LEFE LIFE January 2022 A Waterlefe Monthly Newsletter
COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT As I sit down to write my final Lefe Life opening I am asking myself where the time went Ten years went by in a flash I have truly loved my time with you Waterlefe You are a community of amazing people and it has been my pleasure to serve and get to know so many of you We have labored and celebrated decorated and created together We also held each other up through trying times laughing and sometimes crying together and I will be forever grateful I leave you in the very capable hands of your MPOA and CDD Boards and Management Teams a dedicated group of which it has been my honor to be a part The best is yet to come and I look forward to witnessing Waterlefe s continued success as the premier golf and boating community in Southwest Florida This month s features not to be missed include the feel good WAG Check Presentation on page 21 the MPOA and CDD Committee Updates on pages 4 30 and the In the Spotlight couple Rose and Ted Schulte on pages 36 37 Timely information on the Amending 18 Effort is provided by Covenant Team member Bruce Ambrose on pages 12 13 His Op ed piece was born from fielding questions from neighbors and provides a thorough and thoughtful perspective on this very important initiative I ask you to please read it even if you read nothing else the future direction of Waterlefe rests in the balance The MPOA Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday January 25th 2022 right here in your River Club we hope to see you there You should have received your 2nd official meeting notice with your proxy ballot and accompanying information by now if not please contact Association Management and we will provide copies A recurring question we are receiving regards the new online voting option per our governing documents each unit home has one voting certificate holder Therefore only the voting certificate holder of record has received emails from BeckerBallot for registration and voting online If you have questions about this or anything at all please feel free to give the Association Management Office a call at 941 747 6898 Happy New Year Waterlefe I hope everyone is excited as I am for the new year Much like you I have fond memories of 2021 but enjoy the anticipation of what is yet to come In 2022 the Golf Club will have many events this includes the return of one of our larger events the Men s Member Guest After the new year the Golf Club will also be opening the outdoor patio area for lunch daily and extending cocktail hours by the firepit a couple of nights a week Be sure to keep an eye out for more information and please remember that you don t have to play golf to enjoy the Grille Room and new outdoor patio Lastly I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jen Milne for being a colleague and friend over the years I will miss working with Jen and wish her nothing but the best with her retirement Steve Dietz CDD General Manager Finally thank you to the many of you that reached out to commend our December issue We are gratified that you found it informative and entertaining It is our mission to provide value in each and every publication and your feedback is appreciated Jen Milne MPOA General Manager COO 2 Lefe Life January 2022 Community Management 3
FINANCE REPORT MPOA Updates 2021 was a challenging year for the budget and controlling costs but thanks to Waterlefe s Board and management team we will enter 2022 with a budget surplus The Board will make a decision on how to use the surplus from 2021 Some of the suggestions on the table are to fund additional dollars into our reserve accounts keep the cash in our operating account for any unforeseen expenses that may come up in 2022 or pay down some of the debt on our two loans The latter is not the most viable option since our loans will be paid off in early 2024 and this option will not make a noticeable difference in the interest at this point in the loan The most viable option at this point is to fund additional dollars into the reserve accounts and keep the rest in the operating account to keep our cash flow healthy If you are interested in our monthly reviews for the Master Association you are more than welcome to attend the Finance Committee meeting held on the third Tuesday of each month 10AM at the River Club If you have any specific questions on the budget or financials you can call the Finance Office and ask for Bob Davis 941 747 6898 Bob Davis Comptroller CFO 4 Lefe Life January 2022 MPOA Updates 5
