January 20, 2023ג״פשת תבט ז’’כאראו תשרפ REFLECT4:24 PMDear Parents, This week’s Parsha introduces the הלואג לש תונושל ׳ד, the four expressions of redemption. The Possuk states: ׳וכו םירצמ תלבס תחתמ םכתא יתאצוהו... – and I will take you out from the burdens and oppression of Mitzrayim. The next possuk continues: םירצמ תולבס תחתמ םכתא איצומה ׳ה ינא יכ ׳וכו יתחקלו – and I will take you.. for I am Hashem who is taking you out from under the oppression and burden of Mitzrayim. The ףסוי ראב notes that in the first Possuk, תלבס is spelled without a ואו, while in the second possuk תולבס is spelled with the ואו. Why the change? He explains by referencing the Medrash and Zohar who indicate that the דובעש in םירצמ was twofold. There was the physical bondage and oppression, and a concurrent spiritual bondage. Klal Yisrael experienced a tremendous spiritual decline while in Mitzrayim as Chazal quote the םיכאלמ by Yam Suf; וללהו ז״ע ידבוע וללה ז״ע ידבוע. The Zohar writes that in Mitzrayim Benei Yisrael fell to the forty-ninth level of impurity. Therefore, the redemption from Mitzrayim needed to incorporate both a spiritual and physical redemption. It is human nature that a person dealing with an issue that is physical in nature, be it health or economic, is actively aware of the issue. By contrast, a person with a spiritual deficiency is often unaware. Over time, people become desensitized to spiritual maladies and do not realize they’re walking a path of descent. It is only after a certain degree of recovery that a person can reflect and recognize the extent of his decline. The Meforshim explain that words in the plural form written without their usual ואו signifies an element of singularity. Therefore, the first possuk, which discusses יתאצוהו, the physical removal from Mitzrayim, is written without the ואו. At that point, Klal Yisrael was only aware of the physical oppression they were experiencing, so תלבס is written without the ואו. However, by the next possuk, םעל יל םכתא יתחקלו, Hashem is already referring to the next stage of geulah: הרות ןתמ. At that point, Klal Yisrael was aware that Hashem had saved them from physical and spiritual bondage. So predictably, תולבס is spelled in its full plural form. At times, it behooves us to take a moment from our busy schedules and reflect if we are living our lives according to the standard of Ruchniyus we initially determined to live with. Perhaps with the passage of time, we unknowingly absorbed certain influences into our homes that may be causing spiritual damage.תבש טוג!Rabbi Ochs● On Monday, MLK Day, our staff gathered for a phenomenal professional development presentation. Our speaker was Rabbi Dovid Morgenstern, principal of Yeshivas Darchei Torah’s elementary school, and director of the Torah Umesorah Mashgiach Training program, in which some of our staff participates.Rabbi Morgenstern spoke about “The New Reality,” focusing on anxiety and ADHD. It was a wonderful and highly informative presentation.● We had a very special guest who visited 6-8 boys today, HaRav Yisroel Brog, Shlita. He spoke about the purpose of life and how we grow from our challenges that come from Hashem.● On Tuesday, 5B celebrated finishing their first Blatt of Gemara! The class enjoyed a hot dog and french fries Siyum for lunch. ● On Thursday, we had our monthly Chemdas raffle with 10 exciting prizes! As a whole school, we learned 100’s of mishnayos, with the lower grades learning 1000’s of mins and pesukim! ● Tue, Feb 14 - STEM Fair● Fri, Feb 17- Sun, Feb 26- Mid- Winter Break- No School
BULLETIN BOARDCondolencesOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● 4G presented their dioramas of Bnei Yisroel crossing the Yardein. They are attractively displayed in the corridor. Please see the pictures further in the bulletin.● On Thursday, 5B celebrated learning another 15,000 words of Mishnayos and Gemara! The class enjoyed hot cocoa and homemade soft pretzels for lunch.● 5G/6G joined the 6-week Shabbos Malkisa program created by Agudas Yisroel. The program focuses on recognizing that Shabbos is the source of all Bracha, and about learning to love what Shabbos is all about. In addition to beautiful weekly learning materials, the girls will be able to join nationwide raffles for completing Shabbos "missions" each week.● The Williston building kicked off its after-school program this week! Boys in grades 5-8 signed up for guitar lessons given by Mr. Eli Kahn on Sunday. On Tuesday, boys in grades 1-8 were able to participate in the OwlEyes Wilderness survival program. Both programs got off to a great start!● Mazel Tov to Grade 3 girls on completing perek זכ in parshas Toldos.● 3G has been working on a birkas hamazon scrapbook to help them understand and appreciate bentching. They are clearly among the best bentchers in the lunchroom.● Science fair preparations are underway! The hallways are abuzz in both buildings with children busily preparing for our Feb 14th STEM Fair.● Grade 8 celebrated a tasty waffle and ice cream siyum on their completion of Parshas Matos. What a special treat. Thank You Mrs. Ochs!● Mrs. Gottfried,our school nurse, presented the 6th grade girls with a healthy eating workshop. The highlight of the presentation was, of course, the healthy yogurt parfait that the girls prepared and enjoyed eating.Uniform Gemach Announcement● To ACommunity Events ● 25 Teves - sponsored by Dr. Vladimir and Mrs. Yael Davydov in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son Moshe Shalom.● To Rabbi Yudi and Mrs. Ellie Riesel on the bar mitzvah of their son Moshe Aryeh (7B).● To Dr. Vladimir and Mrs. Yael Davydov on the bar mitzvah of their son Moshe Shalom (7B).● To Zalman Levin (‘08) on his engagement to Goldie Bernstein, and to parents Rabbi Tsvi Yehuda and Mrs. Dena Esther Levin.Mazel Tov! Day of Learning● Shabbos Kodesh, 28 Teves - Bar mitzvah of Moshe Shalom Davydov at Shaloh House. Davening at 10 AM. Kiddush following davening (around 12 noon). Community Events
BULLETIN BOARDMazel Tov! CondolencesOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementDay of Learning● 11 Kislev ● To ACommunity Events SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshas Shemos!4BShimshon Nulman Moshe Rosmarin5BYaakov Barres Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Moshe Isaac SegalTuvya Sternfield Yaakov Wallin6BMoshe Bark Eliyohu Boruch Benmergui Aryeh Block Noach Weiner Gavriel Noam Zazula7BMoshe Shalom DavydovChaim Moshe Delmoor Aron David Luria Moshe Aryeh Riesel Chaim Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Menachem Mendel Zaklos8BMordechai BierEliezer Moshe Feuerstein Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Yosef Schonberg Yonasan Mordechai Zazula
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS1. 1G working on and finishing long vowel A!2. Learning is fun at PreK-1!3. Students in 4G have started learning about the history and the science behind catapults, a simple machine called a lever which will be the focus of their STEM Fair projects. They began by making a very simple catapult using popsicle sticks, rubber bands, a plastic spoon, and a ping pong ball, which they enjoyed hurling outside on the playground.
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS4.1. 5B celebrated finishing their first Blatt of Gemara with hot dogs and french fries.2. Chemdas Monthly Raffle - pics of some of the raffle winners!3. HaRav Yisroel Brog, Shlita speaks to 6-8 boys.