Institute of Animal Technology Bulletin Wi shin g yo u al l a H app y H eal thy a nd Prosperous New Year Vol 51 No 1 January 2015
Bulletin Vol 51 No 1 January 2015 EDITOR Sarah Lane bulletineditor iat org uk CONTENTS ASSISTANT EDITOR Elaine Kirkum bulletinassistant iat org uk Report on 170th Council Meeting ADVERTISEMENT MANAGERS PRC Associates Ltd mail prcassoc co uk Congress Provisional 8 12 Scientific Programme and Workshops Announcements Published monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology Registered Office 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL 5 7 Notice of IAT AGM 2015 11 6th Educational Stakeholders Meeting 13 Three Minute Interview 17 19 AS ET 20 21 Suppliers Register i xliv Branch News 25 37 ISSN 0263 2861 For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact IAT ADMINISTRATOR admin iat org uk or 0800 085 4380 NACWO Exchange Final copy date for March Bulletin 1st February The opinions expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or the Institute 37 Situations Vacant 40 41 Diary Dates 43
Bulletin January 2015 5 Report on 170th Meeting of IAT Council held on 3rd December 2014 Promotion of the IAT IAT Council received a presentation on maximising the IAT s commercial potential The proposal was for a two month intensive strategy to build on the IAT Career Pathway Structure followed by a period of maintaining forward momentum The proposal included a migration to a more online set up with up to date email databases and search engine dominance The focus will then move to the IAT s wider education offering and building relationships with education establishments both in the UK and Europe Council discussed the proposal and agreed to carry the decision over to January when wider consultation and a number of further issues had been resolved IAT Manual of Animal Technology Stephen Barnett Editor of the IAT Manual of Animal Technology attended the Council meeting to give an update on progress with the new edition There have been problems with some authors not keeping to deadlines and so the publication date had not been set It is hoped that the Manual will be ready to go to a publisher in June 2015 P John Kelly Council were saddened to hear of the passing of John Kelly who has had a long association with the IAT John had been very involved over the years in the IAT education system and had worked tirelessly for the IAT Council agreed to send a donation to the Hinchingbrooke HCH Charity in memory of John An obituary appears in this issue of the Bulletin IAT Career video The IAT Careers video is now available on the IAT website This video has been very well received and is a very useful resource for introducing people to a career as an animal technologist being freely available It was suggested that IAT Branch Secretaries were made aware of the video so that it could be shown at Branch AGMs IAT Career as an Animal Technologist leaflet Whilst it was recognised that there is a move away from hard copy leaflets towards electronic versions there is still a need for the career leaflets These are used by people attending school talks and visits giving a basic idea of what
Bulletin January 2015 7 a career in animal technology is all about It was therefore agreed that the leaflet will be updated Branch Reps There was a Branch Reps meeting prior to the Council meeting with eight Branches sending representatives Questions ranged from IAT qualifications Congress and how to stand for Council Details on the IAT qualifications and Career Pathway will be issued in future IAT Bulletins to ensure everyone understands how to progress from one level to the next The increased cost of Congress was queried Costs for Congress have been kept at the same level for many years resulting in lower quality venues In order to utilise better equipped venues delegate fees need to rise The cost of attending Congress is still in line with other comparable meetings Details on how to stand for Council have been published in the Bulletin and Branch Secretaries have received information to pass on to Branch members Council members are happy if requested to attend Branch AGMs to give firsthand accounts of what being a member of IAT Council involves HE Education The IAT are now the Awarding Body for the Level 4 5 and 6 qualifications As such under Ofqual regulations they can no longer continue to deliver the qualification as it was therefore proposed that a College be set up to deliver the courses This will be the College of Laboratory Animal Science Technology CLAST Further details on CLAST will be given at the IAT 6th Educational Stakeholders meeting which will take place on Tuesday 17th March the Tuesday of the opening of Congress at the Congress venue Full details appear in the announcement on page 13 of this issue and registration will be by a dedicated link on the IAT website CPD Certification It was proposed that in future electronic CPD certificates be issued to course organisers It was also agreed that there should be a cost implication to this as the IAT CPD accreditation enhances commercial courses for attendees The CPD application form and related documents will be amended to include this new cost IAT Speakers There had been a call for people to speak to groups of students undertaking the Apprenticeship and also to school children A list of volunteers will be set up and appropriate training can be provided If any member is interested in becoming a volunteer they should contact the Administrator in the first instance The next meeting of the IAT Council will be in January 2014
