03080409060711TABLE OF CONTENTSNew Year EventsMind, Body and FinanceHarvest of Thanks- RECAPTax-Efficent Retirement PlanningFrom the Desk of Beezer20 Years of ExcellenceFind out what exciting events are taking place atFullerton in the new year.Make sure to RSVP for our very first Coffee Talk of thenew year!See some of our favorite highlights from our 9th AnnualHarvest of Thanks.Helpful tips on how to be tax-efficient in your retirementplanning.Beezer, our office pup, is here to fill you in on somenews and information happening at Fullerton.Help us honor and reflect on this significant milestone inthis new year.Contact Us + Helpful ResourcesWe are here to support you. Find ways to contact us,and the helpful resources we offer.
For Questions or to Register email:clientevents@fullertonfp.comWe want to honor you and your incredible milestone with a special night ofcelebration alongside your friends and family! If you retired in 2024, let us know sowe can include you in this memorable event dedicated to recognizing yourachievements. Email us at to ensure you’re part of thisunforgettable evening.Did you retire in 2024?! UPCOMING EVENTSFIND OUT WHAT'S GOING ON AT FULLERTONJanuary 22ndJanuary 29thFebruary 19thMarch 19th10 AM- 11:30 AM5:30 PM- 7 PM10 AM- 11 AM10 AM- 11 AMCOFFEE TALK: MIND, BODY & FINANCECOFFEE TALK: UNDERSTANDING TAXCHANGESCOFFEE TALK: FINANCIAL LITERACYJoin us as we kick off 2025 by exploring how financial planningcan not only strengthen your financial health but also improveyour overall well-being. Learn how to align your personal valueswith your financial goals to start the new year with a positive,balanced mindset.Join us for an informative session on the latest tax updates andlearn how these changes can impact your financial planning andretirement strategy. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure yourfinancial plans are tax-efficient.Join us to break down complex financial topics in a simple,understandable way. Whether you're looking to boost yourfinancial knowledge or make smarter decisions with your money,this session will provide you with valuable insights and tips forachieving your financial goals.RETIREMENT DINNERWe want to celebrate your incredible retirement milestone with aspecial evening surrounded by your friends and family! If you retiredin 2024, we’d love to honor your achievements and commemorateyour journey. Reach out to us at tomake sure you’re included in this unforgettable event.
We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your incrediblesupport at this year’s 9th Annual Harvest of Thanks!Thanks to you, our wonderful clients, friends, andfamilies, the event was a tremendous success. With your generosity, we’re well on our way to reachingour goal of 100 bikes and 1,000 toys. Your donationsmean the world to us, and we are deeply honored by thetrust you’ve placed in us to make an impact. A COMMUNITY OF GENEROSITY & GRATITUDEAT A GLANCE1500 Participants86 Bikes Donated342 Toys Contributed$21,105 Cash Donations $34,651.46 Total DonationsHARVEST OF THANKS RECAPCHECK OUT OUR 2024 9TH ANNUALBecause of you, lives will be changed right here in ourcommunity. You are helping us bring joy and hope tochildren and families throughout the Valley, and for that,we cannot thank you enough. We are truly grateful for your kindness and for makingthis event so special. Here’s to continuing to make adifference—together!