CAM REPORT We encourage everyone to make their vote count voting participation is encouraged whether it be a yes or no vote You can further read why a Yes vote is recommended on pages 12 13 We have already seen a huge response to this year s Amendment 18 vote 96 Votes in the first 48 hours alone This means 20 of Voters have already voted The Watch has seen the most voting participation thus far followed by Winding Stream Way and The Watch II Great job Some streets have not had any vote participation yet If you happen to live on one of these streets or have friends on these streets we ask that you reach out and encourage them to get out and Vote Stay tuned to see which street is winning the race in our weekly email updates The Watch 11 Votes Winding Stream Way 11 Votes The Watch II 10 Votes Foggy Morn Lane 10 Votes Portside Terrace 10 Votes Discovery Terrace 9 Votes Restoration Terrace 6 Votes Fish Hook Cove 5 Votes Sand Crane Court 4 Votes Riverbank Terrace 3 Votes Big Bass Place 3 Votes Misty Pond Court 3 Votes Turning Leaf Terrace 3 Votes Whooping Crane Court 2 Votes Maritime Court 2 Votes Day Lily Court 2 Votes Mossy Branch Lane 1 Votes Rainbow Court 0 Votes Conch Shell Terrace 0 Votes Field Brook Court 0 Votes MPOA BOARD MEETING DECEMBER SUMMARY The MPOA Board of Directors Meeting was held on Wednesday December 15th at 2 PM The Directors Management Staff and a group of homeowners met in person while the remainder of the community were welcomed via our Live Stream platform on YouTube Your MPOA Board of Directors encourages you to participate in the monthly meetings In person attendance is now open seat reservations are not required Live Stream participation is available to all no matter your location The link is included in the email meeting reminders each month If you are unable to attend by either means you are always welcome to submit a homeowner comment in advance by emailing mpoa waterlefefl com Motions The Board approved the motion to eliminate Policy Statement 17 18 Canal Boat Lift Violation Process Motion passed 5 0 Design Review There are 9 approved applications for residential change pending completion Sub Associations Update The Shores Annual Meeting scheduled for Tuesday February 1 2022 at 5 PM The Sound Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday February 10 2022 at 10 AM The Watch Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday February 10 2022 at 2 PM The Watch II Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday March 10 2022 at 5 PM If you need assistance setting up your Becker Ballot online voting account please do not hesitate to reach out to me I am happy to help you get activated Jackie Hannan LCAM Community Manager 6 Lefe Life January 2022 MPOA Updates 7
COMMITTEE UPDATES ANNUAL MEETING Below are the updates for the Waterlefe MPOA committees that were shared at the December Board of Directors meeting Our Annual Meeting will be at our very own River Club this year on Tuesday January 25th 2022 at 6 pm The Annual Meeting of the Association will be held for the purpose of electing directors and such other business DECEMBER SUMMARY DRB The DRB did not meet in December but they will meet on January 18 2022 The DRB has 12 new paint colors they hope to approve at their January meeting At the December Board Meeting the MPOA Board of Directors approved the use of synthetic barrel roof tiles as a secondary roof tile option for use in Waterlefe Activities Committee The next activity hosted at the River Club will be the Divas Through the Decades event held on Saturday January 15th The MPOA has three of its five Board Member positions open for re election Jodi Carroll Jeff Brand and Dyana Eborn Young Each position carries a two year term To view the official Second Notice of Annual Meeting Click Here Capital Projects The Capital Projects Committee recommends a transition to meeting as ad hoc and recommends that any projects selected to take place in 2022 require no shut down of the River Club To view the official Proxy Form Click Here Covenant Team The Covenant team met twice to prepare for the Town Hall and coffee talk events on December 6th and January 6th at 10am To view Jeff Brand s Candidate Information Sheet Click Here Finance Committee The Finance Committee did not meet in December River Club Committee There was no River Club Committee meeting in December The River Club now has two new staff members Bartender Doug and Server Mike To view the official Ballot Click Here To view Jodi Carroll s Candidate Information Sheet Click Here To view Dyana Eborn Young s Candidate Information Sheet Click Here Strategic Planning The Strategic Planning Committee met in December to update their mission and action plan Some new members have been added to the committee and the member liaison for the CDD Jim Davis has resigned 8 Lefe Life January 2022 MPOA Updates 9
E VOTING IS OPEN AMENDING COVENANTS Beginning this month the MPOA will be conducting the official Association vote for the upcoming Annual Meeting This vote will remain open until the Annual Meeting is adjourned and expands Homeowners vote options from in person and by proxy to now include electronic voting Below are step by step instructions explaining how the voting process works and what homeowners can expect if they choose to vote electronically rather than in person Please Note Only the designated member on each unit s voting certificate may participate in this vote To change the designated member on your voting certificate please contact Association Management at 941 747 6898 To watch a helpful instructional video explaining the voting process in more detail please click the image below 10 Lefe Life January 2022 MPOA Updates 11