Provisional Scientific Programme The booklet distributed with this issue sets out the full Platform Programme with abstracts and speakers Also in this issue we are publishing the announcements for 5 workshops Full details appear in the booklet FINAL Call for Posters CLOSING DATE TO SUBMIT A POSTER IS FRIDAY 30th JANUARY Be quick and we can publish your abstract in the Congress Handbook DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 17th 20th March 2015 PROVISIONAL SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME www iat org uk congress html and find us on Any questions Email congress iat org uk and a Committee Member will reply asap
Bulletin January 2015 11 NOTICE of IAT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 The twenty ninth Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Animal Technology will be held at IAT Congress on Tuesday 16th April 2015 at 18 00hrs For the following purposes 1 To consider the minutes of the twenty eighth Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 8th April 2014 as published in full on the Members section of the IAT website and in abridged form in the Bulletin volume 50 6 June 2014 2 To receive and consider the Company s annual accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014 together with the Annual Report and the Auditors report 3 To appoint Auditors of the Institute 4 To review the Council s objectives for 2014 5 To elect members of the Council who are proposed for re election by rotation under the terms of the Articles of Association and any such new members to fill existing vacancies 6 To elect a President and Vice Presidents for the ensuing year 7 To consider the election of Life and Honorary Members of the Institute 8 Any other business DATED January 2015 STEVE OWEN Chair of Council LINDA HORAN Honorary Secretary
Bulletin January 2015 FOR HE S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW Keith Davies who has held the IAT Membership qualification for many years and a great supporter of the Institute recently gained a PhD for his thesis Emotional dissonance among UK animal technologists evidence impact and management implications IAT Council was delighted to elect Keith as a Fellow FIAT in recognition of this achievement Keith was presented with his diploma by Charlie Chambers Chair of the Registration and Accreditation Board 15
Bulletin January 2015 17 Three Minute Interview Name Brian Cass Job title CEO Huntingdon Harlan Vice President Institute of Animal Technology Describe yourself in 3 words Informal Listener Analytical Or Likes having fun What is your earliest memory Frankly I don t remember much before my first day at school and then only that I got punched in the face on the way home by someone that later became one of my closest friends which I guess shows I don t bear a grudge When you were at school what or who did you want to be and why Jackie Milburn who played for Newcastle United our local hero What was the first music album you bought Probably something by the Beatles If you could have dinner with one person who would that be and why My wife I see too little of her What is the best advice you have been given Try not to antagonise anyone you don t have to as they might end up as your boss one day What is your next goal in life Making a real success out of the recent Huntingdon Harlan merger and creating a company that is great to work with and great to work for If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you choose and why South America and to be more specific probably Chile Their wines are so great and reliable
Bulletin January 2015 19 What is your favourite quote or saying I love the quips from Groucho Marx like If you re not having fun you re doing something wrong Those are my principles and if you don t like them well I have others What is the most important thing your job has taught you To take business very seriously but not to take yourself seriously Cup of tea or stiff drink I drink countless cups of weak black tea during the day but in the evenings Favourite colour Purple I must have 25 shirts that colour Favourite place Portugal great people great weather and great wine Last book you read Eric Clapton s autobiography Lee Child s latest Jack Reacher novel Personal I love all those books Name something that annoys you People driving at 60mph in the outside lane with nothing on the inside lane usually on the A1 going north on a Friday night Printable most embarrassing moment Phoning the home of a Consultant we were using and insisting several times to his real wife that we d all had dinner together the previous week Oops He never worked with me again Hobbies or interests Nothing too strenuous listening to music watching films walking leisurely cycling leisurely oh and eating out We apologise to Brian for the typo published on page 14 of the December Bulletin 50 12 where CBE inadvertently became CBA Editor
