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January 18 2019 UNEQUIVOCAL PROOF 4 22 PM When describing the events of the possuk states The water of the Yam Suf returned and submerged the Egyptian riders and chariots None remained while walked through the sea on dry land The points out a fundamental difference between the 10 Makkos and the miracles of Kriyas Yam Suf With regard to the Makkos they were entirely directed at the Egyptians as a punishment for their brutality and cruelty towards Bnei Yisrael The miraculous component of each plague only targeted the Egyptians The Yidden however continued their daily routine in Goshen There were no clear miracles affecting them The Makkos therefore did not necessarily prove that Hashem loved Bnei Yisrael It was possible to interpret the Makkos as merely divine retribution for the Egyptians behavior This dynamic changed at Yam Suf Here for the first time Hashem reversed the laws of nature and split the sea allowing the Yidden to cross through safely It was these miracles that proved conclusively to Hashem s love for them With this concept in mind we can understand why Rashi writes in Parshas Yisro that Yisro was motivated to join the Jewish people after hearing about and rather than after hearing about the Makkos It was and which demonstrated unequivocally that Hashem loved and it was to take advantage of this unique status that moved Yisro to join the Jewish nation Similarly in Tehillim states Our ancestors in Mitzrayim did not comprehend your wonders they did not recall your great kindness Their uncertainty was regarding the Makkos done in MItzrayim not the miracles done at Yam Suf January 21 No classes Teacher s Professional Development Day January 27 Rebbeim meeting Dismissal at 11 30 an The bulletin is sponsored by Have a Rabbi Ochs On Thursday morning we had an assembly for grades 1 8B to give recognition to the 25 talmidim who made the Honorable Menschen at least 7 13 weeks These 25 students are true Ambassadors of Torah Academy Mazel tov to them and their families Rabbi Wilhelm the Menahel of the Mesivta spoke to the boys and told them stories about the importance of Derech Eretz and Middos tovos Each of the 25 honorees was presented with a gift card to the Israel Book Shop Manny Tarlin 8B and Moshe Blumberg 5B spoke on behalf of the 25 winners A special raffle was held for all the talmidim who were on the Honorable Menschen at least 4 times The four winners were Zelig Bier Ahron Dovid Luria Ezzie Markov and Nechemia Berzansky The talmidim then watched a video with words of chizuk from all the Rabbeim and different students spoke about the impact of this wonderful program Thank you Rabbi Frohlich and Rabbi Benmergui On Wednesday Mrs Feldman and the following teachers Rabbi Benmergui Mr Carey Ms Faherty Ms Fisher Miss R Fireman Rabbi Frager Miss R Gould Rabbi Menchel Mrs Thompson and Mr Wagner participated in a professional development training given by Better Lesson facilitated by CJP and funded partially by the AviChai foundation The teachers learned about blended learning and personalized learning They will engage in yearlong coaching on how to use best practices in their classroom around these topics Mrs Johnson and Mr Berman have already begun their work with Better Lesson in the summer and we are seeing the positive impact it is making on student learning We are grateful to our teachers for the time they will be giving to this to better their teaching and improve student learning We are thankful to CJP for inviting our school to participate in this worthwhile opportunity Continued on page 2