WHY I M VOTING YES ON AMENDMENT 18 Three Steps to Progress I am on the Covenant Committee that recommended amending Amendment 18 of the Waterlefe Covenants to eliminate non votes being counted as No votes So far as I have heard and read everyone agrees that non votes should not be counted at all We are not aware of any democratic voting system in the world that counts nonvotes as no votes Can you imagine if our local State or Federal elections were to follow this rule To do so is simply undemocratic A democracy can work only by consent of those who actually vote and can t work if held back by non voters One objection in particular has been raised and I wish to respond to it Some argue that if the amendment passes a small minority of residents 20 could make changes Yes solely as a mathematical calculation and totally ignoring other relevant and critical factors it would be possible for 20 to amend the Covenants What are the other factors that would actually prevent that 20 from ruling the day 1 Any proposed change to the Covenants must be sent to all residents at least 60 days in advance of the vote so nothing would happen quickly or secretly and there would be ample time for residents to consider and debate before any vote 2 This is a small community and it is easy to disseminate accurate information so residents can discuss and make informed decisions At the same time it is easy for bad information to be passed around to confuse the issue This is an involved and educated community with nothing to fear from a small minority taking control 3 I am informed that past annual meetings always had over 350 residents voting nearly double a quorum of 186 This factor alone persuades me that a minority of 20 of residents will never get anything passed 4 The speculative math calculation being emailed around is based on 2 factors the 30 quorum requirement and the 2 3 yes vote requirement Let s break those down a The 30 quorum requirement is set by State law but that statute also states an HOA can only lower the percentage but cannot increase it I think some opponents don t know about this restriction and think the quorum can be increased The 30 quorum provides the maximum protection allowed under State law to prevent minorities changing the rules I think all would agree we would not want to lower the quorum requirement but our hands are tied and we cannot increase it A 30 quorum requirement also is standard in the HOA and business world Our quorum number is 186 Written by Bruce S Ambrose 7 The By Laws have their own section for amendments unaffected by changing Amendment 18 which would change only the voting rule for amending the Covenants The Covenants regulate how residents may use their property The By Laws regulate how the MPOA conducts its business 8 The Committee s recommendation follows the advice of the MPOA legal counsel who represents many other HOAs and it is consistent with the best practices of HOAs throughout the nation including comprehensive review of Covenants every 10 years 9 The recent addition of electronic voting should increase the percentage of votes cast in any election but human nature and procrastination being what they are there still will be a significant percentage of non votes Unless we change the rule those non votes will still be counted as no votes I have been a resident here since Aug 2021 and perhaps I lack some negative historical information that informs others opinion on this particular issue But that s history and not the present With but one exception that involved money and thus got support there have been no changes to the Covenants in 20 years I have asked those who oppose Is there some specific potential change that you worry might be passed by the 20 you calculate So far no one has given me an example On the other hand might there be some specific things in the Covenants other than the voting rule that should be changed For example removing all references to WCI or conforming the Covenants to changing State law With the current voting rule in place with non votes counted as no votes the chances of getting 2 3 of 617 to approve any such proposal are zero We are frozen in time without this change in voting I have carefully considered an alternative proposal being emailed around that is to change the Covenants to provide for a simple majority of all 617 residents to approve any amendment While it has some initial attraction upon reflection it still leaves non voters in the position of determining our fate which we all agree is fundamentally wrong and that is undemocratic and no way to govern this community I urge you to help us take the first step in making progress and vote Yes on amending Amendment 18 The second step is to study other possible changes and get a sense of the community The third step will be to vote on those recommended changes Thank you for taking the time to read this and perhaps we can meet and discuss all this or anything else over a beverage at the River Club b The 2 3 yes vote requirement that would remain is commonly called a super majority in election systems and it exists to prevent a simple majority from winning on an issue Amending the Covenants should not be easy and a 2 3 requirement of actual votes makes it difficult but not impossible 12 Lefe Life January 2022 MPOA Updates 13
