January 8 2021 LOYALTY In this week s Parsha we encounter an incident involving Moshe and and The psukim state Doson and Aviram respond to Moshe s rebuke by saying who appointed you an officer and judge over us Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian Moshe is frightened and declares that surely the matter is known Rashi explains this cryptic phrase with two explanations The basic understanding of this phrase is that Moshe was fearful since Doson s and Aviram s statement publicized Moshe s act of killing the Mitzri In his second explanation Rashi quotes a midrash At last the matter is known the matter why the people have not been worthy of redemption because there are evil informers among them The Medrash is very puzzling At the lowest point of their bondage had sunk to the 49th level of spiritual defilement They were a step away from spiritual disaster Yet Moshe did not view their nearly complete moral corruption as an insurmountable obstacle to redemption But when he discovered informers it became clear to him that this was the impediment Why Rav Mattisyahu Solomon shlit a writes that the crux of our relationship with Hashem is Emunah It isn t merely belief in Hashem s existence but absolute trust in Him Absolute trust in the truth and trustworthiness of His word This is the core of the bris between Hashem and Klal Yisrael In order for someone to trust in Hashem and have faith in Him a person must personally be faithful loyal reliable firm and honest Without we cannot have faith This is the meaning of As long as we betray each other and are not faithful to one another Hashem will not redeem us from our personal and communal Mitzrayim We know from our daily tefillah that Hashem chose Avraham because 4 11 PM Monday January 18 Teacher Professional Development Day no classes for students Klal Yisrael could be on the and be redeemed But as long as they weren t they could not merit it We live in world of social media With a flick of a finger we can build or destroy At the heart of Loshon Hara is the betrayal of another Jew Let us take this message of Chazal to heart and internalize that loyalty to each other is a pre requisite for Rabbi Ochs Mazel tov to kitah beis girls They celebrated their completion of Parshas Noach with a Siyum The siyum included designing teivos from mabul marble cakes Enjoy the pictures of the amazing results They enjoyed Divrei Torah rainbow cookies a special mazel tov cake and games Thank you Mrs Fontek A bagel brunch was the choice of the girls in grade 4 for their siyum of Parshas Vayigash The girls performed skits connected to Middos learned from Yosef HaTzaddik in the Parsha and several girls shared Divrei Torah Thank you Mrs Hedvat for picking up the bagels and Mrs Feldman for making a salad Thank you Mrs Sternfield Mazel tov to 6B on all of the boys in the class participating in Shnayim Mikrah They celebrated with a yummy cholent celebration Thank you Rabbi Nulman for inspiring the class to join in the learning This week began a new six week art program for grades five six seven and eight girls It is taught by artist Tova Speter The first session focused on color In 4B the boys are learning how to bucket fillers After reading the book Did you Fill a Bucket Today each day they write a note to each classmate our teacher and Rabbi Frohlich about something positive we saw in them that day They also created their own fraction kits for their hands on math learning
Bulletin Board MASK REMINDER During the school day many students need to replace their masks when the masks become damp after physical activities Please make sure your child ren has a bag containing an extra mask in his her backpack each day CONDOLENCES TO Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz and Family on the passing of his mother Mrs Sholamis Rabinowitz a h MAZEL TOV TO Sarah Bracha 14 Beker on her marriage to Moshe Shapiro and to parents Rabbi Yaakov Mrs Leah Beker Amichai 10 Polyak on his engagement to Michal Pendrak and to parents Mr Gavi Mrs Pazit Polyak Nessanel Esty Administrative Assistant Luria on the birth of their daughter Avrohom Aliza 10 Exler Shugarman on the birth of their son and to parents Mr Bruce Mrs Rachel PreK2 Exler SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayechi 4B 5B 7B 8B Natanel Atar Ezra Klompas Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Moshe Beilin Moshe Bark Uri Knisbacher Aaron Sanieoff Yoni Faintuch Eli Benmergui Aron Luria Shlomo Rosmarin Yisrael Feldman Elchanon Frohlich 6B Yaakov Fontek Yosef Hoffman Mordy Bier Uri Katz Shua Kashnow Eli Feuerstein Moishe Leff Gavi Rosenberg Ephraim Kashnow Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Eliyahu Yousheei Asher Katz Mendel Meyers Shmuel Loketch Dov Posy Naftoli Ochs Binyomin Septimus Tzvi Posy Avromi Shimanovich Tuvia Schonberg Noam Youshaei
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 4B display their buckets And prepare their fraction kits for math Pharoh Sebbag visits first grade boys as part of their 6B enjoy their delicious cholent After reading Freight Train grade one boys drew illustrations of their own learning about this week s parsha
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 4G STEM project Building catapults Bagel brunch in grade 4G Second grade girls create compound words PreK2 learning During I week PreK1 enjoying instruments and building the letter I Girls in grades 5 8 create color wheels as part of their class with artist Tova Spector