20 January 2015 Bulletin AS ET 5th Anniversary The Trustees of AS ET wish all the readers of this column a happy and enjoyable 2015 This will be an important year for AS ET as we celebrate our 5th Anniversary We hope you will join us at the special events we have planned The main events are listed below but look out for the announcement of others during the year 17th February 2015 AS ET Young Presenters Symposium at the IAT West Middlesex Branch Technician Trade Day 17th 20th March 2015 Silent Auction AS ET Sponsored Platform Session AS ET Reception at the IAT Congress 2015 5th September 2015 AS ET Fund Raising Ball in London Official Supporters If you are not an official supporter already please consider becoming one in 2015 Official supporters are an essential part of our work because they provide us with a regular income that we can use to help further education and promote excellence in the care and welfare of animals used in science If you join in 2015 you will be entered into a prize draw for a pair of tickets to the ball and will be given an AS ET wristband You can sign up for 24 00 a year just 2 00 a month Application forms can be downloaded from our website www as et org uk
Bulletin January 2015 21 AS ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence in AS ET is charity of up to advance education and the care andawelfare set animals used in science promote excellence in the care and welfare of animals used in science To see how a charity to advance a bursaryand promote excellence in the care and AS ET is you can apply for education visit our website www as et org uk To see of animals used in for a bursary visit our website www as et org uk welfarehow you can applyscience The companies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them The companies listed below sponsor to find out more please to the website Sponsors of AS ET are listed below and AS ET If you would likevisitjoin them find www as et org uksupport us by lookingat our website out how to to find out how support us by looking at our website
Bulletin January 2015 23 IAT West Middlesex Branch 4th Annual Technician Trade Day AS ET 5th Anniversary Young Presenter Symposium Date Tuesday 17th February 2015 Venue Central London Time 09 30 16 00 Easy access by Public Transport Entry by registration only ALL Trade delegates attending must register using the same link below Last year over 30 companies and 300 delegates attended Full Scientific Programme To register please follow the link below http www iat org uk machform view php id 5348 Registration enquiries Julie Bee Julie bee ca ncer org uk Trade enquiries To attend either as a trade delegate or with a stand please contact Wayne Russell wrussell allentowninc com Sponsorship opportunities are available
Bulletin January 2015 25 Oxford Branch Scientific Symposium O n the afternoon of Wednesday December 3rd the IAT Oxford branch held their fourth annual scientific symposium with a general theme of a Culture of Care There was a change of venue for this year s symposium which was held at the Mary Lyon Centre MRC Harwell We had a small trade exhibition with eleven companies attending including Agenda Harlan 1st Biotech Surrey Diagnostics ARMIS LBS Impex B K Universal Datesand and Tecniplast The symposium as on previous occasions was a great success with a varied programme of interesting lectures After registration lunch was served in the pavilion where the participating trade exhibitors had set up allowing plenty of time for everyone to visit the various stands It then fell upon the chair for this symposium Sara Wells Chief Executive of the MLC to open the meeting The programme began with the following lectures Tim McGuire Agenda Resource Management Ltd Welfare First Caring for the staff who care for the animals Welfare First is a programme introduced by Agenda that looks at welfare from a different perspective It was developed to recognise and articulate better the importance of welfare within the life sciences sector The premise is that animal welfare is a priority but so is the welfare of the dedicated people working with the animals and also the welfare of the life science sector itself The Welfare First programme introduces the concept of a Welfare Contract and joins up the dots on how the delivery of great welfare is coordinated by the connecting of otherwise separate factors Kathryn Chapman National Centre for Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research Kathryn Chapman leads the innovation and translation group at the NC3Rs whose aim is to increase the availability of new technologies and approaches
26 January 2015 Bulletin which reduce animal use across the biosciences Her PhD is in the genetics of osteoarthritis and she has previously carried out research at the University of Manchester Harvard Medical School and GlaxoSmithKline generating transgenic mouse models for drug development and disease modelling She has been at the NC3Rs for almost 10 years and has worked with over 40 companies in the US and Europe in various cross company data sharing initiatives to improve scientific and business processes through minimizing animal use More recently Kathryn has initiated and directed the NC3Rs challenge led open innovation platform CRACK IT which aims to increase cross discipline and cross sector industry academic partnerships in applied research and commercialise 3Rs technologies Keith Davies Operational Director Joint Biological Services Cardiff University Emotional challenges endured by animal technologists evidence impact and management implications The early perception that animal technologists can endure emotional challenges in the workplace has