc. Pan-American Life and HY Holdings Inc. are not affiliated.Your healthcare just got a whole loteasier!With HealthiestYou you can connect to a doctor, get treatment, and get prescriptions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over the phone or via the mobile app. Using HealthiestYou can SAVE YOU TONS OF MONEY and no more sitting around in waiting rooms. And best of all, it’s FREE!HY can handle over 70% of doctor office visits!Top 9 Physician ConsultsAllergies, Bronchitis, Earache, Sore Throat, Sinusitis, Pink Eye, Strep Throat, Respiratory Infection,and Urinary Tract InfectionPRESCRIPTION SAVINGSNeed a prescription? Ourgeo-basedprescriptionsearch engine can save you up to 85% on your prescriptionand will often beat your co-pay.SHOP & PRICEPROCEDURESDo you need an MRI or an Ultrasound? Our app puts you in the driver’s seat by providing a vehicle to search and price procedures in your direct area. Happy shopping!24X7 UNLIMITED DOCTOR ACCESSAre you sick? Call HealthiestYou first! Our physician network can diagnose, treat,and prescribe with no consult fees, anytime, anywhere. Really!HEALTH MANAGEMENTCONTENTAre you stressed? Let HealthiestYou guide you to improved health and happiness with relevant health content delivered at the time of need.2HealthiestYou is not health insurance and we encourage all members to maintain adequate insurance from a responsible provider. HealthiestYou is designed to complement, and not replace the care you receive from your primary physician. HealthiestYou physicians are an independent network of doctors who advise, diagnose, and prescribe at their own discretion. physicians provide cross coverage and operate subject to state regulations. Physicians in the independent network do not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. HealthiestYou does not guarantee that a prescription will be written.13HealthiestYou is not health insurance and we encourage all members to maintain adequate insurance from a responsible provider. HealthiestYou is designed to complement, and not replace the care you receive from your primary physician. HealthiestYou physicians are an independent network of doctors who advise, diagnose, and prescribe at their own discretion. physicians provide cross coverage and operate subject to state regulations. Physicians in the independent network do not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. HealthiestYou does not guarantee that a prescription will be written.
Let us handle the healthcarestuffHealth benefits can be confusing, medical costs are rising, and finding theright care for you and your family can be frustrating and time consuming.We are here to simplify your healthcare experience and help you take control ofhealthcare costs. Your personal Health Pro®consultant will take care of you, so you canspend more time on what matters most. We can help you…•Understand your benefits Clearup any confusion about yourhealth plan.• Find great doctorsLocate highly-rated doctors, dentistsand eye care professionals.•Save money on healthcareCompare prices and choosemorecost-effective options.• Pay less for prescriptionsGet recommendations for lower-costmedications.• Resolve billing errorsOver 30% of medical bills are wrong.Don’t get overcharged.• Schedule appointmentsHave your appointments scheduled attimes most convenient for you.alight.com1-800-513-1667 (ext. 478)member.alight.com1-800-421-474214
Member ServicesMember AdvocacyMonday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Central Time.1- 800-999-5382Our member service representatives are responsible for ensuring thatcustomers receive the best assistance with their questions and concerns.Pan-American Life’s customer service representatives interact withcustomers to provide information in response to inquiries about productsand services. They communicate with administrators and membersthrough a variety of means; by telephone, by e-mail, fax or mail.We can assist members, companies and providers with:• Prescription Benefits• PPO Network Information• Account Management• Claims• And more!• Member Advocacy • ID Cards• Policy Information• Member Eligibility• Verification of BenefitsFull bilingual (English-Spanish) servicesWhat is a member advocate?A member advocate is an in-house representative that works exclusively on behalf of our members to reduce medical costs and stressful billing situations. They are able to help members find community programs, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and provider offices who have affordable treatment costs. Also, they serve as a single point-of-contact to help resolve on-going or challenging billing issues. They’re even available to speak with members individually, as well as their physicians and medical facilities, so everyone has a full understanding of how the benefits work and can make the most informed choices with regard to planning medical treatment. They help lower costs by:• Negotiating balances• Finding providers that offer sliding-scale treatment pricing• Arranging payment plans for previously incurred bills• Requesting discounted lump-sum payments to settle balances• Locating community programs for specialized services or frequently recurring expenses due to chronic conditions• Contacting discount pharmaciesAdvocates can assist with:• Medical bills & Prescription costs• Lab work & X-rays• CAT Scans / MRIs• Scheduling surgical procedures• Durable medical equipment• Diabetic supplies• Complicated claims and billing issues15
