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January Newsletter

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A C I T Y W H E R E C H I L D R E N A N D Y O U T H C A N T H R I V EJanuary Issue Newsletter for Youth, Created by Youth!

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11121314151617181921345678910About the Office of Childand Youth SuccessCore ValuesNew Year, New Job?Topics I Wish MySchool coveredAfter High School,What’s next?A Guide to Saving foryour Child’s FutureHow are youOrganized This Year?Exercise at HomeMindful consumptionBest Books and MoviesMaking Service FunStay connectedCelebrating Dr. MartinLuther King Jr.Human Rights AwarenessEyes Open: Navigating theworld of Human TraffickingSan Diego: What Makes This City Unique?Entertainment & CultureIn San DiegoUpcoming Events in SanDiegoA Guide to Saving for yourChild’s Future (cont.)20SD LiveWell Youth TownHalls Table OfContentsContact Us

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Our MissionT H E O F F I C E O F C H I L D A N D Y O U T H S U C C E S S I SD E D I C A T E D T O P R I O R I T I Z I N G S A N D I E G O ’ SY O U N G E S T C O M M U N I T Y B Y P R O V I D I N G A C C E S S T OR E S O U R C E S , S E R V I C E S A N D H I G H - Q U A L I T YP R O G R A M S T O I M P R O V E S O C I A L , H E A L T H , A N DE D U C A T I O N A L O U T C O M E S .About UsT H E O F F I C E O F C H I L D & Y O U T H S U C C E S S W I L LS E R V E A S A N A V I G A T I O N A N D C O N N E C T I O N P O I N TF O R R E S I D E N T S S E E K I N G S U P P O R T I V E S E R V I C E SA N D P R O G R A M M I N G F O R Y O U T H A G E S 2 4 A N DB E L O W .JANUARYOur VisionT H R O U G H T R U S T , T R A N S P A R E N C Y , E Q U I T Y , A N DI N C L U S I O N , T H E C I T Y O F S A N D I E G O , O F F I C E O FC H I L D A N D Y O U T H S U C C E S S W I L L C O O R D I N A T E AN E T W O R K O F C O M M U N I T Y S T A K E H O L D E R S T H A TW I L L P R O V I D E A S H A R E D F R A M E W O R K T O D E L I V E RH I G H - I M P A C T S O L U T I O N S T O C H A L L E N G I N GC I R C U M S T A N C E S F O R Y O U N G P E O P L E E M P O W E R I N GT H E M T O T H R I V E I N T H E C O M M U N I T Y T H E Y S E R V E .1

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CORE VALUESWHAT ARE YOUR CORE VALUES?ALIGNING YOUR CORE VALUES WITH YOUR CAREERCore values are deeply personal root values andbeliefs which form the foundation of conduct thatan individual acts upon. Once defined, your corevalues serve as a compass; a useful tool you mayuse to determine the decisions you will make inlife. The more your daily decisions align to yourlife’s vision, the closer you are to constructing thereality you desire.Aligning your values to the values of a potentialemployer’s is important for both you and theemployer. Decisions are made, and goals are set andacted upon based upon core values. Within abusinesses organization, core values instill directionand bring upon a sense of achievement followed byaccomplishing goals, projects, missions, and fulfillingthe objective of the business organization. Corevalues represent the vision in which a business viewsthe world. It is vital to align your own core valueswith the values of your potential employer in pursuitof a fulfilling and purposeful career. Click Here to learn how to discover yourorganization’s core values.2“You have your way. I have my way.As for the right way, the correct way,and the only way, it does not exist.”— Friedrich NietzscheDiscover a career that aligns with YOURcore values! Check out Job Search &Career Pathway Resources at your localpublic library.