largely emanated from research in the US published in and around the 1970s There was however a dearth of literature focussing specifically on the UK workforce thus prompting Keith s PhD research programme which sought to redress the balance The thesis was successfully presented for examination in November 2013 at Plymouth University Business School Through qualitative and quantitative methods the data revealed evidence of the well established research construct Emotional Labour and furthermore significance was seen associated with feelings of guilt linking with gender affect and the major emotional trigger point of animal euthanasia He provided a brief summary of the research and conclusions which have the potential to generate discussion points on where management challenges exist alongside the emotional elements Marie Hutchison Mutagenesis Manager and NACWO Mary Lyon Centre MRC Harwell Care of ENU treated and ageing mutant mice The Mutagenesis programme at Harwell uses N ethyl N nitrosourea ENU to induce untargeted point mutations in mice These mice are then screened for a range of phenotypic disorders most relevant for clinical studies However the induction of random mutations leads to animals exhibiting a variety of unpredictable adverse effects Animals that have been treated with ENU
Bulletin January 2015 27 require additional welfare regimes through the injection period and aftercare throughout their life By continuously reviewing the data from previous experiments we have been able to put in place regimes of care which make the most effective use of these mice in terms of breeding without causing any compromise to their welfare We have experience in the care and welfare of 18 month old aged mutant mice Basic and thorough cage side observations and weighing regimes are essential in looking for any abnormalities or welfare concerns Experience of the normal appearance and behaviour of a healthy animal is essential so that even very subtle differences can be monitored from the time they appear These observations and the accurate records that accompany them have been crucial in the discovery of new phenotypes and the refinement of humane endpoints John Bowler Resource Manager Mary Lyon Centre MRC Harwell Yesterday A look back at life as an Animal Technician many years ago At the age of sixteen I went for my first interview here at the Medical Research Council Harwell where I was fortunate to be offered the position as a junior animal technician I then made a major decision to leave school and take up the position continuing further education by attending college in London Since that day I have remained in employment here at Harwell holding many positions and experiencing vast changes in animal husbandry and scientific research The presentation offered a personal view of leaving school and starting my working life as an animal technician I revisited the early years looking back at various topics such as animal husbandry working practices and environment Following the presentations the winner from the poster competition was announced Cash prizes for the poster competition were kindly donated by Agenda and the IAT Oxford branch The standard and quality of the posters on show were very impressive The winning poster was submitted by Marie Hutchison and Rosie Hillier from the Mary Lyon Centre Harwell entitled Rodent Welfare Group Discussing Humane Endpoints Well done to everyone who participated and thanks to the judges Tim McGuire Keith Davies and Ross Millard
28 January 2015 Bulletin At the end of the programme the meeting was closed by the chair presentations to the speakers and a prize draw for everyone who attended This was followed by a wine reception on site Our thanks go to Sara Wells for chairing the meeting the MLC for the use of their facilities the IAT Oxford branch committee members for all of the organising the poster exhibitors and all of the speakers and everyone who attended the event Finally our appreciation and thanks go to the exhibiting sponsors of this event with a special mention also to our two main sponsors Datesand and Tecniplast At the end of the event any sponsors and committee members who could make it were invited to an after Symposium dinner at a local pub bistro Unfortunately we were a little early and it was still closed so as this was the village where I was born I suggested we all convene at my mother s house for a cup of tea instead A quick call to Mum and seven of us went round A nice cup of tea and biscuits was followed by Mum bringing out her homemade sloe gin This went down well before we all said goodbye and finally made our way to the pub bistro John Bowler Branch Reporter
Bulletin January 2015 29 Surrey Hampshire Sussex Branch Beer and Race Meeting O n a very wet and windy Saturday 4th October sixteen members and friends of the SHS Branch met at Ascot race course for the 8th Ascot CAMRA Beer Festival Our very wet from the rain Treasurer Stuart was there at the entrance to hand over the tickets and in the spirit of a true keeper of the branch funds was able to sell four unused tickets to one of the local touts Although the racing is flat the drinks are anything but This year s festival was the biggest yet with more than 240 thirstquenching real ales ciders and Perry s on offer The biggest problem with so many people there it was difficult if not impossible for us all to meet up There was a full racing programme with superb prize money including the Tote pool Challenge Cup Heritage Handicap worth over 72 000 to the winner Quite a few of our party had a flutter with some even making a few quid on the day Most of us left early evening with one or two going to a local for a top up Thanks again to Dan for attending and Sychem Ltd for sponsoring the event Stuart Mackrell Branch Reporter
