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itel Wood Restore Network Quarterly Newsletter - September 2024

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itelSeptember 2024 If you haven’t had a chance to read theAdvisory Board Summaries in theRestoration Firms Chatter Group, we’vehad a couple of changes to leadership atthe itel Wood Restoration Network in thepast month.Boogie Tate, VP of Business Development,is now leading the itel Wood RestorationNetwork. He will be overseeing theOperations, TRA, and NetworkDevelopment Teams in addition to hisresponsibilities on the itel Go To MarketTeam.We also have a new Director of Operations! See Page 3 for a brief bio.i t e l S o c i a l M e d i aA d v i s o r y B o a r dR e v i e wT i p s & T r i c k s :O p s , N e t D e v &T R A sW O W C a r d sA l l s t a t e P r o g r a m sR e f e r e n c e B o o k l e tW H O T O C O N T A C TE Z - L e v e l & S 4 MU p c o m i n g E v e n t sR e m i n d e r sE m p l o y e eS p o t l i g h t

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SocialMediaSOCIAL MEDIA RELEASE Complete the Social Media Release form.1. Email logos and before &after shots Follow us on Facebook andLinkedIn to see your post!3.itel client testimonialsBefore & After photosShop videos and reelsHow-to videosAwardsPublicationsMember SpotlightInterested in being featured?ExamplesW E W A N T T OS H O W Y O U O F F !

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Twenty years ofinsurance industryknowledge andexpertise.SPOTLIGHTEMPLOYEEDirector ofOperationskatie.hedlund@itelinc.comKatie Hedlund, Director of OperationsPlease join us in welcoming the itelWood Restoration Network’s newDirector of Operations, KatieHedlund!Katie comes to itel with more thantwo decades of experience in theinsurance industry, having heldleadership roles in TemporaryHousing and Textile Restorationcompanies. Her experience inSales and Operations roles providesher with a strong customer servicefocus and experience for hercustomers.One fun fact about Katie is that sheloves a good laugh. When she isn’tworking, she has a three-year old sonthat keeps her on her toes. Katie enjoys spending time at thelake, baking, and cooking. She isfamous for her bubble bread, alsoknown as monkey bread.Katie can be reached by calling her at904.896.2287 or

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July’s Advisory Board Meeting wasan open session with just a fewannouncements and therevisitation of June’s pricingdiscussion. Maile Cordon, Director of NetworkDevelopment, opened up themeeting with the announcement ofAllstate’s Training “Roadshow.” Sheand one of our Repair Firms, JordanRestoration of Dallas, TX, attendedthe Allstate training session inIrving, TX on July 18th, 2024. We then revisited the pricingdiscussion that began in the Junesession. We ended the Julymeeting with some kudos, follow-ups on the Repair Firm Hotline fix,Operations restructuring, andsuggestions from the AdvisoryBoard.ADVISORYBOARD REVIEWA Quarterly Review by Maile CordonIn August, we introduced our newDirector of Operations, KatieHedlund and an assortment of newOperations team members. Our TRA Manager, Peter Dubin,requested Repair Firm volunteersto assist with updating theFurniture and Cabinet Engines inregard to scope, verbiage, andpricing - with an emphasis oncountertops, propping, and/orremoval.If you would like to take part in theFurniture and Cabinet Enginepricing and scope alignment, pleasereach out to us also revisited the EZ-Levelsystem introduced back in June and

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Maile updated us with a recap onthe Allstate Adjuster TrainingSession she attended at the end ofJuly in Dallas.Finally, VP of BusinessDevelopment, Boogie Tate,announced that he will be leadingthe itel Wood division and WoodOperations. We will be going “backto the basics” so that we can focuson Consistency, Communication,Accountability, and Culture.In September, we introduced CarliTurner, our newest OperationsProgram Manager who will betaking over for Alex Cellucci. Alex ismoving to the Product team andwill continue to support Wood Opsbehind the scenes. Pleasecongratulate her when you get thechance!ADVISORYBOARD REVIEWA Quarterly Review by Maile CordonCarli, Katie Hedlund, Maile Cordon,and Kady Jacobsen have all beendiving into assignments andworking them as ProjectCoordinators (PC) in order to auditand improve the workflowprocesses on the Operations team.If you see their names on your filesplease reach out to provide anyand all feedback! Maile and Kendra Williams, AccountManager on the Go To Marketteam, provided a recap and updateon the Allstate Adjuster Trainings. The next sessions will be inNashville, Michigan, and Dayton. Once we have dates we will providethem and ask for repair firmvolunteers to participate.The Allstate training update took us