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Where can I findmore resume help?Make sure to include the resume basics: Contact info, professionalsummary, work experience, education, and skills. Emphasize youreducation and skills if you recently graduated or highlight yourprofessional experience if you're more established in your fieldalready. 1.Tailor your resume format to the specific job - for more creativedesign positions, your resume should be more stylisticallyappealing through colors and design whereas a professionalposition shouldn’t have such distractions. 2.Look over the job description and use action verbs that match whatthe employer is looking for. Most applications will have to pass ascreening system before it reaches a person, so to ensure yourapplication makes the cut use relevant keywords in your resume. 3.Regularly update your resume. If you acquire a new skill, record itimmediately to avoid forgetting it or having to remember all thatyou’ve done while at your current job when it comes time to applyfor a new one. 4.Copy and paste job descriptions. Instead, focus on youraccomplishments there and how you were able to make an impactin your work.1.Clutter your resume. Cut out irrelevant skills and professionalexperience to the job that you are applying for. The person who willbe reading your resume will want it to be quick, clean and easy toread in order to extract your most important qualifications for the jobposition. 2.Focus on yourself too much. In your professional summary, focuson how your experience can bring value to the company itselfversus simply relating your life story.3.Include a photo on your resume.4.NEW YEAR, NEWJOB?DO’s for Applying and Interviewing San Diego Workforce Your school’s career center CareerOneStopDEALING WITH REJECTIONKnow that it’s not just you - lots of people are facing thesame struggle 1.Maybe its just not meant to be - you may be at the wrongplace at the wrong time so keep your hopes up for the future2.Consider your approach - are the core jobs your applying foroutside of your qualifications? Can you improve yourinterviewing skills?3.Make adjustments - go back to your resume, LinkedIn, etc.4.Manage your expectations - in a difficult job market, rewardyourself for small victories like getting responses and know thatyou may not attain your dream position5.Keep a running list of your good qualities - this can helpfight the negative feedback loop 6.Positive mantras help - talk yourself into a success-orientedmindset7.Stay strong and tough - take care of yourself mentally,emotionally, physically and spiritually throughout the negativefeedback8. - Forbes3Don’ts for Applying and Interviewing

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TOPICS I WISH MY SCHOOL COVERED COOKING TAXES CAR MAINTENENCE FARMING AND GROWING CODING Learning culinary skills duringadolescence goes beyond the kitchen—it equips teens with practical lifeskills, promotes independence,creativity and lays the foundation for ahealthy eating practices. Kitchens forGood offers free education, weeklystipends, and transportation supportto participants in their culinaryapprenticeship program. Filing taxes for the first time canseem overwhelming. If you earn$60,000 or less, 211 offers freefiling assistance. All You’ll Need: Oil changes can be expensive. Teaching your teen the basics of Auto Maintenancelike oil changes and how to change a tire are essential.There are more than just books atthe libraries. Check out a Seedlibraries near you to get free seeds. The Legler Benbough Teen IDEALab is located inside the ValenciaPark/Malcolm X Branch Library.IDEA stands for innovation anddigital expression activity. Theyoffer advanced technology andtraining programs for teens ages 12to 18.The Wilderness Basics Course,conducted annually by the Sierra ClubSan Diego Chapter, is a thoroughprogram in hiking and backpacking. Overten weeks starting in January, studentsparticipate in Tuesday night lectures andapply their skills in various practicaloutings, including a Day Hike, Car Camp,Mountain/Desert Backpack, LandNavigation Backpack, and SnowBackpack for free. SUVIVAL SKILLS Photo IDIncome documents including anyW2s or 1099sBank account information for directdepositSchool tuition or student loaninterest statementsDates of health coverage for yourselfand any dependentsSocial Security Card or ITIN foryourself and any dependentsEngage in a diverse range of hands-onfarm lessons and filed trips, coveringtopics such as composting, farminsects, and the significance of soil atWild Willow Farm & Education Center. Free Course: Gardening 101: How to grow yourown food .Job Corps Automotive and Machine Repair program provides a well-roundededucational experience, combining technical training with support services, whileproviding housing, health care, and food. No Library card needed 4