OUTLINE OF COVERAGE FOR LIMITED BENEFIT INDEMNITY PLANThis outline of coverage provides a brief summary of some important features of your insurance certificate. This outline of coverage is not an insurance contract and only the actual certificate provisions will control. Your certificate includes in detail the rights and obligations of you, your employer, and Pan-American Life Insurance Company. Please review your certificate carefully for additional information. You can access your certificate through our web portal at www.mypalic.com, or you can call our Member Services and request a copy.Categories of Coverage: Your certificate includes limited benefit indemnity plan, also referred to as fixed indemnity coverage. Limited indemnity plans differ from major medical coverage and are not designed to cover all medical expenses or meet the minimum standards required by the Affordable Care Act for major medical coverage. Payments are based on a fixed per day dollar amounts in the Summary of Benefits rather than on a percentage of the provider’s charge. If you need comprehensive major medical coverage, there may be other options available to you and your family members. Please go to www.healthcare.gov for more information. Benefits: The benefit levels are described in your Summary of Benefits. Some benefits included in your plan may appear as riders and these can be found following your Summary of Benefits.The Table of Contents shows where to find more information regarding: eligibility, benefits, exclusions and limitations, and other important terms and conditions.Exceptions, Reductions, and Limitations: Your benefits are subject to certain exclusions, limitations, and terms for keeping the benefits in force. Please refer to the section entitled “Exclusions and Limitations” for further details on these and other exclusions and limitations. The first page of the Summary of Benefits provides information on the Waiting Period and the age-based reduction in Life Insurance Benefits, if applicable. Continuation of Coverage: Eligibility for coverage is described in the sections entitled Eligibility for Employees and Eligibility for Dependents of your certificate. Your coverage may not begin until after a waiting period, as described on the first page of the Summary of Benefits. The Termination of Coverage section of your certificate explains when your coverage will terminate. Under certain circumstances, you may continue your coverage for a limited time period if you should become disabled. See the Extension Due to a Total Disability section for details. In addition, you may be eligible for continued coverage under applicable COBRA laws. See the Continuation Coverage Rights Under COBRA section for further details.Premium or Contribution: The cost of this coverage is included within the premiums paid for your benefit plan. Your contribution will be deducted by your employer from your paycheck.DMC179Rev10/201316
GENERAL EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR PANAMED This is a general list of exclusions and limitations and may vary by state.Benefits are not payable with respect to any charge, service or event excluded as set forth below.1. Charges for medical or dental services of any kind, or any medical supplies or visual aids or hearing aids, or any food, supplement or vitamin, or medicine, it being understood that the Policy shall pay the Indemnity Benefits set forth in the Summary of Benefits for a hospitalization or other covered event, without regard to the actual charges made by a provider or supplier of goods or services. 2. Any claim relating to a hospitalization or other covered event where the hospitalization or other covered event was prior to the effective date of coverage under the Policy, or after coverage is terminated.3. A claim arising out of insurrection, rebellion, participation in a riot, commission of or attempting to commit an assault, battery, felony, or act of aggression.4. A claim arising out of declared or undeclared war or acts thereof. For life insurance: As a result of the special hazards incident to service in the military, naval or air forces of any country, combination of countries or international organization, if the cause of death occurs while the insured is serving in such forces, provided such death occurs within six (6) months after the termination of service in such forces.5. A claim arising out of Accidental Bodily Injury occurring while serving on full time active duty in any Armed Forces of any country or international authority (any premium paid will be returned by Us pro rata for any period of active full time duty). 