DRB UPDATES Written By Michaela Valletta DRB Chairwoman Happy New Year Lots of new things are happening in 2022 Firstly the DRB and MPOA approved an alternative material for our barrel tile roofs At last month s board meeting a representative from Brava Tile presented his product and spoke about the many benefits of synthetic roof tiles We feel this will give Waterlefe homeowners a good alternative when looking for a lower maintenance roof product Samples and information are available in the Management office Let s talk paint After listening to residents and input from Jackie Hannan our CAM we will be introducing some more color pallets for our community Lots of great colors and trims to choose from They should be ready by February TRASH CANS The MPOA has received multiple complaints of some members placing their garbage specifically pet waste in their neighbors garbage cans The MPOA appreciates members making an effort to pick up after their pets but kindly asks that they hold onto their pet waste until they return home to dispose of the garbage in their own can There has also been an increasing number of members experiencing raccoons digging holes in trash bags outside of homes while waiting for pick up The MPOA urges members to place garbage bags in proper receptacles rather than leaving bags out overnight Trash bags are easy targets for pests to get into and cause an unneeded mess for members I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year 14 Lefe Life January 2022 MPOA Updates 15
RIVER CLUB UPDATE River Club Greetings from the River Club Happy New Year I hope everyone had a wonderful and a healthy holiday season with their loved ones Now that the holidays are over we begin to ramp up our event season at the River Club This month we welcome back the ever popular Divas Through the Decades for an amazing show you won t want to miss In addition our Italian Wine Dinner is currently on a wait list and we are filling up quickly for our annual Seafood Extravaganza so if you plan to attend then make your reservations soon If you miss out on any of these events be on the lookout for our upcoming events emails We will have hilarious comedian Tim Walkoe for two nights in February as well as the hugely popular Rocketman for two nights in March These are just a few of the many upcoming events your River Club will be hosting this season Click Here for our current Waterlefe Events Page and start planning for your favorite upcoming events As we begin to finally staff up we are returning to our menu format for a la carte dining and we look forward to seeing everyone at the River Club very soon Finally I would like to wish my friend Jen Milne a very heartfelt goodbye Jen has been an amazing mentor and teammate for our Waterlefe employee family and me for the last decade She has always been a person I can depend on and she truly cares about her staff and our membership Jen was and will continue to be someone I lean on for support and advice throughout the rest of my career I will truly miss her being a member of our Waterlefe family as I am sure most of you will as well Dan Adkins River Club Manager 16 Lefe Life January 2022 River Club 17
CHEF TOD S MONTHLY RECIPE BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Equipment Mixing bowl Rubber spatula Storage container Whisk On Saturday December 18 2021 Santa and Mrs Claus Glen and Vicki Joshpe welcomed Waterlefe children grandchildren and guests to the River Club All dressed up in their Christmas outfits children enjoyed a delicious brunch prepared by Chef Tod and his team that included everything from waffles to ice cream and there was no shortage of sprinkles The staff did a great job serving guests who ranged from 8 months to 80 years old Mrs Claus read the Night Before Christmas and the kids enjoyed a puppet show Thanks River Club and the Activities Committee for another outstanding event Broccoli Salad Storage 1 Gallon Cambro Ingredients 1 head broccoli cut into bite size pcs 0 5 cup raisins 0 25 cup choped red onions 2 tablespoon white sugar 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup sunflower seeds 10 slices bacon Method Serves 6 1 Place bacon in a large deep skillet Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown Crumble and set aside 2 In a salad bowl toss together broccoli raisins and red onions In a separate bowl whisk together the white sugar vinegar and mayonnaise Pour over broccoli mixture and toss to coat Refrigerate for at least 2 hours 3 Before serving sprinkle with sunflower seeds and crumbled bacon Toss and serve 18 Lefe Life January 2022 River Club 19
