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Japan - Japanese II 2025

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Nachrichtenübermittlung Virtual One-on-One Advising Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pmVirtual Group Advising Sessions:Fridays9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pm Asynchronous Video Advising Sessions:Pre-recorded (available for current ACC students)Application deadline is February 6, 2025Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Critical Need Language Award Supplement($3,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship($5,000 maximum) Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships ($1,500 maximum) breakfast Public transportation cardTransportation to Nikko and KamakuraExcursions and entrance fees per itineraryCultural activities per itineraryWelcome and farewell dinnersInternational travel health insurance24/7 logistics support and emergencyassistanceJAPANEarn 4 credits in Japanese II (JAPN1412) while exploring Japan with yourACC classmates and Adjunct ProfessorEmi Schuster.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2025Class at ACC before departure: June 2 - June 18Program in Japan: June 21- July 5Summer 2025Japanese II18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2024Prerequisites: JAPN 1411 with at least a C A $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 27, 2025 via ACC Marketplace. Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program fee:Round-trip airfare from Austin to TokyoPublic transportation cardACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesPassport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)PROGRAM FEE - $2,700ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSOTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.1.Complete a video advising session startingSeptember 3, 2024. 2.Complete and submit an application.3.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. 4.Student participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.Acceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 14.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.Contact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.STEPS TO APPLYFINANCIAL AIDACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000) Tyler Center for Global Studies Study Abroad Fellowships,($2,500)Applications due February 13, 2025

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Friday, June 20Depart Austin to TokyoSaturday, June 21Arrive in Japan and Transport toAccommodationsSunday, June 22Morning: Free time Afternoon: Free timeEvening: Welcome DinnerMonday, June 23Morning: Class Afternoon: Hop-on, Hop-off Bus TourEvening: Free TimeTuesday, June 24Morning: ClassAfternoon: Independent Study TimeEvening: Free TimeWednesday, June 25Morning: Class Afternoon: History, Art, ScienceMuseum in UenoEvening: Free TimeThursday, June 26Morning: Kimono Tea CeremonyAfternoon: Asakusa Walking TourEvening: Sky TreeFriday, June 27Morning: ClassAfternoon: Free timeEvening: Transfer to Host FamilyPROGRAM ITINERARYTokyo: 12 nightsNikko: 2 nightsMina san Konnichiwa,My name is Emi Schuster. I am the facultyleader for the Japan—Japanese II studyabroad program. As a native of Saitamaprefecture, I have a deep connection to theKanto area and have been taking ACCstudents there for several years. I'm excitedto lead a group of students to the Kantoarea next summer, following my experienceleading groups to the Kansai area in recentyears.As you know, Tokyo is the capital of Japan,and so there are many places to visit andenjoy. In addition to staying downtown, wewill also visit cities outside of Tokyo, such asKamakura and Nikko. These cities have oldBuddhist temples, fascinating historicalsites, and beautiful nature.Our Japanese class will begin while we arestill in Austin and continue in Tokyo,providing you with the opportunity to usethe Japanese skills you acquire in thiscourse. Moreover, we will engage in uniquecultural exchange activities with a localuniversity and participate in culturalactivities such as a tea ceremony whilewearing a kimono. These experiences willnot only enrich your understanding ofJapanese culture but also enhance yourlanguage skills.I'm looking forward to the possibility of youjoining me this summer. I'm excited aboutthe prospect of learning and exploring withyou!Saturday, June 28Activities with Host FamilySunday, June 29Morning: Breakfast with Host FamilyAfternoon: Return to AccommodationsEvening: Free TimeMonday, June 30Morning: University VisitAfternoon: Independent Study TimeEvening: Free TimeTuesday, July 1Morning: Departure to KamakuraAfternoon: Walking Tour of KamakuraEvening: Return to TokyoWednesday, July 2Morning: Depart to Nikko Afternoon: Walking Tour of Nikko Evening: Overnight Stay in NikkoThursday, July 3Day: Edo Period Cultural Theme ParkEvening: Overnight Stay in NikkoFriday, July 4Morning: Return to TokyoAfternoon: Final ExamEvening: Tokyo Bay Cruise and FarewellDinnerSaturday, July 5Check-out. Return to Austin orindependent travelFACULTY LEADER MESSAGE PROGRAM ITINERARYEmi Schuster, M. Ed. & M.A.Adjunct ProfessorForeign

