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Jan 2024 NBIFC Newsletter

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NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTERJanuary 2024January 2024Manidoo Giizis (Spirit Moon)Manidoo Giizis (Spirit Moon)ᑭ ᔐ ᐸ ᐧᐊ ᑕ ᑭ ᓇ ᒼ kishe-paapiiwaatakini-piisim (great scattering about moon)ᑭ ᔐ ᐸ ᐧᐊ ᑕ ᑭ ᓇ ᒼ kishe-paapiiwaatakini-piisim (great scattering about moon)NBIFCNBIFC

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Jacqueline “Jackie” Traverse was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is Ojibway from the Lake St.Martin First Nation. Jackie posted this image from her colouring book, for families to enjoy a freeresource for images that express Ojibwe culture. There are 6 images in total that can bedownloaded at © 2018 JACKIE TRAVERSE — FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

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Table of ContentsIf your organization wishes to feature Indigenous-related events oractivities in our newsletter, we would be delighted to share them.Kindly send us an email at from the Executive DirectorRed Scarf AIDS Awareness Event HeldLife Long Care Annual Christmas GalaNew Staff & WasaNabin CalendarWinter MarketClothing Needed for Released IndividualsYLP CalendarGiving Tree Grief Recovery GroupSuswin Village Christmas PartyWellbrietyApatisiwin Employment & Training CalendarJob PostingsNBIFC’s 50th Anniversary Gala Save the DatePhoto ContestStaff Directory45 & 6789 & 101112131415 & 16171819202122

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 4Executive Director's MessageKathy FortinAnother year has come and gone in the blink ofan eye, we take a moment to reflect on the pastyear here at the NBIFC, and the many eventsthat took place.As we look back on the past year, we are filledwith gratitude for the many events andmilestones we achieved at the NBIFC. Our seasonal dinners and the annual Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow along with the WinterMarket were a great success, we have workedhard to create a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for everyone. We were thrilled tohave seen the graduation of our first studentsfrom Niizhwaas Asiniik Skoonweh Khan (SevenStones Learning Centre). Our biggest milestone was celebrating the grandopening of Suswin Village, and one of ourresidents being a speaker at the HomelessnessConference in Nova Scotia last month. We’re proud of the hard work that continues atthe Miskwaadesi Project (Turtle Project), andlook forward to its completion in 2024. Throughout the year we made sure to take timefor fun and team-building activities as well asrecognize important days such as Truth andReconciliation Day, and Red Dress Day. Ofcourse, we had many holiday parties, gatheringsand celebrations that brought our communitytogether, time and time again. Miigwetch to allof you for your continued support andattendance at our events! This year will be a special year for the NBIFC aswe prepare to celebrate 50 years of being inNorth Bay, and we will celebrate the people whohelped shape what it is today, by theircontributions throughout the years. Our 50th Anniversary Committee has beenworking on the details of this gala event,please keep a lookout for more details tofollow. It is going to be a beautiful formalevening at the Best Western, filled withcelebration and fun. On behalf of myself and my family, and theentire NBIFC Family, we wish you all thebest. I hope the new year brings health andhappiness to you and yours.

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In a partnership led by our Addictions and Mental Health Navigator, onDecember 1, the AIDS Committee of North Bay & Area (ACNBA) and theNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre (NBIFC) observed World AIDSDay (WAD) and Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week (IAAW) in North Bay. Thestaff of the NBIFC offered a smudge and song, Mayor Peter Chirico readthe official WAD proclamation, followed by a brief vigil and presentations.Maurice Switzer, NBIFC President, was on hand to offer kind words andwisdom. Bracing themselves with a hearty lunch and hot chocolate for the walk, atnoon, volunteers tied red scarves with HIV/AIDS awareness information indowntown North Bay, inviting attendees to participate. These scarveswere available for anyone to take and share, encouraging selfies in the redscarf to be posted on social media.Simultaneously, Day Without Art coincided with WAD, promotingcollaboration among art galleries, museums, artists, and groups toremember those in the arts industry affected by HIV/AIDS. Local galleries,tattoo studios, and art organizations showcased tributes honouring lostmembers of the international arts community impacted by HIV/AIDS. NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 5Red Scarf Aids Awareness Event Held