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right into some updates regardingAllstate Program Guidelines. Kendra provided us with anoverview and Chris gave a littlemore color to some of the Allstateasks and process. See the video link on the next pagefor guidelines on:Storage of cabinetsInspection SLAsFTD and Countertop proppingversus detachMicrobial GrowthEnvironmental HazardsToe Kick Base damage onlyCabinets dried in placeHard Surface CountertopsWith Continuous FlooringWithout Continuous FlooringEstimate requirementsPhoto requirementsADVISORYBOARD REVIEWA Quarterly Review by Maile CordonAs a reminder, these are guidelinesprovided by Allstate and are notapplicable to every scenario. Thetakeaway from these updates is toprovide enough detailed photosand scope to justify why your repairwould fall outside of theseguidelines.The remainder of the Septembermeeting focused on thecontinuation of the scope andpricing discussion that beganearlier in the year. Chris Donnelly,Product Manager, touched onsome of the changes expected inline item entry as well as why weprovide adjusters/carriers with alump sum instead of by line item -to reduce the adjusters pickingapart each service and cost, as wellas protecting our combinedspecialized costing.

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In October’s meeting, we will touchon Furniture Scope and Pricing,how you (our Repair Firms) wouldprefer to be notified of soldPhoto/Virtual jobs, a timeline ormethod to accept those sold jobs,and how to approach turn-keyservices if you do not provide them.If you missed the Advisory BoardMeeting Summaries and video linksin the Restoration Firms Chattergroup in the Member Portal, hereare the links below:July MeetingAugust MeetingSeptember MeetingOur next meeting will be held on:October 15th, 20242:00 - 3:30 PM ESTADVISORYBOARD REVIEWA Quarterly Review by Maile CordonIf you have general questions orsuggestions for Advisory Boardtopics, please reach out to:NetworkDevelopment.Wood@itelinc.comIf you have any questions for theWood Leadership team, specifically,they can be reached at:Boogie TateVP of Business DevelopmentBoogie.tate@itelinc.comMaile CordonDirector of Network DevelopmentMaile.cordon@itelinc.com904-840-6823Katie HedlundDirector of OperationsKatie.hedlund@itelinc.com904-896-2287

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Allstate Photo Requirements for Cabinets and FurnitureUpdated Inspection Checklists are provided in the auto-assignment email, as well as in the Quick Links at the bottomof every Work Order screen.PROGRAM REQUIREMENTSIf the information on the checklists is not received, estimateswill be rejected for corrections and/or additionalinformation.If insured/adjuster requesting additional work outsideoriginal damage & repair scope for cabinets and/or furnituree.g. Flooring, drywall, paint, additional items not initiallyinspected, additional rooms or sets of furniture, etc.STOP and contact your Assignment Owner forinstructions on proceeding.This applies to ALL carriers, not just Allstate.Cabinet Inspection ChecklistFurniture Inspection ChecklistFTD Inspection Checklist

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Please make sure that you are makingevery effort to schedule Allstate FTDs ANDOnsite Inspections within 2 business days.If scheduling outside the 2 business dayService Level Agreement (SLA), pleasemake sure to Chatter your AssignmentOwner the reason, particularly if thescheduling is held up by:Your own schedule, The insured, Adjuster or Public Adjuster (PA), Mitigation, Other GC, Etc.IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT

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In March, we partnered with Rytech to better service Allstate’s FastTrack Detach requests, but gave our Repair Firms first right ofrefusal on those assignments -- if they offered the necessaryservices.We’re happy to report that nearly three-quarters (74.5%) ofour FTD requests have been accepted and handled by ournetwork Repair Firms.Services you and/or your subcontractors must reliably offerin order to receive Fast Track Detach Assignments: Detach within 48 hours of assignment Plumbing detach Electrical detach Installation of temporary sink Full countertop removal of both laminate and solid surfaceIf you aren’t currently accepting FTD assignments, but you have theadditional Cabinet services and the above FTD capabilities, pleaselet us know by following the instructions below.If you can provide all of these services please or give us a call at877.884.9446, Option 5. Any Network firm can also utilize their local Rytech Restoration toassist on in- and out-of-network assignments. Please reach out to usin Network Development if you’d like us to assist with anintroduction to your local partner! REMINDE R