30 January 2015 Bulletin Herts Essex Annual Branch Quiz Night O n the chilly evening of the 6th November about 60 people whose ages ranged from one week to just over 60 years arrived at the Herts and Essex annual quiz night location It was an impressive turnout this year with 12 teams competing to win first prize of wine and chocolates while avoiding the wooden spoon There was a raffle with several great prizes and a tasty buffet with a great selection of food Our quizmaster was Hazel Sleight who did a sterling job at getting everyone settled and back after the buffet break There were 6 quiz sections and the usual debate around one or two answers however we can confirm that the first person to be murdered on live TV was Lee Harvey Oswald and not JFK so the quizmaster was of course correct Thanks to Kay Dowse for organising the questions and answers Young quizzer Alfie with his granddad The final scores were as follows Team Points Beechams Cold and Flu 41 Jason and the Argonauts 37 Boxing Clever 37 Bunny Smugglers 37 Bright Sparks 36 Misfits 33 Team Poppy 29 Toxic Lab Rats 28 Them at the Back 27 Norfolk Enhance 20 Loners 13 Hazel our H E Quizmaster You could hear a pin drop
Bulletin January 2015 31 There was a 3 way draw for second place which went to a tie breaker question the closest guess to how many miles long is Route 20 in America 3365 was Jason and the Argonauts who guessed 3001 miles We would like to thank everyone who came to the quiz and supported our IAT branch and of course our lovely sponsors Agenda and Aston Pharma without whom this event would not have been possible Jo Cruden Branch Reporter Silent Auction at Congress 2015 As you will be aware 2015 is the 5th anniversary of AS ET and our aim is to increase membership and to raise funds Following the successful Silent Auction held at Congress last year we raised 800 there will be another one held this year on the first evening of Congress at the Trade Reception Many of the trade stands will have an item that you can bid on and these items will vary from a cuddly toy chocolates to electronic gadgets so please ensure you visit all the stands You can bid on as many as you like Remember this isn t about getting a bargain but to raise funds for AS ET If you are not attending Congress your membership is just as important and for a minimum donation of 6 00 you can become an official member Contact me for further information elaine lbs biotech com or visit the AS ET website www as et org uk
Bulletin January 2015 33 The 3Ts Technicians Trade and Teamwork The Joint IAT Huntingdon Norfolk and Suffolk HNS and Cambridge Branches Autumn Symposium 2014 On Wednesday 19th November 2014 the 8th Joint Branch Autumn Symposium took place at HLS The symposium was attended by approximately 120 delegates including technicians managers trade representatives and a local Home Office Inspector The remit of the 2014 symposium was the collaboration of local technician input trade supplies and the necessity for teamwork in their contribution to the success of the animal technology industry The symposium was kindly sponsored by twelve companies There was an opportunity to view trade stands and some locally produced scientific posters before the Symposium was officially opened by the HNS Branch President David Spillane and the Cambridge Branch Chair Theresa Langford Chair for the Symposium James Bussell opened the event with some Trade Flash Presentations All sponsors were provided with the opportunity to give a strict one minute presentation on their company The format had been adopted from IAT Congress 2014 and was received very positively by the audience The trade presentations were diverse in style and provided interesting insight into the company histories ethos and products Following the trade presentations were a total of 9 ten minute talks from local technicians including award winners aspiring young technicians and some established managers on a variety of subjects and species There were a number of thought provoking ideas and 3Rs topics publicised Some highlights of the talks were Learning how Beagle future breeding stock is temperament tested in novel environments Finding out that the neurodegenerative Sandhoff disease mouse model may learn where to expect to find food mash in a cage
34 January 2015 Bulletin Seeing how environmental enrichment can be provided for avian species such as duck baths Learning how juvenile Beagles are successfully trained and used for drug dosing using the oral administration route Hearing how the saphenous vein in the Guinea pig can be successfully used to get a sufficient blood volume for antibody studies Finding out that ageing mice like to exercise and that the use of an exercise wheel may be good for both physiological and psychological wellbeing in mice Seeing how the efficacy of Zebrafish genotyping was improved whilst maintaining high standards of welfare Learning that for mice cage changing is a more stressful experience than receiving an injection Hearing all about the care of a Naked Mole rat colony and seeing videos of their behaviours as a novel species in the research environment They are no longer seen as ugly Every technician wants to work with them now The final presentation of the evening was by Keynote speaker Dr Stuart Armstrong from DSTL Biomedical Sciences The title was PK Studies in Guinea pigs and included an interesting insight into the work undertaken to provide counter measures and protection against nerve agents as used in warfare and terrorism