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Friday, June 20Depart Austin to TokyoSaturday, June 21Arrive in Japan and Transport toAccommodationsSunday, June 22Morning: Free time Afternoon: Free timeEvening: Welcome DinnerMonday, June 23Morning: Class Afternoon: Hop-on, Hop-off Bus TourEvening: Free TimeTuesday, June 24Morning: ClassAfternoon: Independent Study TimeEvening: Free TimeWednesday, June 25Morning: Class Afternoon: History, Art, ScienceMuseum in UenoEvening: Free TimeThursday, June 26Morning: Kimono Tea CeremonyAfternoon: Asakusa Walking TourEvening: Sky TreeFriday, June 27Morning: ClassAfternoon: Free timeEvening: Transfer to Host FamilyPROGRAM ITINERARYTokyo: 12 nightsNikko: 2 nightsMina san Konnichiwa,My name is Emi Schuster. I am the facultyleader for the Japan—Japanese II studyabroad program. As a native of Saitamaprefecture, I have a deep connection to theKanto area and have been taking ACCstudents there for several years. I'm excitedto lead a group of students to the Kantoarea next summer, following my experienceleading groups to the Kansai area in recentyears.As you know, Tokyo is the capital of Japan,and so there are many places to visit andenjoy. In addition to staying downtown, wewill also visit cities outside of Tokyo, such asKamakura and Nikko. These cities have oldBuddhist temples, fascinating historicalsites, and beautiful nature.Our Japanese class will begin while we arestill in Austin and continue in Tokyo,providing you with the opportunity to usethe Japanese skills you acquire in thiscourse. Moreover, we will engage in uniquecultural exchange activities with a localuniversity and participate in culturalactivities such as a tea ceremony whilewearing a kimono. These experiences willnot only enrich your understanding ofJapanese culture but also enhance yourlanguage skills.I'm looking forward to the possibility of youjoining me this summer. I'm excited aboutthe prospect of learning and exploring withyou!Saturday, June 28Activities with Host FamilySunday, June 29Morning: Breakfast with Host FamilyAfternoon: Return to AccommodationsEvening: Free TimeMonday, June 30Morning: University VisitAfternoon: Independent Study TimeEvening: Free TimeTuesday, July 1Morning: Departure to KamakuraAfternoon: Walking Tour of KamakuraEvening: Return to TokyoWednesday, July 2Morning: Depart to Nikko Afternoon: Walking Tour of Nikko Evening: Overnight Stay in NikkoThursday, July 3Day: Edo Period Cultural Theme ParkEvening: Overnight Stay in NikkoFriday, July 4Morning: Return to TokyoAfternoon: Final ExamEvening: Tokyo Bay Cruise and FarewellDinnerSaturday, July 5Check-out. Return to Austin orindependent travelFACULTY LEADER MESSAGE PROGRAM ITINERARYEmi Schuster, M. Ed. & M.A.Adjunct ProfessorForeign