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There are few events more anticipated than the Life Long Care ChristmasGala. This year the Gala was stunning as always with a beautiful setting,dinner, music and dancing. Chi-miigwetch to all who make this event somemorable for our LLC Clients. We’re so happy to have Chelsea Renaud back with us at the NBIFC, she hasmoved into the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program, but she’s still verymuch a part of the process of the Life Long Care Program for this years event There are few events more anticipated than the Life Long Care ChristmasGala. This year the Gala was stunning as always with a beautiful setting,dinner, music and dancing. Chi-miigwetch to all who make this event somemorable for our LLC Clients. We’re so happy to have Chelsea Renaud back with us at the NBIFC, she hasmoved into the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program, but she’s still verymuch a part of the process of the Life Long Care Program for this years event NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 7Life Long Care Annual Christmas Gala

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 8Wachay, my name is Kimberley Stephenand I am the new Mental Health andWellness Coordinator at the NBIFC. Beforegraduating from the Indigenous Wellnessand Addictions Prevention program atCanadore College, I worked in education forseventeen years in my home community ofKashechewan First Nation. I am verygrateful to be able to offer my services tothe community of North Bay.welcome new staff

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 9The December WinterMarket was a success onceagain. Chi-Miigwetch to allthat came to show theirsupport to our Indigenousartists! The displays wereattractive, informative andwe had such a great varietyof items! The IndigenousTacos were once again agreat hit, and thefundraising efforts of thefood sales were a greatsuccess!Everyone was in goodspirits and enjoyed thefestive atmosphere!

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 10Mushkegowuk Council Grand Chief LeoFriday and George HughieW I N T E R M A R K E T - C O N T I N U E D

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Most people don’t know, but when anindividual is arrested or serves time injail, they sometimes don’t have the rightclothes for when they are released.Some people spend weeks or months injail waiting for their cases to be resolvedand that sometimes means the shortsand T shirt they went in with, just won’twork for January. The Judicial System sometimes doesn’thave the resources to releaseindividuals with weather appropraiteclothing, so working with communitypartners, NBIFC Justice Programs arelooking for donations of CLEAN gentlyused (or new) Winter clothing. Thefollowing items are needed: Men's:Winter jackets- M - XXLJogging pants- M - XXLSnow pants - M - XXLSweaters - M - XXLBoots - 9 - 12Hats & mitts NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 11Clothing urgently needed forReleased IndividualsWomens: Jackets - S to XXLJogging pants: S - XXLSweaters - S - XXLBoots: 6 - 9Snow pants: S - XXLHats & mitts To make a donation, please drop them off at the North Bay Jail, 2550 Trout Lake Road Building A

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 12Community members celebrate completion oftheir program training with a graduationceremony and some traditional food. Someparticipants were missing but everyone willreceive their certificate. Congratulations to all for a job well done! Programming

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The giving tree was a holiday hit! We would like to extend a chi-miigwetchto our Community for stepping up andhelping with the Giving Trees' inauguralyear. A total of 38 families werehelped out by your generosity! The Giving Tree was the idea of Allyson Meney, our newChildren’s Mental Health worker. A recent graduate,placement student turned employee, her kindness andenergy around the Centre have been appreciated byeveryone. NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 13

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 14Grief Recovery GroupStarts Jan 24Don’t suffer alone, be sure to register today and take solid steps incoping with loss and learning to heal from loss. Don’t suffer alone, be sure to register today and take solid steps incoping with loss and learning to heal from loss.

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2024 | PAGE 15As the holidays werebeing celebratedeverywhere, theChristmas spirit was inhigh gear at SuswinVillage. The staff andresidents had a lovelyparty, complete with aturkey dinner and all thefixings. At the time ofprinting it remainsunknown if Adrian Boastbroke out into song. Eachresident however didreceive a gift basket filledwith special items forthem. Suswin Village Christmas Party

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To Register Contact:Steve Guillbeault apatisiwin@nbifc.orgSamantha Cooper Ext 202 & 243

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NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREAvailable PositionsWaabanPrenatal/Family Support AssistantSuswin Village Transitional House:Night Client Care - Casual Relief:ongoingKizhaay Anishinaabe Niin - I am aKind Man WorkerLife Long Care WorkerAkwe:Go Enhancement CoordinatorFASD WorkerWE ARE HIRING!Please Send Cover Letter, Resume and 3 References to:HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR Email:

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NBIFCPhotoContestSubmit your photo to be on the coverof our next Newsletter. Thousands ofpeople across Turtle Island and beyondsee our Newsletter each month! inquire@nbifc.orgPhoto must carry an Indigenous theme or meaning in some way.Win a GIFT CARD!! Send in your photo, with title, your name, email and phone number. Image Preparation: The file should be 2MB at maximum. If you submit aphoto, you agree to the use and publication of the image where theNBIFC sees fit, and you have obtained permission from the subjects tobe photographed and submitted to the contest.

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