HOLIDAY LANTERNS The River Club hosted a Holiday Lantern Making Girls Night Out event that was a huge success with all in attendance Attendees had the opportunity to decorate a lantern with holiday decor such as garland bows and bells Girls Night Out events occur multiple times throughout the year with our next two events happening in February and March Be on the lookout for event details and reservation information in the future ARTIST GUILD KEEPS ART ALIVE On Tuesday November 30 2021 Judy Kovaleski Swartz and Laura Bryg members of the Waterlefe Artists Guild and Co Chairs of the Art Show Raffle Committee presented checks for 2500 each to Cheryl Meehan and Joe Gibson the art teachers at Freedom Elementary and Haile Middle Schools Dr Grimes the Freedom Principal was also in attendance WAG s latest accomplishment to raise money for the Visual Arts Programs at our local schools was met with heartfelt thanks and humility Joe Cheryl and Dr Grimes were amazed once the amount of the checks was revealed It was an awesome experience for them as well as for us Before we even presented the checks Joe the Haile art teacher had some very kind words about WAG s continued efforts and how they appreciate our consideration and thoughtfulness Our contributions make a huge difference in the way he is able to nurture and develop the talent of his art students Cheryl Meehan the Freedom art teacher was appreciative she was able to buy paints and smocks for her students because of our last donation Without WAG s support Cheryl said they would only be able to use colored pencils Both teachers were humbled by our generous donation This year we were not able to observe an art class because of Covid But Cheryl and Joe showed us several pieces created by their talented students Thanks again Waterlefe residents for making this donation possible 20 Lefe Life January 2022 River Club 21
The Grand Return of The Literary Society of Waterlefe Annual Luncheon Saturday February 5 2022 LSW is proud to welcome award winning journalist and author Craig Pittman chronicler of characters and history from our Sunshine State that help define Florida s marvelous weird and winsome character Through fascinating stories told with wit and respect Pittman offers us insights to such varied subjects as Florida s crime fiction authors fated panthers the professional mermaid industry the battle between a nudist colony and the U S postal service and a host of tales incredibly beyond our imaginations Recommended are his two most recent books Returning also are our fabulous auction deliciously themed lunch and welcoming mimosas As always profits aid BACKPACKS FOR LITERACY program at Freedom Elementary Seating is limited to 100 guests Reservations open January 5th Come join us to celebrate being together again the joy of living in the most colorful state in the union and the support of literacy for our children LSW Luncheon registration begins January 5
CDD COMMITTEE UPDATES CDD Golf Club Click here to view the January 2022 edition of Golfer s Glance Landscape Committee The Landscape Committee has begun gathering quotes for their project for the oak tree trimming within the community This will be a multi year project to have the community oaks trimmed to maintain their health and encourage new growth The Landscape Committee is also working to determine plants for the rejuvenation of the Winding Stream berm in between Rainbow Court and the Winding Stream gate Safety Committee The Safety Committee is continuing to collect traffic data and is hoping to start the next steps for any necessary calming measures They also hope to send out a community letter soon showing all of the collected data and the full process to be completed for the County in order to make changes Golf Committee The Golf Committee is happy to report the new outdoor dining furniture for the Grille Room has arrived In the recent Golf Committee meeting they have also begun brainstorming additional projects for the staff to be added to the 2023 Greens Renovations Capital Planning Committee The Capital Planning Committee is receiving preliminary numbers to complete a comprehensive estimate on the cost for the Clubhouse renovations The committee is also working to finalize the site plans in order to submit to the County The committee is considering some different options for the setup of the bar and seating area as well as looking at different elevation styles for the back of the clubhouse 30 Lefe Life January 2022 CDD Golf Club Updates 31