Woof woof and Happy New Year, friends! I hope everyone had a pawsome holiday season filled with joy, laughter, and maybe even a few treats underthe tree (I know I got my fair share)! As we welcome 2025, I wanted to take a moment to share some excitingupdates and reflect on how far we’ve come together.Can you believe it? This year marks 20 years of excellence for Fullerton Financial Planning! My human mom,Stephanie, and my grandma, JoJo, started this business with little more than a vision, determination, and thetrunk of their car to carry them through. They worked so hard to help families just like yours, and now here weare—two decades later—continuing to grow and thrive. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this amazing legacy(even if my main job is wagging tails and bringing smiles).But enough about the past—let’s talk about the future! We’ve got so many exciting things planned for 2025,and I can’t wait for you to be part of it all. Here are just a few highlights: Retirement Party: This spring, we’ll be throwing a special celebration to honor everyone who retired in2024. If you or someone you know made the leap into retirement last year, keep an eye out for details—it’sgoing to be a howlin’ good time! Coffee Talk Series: We’re kicking off our brand-new Coffee Talk series with a session called “Mind,Body, and Finance.” It’s all about finding balance and nurturing every part of your well-being, includingyour finances. Trust me, this is one conversation you won’t want to miss!That’s not all—we’ve got even more events and surprises in storefor you throughout the year. Make sure to check your inboxregularly so you can stay in the loop. Or for more information.Speaking of exciting news, have you heard that we now offer TaxServices? That’s right! Through Fullerton Tax Services, we can nowhelp you simplify your taxes and make sure everything is doneright. If you’d like more information or are ready to get started, letus know—we’re here to help make tax season stress-free (andmaybe even a little enjoyable, if you’ve got a coffee in paw).Thank you for being part of the Fullerton family and for trusting usto help you achieve your financial goals. Here’s to a wonderfulyear ahead, filled with success, happiness, and maybe even a fewbelly rubs for good luck.P.S. I’m including a picture of my sister Pip—she’s been cruisingaround the office too! Make sure to say hi to her when you see her;she’s starting to get a little jealous of all the attention I’m getting.Warm wags and happy planning, BeezerThe Office Pup of Fullerton Financial PlanningFROM THE DESK OF BEEZERNEWS + IMPORTANT INFORMATION
CELEBRATING 20 YEARSEXCITING NEWSThis January, we proudly celebrate 20 incredible years of Fullerton Financial Planning. What beganas a small operation—just Stephanie Fullerton and her mom, working out of the trunk of her car—hasflourished into a thriving company with three offices, offering comprehensive services like estateplanning, tax strategies, and so much more.Through dedication, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to our clients, we’ve built a legacyof trust and financial success. This milestone honors our journey, celebrates our growth, andrecognizes the incredible clients who have made it all possible.Throughout the year, we’ll be sharing inspiring success stories, hosting exclusive events, andunveiling new ways to serve you even better. This is not just our celebration—it’s yours too.Together, we’ll continue building a brighter financial future.We’re deeply grateful for your trust and loyalty over the years and are excited to announce newinitiatives and programs to enhance your financial journey. From educational seminars andworkshops to insightful resources, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools youneed to make confident decisions for a secure and prosperous future.Thank you for being a valued part of the Fullerton Financial Planning family. Here’s to the next 20years of shared success and exciting possibilities!We’d love to hear how Fullerton has made a difference in your life over the past 20 years! Share your funand inspiring stories with us at info@fullertonfp.comGrowing From Humble Beginnings to 20 Years of Excellence
TIPS TO CONQUERING THE NEW YEAR: MIND, BODY AND FINANCEKick off the New Year by focusing on improving your mind, body, and finances! This Coffee Talk session offersa holistic approach to starting the year strong, emphasizing financial planning alongside mental, physical, andemotional well-being. Join us for an engaging and informative discussion in a relaxed, welcomingenvironment, complete with coffee and light refreshments. Let’s set the stage for a healthier, wealthier, andmore balanced year ahead!WHAT WILL BE COVERED:RSVP FOR THE COFFEE TALKA LOOK AT THE JANUARY 22ND EVENTRegister today by scanning the QR code or visitng January 22, 2025 | Time: 10 am | Location: Peoria Office Financial WellnessPractical tips and strategies for strengthening your financial foundation in the New Year.Mind and Body HealthIInsights into maintaining mental clarity, reducing stress, and improving physical well-being.Holistic Planning for the FutureHow to align your goals for mind, body, and finances to create a balanced and fulfilling life.
Determining a baseline for retirement savings in the United States is difficult due in large part to the nation’s diversity. Ahost of variables, from age and lifestyle to cost of living and income, can influence what constitutes adequate savings.The median retirement savings for all Americans was $86,900 according to the Federal Reserve’s 2022 Survey ofConsumer Finances. The average balances of retirement savings varied significantly across different age groups, withthose under 35 having an average balance of only $49,130 and those 75 and older having an average balance of$462,410. Retirement savings balances don’t dictate annual tax burden; that is determined by taxable income, which may come froma variety of different sources. Social Security benefits, traditional IRA and 401(k) withdrawals, pension income, capital gainsand dividends from investments and other income streams are all taxable, even in retirement.There is always uncertainty in retirement, even for investors with several hundred thousand dollars saved. HealthyAmericans in their 70s could live for two or even three more decades. What might have seemed like a lot of money at theoutset of retirement could prove inadequate.Strategies that minimize a retiree’s tax burden can be valuable in the long run and may help savers keep more of theirsavings intact.w w w . f u l l e r t o n f p . c o mF u l l e r t o n F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n gTAX-EFFICIENTRETIREMENTPLANNINGNEW BLOGHOW INCOME AFFECTS A RETIREE’S TAX BURDENRetirement savings tax strategies can be heavily influenced by a person’s income during their career and thesources of their income in retirement. A tax-efficient strategy for someone making less than the Roth IRA income limitthroughout their working years and a tax-efficient approach for an above-average earner may look very different.For higher-income savers, maximizing traditional 401(k) or IRA contributions can be beneficial, even thoughwithdrawals from the account in retirement will be taxed as normal income.
