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Jan 22

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January 22 2021 IN THE Z CHUS OF EMUNAH There are two psukim in the Parsha that discuss the mitzvah of eating Matzah The first possuk is more famously known from the We eat matzah to commemorate that when we were driven from Mitzrayim we left in such haste that we could not delay for the rising of the dough and instead baked Matzos Thus matzah was the result of our freedom The second possuk is found at the end of the Parshah You should tell your child on that day that due to this Hashem performed miracles for me and took me out of Mitzrayim Chazal explain due to this as referencing the Matzah and Marror we ate together with the Korban Pesach From this possuk we see that the matzah was the cause for the of How do we understand this dichotomous nature of the Matzah Rav Shimon Schwab zatza l explains that Hashem commanded to perform mitzvos even before the took place to test their level of These mitzvos are known as mitzvos with no reveal reason They merited redemption because they rose to the occasion and with great fulfilled these mitzvos despite not understanding their rationale This then is the meaning of Because we kept the mitzvos of Matzah and Maror as a purely for Hashem s sake we were zoche to the Nissim of Thus the meanings of matzah are not contradictory but rather deeply interrelated We learn from here that it was the z chus of that gave us that final push towards redemption it will once again be in that z chus that we merit the final 4 28 PM Mon Feb 1 Parent Teacher Conferences for 1 8G Tue Feb 2 Parent Teacher Conferences for Preschool and 6B 8B note new date Sun Feb 7 Parent Teacher Conferences 6 8B Israel Mon Feb 8 Parent Teacher Conferences grades 1 8B Tue Feb 9 Parent Teacher Conferences for 7 8G note new date Rabbi Ochs On Wednesday the girls in grades 1 8 began a new Middos program called EYE Care The focus of the program is Training our eyes to look for good During a Zoom assembly the girls heard a message from Dr Soll about making sure to take care of our eyes not only physically but also to take care of how we use them to look at people and situations Then the girls learned the program theme song and received personalized keychains During the year they will be earning charms to add to the keychains To introduce the first Middah of zooming in on and appreciating all of the good that is done for us the girls played a game of Zoomed In Pictures which zoomed in on small parts of items were displayed and the girls guessed what the items were The girls then zoomed in on pictures of people or items for which we have Hakaras HaTov and the pictures will be posted on the bulletin board for everyone to identify Thank you Dr Soll Yosher koach to Mrs Sternfield for planning and organizing this great middos campaign

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 6 Shevat sponsored by Mr Mrs Amir Youshaei for a refuah shleimah for Shoshana bas Liora 6 Shevat sponsored by the Bakke Family as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Yaakov ben Shayndl Mr Jacob Bast grandfather of Devorah Havah and Basya Bakke 6 Shevat sponsored by Sandra Weinreb in loving memory of her grandmother Mazal bat Moshe a h In the zechus of all the learning her neshoma should have an Aliya 7 Shevat sponsored by Rabbi Rebbetzin Naftoly Bier as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Shoshana bas Liora 7 Shevat sponsored by Joshua Sydney in memory of Rahmatollah Rachamim ben Avraham z l beloved father of Nathan and Ashy Hedvat 7 Shevat sponsored Anonymously as a refuah shleimah for Yaakov ben Shayndel 8 Shevat sponsored by Mrs Bluma Mermelstein in memory of Shalom ben Nuta Yitzchok z l on his yahrtzeit 8 Shevat sponsored by the Kahsnow Family in honor of the yahrzeit of Yehoshua ben Aryeh Leib HaLevi z l and Rochel Leah bas Aryeh Leib a h great grandparents of Ephraim Shua and Avi Kashnow 9 Shevat sponsored by Ari Rochel Gelernter in appreciation for all those in the school and in out community who helped them and their children during their quarantine 9 Shevat sponsored by Etiel Burgur l refuah sheleimah for Elisheva Michal bas Ettel and to commemorate the yahrzeit of Hinda bas Dovid Meir a h MAZEL TOV TO Rabbi Joshua Mrs Sharone Zuber on the birth of their great grandson to Tuviya Norkin and to grandparents Mr Shalom Mrs Chaya Norkin Shloimie Chana 10 Pichey Wasserman on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Eli Mrs Shaindy Pichey Cheli 12 Fireman on her engagement to Ezzie Rosenbloom and to parents Rabbi Eliezer Mrs Rivki Fireman and to grandparents Rabbi Eli Mrs Edie Dovek and Rabbi Avrohom Mrs Karen Fireman

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS K2 students create the nekudos kamatz and pasach out of fuse beads and use manipulatives to create numbers Parsha learning in many ways looking at pictures and pretending to tie sheep to their beds Students practice aleph beis Exploring literacy and math in K2 PreK students enjoy a nice day in the park

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 4B cutting licorice a yummy way to learn about fractions Learning Parsha Vaera hands on in 2B The Yidden had lots of water during makas dam SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vaera 4B Natanel Atar 5B 6B 8B Moshe Bark Ezra Klompas Ephraim Kashnow Moshe Beilin Eli Benmergui Uri Knisbacher Asher Katz Yisrael Feldman Yaakov Bier Moshe Aryeh Riesel Shmuel Loketch Yaakov Fontek Elchanon Frohlich Chaim Yaakov Septimus Naftoli Ochs Uri Katz Yosef Hoffman Tzvi Posy Moishe Leff Shua Kashnow Tuvia Schonberg Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Gavi Rosenberg Eliyahu Yousheei Mendel Meyers 7B Binyomin Septimus Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Avromi Shimanovich Aaron Sanieoff Chatzkel Wilhelm

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS Eye Care bulletin board and Zoom screen shots 4G present their projects about the different regions of the United States

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5G SNAPSHOTS Decorating cupcakes as frogs for the maka of tzfardeah for Parsha Vaera

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