YOUTH GOLF PROGRAM Looking for a bigger and better way to promote the PGA Jr League and introduce more children to golf Asst Waterlefe Jr League Coach Bob Buchanan has taken the lead to organize a committee and recruit volunteers The Waterlefe Youth Golf Program is an initiative to provide a golf experience for 6 10 underserved youth in the 6 10 age bracket from the 13th Ave Dream Center in Bradenton This initiative will be a cc om p Ii shed by using our golf environment coupled with coaching and equipment The program will include 45 group lessons approx and the need to purchase 10 sets of US Kids clubs avg cost for 51 5 club set w bag 160 wholesale over the year Matt Primrose Head Golf Pro and Waterlefe Jr League Coach will oversee the training assisted with several volunteer coaches Volunteers include Denny Meskill Rachele Moscato Ken Whitt Lisa Phillips Eduardo Ronderos and Grant Price The 13th Ave Dream Center is represented by Derrick Randall More information will follow on how to donate to the Waterlefe Youth Golf Program but in the meantime please don t hesitate to contact any of the committee members or volunteers As a side note please read this interesting fact about the 13th Ave Dream Center In 1937 local civil rights activist Minnie Rogers legendary educator Dr Mary Mccloud Bethune and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt established the 13th Avenue Community Center Their vision was to provide an educational family resource center so at risk youth could realize their fullest potential To this day the 13th Avenue Dream Center serves over 220 youth with before and after school academic enrichment programs literacy training mentoring and character building opportunities For more information go to https www uccfl org about us The program for 2022 will require 25 000 to cover the training and equipment The Dream Center will be providing transportation to from practice and to matches as those materialize Should any of these youth progress to the PGA Junior League certainly our goal then additional funds will be necessary to cover the 230 player for each of the spring and fall leagues The founding members of this endeavor are Bob Buchanan Janis Bumgarner Linda Gratsch Gerald Jones Tony Tierno and Dennis Meskill 32 Lefe Life January 2022 CDD Golf Club Updates 33
JR LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Congratulations to the 2021 Jr League Golf Champions The Waterlefe team consists of 15 junior golfers that compete against 5 local teams in matches Our team captured 61 5 flags points compared to 49 flags for our closest competitor The PGA Junior League Team will be back in March 2022 as they look to defend their title 34 Lefe Life January 2022 Around the Neighborhood Around the Neighborhood 35
FEATURING ROSE AND TED SCHULTE WRITTEN BY JACK RITCHIE IN THE SPOTLIGHT Rose and Ted were both born on dairy and general livestock farms in Iowa each as part of large families They farmed installed feedlots constructed homes along with operating a farm real estate company Experiencing a year s crop failure they sold the farming operations paid off crop debts and set a new career path still related to agriculture It led Rose and Ted to multiple moves international commodity trading management of industrial manufacturing companies acquisitions consolidations and the thrills and pitfalls of public companies As you can see from the photo Rose and Ted were blessed with two daughters and a son All three are married and each couple has two children ages 2 to 10 years The majority of Ted s career was associated with agricultural fertilizer explosives and industrial medical gas manufacturing companies Rose a dedicated professional in the management of an active household provided family direction as Ted had extensive domestic and international travel Along with the family obligations she was the managing general partner of an apartment complex for thirty plus years While their kids were being raised if a school needed a volunteer Rose was there When the kids were small they had the good fortune of living in the Tampa area for 6 years They always said they would be back and after two years of searching for a home on Florida s west coast they found Waterlefe in 2008 It was everything they were looking for with one exception Rose preferred having a tennis club However with its boating waters the magnificent beauty and the Club they knew it was their future home 36 Lefe Life January 2022 Ted and Rose both have a passion for the water and the activities related to it including boating and fishing For 40 plus years flying into the northern Canadian wilderness has also been a special annual trip Once past this current Covid19 pandemic they will resume taking time to enjoy the world s people their cultures and natural beauty It s a pleasant change from business trips work offices industrial plants and hotels Ted was reluctant to discuss accomplishments during his career but I learned of a few Division President of an S P 500 Company President of 8 different subsidiary companies made Forbes magazine and was key in negotiating major export agreements with the former Soviet Union Countries