EVERY RETIREE’S SITUATION IS DIFFERENTThere are many potential tax strategies workers saving for retirement and current retirees may utilize. Thestrategies that provide the greatest long-term tax advantages depend highly on each person’s orhousehold’s unique situation. If you are interested in receiving personalized analysis from local Phoenixretirement planning professionals, speak with one of our planners today by calling (623) 974-0300.Some workers might also want to look into establishing a backdoor IRA, which entails creating a traditional IRA withafter-tax dollars then converting it to a Roth IRA. Although there can be significant tax advantages in a backdoor IRA,retirement savers should be cautious. Any gains in the traditional IRA are taxable in the year of the transfer ortransition to a Roth IRA. Workers who do qualify for a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) may want to consider using a Roth IRA from the start, or for aslong as they can prior to reaching the AGI limit. Savers early in their work life who believe they will earn a higherincome once they retire could experience greater tax savings by taking advantage of tax-free Roth IRA or Roth 401(k)withdrawals in the future.Higher-income workers who don’t qualify for Roth retirement savings accounts can still strategically invest in assetsthat generate capital gains rather than regular income. The taxes on long-term capital gains and qualified dividendscan be significantly lower than ordinary income tax in retirement.The same is true for lower-income individuals. Many savers may even qualify for the lower long-term capital gainsrate of either zero percent or 15 percent.For individuals who have a lower tax rate in retirement as well as Roth accounts with tax-free growth andwithdrawals, it often makes sense to adopt a staggered withdrawal strategy. This may mean drawing from taxableaccounts first, followed by tax-deferred accounts. This approach allows the investments in Roth accounts to growtax-free for as long as possible.Higher-income individuals often benefit from discussing their required minimum distribution timing with a taxprofessional and retirement investment manager. They may also want to consider utilizing qualified charitablecontributions directly from their IRAs to further reduce taxable income.Retirees with high income from different sources may want to pursue capital gains harvesting during lower-incometax years. This involves selling appreciated assets during years when they’re in a lower tax bracket, which locks inthe taxable capital gains at the lower rate, then repurchasing them.Savers should discuss their options with a tax preparer to find out if they qualify for tax loss harvesting, tax credits ordeductions.LOCATION OF ASSETSTHE BUCKET STRATEGYCAPITAL GAINS HARVESTING
LOOK AT OUR FREE RISKANALYSIS TOOLHELPFUL RESOURCESHERE TO HELP YOUPORTFOLIO RISK ANALYSISFIND YOUR RISK SCOREWhitepapers Find helpfulinvestment, retirement,and financial planningdocuments made to helpyou succeed.Read the latest financialnews and updates fromthe Fullerton Financialteam. Blogs are updatedon a biweekly basis.Join us for one of ourwebinars or seminars. We'llbe discussing importantmarket trends andretirement action-steps. Does your portfolio have toomuch risk? Or not enough?Knowing your risk score can helpyou make appropriateinvestment choices.Find out your risk score with ourRiskalyze tool!We believe that one of the most valuable things in the world is our ability to grow and learn.Knowledge is one thing that no one can take away from you, so as you continue to navigatethe unknowns of retirement, spend some time educating yourself on topics that can provideyou clarity.WHITEPAPERS BLOGS MEDIAScan the QR Code togo directly to theresource library onour site.
CONTACT USWE’D LOVE TO CONNECT WITH YOULET'S GET SOCIAL!F A C E B O O W I T T E N S T A G R A O U T U B Eyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton Financial PlanningL I N K E D I N. 83rd Ave.Suite 144Peoria, AZ 85381(623) 974-0300Peoria TempeScottsdale600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Suite 102Tempe, AZ 85281(480) 912-450018655 North Claret DriveSuite 105Scottsdale, AZ 85255(480) 912-4500Fax: (623) 974-0330 · Email: Fullerton Financial Planning is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply any level of skillor training. For more information please visit: This presentation has been provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal orinvestment advice or a recommendation of any particular security or strategy. The investment strategy and themes discussed may be suitable for everyone, it depends on eachperson’s specific investment objectives and financial situation. Information obtained from third-party sources is believed to be reliable though its accuracy is not guaranteed.Opinions expressed in this commentary may reflect subjective judgments of the author based on conditions at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.Past performance is not indicative of future results.