Bulletin January 2015 35 The evening was closed with gifts being presented to the speakers a prize draw and a buffet Feedback from the evening has been extremely positive A big thanks again to all the speakers who contributed to a fantastic evening Everyone enjoyed the variety and pitch of the talks Many thanks to the following companies for kindly sponsoring this event 1st Biotech Ltd Datesand Group Edstrom Harlan Huntingdon Life Sciences Linton Instruments Scanbur S3 Science Steris Sychem Tecniplast and The Cube We hope to continue the success of the Joint Symposium in 2015 Keep an eye on the Bulletin for further details The Huntingdon Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridge Branches would like to express their sadness at the passing of John Kelly FIAT who sadly passed away on the morning of the symposium Sam Jameson Branch Reporter
36 January 2015 Bulletin Surrey Hampshire Sussex Branch Scientific non meeting T he SHS Branch was planning to hold its scientific meeting on the 10th of September with two speakers from Harlan The first talk was due to be Utilising IVF Technology to apply the R3 s The second on What s in your feed on the influence of dietary ingredients on experimental data Unfortunately the event had to be cancelled at the last minute due to lack of attendees There was an issue with the email address in the Bulletin which may have contributed to lack of numbers although sending posters with an alternative contact did not attract any interest either As we felt it unfair to ask the speakers to travel from Oxfordshire to attend for an audience of 6 or 7 it was decided to cancel the event We did in fact get a couple of additional names very late on but by then it was too late Although we do have some members willing to attend what was planned to be a purely scientific meeting the majority do not seem interested in such topics or willing to give up their own time Apologies to those that had planned to attend to Harlan who were due to sponsor the event and to the proposed speakers Stuart Mackrell Branch Reporter
Bulletin January 2015 Attention ALL NACWOs We are pleased to announce the launch of two exciting initiatives for Named Animal Care and Welfare Officers NACWOs NACWO section on IAT website www iat org uk A dedicated NACWO section on the members area of the IAT website will be available soon Folders containing information and references relating to Enrichment Training and CPD Experimental procedures Surgical procedures Animal behavioural information and NACWO exchange documentation see below will be available Access to this area of the website can be requested through the IAT Website Co ordinator website iat org uk NACWO exchange programme In order to provide NACWOs with opportunities to develop strong networks learn about different facilities and programmes of work share best practice and gain valuable Continuing Professional Development the IAT is keen to promote a NACWO exchange programme Information on the initial pilot visits for the NACWO exchange programme were presented at the IAT Congress in March and the RSPCA Rodent Welfare Group meeting in October The programme gives interested NACWOs and Institutions the opportunity to host and arrange visits to other facilities Checklists are provided as a guide to the visits and a flow chart on the process has been prepared The exchange programme provides a great opportunity for people to meet and talk about their own experiences and to develop a network of NACWOs to support and learn from each other and further enhance the wellbeing of animals in our care CPD points will be allocated for both visiting and hosting NACWOs The Institute would also like to use information from these visits to feed into the Council Animal Welfare group If you are interested please contact Andy Cunningham ac572 le ac uk for further details 37
Very soon One Little Piggy was having to go wee wee wee all the way home 38 January 2015 Bulletin
Bulletin January 2015 DIARY Dates 29 January Herts Essex Branch AGM Details from hertsandessexsecretary hotmail co uk 29 January Named Persons Workshop Central UK 30 January Congress 2015 Call for Posters and closing date See page 12 30 January North West Branch AGM and Pub Quiz Cheshire Details from northwestbranch outlook com 11 February NEE Branch Symposium Trade Day and AGM Sheffield Details from iatnortheastbranch hotmail co uk Cover photo Huskies Malcolm Gamble 11 February Surrey Hampshire Sussex Branch AGM Surrey Details from francesca whitmore apha gsi gov uk 17 February Middlesex Branch Young Presenter Symposium Central London Details from juliebee cancer org uk or wrussell allentowninc com 17 March 6th Educational Stakeholders Meeting Scotland Details from www iat org uk See page 13 17 20 March IAT Congress 2015 Scotland Details from www iat org uk 43