out of the Black Sea More thoughts from Ted include stating that wisdom comes with age These are three thoughts Ted would like to share From his father a World War 2 veteran when Ted was about to enter basic training himself for his 6 yrs in the Army Reserves Ted was encouraged to act like you know what you are doing and you will be fine After living by this philosophy for 50 plus years he was right At the end of the day look in a mirror and if you like what you see feel good about yourself If you don t like what you see get up the next morning and change it Ted s final thoughts are the good lord has given us each a special reason for being on this earth regardless of vocation Our job is to figure out what it is and then carry it out to the best of our abilities always willing to help a neighbor even if it requires doing research for solutions on their behalf Lastly Rose and Ted have great personalities the epitome of Waterlefe friendliness Around the Neighborhood 37
CHRISTMAS ELVES A special group of elves sneak into the River Club each year to decorate for the holidays This year the d cor was expanded to include large lighted bells in the front of the River Club and lighted gifts and suspended snowflakes on the screened porch Another change this holiday season included the lobby tree d cor which included teal gold and copper colored ribbon and ornaments Two 9 pencil trees were added to the dining room The Waterlefe River Club elves include Bob and Bobbie Griswold Vicki Joshpe Pauline Dickson Jack and Janice Ritchie Sarah Wiley Becky Kutska Jodi Carroll Chad Burnett and Jen Milne A very special thank you to Bob and Bobbie Griswold who have purchased a majority of the d cor for the River Club You are appreciated ADOPT A CHILD PROJECT Written By Sarah Wiley Another Waterlefe Adopt A Child Project completed over the top successfully My thanks and congratulations to the 86 Waterlefe families who were involved in the effort this year 68 families shopped and wrapped presents 14 families donated money and four families helped deliver those presents to address the needs wishes and hunger of 80 children of needy families in Manatee County These children ask for shoes socks underwear pajamas and jackets as well as toys Waterlefe is indeed a most generous and charitable community Our 80 are but a small group of more than 500 children in need This charitable effort began in the early years of Waterlefe around 2007 bonding with Freedom Elementary School and their reading program I believe Linda Gratsch and Janis Bumgarner were the initiators For a number of years 13 Janet Stepp took over the project and grew its coverage to 80 children of Manatee County schools Each of these children and families have been reviewed by the Manatee County School System s social workers to verify the need and that no other source is helping these families This year s participants were Linda Tosi Ali Blazejewski Carol Maddaloni Gail Padgett Pauline Dickson Janis Bumgarner and her book club Karen Bolendz Sue Kerr Sue Copeland Phyllis Schuler Donnia Smith Giselle Sweeney Jean Paddison Shirley McGee Julie Coleman Alma Paturno Barb Gleason Renee Eppard and her entire book club Janice Ritchie Kathy Labelle Rosalynn Kiefer Cindy Leadingham Diane Carroll Linda Andersen Jane Stewart Barb Davis Roxanne Mund Lynn Fisher Julie Walsten Frank Porpotage Joanne Carey Trudy Shrum Stephanie O Donnell Dyana Young Amber Browne Phyliss Stevens Sandy Horuczi Kathy Allenbrook Kathy Huygens Susan Woods Linda Schultz Carol Byrne Elly Krasow Deb Stein Roz Warner Michelle Wenzel Dee Quigley Diane Lodge Diane Baker Carrie Howard Leslie Carroll Carol Alexander Rae Sprow Sherri Parisi Anita Johnston Sarah Wiley Norm Greenspan Barb Lee Sandy Costello Jean Dick Schmidt Linda Mike Jacobs Barb Jeff Brand Heather Gailbraith Joan Colwell Miriam Martin Joe Karen Kelley Bill Dunn Marjorie Stirk Carol Arcy Mary Lou Kovac Dick Bracken Mark Corrigan Bobbie Griswold Waterlefe is an outstanding cohesive community with a long record excellence 38 Lefe Life January 2022 Around the Neighborhood 39
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 40 Burak Seray Aktan Michael Jane Kayat Sharon Joseph Benton Jeffery A Diana C Klotz Craig Berson Dana Camacho Phillp Audrey Kydd Rex Corley Donna Curry Kenneth LaFlamme Jesse Davis Gloria Diaz Frederick Randi Larrson Amneris Flores Alberto Tirado Jeffrey Beth Lilley Tracy A Garnier Scott Newkirk James Magalska Mary Miller Scott Carol Goodin Timothy Allen Jodie Lynn Mairn Christopher Dayna Grella Craig Cynthia Mandery James H Guilfoyle William Linda Randall Libby Hamilton Beth Rexroad James Hamilton Marlin Carol Tillaart Thomas Lourdes Hershberger Roger Janet Waye Hugh P Brien Lisa Turnage Kurt Diana Wise Lefe Life January 2022 Around the Neighborhood 41