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AfterAfterWhat’s Next?What’s Next?After high school, there arevarious paths you can take,and the choice depends onyour interests, goals, andcircumstances. Let’sexplore the differentoptions!HIGHER EDUCATION WORKFORCECollege or University: Consider pursuing adegree in a field that interests you.Research different colleges anduniversities, explore degree programs,and understand admission requirements.Community College: Community collegesoffer a more affordable option forcompleting general education requirementsor earning an associate degree beforetransferring to a four-year institution.Entry-Level Jobs: Consider entering theworkforce directly. Gain valuable workexperience and explore various industriesto discover your interests and strengths.Internships/Apprenticeships: Look forinternships or apprenticeship programsthat provide hands-on experience and theopportunity to learn on the job.VOCATIONAL orTRADE SCHOOLInstead of taking four yearsto get a degree, a vocationalschool will let you get itdone in two or less. Explorevocational or trade schoolsthat provide specifictraining for careers such aselectricians, plumbers,mechanics, cosmetologists,or medical technicians.MILITARY SERVICEIf you have an interest inserving your country,consider joining themilitary. It can providediscipline, training, andopportunities for personaland professional growth.U.S. military colleges aregenerally four-yearinstitutions and are a greatoption to consider.ENTREPRENEURSHIPGAP YEARTake a gap year to travel,work, volunteer, orexplore personalinterests before pursuingfurther education orentering the workforce. Consider what you enjoydoing and how you canturn those passions intoa fulfilling career. If you have a passion ora unique idea, exploreentrepreneurship.Consider starting a smallbusiness and learnvaluable skills throughhands-on experience. Attend networkingevents, join professionalorganizations, andconnect with mentors inyour field of interest.Networking can opendoors to opportunities.NETWORKINGDUAL ENROLLMENTPROGRAMExplore programs thatallow you to combinework or internships withpart-time collegeenrollment.CONTINUEDLEARNINGExplore online learningplatforms that offercourses andcertifications in varioussubjects. This can be aflexible way to acquirenew skills.FINANCIALPLANNINGLearn about budgeting,saving, and financialplanning. Understandingthese concepts early oncan set a solidfoundation for yourfinancial future.5

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Only requires a one time payment and bondsstart at as little as $25Bonds are backed in full faith by the USgovernment so you will receive your moneyregardless of the circumstances For EE bonds, you do not have to pay taxes onits earnings if used for higher educationpurposes. (For more information on how toqualify and report this on your taxes click here) What are the benefits?Putting aside $50 dollars a monthtowards savings can yield more than$11k at the end of 18 years with nointerest. Now imagine those savingswith growth!2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 204202,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,000How can I purchase one?There are two types of bonds - EE and Serial I EE bonds - have a fixed interest rate for the yearof purchase and are guaranteed to double by20 years but keeps earning interest for 30 years Series I - interest changes every 6 months toprotect against inflation, matures at 20 yearsA way for the government to loan moneyfrom you. By paying X amount of moneynow in a savings bond, the governmentagrees to return that money back to youwith interest over time. U.S. Savings Bonds Gerber Life InsuranceCollege Funds Choose your fixed payment amount andpolicy length (10-20 years) 1.Pay your premium to guarantee $10,000 -150,0000 by the time your policy reachesmaturity 2.What Is It?EE bonds are bought and managed electronicallythrough a TreauryDirect Account. You canpurchase one for any value $25 or above Series I bonds can be bought electronicallythrough TreasuryDirect or in paper. To purchase apaper bond, you must wait until the next taxperiod and select the option to purchase a bondwith your tax return. You can purchase anelectronic bond for any value $25 and above or apaper one for $50, $100, $200, $500, or $1,000How it Works...Simplifed What are the benefits?Policy and payments are not tied to the stock market -you will always have a secure way to grow your savings Flexible use of money after pay out – use it for collegeor other pathways your child choosesServes as adult life-insurance - if something happensto you before maturity, the full benefit amount will goto your beneficiaryAvailable to any adult whether your an aunt or uncle orfamily friend of a child6

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ScholarShare is a 529 saving plan which isa state sponsored tax-advantage savingsaccount designed to help families plan forthe cost of education.CalKIDSWhat Is It?ScholarShareTax-deferred growth - Any earningscan grow 100% tax-deferredTax-free qualified withdrawals whenused for qualified higher educationpurposes Low fees and expenses Smart and easy investment options Favorable financial aid treatment Use for a wide range of educationexpenses and programs both in andoutside of CaliforniaWho is eligbile for an account?Anyone with a valid SSN or taxpayeraccount number. This can be a familymember, a friend or even you! There is noage limit to opening an account.Coverdell EducationSavings Accounts (ESA)Enrollment is automatic with each participant receiving adeposit in a CalKIDS college savings account to help pay forfuture higher education and career training expenses.If parents or caregivers want to contribute they can easilyopen individual accounts through ScholarShare 529.Link a ScholarShare 529 account to your CalKIDS accountto see all your college savings in one place.CalKIDS savings can be used for qualified higher educationexpenses like tuition, books, computer equipment,supplies, and more at thousands of eligible schools acrossthe country and even some abroad.Another state-sponsored savingsplan that helps families get a headstart on saving for their child’s futureeducation and career pathway.What Is It... Simplified?What Is It?What are the benefits?What are the benefits?7To set up a Coverdell ESAcontact your financialprovider or click here toopen an account with ourpartners at Cal CoastCredit Union What are the benefits?Grows tax-free until withdrawn up to 30 years You can finance the account through virtuallyany method (stocks, bonds, mutual funds etc.)rather than set investment optionsCan be used for K-12 and higher educationfees beyond tuition and feesCan be transferred to other family members A trust or custodial account thatallows you to save and growyour money for educationalpurposes.