6. A claim related to an Injury or Illness arising out of or in the course of work for wage or profit or which is covered by any Worker's Compensation Act, Occupational Disease Law or similar law.7. With respect to a death benefit, a claim related to bodily injuries received while the Covered Person was operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol as evidenced by a blood alcohol level in excess of the state legal intoxication limit.8. A claim arising from services in the nature of educational or vocational testing or training.9. A claim related to Custodial Care.10. A claim arising from medical services provided to the Covered Person for cosmetic purposes or to improve the self-perception of a person as to his or her appearance, except for: reconstructive plastic surgery following an Accident in order to restore a normal bodily function, or a surgery to improve functional impairment by anatomic alteration made necessary as a result of a birth defect, or breast reconstruction following a mastectomy.11. Other than a claim for death benefits, any claim arising out of a surgical procedure for the treatment of obesity or the purpose of facilitating weight reduction.12. Other than a claim for death benefits, any claim arising out of treatment of infertility.13. For Specified Illness - Cancer does not include pre-malignancies, cancer in situ, and skin cancers except melanoma. Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) are excluded.17
ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT RIDER EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONSIn addition to the General Exclusions and Limitation of the Policy, benefits are not provided for Loss, Injury or Illness of a Covered Employee which results directly or indirectly, wholly or partly from:1. Suicide, self-destruction, attempted self-destruction or intentional self-inflicted injury while sane orinsane.2. Disease or disorder of the body or mind.3. Medical or surgical treatment or diagnosis thereof.4. Loss, Injury or Illness occurring after Termination of Coverage.5. Ptomaines or bacterial infections, except pyogenic infections at the same time and as a result of a visiblewound.6. Asphyxiation from voluntarily or involuntarily inhaling gas and not the result of the Covered Person'sjob.7. Travel or flight in any vehicle for aerial navigation, including boarding or alighting therefrom:a. While being used for any test or experimental purpose; orb. While the Covered Person is operating, learning to operate or serving as a member of the crewthereof; orc. Any such aircraft or device which is owned or leased by or on behalf of the Policyholder of anysubsidiary or affiliate of the Policyholder, or by the Covered Person or any member of his household.8. Voluntarily taking any drug or narcotic unless the drug or narcotic is prescribed by a Doctor.9. Heart attack, stroke or other circulatory disease or disorder, whether or not known or diagnosed, unlessthe immediate cause of Loss is external trauma.18Disability benefit disclosure for New York residentsIf your plan includes a Disability benefit: Pan-American Life Insurance Company can provide short termdisability benefits for your employees under a [Hospital Indemnity Policy] [Accident Policy] issued to You as thePlan Sponsor.Under NY Law Section 1101(b)(2)(B)(i) (I)(aa) and 1101 (b)(2)(B)(ii) the Pan-American Policy may cover youremployees in New York even though Pan-American Life Insurance Company is not a licensed carrier in NewYork. However, please be aware that the short term disability benefits provided for your New York employeeswill not satisfy the requirements of the New York Disability Benefits Law (DBL). In order to obtain appropriatecoverage for your New York employees to comply with the New York Disability Benefits law, you should contactyour agent for workers compensation coverage.
Frequently Asked QuestionsPreventive Care Plan1. While the employee is a participant in the Preventive Care Plan, will the employee be eligible for a premiumsubsidy in connection with any plan offered on an Exchange established under the Affordable Care Act?No.2. Are Preventive Care Services covered only when performed in-network?Yes, preventive services are only covered under the preventive care plan when performed by an in-network provider.3. How does a member determine which providers participate in the network?PPO participation may be verified with a simple phone call or online. The toll free number and website link can be foundin the PPO Provider Network section of this guide, your ID card, and in our web portal. The insured is responsible forverifying the current PPO participation of their provider.4. Can dependents be insured in this plan?Yes. If the member is covered by PanaBridge