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January 29 2021 STRICTLY FOR US Dear Parents The sefer notes that there was a fundamental difference between the miracles Hashem performed during the period of the Makkos and the miracles He performed at Yam Suf The Makkos were directed against the to punish them measure for measure for their cruelty and brutality towards the Jewish people As the psukim point out when Hashem bent the laws of nature to punish the Egyptians it demonstrated for the extent of Hashem s greatness and power The Makkos however did not convey the love and special relationship that exists between Bnei Yisrael and Hashem as the plagues could have simply been viewed as retribution against the Egyptians At Yam Suf the nissim that took place were a clear demonstration of Hashem s love for His people He performed the supernatural and changed the laws of nature strictly for them With this in mind we can understand the Chasam Sofer s explanation of the we say nightly after Hashem in His wrath struck the Egyptian firstborn and drew His nation Yisrael from among them to eternal freedom He crossed His children between the walls of the Yam Suf and caused their enemies to drown The verses first refer to as His nation But by the terminology changes and they are called His sons In light of the Keren L Dovid we can understand the distinction The fact that the Yidden were redeemed from Mitzrayim is something that by rights should occur to a nation that has been subjugated and mistreated for so many years It does not demonstrate Hashem s love At Yam Suf when Hashem performed incredible nissim to save Bnei Yisrael and beyond that with so many extra unnecessary touches it was evident that this was being done by a Loving Father to save His children As parents it is critical to take every opportunity to convey to our children our special status as Hashem as our loving father will go above and beyond for us his children 4 37 PM Mon Feb 1 Parent Teacher Conferences for 1 8G Tue Feb 2 Parent Teacher Conferences for Preschool and 6B 8B Sun Feb 7 Parent Teacher Conferences 6 8B Israel Mon Feb 8 Parent Teacher Conferences grades 1 8B Tue Feb 9 Parent Teacher Conferences for 7 8G Rabbi Ochs Sunday was the Chumash Mesibah for grade 1 boys Each boy was presented with his Chumash The boys took home a special boxed lunch Thank you Rabbi Sebbag for preparing the boys for this special event Mazel tov to 6B on finishing Parshas Vayikra The talmidim have become proficient in Korbanos Menachos Thank you to Rabbi Nulman Mazel tov to 4B on finishing Mesechta Rosh Hashana BH the talmidim know the Mesechta very well Thank you Rabbi Selevan As part of their unit on the 39 Melachos Rabbi Selevan brought in a real loom and showed the boys all the different aspects of the weaving process and the Melachos involved Thank you to the Youshaie Family for sponsoring pizza for the boys on Tu B shvat as a zechus for a refuah shlaima for Shoshana bas Liora Mazel Tov to grade three girls on finishing Parshas Toldos The girls will celebrate with a bagel breakfast Thank you Mrs Posy Thursday the 8th grade girls G O presented a fun activity of guessing the food logos There was a game for grades 1 4 and for 58 Thank you to the 8th grade girls and to G O coordinator Mrs Blumberg On Friday the girls in grades 1 8 got together on zoom to learn more about the Middah of HaKaras HaTov and hear a story about showing appreciation The zoomed in pictures of things for which we have HaKaras HaTov that were taken by the girls after last week s opening activity were posted in the hall for the girls to guess what the pictures are See the attached Eye care newsletter and pictures Thank you to Mrs Blumberg for speaking to the girls this week

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 13 Shevat sponsored by the Ostashinsky Family in memory of Rachel Chaya bas Leib a h great grandmother of Racheli Adina and Levi Yehuda on her yahrzeit 13 Shevat sponsored by Zalman Chana Wallach l refuah shelaima for Tzipora bas Mattel their dear Bubby Karas 14 Shevat sponsored by Avi Luna Bukiet in honor of the Bukiet Children Chana Aron Chaim Meyer 15 Shevat sponsored by Rabbi Moshe Mrs Bracha Frohlich l iluy nishmas Yaakov Mordechai ben HaRav Zev Yehuda z l Mr Eugene Fischer father of Mrs Frohlich on his third yahrzeit 15 Shevat sponsored by Torah Academy as a zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah for our dear friend Dovid Tzvi ben Rivka MAZEL TOV TO Shragi 05 Leah Rabinowitz on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Rabbi Yitzchak Mrs Tova Rabinowitz Avrohom Eliezer 00 Raizy Zuber on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Rabbi Joshua Mrs Sharone Zuber

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS PreK1 display the library books they designed for L week Tairay aynayim in K1 K1 mosaic creation fun Practicing reading with Nekudos in K K2 creating their own math sentences doing rhymes for letter R and drawing R pictures and writing the R words PreK kinderlach trees celebrate Tu B shevat

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS B shevat in 2B The unexpected snow fall provides classes with fun recess activities Boys in grade 4 planned a surprise birthday party for their teacher Miss Leff Shragi Wolf brings along his friend Basketball on the class recess walk 5B prepares for the upcoming STEM fair Olive treat lichvod Tu SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Bo 4B 5B 6B 8B Natanel Atar Ezra Klompas Mordy Bier Moshe Beilin Moshe Bark Uri Knisbacher Ephraim Kashnow Yisrael Feldman Yaakov Bier Moshe Aryeh Riesel Naftoli Ochs Yaakov Fontek Elchanon Frohlich Chaim Yaakov Septimus Tzvi Posy Uri Katz Tuvia Schonberg Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow Moishe Leff Gavi Rosenberg 7B Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Eliyahu Yousheei Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Mendel Meyers Aaron Sanieoff Binyomin Septimus Avromi Shimanovich Chatzkel Wilhelm Noam Youshaei

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 4G present their research and teach about Ohio Yummy Tu B Shevat activity in 4th grade girls

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