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ORGANIZED How are youMental Burnout Like adults, teenagers can also experience burnout. The pressures of school,high school drama, college application preparations, and the thought oftransitioning into adulthood can all contribute to overwhelming feelings ofexhaustion. Educating yourself on the differentkinds can be key to breaking the cycle. Social Burnout Sensory overloadFeeling detached duringinteractions with othersAvoidance of social eventsEmotional Burnout Emotional burnout happens when you feelemotionally drained for a long time due totoo much stress, overwhelming demands, orunresolved emotional issues.Feeling like a failureApathy and loss of motivationConstant self-doubtFeeling generally "stuck" in lifeAVOIDING BURNOUTWhen individuals experience prolonged or intense stress,it can lead to a state of mental exhaustion and burnout.External pressures such as demanding workloads,academic expectations, or personal responsibilities canmake individuals feel as if they lack control. This YEAR? Physical Burnout When trying to get organized you mayhave to collaborate and communicatewith a team. Incorporating breaks andpersonal time and communicatingpersonal needs is important. Physical exhaustion regardlessof sleepFrequent fatigueIncreased susceptibility todisease and sicknessMental exhaustionInability to focusConstant dissatisfaction with workFrequent headachesKEY SIGNS KEY SIGNS KEY SIGNS KEY SIGNS 8

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MOVE AT HOME ObstacleCourse Challenge youth in problemsolving skills by making an athome obstacle course. Make"lasers" by attaching streamersor tape to either side of hallwaywalls. If somebody touches thelaser, they must restart.VolleyballBalloon volleyball can be a funand simple game to play for allages and can be playedanywhere. Find an open area to play thegame so the players have roomto move around.Exercising promotes both mental andphysical health, yet it is all too easy in today'sculture to remain inactive. Remote work andstudy are instances of ease of living; attemptto incorporate fitness into your daily routine.How Much?What Types?At least one hour of good cardiocombined with mobility work. Choose workouts that raise yourheart rate. Lunges andweightlifting are great ways to getstarted with cardio. 9Time to Move Your Body

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MINDUL CONSUMPTIONMINDFULNESS MATTERSDID YOU KNOW?MEAL PREPARATIONFast food is easily accessible andconvenient within low-incomecommunities but that does not make it ahealthy or suitable choice when it comes to wellness. A diet with high volume innutrients is much more nourishing as itpromotes good brain health and guthealth, which is vital for the developingbrain and body. Meal preparation is a great alternative for healthy, convenient,and easily accessible meals within thevicinity of your own home! Click Herefor meal prep guidance and recipes. The growth of the fast food industryhas increased food consumption &calorie intake. Over the span of the last 20 years,the percentage of calories attributedto fast food consumption in the U.S.has risen from 3% to 12%. In the span of the last 30 years, U.S.spending on fast food has increasedfrom $6 Billion to $110 Billion.The relationship between fast foodand BIPOC is stronger in low-incomecommunities. Locate Local & BudgetFriendly Grocery Stores Grocery OutletAldiMINDFULNESSMindfulness is a cognitive skillemphasized on being in a state ofconsciousness and awareness. It is ofgreat importance to be mindful of all thatwe consume. It is vital to feed the Mind,Body, and Spirit with matter andsubstance that promotes one’s overallwellness, good health, and growth.ADVOCACYIt is your right to advocate for yourselfand your community. You may do so bytaking any problem, idea, or concernyou may have over your community tothe Youth Commission. Click Here totake the lead and advocate for thecollective wellness within yourcommunity. Your voice matters!10