Advantage, dependents are also eligible for coverage.PanaMed Limited Benefit Indemnity Plan1. Is PanaMed Major Medical coverage?No. PanaMed is a limited benefit indemnity plan. This is not basic health insurance or major medical coverage and is notdesigned as a substitute for either coverage. PanaMed pays a fixed benefit amount to help cover the cost of commonmedical services. The plan is not designed to cover the costs of serious or chronic illnesses. It contains specific dollarlimits that will be paid per day for medical events which may not be exceeded. Specific dollar limits are listed in thesummary of benefits.2. Does PanaMed have any exclusions or limitations?Benefits are subject to certain exclusions, limitations, and terms for keeping the benefits in force. For example, there areno benefits for the following medical events: infertility treatments, cosmetic surgery, counseling for mental illness orsubstance abuse, obesity, weight reduction or dietetic control, physical therapy. This is a partial list of non coveredevents. Members should refer to their certificate to determine which benefits are available. Additional information can befound in our web portal at www.mypalic.com.3. Will the PanaMed plan provide an indemnity benefit for any Physician or Hospital?Yes. The member is free to seek the services of any licensed Physician or accredited Hospital. There is no requirementthat the Physician or Hospital belong to a PPO network to receive benefits.4. What is a PPO and the advantage for using?PPO is the abbreviation for Preferred Provider Organization. This organization of providers (referred to as a “network”)has agreed to provide their services as a negotiated discount, reducing your out of pocket cost. While PanaMed may beused at any hospital or physician’s office, members are encouraged to utilize the PPO network for discounted providerprices.5. Is there a pre-existing condition exclusion on the plan?No, because this is a limited benefit indemnity plan there are no pre-existing condition exclusions.6. Are Medicare and Medicaid recipients eligible for this plan?Only you can determine whether PanaMed is right for you. As you weigh your decision, be sure to consider that whenMedicare or Medicaid benefits are coordinated with PanaMed coverage, that PanaMed is considered primary coverage.As a result, benefits available under PanaMed will be first applied to coverage before anything is paid by Medicare and/orMedicaid.7. Can the PanaMed plan be used if the insured has separate health insurance?Yes. The specified benefits pay irrespective of any other private group coverage.19
*Rates include insurance and non-insurance products. Certain benefits are not available in all states.If you reside in Connecticut, New York and Vermont please enroll by calling our Enrollment Center Dedicated Line or through our online system. See page 2 for those options. If you reside in Maine coverage is not available. For Hawaii residents: This policy is not offered in satisfaction of an employer’s obligations under the Hawaii Prepaid Health Care Act (PHCA). Among other things, the PHCA requires that health plans offered to eligible employees, as defined by the PHCA, meet certain minimum standards of coverage. Please note that this health plan does not meet the minimum standards of coverage with respect to individuals defined as eligible employees under the PHCA.If you reside in New Hampshire coverage is only available if you work outside of New Hampshire. If you reside in Massachusetts your plan will include certain mandated benefits. Please note, this health plan, alone, does not meet Massachusetts Minimum Creditable Coverage standards and will not satisfy the Massachusetts individual mandate that you have health insurance. 1-877-385-3601Enrollment Center Dedicated LineMonday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM, CST.Full bilingual (English-Spanish) servicesWeeklyPLAN 1Member $0.00Member + Spouse $15.49Member + Child(ren) $12.46Family $30.60The limited benefit indemnity coverage which is offered as a component of PanaBridge Advantage plans is issued by Pan-American Life Insurance Companyon policy form number PAN-POL-13, PAN-POL-13-FL, PAN-POL-13-LA, PAN-POL-13-NC, PAN-POL-13-T, PAN-POL-13-TX, or PAN-POL-13-WA. There are noexclusions for pre-existing conditions. The plan will not pay benefits for any care provided prior to the coverage effective date or if the insured is confined in ahospital at the time the coverage is effective. Hospital does not include a nursing home, convalescent home or extended care facility. Coverage is not availablein all states. Like most group benefit programs, our products have exclusions, limitations, waiting periods and terms for keeping them in force. The preventivecare coverage under PanaBridge Advantage is offered under a self-funded plan maintained by the plan sponsor. Pan-American Life Insurance Company doesnot insure benefits under these self-funded plans. DMC219Rev11/2014.Member Cost Per Pay Period*