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To better serve our Repair Firm Network, we created a Repair Firm Hotlineto allow our firms to reach out to us while onsite or during an emergency,with the confidence that they’d be able to reach someone immediately. Thiswas instituted back in early 2023.We’ve updated the hotline to include more people in the ring group toensure you can reach someone, and also now have direct extensions youmay dial.RF Hotline can be reached byDialing 877-884-9446, hitting 0, Extension 2014, or 20151.Hitting 0 after leaving a voicemail for your Assignment Owner2.Either method will route you to Expediting (extension 2014)1.Kady (Extension 2015)2.Maile (Extension 2015)3.Kara (Extension 2015)4.Voicemail 5. Also sends an email notification to the group membersa.There will be times that one or all of us are on another call or in a meeting,but we’ll make every effort to acknowledge receipt of your call, voicemail,etc. and how we’re proceeding with a solution for you. If all else fails,please reach out to Maile directly at 904-840-6823.REPAIR FIRM HOTLINE

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We’ve compiled a new tool to help you obtain all the requiredinformation and After Delivery Photos on each Work Order.Obtaining all applicable photos and a Certificate ofSatisfaction (COS) after delivery will make sure that youget paid as quickly as possible, and also provide proof toprevent workmanship and warranty issues in the future.This is especially important when insureds have more than onecontractor working on their loss, and when their work mightimpact items you have already delivered on, such as:Cabinets leveled at delivery, but general contractor orcountertop contractor work alters leveled cabinets after.Appliances missing or disposed of at time of inspectioncausing erroneous measurements and requiresrefabrication of cabinets.Finish doesn’t match, either in color or quality.Pre-loss damage versus loss-related damage.AFTER DELIVERY PHOTO CHECKLISTSAfter Cab ChecklistAfter Furn ChecklistPlease Chatter your assignmentowner with any problems thatarise with the insured, yourwork, delivery date, or finalproduct.

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#WOW from a Repair Firm:“I had the pleasure of speaking with Pat Caudill about detach services,reporting, and pricing. He helped me to understand and calculate feesproperly. This has taken a huge burden off of me to finally have aformula that I can confidently use!”P A T C A U D I L L , T R ACARDSR E F I N I S H O R L A N D O10/10 Customer Survey “Yawar & Manny we’re efficient, knowledgeable, pleasant andaccurate! Perfect cabinet makers!”C L A S S I C F U R N I T U R E S E R V I C E L L C - W A10/10 Customer Survey x 2“Friendliness of workers. Arrived on time. Happy withworkmanship.”What did you like best about our service?: “Everything.”#WOW from Kady Jacobsen & NetDev Team:Cozmo assisted us on a reassignment due to lack of communicationfrom the originally assigned repair firm. He responded within minutesand scheduled with the insured same day!F U R N I T U R E M E D I C B Y A F D10/10 Customer SurveyWhat did you like best about our service?:“The quality of the cabinet once completed. It looks like it hasalways been there.”F U R N I T U R E M E D I C B Y J E R R Y U H R I N E

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CARDSM A S T E R F I X T U R E R E S T O R A T I O N10/10 Customer SurveyC U S T O M C U T S C O N S T R U C T I O N#WOW from Allstate adjuster:“Your vendor provided great photos that support the loss.“F U R N I T U R E S P E C I A L T I E SO F A S H E V I L L E I N C10/10 Customer SurveyWhat did you like best about our service?”"The friendly people.”K I T C H E N T U N E - U P B E R K S L E H I G H S W#WOW from TRA, Pat Caudill“Just wanted to say, Great Job entering the estimate!! Thank you forputting in the effort. I wish every RF would follow your lead.”G R I M M W O O D W O R K I N G10/10 Customer Survey“They were very thorough with the repair. Even ensuringthat the sink had clamps to hold it in place that it didn't havebefore.”