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Friday, June 20Depart Austin to TokyoSaturday, June 21Arrive in Japan and Transport toAccommodationsSunday, June 22Morning: Free time Afternoon: Free timeEvening: Welcome DinnerMonday, June 23Morning: Class Afternoon: Hop-on, Hop-off Bus TourEvening: Free TimeTuesday, June 24Morning: ClassAfternoon: Independent Study TimeEvening: Free TimeWednesday, June 25Morning: Class Afternoon: History, Art, ScienceMuseum in UenoEvening: Free TimeThursday, June 26Morning: Kimono Tea CeremonyAfternoon: Asakusa Walking TourEvening: Sky TreeFriday, June 27Morning: ClassAfternoon: Free timeEvening: Transfer to Host FamilyPROGRAM ITINERARYTokyo: 12 nightsNikko: 2 nightsMina san Konnichiwa,My name is Emi Schuster. I am the facultyleader for the Japan—Japanese II studyabroad program. As a native of Saitamaprefecture, I have a deep connection to theKanto area and have been taking ACCstudents there for several years. I'm excitedto lead a group of students to the Kantoarea next summer, following my experienceleading groups to the Kansai area in recentyears.As you know, Tokyo is the capital of Japan,and so there are many places to visit andenjoy. In addition to staying downtown, wewill also visit cities outside of Tokyo, such asKamakura and Nikko. These cities have oldBuddhist temples, fascinating historicalsites, and beautiful nature.Our Japanese class will begin while we arestill in Austin and continue in Tokyo,providing you with the opportunity to usethe Japanese skills you acquire in thiscourse. Moreover, we will engage in uniquecultural exchange activities with a localuniversity and participate in culturalactivities such as a tea ceremony whilewearing a kimono. These experiences willnot only enrich your understanding ofJapanese culture but also enhance yourlanguage skills.I'm looking forward to the possibility of youjoining me this summer. I'm excited aboutthe prospect of learning and exploring withyou!Saturday, June 28Activities with Host FamilySunday, June 29Morning: Breakfast with Host FamilyAfternoon: Return to AccommodationsEvening: Free TimeMonday, June 30Morning: University VisitAfternoon: Independent Study TimeEvening: Free TimeTuesday, July 1Morning: Departure to KamakuraAfternoon: Walking Tour of KamakuraEvening: Return to TokyoWednesday, July 2Morning: Depart to Nikko Afternoon: Walking Tour of Nikko Evening: Overnight Stay in NikkoThursday, July 3Day: Edo Period Cultural Theme ParkEvening: Overnight Stay in NikkoFriday, July 4Morning: Return to TokyoAfternoon: Final ExamEvening: Tokyo Bay Cruise and FarewellDinnerSaturday, July 5Check-out. Return to Austin orindependent travelFACULTY LEADER MESSAGE PROGRAM ITINERARYEmi Schuster, M. Ed. & M.A.Adjunct ProfessorForeign

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Virtual One-on-One Advising Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pmVirtual Group Advising Sessions:Fridays9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pm Asynchronous Video Advising Sessions:Pre-recorded (available for current ACC students)Application deadline is February 6, 2025Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Critical Need Language Award Supplement($3,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship($5,000 maximum) Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships ($1,500 maximum) breakfast Public transportation cardTransportation to Nikko and KamakuraExcursions and entrance fees per itineraryCultural activities per itineraryWelcome and farewell dinnersInternational travel health insurance24/7 logistics support and emergencyassistanceJAPANEarn 4 credits in Japanese II (JAPN1412) while exploring Japan with yourACC classmates and Adjunct ProfessorEmi Schuster.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2025Class at ACC before departure: June 2 - June 18Program in Japan: June 21- July 5Summer 2025Japanese II18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2024Prerequisites: JAPN 1411 with at least a C A $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 27, 2025 via ACC Marketplace. Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program fee:Round-trip airfare from Austin to TokyoPublic transportation cardACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesPassport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)PROGRAM FEE - $2,700ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSOTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.1.Complete a video advising session startingSeptember 3, 2024. 2.Complete and submit an application.3.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. 4.Student participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.Acceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 14.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.Contact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.STEPS TO APPLYFINANCIAL AIDACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000) Tyler Center for Global Studies Study Abroad Fellowships,($2,500)Applications due February 13, 2025

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Virtual One-on-One Advising Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pmVirtual Group Advising Sessions:Fridays9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pm Asynchronous Video Advising Sessions:Pre-recorded (available for current ACC students)Application deadline is February 6, 2025Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Critical Need Language Award Supplement($3,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship($5,000 maximum) Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships ($1,500 maximum) breakfast Public transportation cardTransportation to Nikko and KamakuraExcursions and entrance fees per itineraryCultural activities per itineraryWelcome and farewell dinnersInternational travel health insurance24/7 logistics support and emergencyassistanceJAPANEarn 4 credits in Japanese II (JAPN1412) while exploring Japan with yourACC classmates and Adjunct ProfessorEmi Schuster.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2025Class at ACC before departure: June 2 - June 18Program in Japan: June 21- July 5Summer 2025Japanese II18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2024Prerequisites: JAPN 1411 with at least a C A $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 27, 2025 via ACC Marketplace. Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program fee:Round-trip airfare from Austin to TokyoPublic transportation cardACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesPassport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)PROGRAM FEE - $2,700ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSOTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.1.Complete a video advising session startingSeptember 3, 2024. 2.Complete and submit an application.3.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. 4.Student participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.Acceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 14.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.Contact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.STEPS TO APPLYFINANCIAL AIDACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000) Tyler Center for Global Studies Study Abroad Fellowships,($2,500)Applications due February 13, 2025