DeductibleDeductible CombinedDeductible Waived for PreventiveAnnual MaximumReimbursementRolloverTimely Entrant Waiting PeriodChild Orthodontic BenefitChild Orthodontic Lifetime MaximumAdult Orthodontic BenefitAdult Orthodontic Lifetime MaximumNot Included50%50%OrthodontiaIn NetworkOut of NetworkEndodontic Services/Root Canal Therapy, Periodontal Surgical Services (once per 36 months), Crowns - other than stainless steel (once per 84 months), Dentures/Bridges/Repairs (Fixed-once per 84 months, Removable-once per 60 months), Inlays/Onlay (Fixed-once per 84 months, Removable-once per 60 months), Relining or rebasing of dentures (once in 36 months), Complex Oral Surgery, General Anesthesia , ImplantsNot IncludedNot IncludedN/ANot IncludedN/AN/A80%80%Type 3 Major ServicesIn NetworkOut of NetworkType 2 Basic ServicesIn NetworkOut of NetworkNoneType 1 Preventive ServicesIn NetworkOut of Network100%100%Preventive Exams (once per 6 months), Teeth Cleaning (once per 6 months), Fluoride Treatment (every 12 months under age 16), Bitewing X-rays (every 12 months), Panoramic/Full Mouth X-rays (one set per 60 months), Oral Cancer Screenings (once per 24 months), Sealants (Dependent children under age 16 once per 36 months)Crowns (Stainless Steel) (only if tooth cannot be restored by filling - once per 84 months), Minor Oral Surgery (No Limit), Problem Focused Exams, Occlusal/Periapical X-rays, Space Maintainers, (Dependent children under age 16), Restorations/Fillings (once per 24 months), Simple Extractions, Extraoral X-rays (once per 6 months), Periodontal Prophylaxis (twice in 12 months)Dental Benefit SummaryC3 OIL COMPANY Effective: July 01, 2024$50NoYes$1,500Fee ScheduleOut of NetworkIn Network(waived for preventive)ALL MEMBERS PassiveADA ALL MEMBERS$50NoYes$1,50095th Percentile Not Included NoneNot IncludedN/AThe above highlights are intended as an overview. In any discrepancy between the highlights and the master contract, the master contract will govern. These highlights do not guarantee benefits or eligibility. All terms, provisions, conditions, limitations and exclusions shown in the booklet-certificate and master policy will apply.C3 OIL COMPANY LH3000 July 2024 Renewal
ExaminationLenses or Contact LensesFramesAdditional benefits are described in your Group Plan bookletPlease NotePremium Progressive Lenses (price varies by tier)FramesConventionalDisposableFrames/Contact LensesMembers also receive a 40% discount off complete pair of eyeglass purchases and a 15% discount off conventional contact lenses once the provided benefit has been used.FrequencyOnce in 24 MonthsOnce in 12 MonthsAdditional Pairs Benefit (In-Network Only)N/A15% Off RetailIn NetworkOut of Network$65 Reimbursement$130 AllowancePremiumRetinal Imaging Benefit Laser Vision Correction***$0 Copay, 10% Medically Necessary$104 Reimbursement$104 ReimbursementVision Benefit SummaryC3 OIL COMPANY Effective: July 01, 2024ExamIn NetworkOut of NetworkExam with Dilation as NecessaryEyeglass LensesIn NetworkOut of Network$10 Copay$30 ReimbursementSingle VisionBifocalTrifocal$25 Copay$15 Reimbursement$25 Copay$5 ReimbursementLenticularStandard Progressive Lenses$40 Reimbursement$0 Copay, Paid in FullUp to $3915% Off RetailOnce in 12 Months*Out of Network is a reimbursement amount. Member reimbursement for services completed out of network will be thelesser of the listed amount or the member's actual cost from the out of network provider. In certain states, members may be required to pay the full retail rate and not the negotiated discount rate with certain participating providers. Please see EyeMed's online provider locator to determine which participating providers have agreed to the discounted rate.EyeMed Insight Network$210 Reimbursement$0 Copay$40 ReimbursementStandardContact Lens Fitting/Follow Up**In NetworkOut of Network$130 Allowance$15 Reimbursement$33 Reimbursement$33 Reimbursement$15 Reimbursement$110 to $135 Copay$25 Copay$25 Copay$90 Copay$130 Allowance
**Contact Lens fitting and 2 follow up visits are available once a comprehensive eye exam has been completed.***When Lasik or PRK from U.S. Laser Network is used.The above highlights are intended as an overview. In any discrepancy between the highlights and the master contract, the master contract will govern. These highlights do not guarantee benefits or eligibility. All terms, provisions, conditions, limitations and exclusions shown in the booklet-certificate and master policy will apply.*Out of Network is a reimbursement amount. Member reimbursement for services completed out of network will be thelesser of the listed amount or the member's actual cost from the out of network provider. In certain states, membersmay be required to pay the full retail rate and not the negotiated discount rate with certain participating providers. Please see EyeMed's online provider locator to determine which participating providers have agreed to the discountedrate.