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Free movie viewing isavailable at numerous SanDiego libraries. Check yourlocal library for dates andtimes by scanning the QRcode.Best Books & MoviesBest Books & Movies MoviesBooks Age 2-5Graphic novels and early chapterbooks.Books Age 10-13Preteen favor world of research, easybooks focus on teen issues. Books Age 6-9Interactive board books, rhyming read-aloud, and reading skills.These must-see classic films are sure to please the wholefamily, featuring everything from musicals and prince andprincess tales to animated animals, heroic adventures,and feel-good classics. 19th atMissionHills/Hillcrest3:30pm-5:30pmJan. 23rd atCollege-Rolando5:30pm-7:30pmFree Popcorn Provided11

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SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY AND HAVE FUN Still need community service hours to graduate? Orjust looking to give back? Find ways to volunteer inyour community that aligns with your own interestsand passions.Volunteer at a library - help yourlocal library run the programs andservices they provide thecommunity by volunteering toread to children for story time orbe an arts and crafts instructorMentor elementary students -Find a tutoring program to helpother students with theirhomework. See if your high schoolhas clubs that partner with nearbyelementary schools. If not, startone!Start a bake sale or lemonadestand to donate to a cause Find a soup kitchen to help servethe homeless or shelve goods atyour local food pantry Sign up to be a mentor to youngerstudents. Programs likeBigBrothersBigSisters helpconnect you to younger studentswho are looking for role models.All you have to do is spend timewith them and have fun!Volunteer with Habitat forHumanity to help build homes foryour community Donate your time to a localmuseum - gain work experience Coach a youth sports team at yourlocal YMCAClick on each iconto learn moreabout volunteer orserviceopportunities.12

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Stay Connectedbe helpfulELDERYCOMPANIONIntergenerational Programs providelearning opportunities, care and socialsupport for children and older people inthe same setting, at the same time. VOLUNTEEROPPORTUNITIESThere are plenty of ways for youth to stay involved in San Diego OCEAN CLEAN-UPKids Korps- youth volunteers'organization that engages youth, ages5- 18, in community service ProgramContact Brian Turk (858) The Surfrider Foundation San Diego All of the beach cleanups are open to thegeneral public and do not require anyregistration or orientation. They typically runon Saturdays from 9am-11am. Just arrive atthe blue Surfrider tent to sign our volunteerwaiver and grab supplies. If you are under 18years of age, please bring a parent/guardianor bring a signed waiver with you. At theevent they are able to sign off on any hour’ssheets you provide them for school, clubs,etc. I Love a Clean San Diego Cleanup events that are open to the publicthroughout the county year-round. Cleanupsare typically Saturday Mornings.They require a waiver signed by a parent orguardian if you are under 18. Joe’s VillageThe minimum age to volunteer is 10 yearsold. An adult must accompany any minorunder the age of 15. Volunteering is a greatway to teach children about service. beaches of San Diego play asignificant role in our culture. Taking partin beach or neighborhood cleanups is afantastic way to make a difference forthe environment.In San Diego, there are plenty of volunteeropportunities to consider. Volunteering isan excellent method to discover yourpassion while also giving back to thecommunity when you're trying to find it. Special Event: Join I Love A Clean San Diegoand The City of San Diego for a littercleanup! We will divert litter from ourwatersheds and keep it from traveling tothe Pacific Ocean. Jan 18, 2024 @ 9am-10am. Hollywood Canyon Park San Diego Children’s Discovery Musuem Volunteers must be 15 years of age orolder. Discover our world through science,art, and world cultures through the directthe efforts of our volunteers. America Youth opportunities in the DistributionCenter, reclamation, food sorting andlabeling, etc. Volunteers must be at least 6years or older. Children ages 6–16 requiresupervision by a parent or guardian. San Diego Humane Society Abundant youth opportunities for all ages tovolunteer at events or download packets ofenrichment activities to log and earn hoursfor school.