ARTISTS GUILD Organizations To be a teacher is my greatest work of art Joseph Beuys Featured Artist Kathleen Vyborny One facet of an artist is sharing one s talents and vision with others It is also teaching and learning and stretching beyond traditional thought Kathleen exemplifies this concept and has provided her resources and talent through WAG in Motion classes WAG members are looking forward to her next class Beads on Steroids CLICK HERE to browse through Kathleen s January gallery To view Kathleen Vyborny s January Art Exhibit CLICK HERE Please click on the links below to access all of our prior exhibits Karen Eddy and Sue Kerr November 2020 Art Exhibit Louise Auker Mary Finorini Elly Krasow December 2020 Art Exhibit Bob Cameron and Rosalynn Kiefer January 2021 Art Exhibit Roxanne Skinner February 2021 Art Exhibit Kathleen Vyborny March 2021 Art Exhibit Patsy Kline Hall April 2021 Art Exhibit Janine Hoffman May 2021 Art Exhibit Herb Krasow June 2021 Art Exhibit Terry Wilson September 2021 Art Exhibit Lorna McMullen October 2021 Art Exhibit Wag Artists November 2021 Art Exhibit Kathy Mulcahy December 2021 Art Exhibit To learn more about the Waterlefe Artists Guild and WAG In Motion contact Patsy Hall at patsy dhall com 42 Lefe Life January 2022 Organizations 43
ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY Please check with activity contacts for more information Artists Guild The Waterlefe Artists Guild WAG is composed of full and part time residents who create original art in various media Artists explore new mediums through member led classes present their work to the community virtually and in annual shows WAG strives to Keep Art Alive by supporting our local schools creative arts programs Contact Patsy Hall patsy dhall com Boating Community Group The Waterlefe Boating Community Group is a social group for Waterlefe residents to promote water recreation share valued information and grow friendships among boaters anglers kayakers and paddlers Contact Jim Manning jpmanning880 gmail com Cars Coffee Cars Coffee is a talk group for residents to connect with one another over their mutual enthusiasm for cars of all kinds and the car industry in general Meetings are held one morning every month and the future schedule will be announced Contact John Valletta john johnvalletta com Community Emergency Response Team CERT is the Community Emergency Response Team that is funded and trained by the county to step in and assist the community in case of an emergency that first responders are unavailable for No specific skills are needed to become a member Contact Jeff Brand jeffreybrand gmail com Tom Kalousek tkalousek1000 gmail com 44 Lefe Life January 2022 Please check with activity contacts for more information Hangar Talk Hangar Talk welcomes aviation enthusiasts of all kinds Casual monthly lunch gathering outings and sharing of aviation experiences and opportunities both past and current Contact Terry Lee terrancejlee48 gmail com Literary Society of Waterlefe The Literary Society of Waterlefe is an organization for members looking to engage in thoughtful conversations about a wide range of pre selected books from month to month These gatherings are in a casual setting which allows residents to connect and converse about important and exciting pieces of literature Contact Dianne Carrol dicar13 aol com Sensational Singles Sensational Singles is a social group for single Waterlefe members widowed divorced and everyone else to participate in various outings to connect with one another and create meaningful friendships through casual get togethers Contact Roz Warner rozwarner619 gmail com Waterlefe Watering Hole Watering Hole is a social group for people especially newcomers to Waterlefe to meet their neighbors and feel involved in their community Whether you are new to the community or have been here for years we welcome you enjoy a fun evening with your neighbors at one of these no fuss events Contact Miriam Martin mmartin952 comcast net Barbie Brand barbiegbrand gmail com Organizations 45
ACTIVITY DIRECTORY Please check with activity contacts for more information Please check with activity contacts for more information Fitness Center Classes Programs Contact Jana Dunson Martin jana janafit com Men s Golf Association Contact Joel Ambrose joelambrose hotmail com Kayaking Canoeing Contact Jackie Hannan jhannan waterlefefl com Mixed Bridge Contact Judy Werner allwern aol com Ladies Hand Foot Cards Contact Audrey Bilotti audalb1 me com Mixed Euchre Card Group Contact Sue Bryant sbee287 aol com Ladies Mah Jongg Contact Sue McCarty sue herbandsue com Purls Chains Knitting Crochet Contact Lisa Hantverk lisah826 hotmail com Ladies Shanghai Rummy Contact Audrey Bilotti audalb1 me com Women s Niners 9 Hole Golf Contact Mary Lou Kovac MLFlorida45 outlook com 46 Kristine Reis wholebodyfitness hotmail com Lefe Life January 2022 Debbie Murphy debdenmurphy me com Organizations 47
A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THIS MONTH S LEFE LIFE CONTRIBUTORS Laura Bryg Jodi Carroll Jack Ritchie Michaela Valletta Kathleen Vyborny Sarah Wiley Waterlefe Artist Guild JANUARY 2022 LEFE LIFE