Voluntary BenefitsYou never know when an unexpected illness or injury could leave you and your family with financial difficulties. Health insurance can help, but you can still have deductibles, co-payments and other out-of-pocket expenses.That’s where voluntary benefits come in. Sometimes called supplemental insurance, voluntary benefits are designed to complement your health insurance and help provide extra financial protection. This year, your employer is helping you protect your way of life by giving you the opportunity to purchase the following voluntary benefits from Colonial Life: Accident Insurance Cancer Insurance Critical Illness Insurance Disability Insurance Hospital Confinement Indemnity Insurance Term Life Insurance Whole Life Insurance To make sure you get the coverage you need, schedule your 1-to-1 benefits counseling session today.
Accidents can happen to anyoneYou never know when you or someone you love could get hurt in an accident. And accidents come with costs, such as emergency room fees, doctor’s bills and lost income from missing work. Even if you have good health insurance, deductibles and co-pays can really add up.With accident insurance from Colonial Life, you can receive benefits to help with the expenses of a covered accident. This financial protection can help you focus on what really matters: healing. With this coverage: A set amount is payable based on the injury you suer and the treatment you receive. You do not need to answer medical questions or have a physical exam to get basic coverage. Unlike workers’ compensation, which only covers on-the-job injuries, accident insurance covers injuries that happen on-the-job or o-the-job. Coverage is available for you, your spouse and eligible dependent children. Accident InsuranceACCIDENT POLICIES PROVIDE LIMITED BENEFITS.If guaranteed-issue coverage is available, you won’t have to answer health questions. For more details, talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor.ColonialLife.comTalk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor to learn more. The policies or their provisions may vary or be unavailable in all states. The policies have exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. See the actual policy or your Colonial Life representative for specific provisions and details of availability. Colonial Life insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC © 2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
You can’t predict an illness, but you can be preparedNo matter where you are in life, you never know when you or a loved one could experience a critical illness, such as a heart attack or stroke. Medical advancements and early detection are helping many people survive critical illnesses. However, preventive tests and treatment can lead to increased medical expenses, and your health insurance may not cover these costs.Critical illness insurance helps supplement your major medical coverage by providing a lump-sum benefit that you can use to pay the direct and indirect costs related to a covered critical illness.With this coverage: Benefits are paid directly to you, unless you specify otherwise. You may receive additional benefits if you’re diagnosed with more than one critical illness.Coverage options are available for you, your spouse and eligible dependent children.Critical Illness InsuranceCritical illness insuranceCRITICAL ILLNESS POLICIES PROVIDE LIMITED BENEFITS. The policies or their provisions may vary or be unavailable in all states. The policies have exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. See the individual policy or the group certificate, as applicable, or your Colonial Life representative for specific provisions and details of availability.If guaranteed-issue coverage is available, you won’t have to answer health questions. For more details, talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor.Talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor to learn more. ColonialLife.comColonial Life insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC © 2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
Help protect your incomeYou never know when a disability could impact your way of life. Fortunately, there’s a way to help protect your income. If a covered accident or sickness prevents you from earning a paycheck, disability insurance from Colonial Life can provide a monthly benefit to help you cover your ongoing expenses.Disability insurance from Colonial Life helps protect your income, so you can have help paying the bills while you recover from a covered accident or sickness.With this coverage: You can choose the amount of your disability benefits, subject to income. You’re paid regardless of any insurance you may have with other companies. Benefits are paid directly to you, and you can use these benefits however you choose.Critical Illness InsuranceDisability insuranceIf guaranteed-issue coverage is available, you won’t have to answer health questions. For more details, talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor.Talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor to learn more. ColonialLife.comThe policies or their provisions may vary or be unavailable in all states. The policies have exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. See the actual policy or your Colonial Life representative for specific provisions and details of availability. Colonial Life insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC © 2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
Get help with rising health care costsIf you’re admitted to the hospital because of an accident or sickness, it’s important to focus on your recovery – not your finances. That’s easier said than done if you have costly co-payments, deductibles and other expenses coming your way.Hospital confinement indemnity insurance from Colonial Life can help you pay for medical expenses that your health insurance may not cover. With this coverage: Benefits are paid directly to you (unless you specify otherwise) and can be used as you see fit. Coverage is available for you, your spouse and eligible dependent children. You’re paid regardless of any other insurance you may have with other companies.Hospital Confinement Indemnity InsuranceHOSPITAL CONFINEMENT INDEMNITY POLICIES PROVIDE LIMITED BENEFITS.If guaranteed-issue coverage is available, you won’t have to answer health questions. For more details, talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor.Talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor to learn more. ColonialLife.comThe policies or their provisions may vary or be unavailable in all states. The policies have exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. See the actual policy or your Colonial Life representative for specific provisions and details of availability. Colonial Life insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC © 2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