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Dr. Martin LutherDr. Martin LutherKing Jr. King Jr. CelebratingCelebratingHIS LEGACYDr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a visionary leader,civil rights activist, and Baptist minister whoplayed a pivotal role in the American civil rightsmovement during the 1950s and 1960s. Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy is of immenseimportance as he advocated for the principles ofequality, justice, and nonviolence. His iconic "IHave a Dream" speech, delivered during theMarch on Washington in 1963, remains a symbolof hope and a call for a nation free from racialdiscrimination. EVENTS HONORING MLKMartin Luther King Jr. Day provides an excellentopportunity to educate children about thesignificance of civil rights and equality. Engagechildren with these age-appropriate resources:“Martin’s BigWords”by DoreenRappaportEDUCATIONAL CONTENT FOR YOUTH“I Have a Dream”by Martin LutherKing Jr. (Adaptedby Kadir Nelson)Our Friend,Martin (1999)(animated filmfor children)Selma (2014)(for older children,addressing civilrights events)In addition to celebrating King’s legacy, this holidayhas also become a National Day of Service—encouraging Americans to volunteer and do good intheir communities. Here are all the ways tocelebrate MLK’s life and how your family can giveback to your community, right here in San Diego.- January 15, 2024 -- January 15, 2024 -42nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Sunday, Jan 14, 2024 2-5pmLocation: Waterfront Park (1600 Pacific Hwy)The 35th Annual Multicultural Martin Luther KingJR Day Celebration Monday, Jan 15, 2024 12-6pmLocation: Worldbeat Cultural Center (2100 Park Blvd)San Diego MLK 5K Walk / Fun RunSunday, Jan 14, 2024 9:30-11amLocation: Embarcadero Downtown San DiegoCost: $35-$40Looking for a way to volunteer with your kids? Visit AmeriCorps to learn more about how you cancreate your own event and encourage kids in yourcommunity to volunteer and be of service.MLK Day of ServiceHands On San Diego hosts countywide communityservice events14

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We are thrilled to introduce a powerful addition to our monthly newsletter – the Human Rights Awareness series! The Office of Child and Youth Successbelieves in fostering awareness and understanding of human rights issues that impact our community and beyond. This new series is dedicated toshedding light on crucial topics, sharing inspiring stories, and sparking meaningful conversations about the rights and dignity of every individual.The expression human rights is relatively new, having come into everyday parlance only since World War II when theUnited Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The UDHR was the first legaldocument to set out the fundamental human rights to be universally protected. To view UDHR’s 30 articles:What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?Human RightsHuman RightsAwarenessAwarenessTHE SERIESNEW!In each edition of the Human Rights Awareness series, we will delve into different aspects of human rights, exploring both the challengesand triumphs that shape our collective journey towards a more just and equitable world. This series aims to inform, engage, and empoweryou to be catalysts for positive change.What are human rights?Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to, simply by virtue ofbeing human. They are universal, inherent, and inalienable, meaning they cannot be taken away orsurrendered.Why are human rights important?The promotion and protection of human rights are essential for fostering justice, peace, and equality in societiesaround the world.How can individuals work to promote human rights?“The power to change the world iswithin the hands of today's youth.Each voice raised against injustice,every act of kindness, and the courageto stand up for human rights holds thepotential to transform communitiesand create a better future for all.”– Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani education activistand the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize WinnerBeing a human rights activist is not something that only experts can do. Anyone can advocate for the rights of those around them –including you! There are so many ways to promote human rights in your own community. All that is required is a desire for justice,compassion, and empathy for those around you, and the willingness to work for a cause!Educate yourself and othersAdvocate for changeSupport human rights organizationsPractice inclusivityParticipate in civic activitiesUse social media to raise awareness about human rights issuesSupport responsible businesses that prioritize human rights in their operationsand supply chainsStay informed about policiesExamples of tangible societal changes due to theestablishment of human rights include:Women’s RightsCivil Rights MovementsEnvironmental ActivismLGBTQIA+ RightsHow can YOU be an activist for human rights andcatalyst for change in your community?Click on these resources to learn more.United Nations Human Rights OfficeAmnesty InternationalAmerican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)Youth Advocates Program - CA Coalition for Youth15