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Bulletin Board Middos building continues at Hamilton Mrs Gould s Icare bulletin board is overflowing and Mrs Fontek s thank you notes inspire the girls to comment on their classmates positive behavior Girls 5 8 continue to participate in the daily morning interactive shiur given by Mrs Moskovitz using the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Master Your Words Master Your Life The girls have become proficient determining the of each scenario This week Gary Alpert brought the Understanding Our Differences program to the second grade girls The focus was a STEM project based on the story The Candlewick published by PJ Press The girls needed to do some problem solving based on the book In the story that focuses on hachnasas orchim the guest tries to problem solve for her deaf hostess Thank you to The Ruderman Family Foundation for sponsoring the program and to Gateways for being the facilitator The girls in Mrs Sternfield s fourth grade designed beautiful dioramas for crossing the Yarden in Sefer Yehoshua The CJP sponsored a CPR First Aid and AED all day training this week Mrs Moskovitz Mrs Goldstein and Miss Racheli Fireman represented Torah Academy DAY OF LEARNING 8 Shevat sponsored by Mr Heshy Mrs Bluma Mermelstein in memory of the yahrtzeit of Shalom ben Nuta Yitzchok z l 11 Shevat sponsored by Rabbi Sholom Mrs Marion Fine in memory of the yahrtzeit of Shlomo Yitzchak ben Sholom Meir z l MAZEL TOV TO Binyamin Esther Miriam 92 Goldstein Steinman on the bar mitzvah of their son and to grandparents Mr Shaul Mrs Barbara Hamilton Office Goldstein Pinchas 06 Minaker and Leah Nathan on their recent wedding and to parents Dr Baruch Mrs Sara Minaker Rabbi Yaakov Mrs Aidel Bier on the bar mitzvah of their son Aaron 7B and to grandparents Rabbi Naftoly Mrs Yehudis Bier Drs Joseph Ilana Feuerstein on the bar mitzvah of their son Akiva Avraham 7B and to grandparents Dr Jesse Mrs Brenda Hefter and Mr Henry Mrs Mimi Feuerstein CONDOLENCES To Rabbi Dovid Kashnow Family on the passing of his mother Mrs Ruth Kashnow COMMUNITY EVENTS January 19 Kollel of Greater Boston bar mitzvah of Aaron Bier davening at 8 00 am followed by kiddush at 30 Wallingford Rd side entrance January 19 Congregation Beth Pinchas bar mitzvah of Akiva Avraham Feuerstein davening at 8 45 followed by kiddush TORAH ACADEMY HOTLINE 617 424 9411

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WILLISTON STEM FAIR January 30th Grades 2 5 2 00 2 30 PM Middle School 2 00 3 10 PM HAMILTON STEM FAIR February 6th Grades 4 5 6 7 8 12 45 2 15 PM

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 Honorable Menschen Assembly 2 Second grade boys have recently shared in the simcha of birthdays with classmates Gavi Rosenberg and Eliyahu Benmergui The birthday boys brought in treats for their classmates 3 Lamed Tes Melachos in 4B Keitzad Medals in lifnei Hapenny 4 3B Science Fair Posters The life of a star 5 2B are learning to daven Shemone Esrei Every week they add one bracha This week they started the bracha of Veliy rushalaim We should be zoche very soon 3 3 5 4

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 2 1 3 3 1 4G preparing STEM Fair displays 2 After learning about Krias Yam PreK1 fashioned a display of what it looked like 3 2G solving The Understanding Our Differences challenges based on The Candlewick story 4 K2 learning and reviewing the nekudos by reading and doing active hands on activities 2 1 1 1 3 3 4 4

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE Tzvi Sussman Yehoshua Feldman Noam Youshaei Nechemia Berzansky Yaakov Wallin Yehuda Leib Feldman 7th GRADE Zelig Bier 2nd GRADE Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Akiva Feuerstein Nochum Dessler Natanel Atar Meir Zev Gelernter Yitzy Gould Yitzy Fine Eli Benmergui Yisrael Leib Greene Nachi Halpern Yehuda Greenblatt Ari Block Shlomo Rosmarin Malkiel Miara Avrohom Halpern Yosef Hoffman Aaron Sanieoff Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Yehoshua Kashnow Daniel Simnegar 8th GRADE Levi Meir Klompas 3rd GRADE Yehuda Wolf Meir Hain Nesanel Luria Aron Luria 6th GRADE Baruch Marshall Levi Meyers Yoni Faintuch Asher Nesanel Mintzes 4th GRADE Yisrael Feldman Dovid Plotnik Asher Katz Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Moshe Segal 5th GRADE Moshe Leff Tuvya Sternfield Moshe Blumberg Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Nechemiah Ochs Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm Daniel Youshei SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Shemos 5B 6B 7B Raffle Winners Yehuda Leib Feldman Yoni Faintuch Nechemia Ochs Yoni Faintuch Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Yisrael Feldman Meir Zev Gelernter Dovid Tzvi Krochmal 8B Yisrael Feldman Yisrael Leib Greene Moshe Leff Meir Hain Binyomin Septimus Shlomo Rosmarin Binyomin Septimus Aaron Sanieoff Chatzkel Wilhelm Shmuel Meir Solomon Noam Youshaei Yehuda Leib Feldman Nesanel Wilhelm

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At 9 45 AM

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