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January 15

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January 15 2021 ACTUALIZE POTENTIAL As Moshe and Aharon prepare to embark on their mission of leading Klal Yisrael towards the Torah enumerates their ancestry and introduces us to their parents and At this point Moshe and Aharon are respectively eighty and eighty three years old Why does the Torah choose to reveal this now In Parshas Shemos the Torah appears to go to great length to ambiguate Moshe s parentage by merely referring to an who married a What has changed Rav Moshe Feinstein explains in his that the Torah is teaching us the difference between raw and actualized potential Moshe was born with tremendous potential The possuk describes him as which Chazal explain refer to the phenomenon The house filled with light when Moshe was born Having brilliance or other natural ability or talent is not enough It is what we do with those skills abilities and talents that Hashem grants us is what counts The individual that actualizes their potential and develops himself to achieve greatness according to his ability is what the Torah desires In Parshas Shemos when Moshe was born the brilliance associated with his birth was just potential It was not a credit to his parents In this Parsha Moshe and Aharon were in their eighties They had been worthy and have been chosen to be the leaders of Klal Yisrael because of their greatness Now is then the right time to identify the parents of Moshe to credit their chinuch 4 19 PM Monday January 18 Teacher Professional Development Day no classes for students When being Mechanech our job is to nurture our children s and students potential and encourage them to achieve their capabilities Hashem gives each child as well as Middos that aren t yet developed We need to recognize this and help them mature grow and actualize who they can become Rabbi Ochs On Thursday Rosh Chodesh Shevat the boys in the Williston building had a pizza lunch Thank you 8B for organizing the sale For Rosh Chodesh in the Hamilton building the girls were treated to a pizza lunch Thank you to the 8th grade G O for organizing the event Thank you to Mrs Frohlich for picking up the pizza 5B learned 15K more words and celebrated with chocolate chip waffles and chocolate chip syrup Thank you Rabbi Sternfield After learning about the Yidden crossing the Yarden into Eretz Yisroel in Sefer Yehoshua the girls in 4G created dioramas depicting the event Thank you Mrs Sternfield In Kindergarten the students have learned the nekudah komatz They are writing little books Thank you Mrs Simon Mrs Sebbag Miss Mintzes and Mrs Gluckin

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Bulletin Board CONDOLENCES TO Rav Naftali Horowitz Shlit a and Family on the passing of his brother Rav Pinchas Dovid ben HaRav Levi Yitzchak ztzk lz Shivah Details In New York Shiva until Thurs a m January 21 at 1218 52nd St Brooklyn NY In Brookline The Bostoner Rebbe will be sitting Sunday through Wednesday January 17 20 in the sukkah dining room 8am 10am and 4pm 6pm Phone call hours are 12 00 noon 2pm The phone number is 617 719 9238 DAY OF LEARNING DAY OF LEARNING 2 Shevat sponsored in memory of HaRav Yosef Aryeh ben Zalman Yehuda z l by Rabbi Mrs Zalman Leff 2 Shevat sponsored In memory of HaRav Yosef Aryeh ben Zalman Yehuda z l By Rabbi Mrs Zalman Leff MAZEL TOV TO Mr Shabsi Mrs Leah Chaya Beilin on the marriage of their son Tzvi Hirsch to Tzivia Raubvogel Mr Jeremy Mrs Victoria 2B General Studies Zenlea on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Mr Steven Mrs Sara Zenlea SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Shemos 4B 5B 6B 8B Ezra Klompas Mordy Bier Moshe Beilin Uri Knisbacher Eli Feuerstein Yoni Faintuch Moshe Aryeh Riesel Ephraim Kashnow Yisrael Feldman Chaim Yaakov Septimus Asher Katz Yaakov Fontek Yosef Hoffman Shmuel Loketch Uri Katz Shua Kashnow Naftoli Ochs Moishe Leff Eliyahu Yousheei Tzvi Posy Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Tuvia Schonberg Mendel Meyers 7B Binyomin Septimus Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Avromi Shimanovich Yisroel Leib Greene Noam Youshaei Natanel Atar Moshe Bark Eli Benmergui Elchonon Frohlich Aaron Sanieoff

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS PreK enjoying recess playing hopscotch being mesmerizes during parsha learning and creating makos projects K2 involved at their learning centers Creative writing in letter P week Art and math sentences K2 students illustrate their own parsha books

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS The Konei Olam program of the Chofetz Chaim Foundation is part of the curriculum in grade 2B The boys are currently working on the middah of savlanus 5B has taken their testable questions and transformed them into hypotheses to test Students are testing rockets and car designs and the properties of matter in two different experiments 2B welcomes back a student that was out due to Covid quarantine 4B presenting their creative writing on The Island of Blue Dolphins Learning parshas Shemos with props in 2B 5B pauses from their labs from the science fair to gather more materials and inspiration from available materials Along the way of repurposing supplies they also organized and labelled our storage And cued up a few more projects for us to tackle after the science fair 4B plays the game If I Was Stranded on a Desert Island in conjunction with their start of a new unit in literature Survival

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 6G presents Chumash posters they made which depicted all they learned about the chatzotzros in parshas Behaaloscha 7 and 8 girls science dissecting chickens 4G test their STEM Fair catapults for distance and accuracy

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