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HUMANTRAFFICKING E Y E S O P E N : N A V I G A T I N G T H EW O R L D O F888-373-7888 (available 24/7)For immediate danger, call 911NATI O NAL H UMANTRAF F ICKI N G HOT L INEAwareness Month STEPS YOU CANTAKE TO START PROTECTING YOURSELF Be aware of your surroundings and bepresent where you are.Avoid decorating your car in a way thatreveals your gender. If someone in an elevator makes youuncomfortable, press their floor firstand let them exit before you. Keep the TV on when leaving the roomon vacation. Always have your keys ready whenwalking to your car. When entering a parking garage, checkif the car next to you is empty beforegetting out.Tips for Parents Place air tags in kids’ pockets beforeallowing to play outside.Be aware of your teen's online activities,including social media interactions.Know your child's social circle. Safety Tools Bracelet car window breakerPortable door lock Door stop alarm Drink cover scrunchie Portable car jump starter/ air compressor for tires January is recognized as HumanTrafficking Awareness Month, dedicatedto raising awareness about theprevalence, consequences, and effortsto combat human trafficking. It servesas an opportunity to educatecommunities, advocate for the rights ofvictims, and foster collective actionagainst this violation of human rights. Itis important for children, youth, andfamilies to be aware of the key aspectsof human trafficking to protectthemselves and their communities.Watch out forLarge vans with tinted windows parkednext to your car. Anything placed on your door handle 16

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S A N D I E G O San Diego is one of the most varied cities inthe country, allowing for the flourishing ofdifferent cultures. Many activities can besought out to enjoy as the weather seems tooalways be nice. Here's a rundown of whatmakes San Diego a great place to gosightseeing. S A N D I E G O H I S T O R YM U S U E M WHAT MAKES THIS CITYUNIQUE? Join us for a 30-minuteEmmy Award-winningdocumentary thathighlights the past, presentand future of Balboa Park,one of San Diego’s mostrecognized and belovedpublic landmarks.Screening daily at 10:15am,11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pmand 4pm.THE BEACHESSurfers flock to Black's Beach. Thoselooking to enjoy the neighboringnightlife will enjoy Pacific Beach'svibrant environment. There'ssomething for everyone at MissionBeach, Jan 3rd, join fellow San Diegansfor standup paddleboard yoga. If youhave a canine companion, check outOcean Beach, where there is a DogBeach. THE FOOD The city's abundance of fresh produceand relaxed vibes are enjoyed byseveral eateries. Station Tavern(2204 Fern St, San Diego, CA 92104)is spacious, kid and pet-friendlyenvironment, favorite of families. THE AMUSEMENT Thriving culture, especially in theGaslamp Quarter, Pacific Beach, andHillcrest. Seaport Village offers manyshops and eateries. Check out a realhaunted house in Old Town, theWhaley House.17

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ENTERTAINMENT &CULTURE IN SAN DIEGO The City of San Diego is home to some of the top museums in the nation, such as theMuseum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Timken Museum, Mingei International, andSan Diego Museum of Art. These facilities offer a variety of activities for young people.Being a diverse and culturally inspired city, young people have access to a wide rangeof experiences, including fairs, theatrical productions, and rallies. Here are a fewactivities to consider this month. youth - bright - freeFAIRWednesday Night Trivia Wed Jan 10, 2024, at 06:00 pm to 09:00pm at Quartyard 1301 Market Street,San Diego, United States MARKETFarmers Market is convening every Thursday in University and Normal Heights CONCERTSSan Diego Youth Symphony (The Thursday Club 1224 Santa Barbara St San Diego, CA 92107 UnitedStates, Jan 27th @ 11:00am)THEATHER San Diego Junior Theatre (January 12–21, 2024)Casa del Prado Theatre Tomas and the Library Lady-In this inspiring true story, Tomás, a Mexican-American boy and the son of migrant farm workers, meets a caring librarian who introduces him tothe wonderful world of books.18

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Residents Free Old Town TrolleyTours Old Town, SanDiego 1/3 - 1/14 from 9 a.m. to 3p.m. Residents Free At the SD Air &Space Museum SD Air & SpaceMuseum 1/9 @ 10 a.m. Trail Tykes: A Program for LittleExplorersMission TrailsRegional Park 1/14, 1/15, 1/28 &1/29 @ 10 a.m.North University Teen AdvisoryMeeting North UniversityCommunityBranch Library 1/22 @ 6 p.m.42nd Annual Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. Parade Embarcadero 1/24 @ 10 a.m.Here are some activities happening around San Diego that willkeep you and your family active and engaged in their community!U p c o m i n gEVENTS20