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January 21

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STRIVE HIGHER 4:26 PM January 21, 2022 י‘‘פשת טבש ט‘ב ורתי תשרפ Sunday, January 30 – 5B Hascholas Gemara Wed, February 2 – הטימש Fair - for women only, at 10:00 am Tuesday, Feb 15 – STEM Fair Dear Parents, The possuk in Parshas Yisro states: ךל השעת אל ץראה לעו לעממ םימשב רשא ׳וכו הנומת לכו לספתחתמ. Do not make an image for yourself that is in the heavens above and on the earth below. The simple understanding of this possuk is that it is forbidden to construct an הרז הדובעfrom something in the heavens or on the earth. Rav Yosef Nechemia Kornitzer, ל״צז, the last official Rav of Krakow before WWII, explained the possuk through a drash: השעת אלהנומת לכו לספ ךל. Don’t make yourself an image or picture. Don’t copy others and try to be them. Don’t stagnate in your ׳ה תדובע, rather לעממ םימשב רשא look upwards at those who are greater than you in תוינחור, be inspired by their achievements and gain motivation for similar growth. However, in physical attainments, תחתמ ץראה לעו, notice those who have less you and be grateful for what you possess. This is a recipe for success. The ונרפס in Parshas Re’eh brings a similar principle. :הללקו הכרב םויה םכינפל ןתונ יכנא האר I have placed blessing and curse before you. Seforno notes that there is no middle ground for the Yidden. We are not like the םלועה תומואwho are often content with mediocrity. The Torah is teaching us that if we don’t actively choose to do mitzovs and earn Hashem’s blessing, we will automatically be in the category of הללק. This is also represented by the ramp that leads up to the Mizbeiach. The possuk states: יחבזמ לע תולעמב הלעת אל. Do not use steps to ascend the Mizbeiach. A ramp must be used. The Meforshim explain that it is possible for an object placed on a step to rest there, while an object placed on a ramp will roll down. The Mizbeiach, which symbolizes Avodah, is teaching us that the key to growth is to constantly ascend upwards, because otherwise one descends. This message is especially poignant today when we have so many external stimuli pulling us towards mediocrity. Mediocrity doesn’t work. We must constantly strive higher. ! תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs Monday's Professional Development was an inspiring and informative day for Torah Academy Faculty. The first part of the morning was dedicated to professional development by division. The preschool learned with Morah Chaya Shapiro, an acclaimed preschool teacher and presenter on the topic of "Seeing your Students in 3D." Teachers in the girls’ division (grades 1-8), focused on social inclusion in the classroom. Teachers explored the ways in which students view themselves and how they can increase the sense of community and shared responsibility. In the boys’ division, Rebbeim, Teachers and Support Staff for grades 1-4 were led by Mrs. Chana Wallach. The professional development focused on increasing choice in the classroom both as a means of differentiation, and increasing student engagement. Rebbeim and Teachers in grades 5-8 discussed behavior challenges, and strategies to address them. The whole faculty reconvened at 10:45 AM for a beautiful brunch and inspirational speech by Rabbi Nate Segal. Rabbi Segal spoke about the challenging work that teachers do and the impact they have on children, often in ways that they'll never know. Children, during these years of intense growth, cling to "rocks" for safety and support. As teachers, we are the rocks for many children and must view our work through the lens of not just educators, but of so much more. Thank you Rabbi Ochs, Mr. Tarlin, Mrs. Moskovitz, Mrs. Feldman, Mrs. Wallach, and Mrs. Kaplinsky for preparing a special opportunity for faculty professional development. Mazel Tov to 6B on finishing Parshas Vayikrah. They will celebrate with a siyum next week. Thank you Rabbi Nulman. Mazel Tov to 5G on completing Parshas Yisro. They will celebrate with a siyum next week. Thank you Miss Ostashinsky. Continued on page 2

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Bulletin Board continued DAY OF LEARNING 18 Shevat - sponsored by the Shanske and Rosenfeld Families as a zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah for Esther Tehilla bas Arielle Tziporah. Boys in grades six through eight have once again begun the Masmid Govoha program from Yated Neeman. The program includes great incentives for boys to learn in the evenings after school. Rewards include cash, prizes, and a "Siyum" at the end. 5B had a pizza party celebrating their successful book project. 5B students were also very busy sorting and packing supplies for the new STEM labs in both buildings. They also enjoyed celebrating the birthday of one of their peers. Thank you Mr. Carey for all your efforts. In honor of finishing their unit on long vowel A, 1G ate a cake. PreK-1 visited Zichron Shoshana Library during L week. Mrs. Berzansky gave them a special treat - a lollipop - because it begins with the letter L. 1B learned how to make paper snowflakes. 3B students visited 1B for some computer time together. 4G is working through the steps of the scientific method to test their hypothesis and graph the results of their data in preparation for the STEM Fair. PreK-2 made Har Sinai cupcakes in honor of Matan Torah in this week’s parsha. PreK-1 has been so busy. They practiced writing their names in Hebrew and English. They also learned about Matan Torah from inside of an actual Sefer Shemos and made their own model of Har Sinai out of their toys. PreK-1 made thunder and lighting, and blew a loud shofar! They built a gate around their Har Sinai, put flowers on it, and then all the kinderlach stood around to accept the Torah. 4G made dioramas related to their study of Sefer Yehoshua. They also enjoyed making trees from real fruit for Tu B’Shevat. K2 has been practicing writing their names. 1-8G are busy preparing their displays, skits, and musical performances for the הטימש Fair on Rosh Chodesh Adar I. 8G has begun a course on understanding technology with Mrs. Michelle Silverman . MAZEL TOV TO Eli & Naava (‘17) (Wasserman) Hyman on their recent marriage and to parents, Drs. Noam (Past Chairman of the Board) & Chana Wasserman. Michael & Michal(’03) (Hamaoui) Ovadia on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents, Rabbi Aaron & Mrs. Ruti Hamaoui. Shaul (‘97 ) & Leah Hamaoui on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents, Rabbi Aaron & Mrs. Ruti Hamaoui. Miss Chava Gittel Yudkowsky (3G Kodesh, 1G General Studies) & Miss Adena Malka Yudkowsky (PreK2, Girls Support) on the birth of their first nephew.

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshah Beshalach 4B Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Yitzy Fine Avrohom Halpern Levi Horowitz Moshe Segal 5B Natanel Atar Moshe Bark Eli Benmergui Aryeh Block Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow Eliyahu Youshei Gavriel Zazula 6B Dovid Menachem Feldman David Kamoun Ezra Klompas Aron Dovid Luria Moshe Aryeh Riesel Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Mendel Zaklos 7B Mordy Bier Eliezer Moshe Feuerstein Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Yosef Schonberg Yonatan Zazula 8B Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Eliyahu Meyers Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff Yehuda Wolf

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