January 13, 2023ג״פשת תבט ’כתומש תשרפ ABSOLUTE FAITH4:16 PMDear Parents, When Hashem revealed Himself to Moshe for the first time, the possuk reads: יקולא יכנא רמאיו םיקולאה לא טיבהמ ארי יכ וינפ השמ רתסיו .בקעי יקולאו קחצי יקולאו םהרבא יקולא ךיבא. The Medrash relates in the name of הימחנ ׳ר ןב ןהכה עשוהי בר that since Moshe was a novice to האובנ, Hashem did not reveal Himself to Moshe using His full and mighty voice so as not to frighten Moshe. Instead He spoke to Moshe in the voice of Amram, Moshe’s father. Thus, when Moshe heard Hashem calling him, he answered יננה, I am here to do what my father wishes, to which Hashem replied ךיבא יקולא יכנא. I am not your father, rather I am Hashem. What is the Medrash conveying? Why did Moshe’s initiation to Nevuah need to be in his father’s voice? The Medrash also quotes the possuk in Mishlei רבד לכ ןימאי יתפ – a fool believes anything. The Medrash writes the word יתפ is related to איתפ that Aramaic term meaning child. It is also etymologically related to התפי – easily convinced or seduced. How can we understand the Medrash’s comparison of Moshe to an easily swayed child? Rav Schwab ל״צז answers by pointing out that generally naivete is viewed negatively by Chazal. It is a sign of foolishness. However, in the realm of our relationship to Hashem, הטושפ הנומא like the trust a child has in his parents is necessary and foundational for spiritual accomplishment. Moshe’s attainment of the highest level of prophecy began with the הטושפ הנומא he absorbed from his parents. Moshe was like a child איתפ so Hashem spoke with him in his father’s voice. This in turn teaches us that conveying the tenets of הטושפ הנומא in Hashem is the foundation of our children’s achievements in Ruchniyus. תבש טוג!Rabbi Ochs● This week we administered the Aimsweb winter benchmarks in English and Math at both the Williston and Hamilton sites.● The Hamilton lunchroom was a happy place this Tuesday as the girls enjoyed their first warm lunch of pizza bites. This was a nice addition to the erev Shabbos kugel.● As part of the Chemdas Chanukah Cholent Contest, boys that learned and were tested on 3 perekim of Mishnayos over Chanukah break received a hot fleishig cholent this past Thursday!● Grade 1 girls are busy preparing for their Chumash play. Excitement is high as they anticipate receiving their first Chumash.● At This weeks erev Shabbos get together for grades 5-8 girls focused on another aspect of Kiddush Hashem, the need to keep a balance between your bain odom lamokom and your bein adom l’chavero The girls have already discussed how one makes a Kiddush Hashem using the gift of speech appropriately.● Mon, Jan 16 - Professional Development day, no classes for all grades.
BULLETIN BOARDCondolencesOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● 6B had a hot dog siyum to celebrate completing the first third of Perek Hakoines, and that the whole class got a 90 or higher on last week's Gemara test.● Last week, the girls held their first Geography Bee in the school's history! Ten finalists from grades 4-8 competed over two days for first place. Challenged by United States and world geography questions, the finalists wowed the rest of the school with their broad knowledge of geography and by their courage to sit on stage and compete. Well done! Mazal tov to the first place winner: Esti Shimanovich 7GSecond place winner: Rivky Berman 5GRunner up: Nechama Wallach 4G● On Thursday, 1B had a special visitor, Pharoh that came to teach the parsha! He also did a brick-making demonstration and he put the boys hard at work making bricks!● Grade 3 girls learned a beautiful song in conjunction with their study of Parshas Toldos. The words are the brochos that Yitzchok gave to Yaakov and they sang them in both Hebrew and English.Uniform Gemach Announcement● To ACommunity Events ● 17 Teves - sponsored by Mr. Shaul & Mrs. Barbara Goldstein and Family on the yahrzeit of ל''ז לשריה םהרבא ןב 'יבוט, Tuvyah ben Avrohom Hirschel, z"l, Mr. Thomas Goldstein, father of Mr. Shaul Goldstein.● To Shimshi and Rachel (‘16) (Ostashinsky) Goldstein on their marriage and to parents Mr. Dovid and Mrs. Mayya (School Office) Ostashinsky● To Mrs. Rivka Rochel Shepard (Girls’ Kodesh Support) and to Miss Elka Taitelbaum (5G Kodesh, 2b General Studies) on the engagement of their brother and sister.● To Reuven Markov (08’) on his engagement to Rachel TellerMazel Tov! Day of Learning
BULLETIN BOARDMazel Tov! CondolencesOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementDay of Learning● 11 Kislev ● To ACommunity Events SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshiyos Vayechi!4BShimshon Nulman Moshe Rosmarin5BYaakov BarresNechemia BerzanskyZelig BierYosef Shalom DelmoorAvrohom Halpern Nesanel LuriaYaakov Wallin6BMoshe Bark Eliyohu Boruch BenmerguiAryeh BlockShmuel Lieberman Eliyahu Youshei Gavriel Noam Zazula7BMoshe Shalom DavydovChaim Moshe DelmoorAron David LuriaGavriel Novik Chaim Yaakov Septimus Menachem Mendel Zaklos8BEliezer Moshe Feuerstein Menachem Mendel GoldNaftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Yosef Schonberg Yonatan Mordechai Zazula
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS1. The girls held their first Geography Bee in the school's history!2. 4G siyum on Parshas Miketz.3. 4G learning about different types of graphs4. 2G plays proper noun bingo
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS4.1. 5B working together on a math project.2. 1B hard at work making bricks!3. 6B celebrating a siyum with hot dogs!4. 1B Math Bingo
TORAH ACADEMYGEOGRAPHY BEE 2023WINNERS1. Esti Shimanovich2. Rivky Berman3. Nechama Wallach1. Ezra Klompas2. Shmuel Lerner3. Shmuel LoketchMAZEL TOV!
Shop for winter!Items for the whole family at bargain pricesIncluding: men’s shirts, tsitsis, yahmulkes, gloves, knee socks, pleated skirts, blankets, more.New extended hoursTuesday January 173:30-8 PM