Life insurance protection when you need it mostLife insurance needs change as life circumstances change. You may need more coverage if you’re getting married, buying a home or having a child. Term life insurance from Colonial Life provides protection for a specified period of time, typically oering the greatest amount of coverage for the lowest initial premium. This fact makes term life insurance a good choice for supplementing cash value coverage during life stages when obligations are higher, such as while children are young. It’s also a good option for families on a tight budget – especially since you can convert it to a permanent cash value plan later.With this coverage: A beneficiary can receive a benefit that is typically free from income tax. The policy’s accelerated death benefit can pay a percentage of the death benefit if the covered person is diagnosed with a terminal illness. You can convert it to a Colonial Life cash value insurance plan, with no proof of good health, to age 75.Term Life InsuranceFor more details, talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor.Talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor to learn more. ColonialLife.comThe policies or their provisions may vary or be unavailable in all states. The policies have exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. See the actual policy or your Colonial Life representative for specific provisions and details of availability. Colonial Life insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC © 2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
Whole life insuranceLife insurance that comes with guarantees — because life doesn’tYou can’t predict the future, but you can rest easier knowing you have life insurance with lifelong guarantees.Whole life insurance from Colonial Life provides guaranteed cash value accumulation, level premium and a death benefit (minus any loans and loan interest). This coverage can help protect your family’s way of life. With this coverage: Life insurance benefits for the beneficiary are typically free from income tax. You have three opportunities to purchase additional coverage with no proof of good health required if you are 55 or younger when you initially purchase coverage. The policy’s accelerated death benefit can pay a percentage of the death benefit if the covered individual is diagnosed with a terminal illness. A $3,000 immediate claim payment can be paid to the designated beneficiary as an advance of the death benefit.If guaranteed-issue coverage is available, you won’t have to answer health questions. For more details, talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor.Talk with your Colonial Life benefits counselor to learn more. ColonialLife.comThe policies or their provisions may vary or be unavailable in all states. The policies have exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. See the actual policy or your Colonial Life representative for specific provisions and details of availability. Colonial Life insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC © 2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
Getting startedThe easiest way to manage your business with us is through ColonialLife.com. To sign up for the website, click Register at the top right of the home page and follow the instructions. Consider your optionsAt Colonial Life, our goal is to give you an excellent customer experience that is simple, modern and personal. For your convenience, you can choose how you interact with us. For the quickest service, we recommend using our website, which lets you do the following: Review, print or download a copy of your policy/certificate Update contact information Access service forms Submit your claim using our eClaims system Check the status of your claim and view claims correspondence Access claim formsPolicyholder Service GuideeClaims are quick and easyWith the eClaims feature on ColonialLife.com, you can file most claims online by simply answering a few questions and uploading your supporting documentation. You’re able to spend less time on paperwork, and we’re able to process your claim faster. You can access eClaims through your computer or mobile device and upload any required supporting documentation. Once you’re logged in to ColonialLife.com, visit the Claims Center and select File an Online Claim to get started.Paper claims If you don’t want to file online, download the form you need by visiting the Claims Center page on ColonialLife.com and clicking on claims and service forms. Follow the instructions, tips and videos to complete and submit your claim.Your policy and certificates are located under the My Correspondence tab.ColonialLife.comContact us Online ColonialLife.com Log in and click on Contact UsTelephone 1-800-325-4368Hearing-impaired customers 803-798-4040If you do not have a TDD, call Voiance Telephone Interpretation Services. 844-495-610511-16 | 43233-38Underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC ©2016 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
ContactsName Title Phone Website/Email FaxJamie Pope Sales Representative 409-782-1910 jamie@colonialtx.com
The information contained in this booklet is only a summary of coverage and is not a binding contract. A certificate of coverage will be made available to you that describes the benefits in greater detail. If there are differences between the information in the booklet and the contract, the contract will govern.NS-15576 (9-17) 9-17 | NS-15576ColonialLife.comUnderwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC ©2017 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.