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#WOW from Restoration Coordinator, Wendell Moon:“I've been thoroughly impressed by their approach to managing andcommunicating with both us and the customers. It's clear they prioritizeensuring everyone is aligned and informed. I want to give a shout-out toJacob, who has been outstanding in his role, consistentlycommunicating.”10/10 Customer Survey“Wonderful customer service and craftsmanship of the product.”B U R G R E S T O R A T I O NCARDSA H M F U R N I T U R E S E R V I C E10/10 Customer SurveyWhat did you like best about our service?:“The pleasant and helpful communication.”F U R N I T U R E M E D I C B Y P R O F E S S I O N A LR E S T O R A T I O N10/10 Customer Survey“Workmanship and technician were professional and very cooperative(including the office staff).”F U R N I T U R E M E D I C B Y A K S10/10 Customer Survey“The two guys who removed the lower cabinets that weredamaged, we very careful to ensure the stone counter tops werenot damaged. When they installed the restored cabinets, theywere also very careful and ensured the plumbing under the sinkwas solid and no leaks since that is what was the partial cause ofthe damage. Also they were very professional.

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CARDSF U R N I T U R E M E D I C B Y C O R D I L L E R A10/10 Customer SurveyWhat did you like best about our service?:“Friendly, prompt service.”C O L O N Y H O M E M A I N T E N A N C E & R E P A I R10/10 Customer Survey“Quality of workmanship.”10/10 Customer Survey x 2What did you like best about our service?“The quality of service.”“Communication and service.”I R W I N ’ S F U R N I T U R E R E S T O R A T I O NA N T I Q U E A C C E N T S I N C10/10 Customer Survey“I was kept informed throughout the process about what washappening with my bureau and if I had any questions I could callor just log into the portal and check as well.”F U R N I T U R E M E D I C B YJ F C R E S T O R A T I O N10/10 Customer Survey“The technicians were very professional and made sure wewere satisfied with the restoration.”

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CARDSW O O D R E P A I R N O R T H W E S T10/10 Customer Survey"Every part of this project was done in a professional manner.They kept us well informed and never left wondering about theschedule. The installation went off without a hitch and thecabinets look great. Thank you.”A A A W O O D C R A F T E R S10/10 Customer Survey“Great communication between all involved. Keith, the owner of AAAWoodcrafters, was very prompt, great communication, extreme careand beautiful restoration! His love of his job is evident.”#WOW from Project Coordinator, Jonathon Hinkle:“RF (repair firm) deserves some praise on this file. A lot of coordinationissues due to last minute changes in scope. Change in scope due toexternal players beyond our control. RF was very responsive and wasable to adapt and communicate with efficiency. RF was able toaccommodate Allstate's last minute/slim timeline to get the cabinetsand vanity installed. Insured very pleased with the RF's communicationand cabinet work. RF obtained COS and After photos when work wascompleted. RF deserves to be recognized for a job well done!”

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EZ-Level has now teamed up with itel to help give you even more of an advantage over yourcompetition. Starting immediately, itel repair firms will receive a discounted price on the EZ-Level system which is below the current contractor rate. EZ-Level is proud to partner with theitel to help you be more efficient and achieve perfect results on your cabinet installs inminutes. If you are not familiar with EZ-Level, check out our website ( andread the Google reviews from real customers (which consist of DIY’ers and Pros).E Z - L E V E L P R E C I S I O N L E V E L I N GS Y S T E M S P E C I A L P R I C I N G F O RI T E L R E P A I R F I R M S Call or email Dwayne Summers with any questions: 800-726-5550|dwayne@ez-level.comWhat is EZ-Level?EZ-Level eliminates the need for shimsunder a cabinet.Takes the stress and frustration out ofleveling cabinets.More efficient installation which savestime and money.Perfect results in minutes, not hours.EZ-Levels never move which protectsthe countertop.Cabinets are off the ground protectingthem from small water leaks. Franchise Price:Retail $16.95/set. Dealer/Bulk pricing$11.90/set.The new itel Repair Firm price will be$11.50/set.How to enroll:Current customersEmail or call us with your companyinformation to customersEmail or call with your company andcompany information to will set you up in the system andemail you the invite to finish youraccount set up. How to order:Log into your account You will see “Wholesale Catalog” attop of pageSelect needed items for cart.Choose shipping methodPlace orderOrders received before noon easterntime will ship the same day. Call if after12 PM EST to request same day shipping.If for any reason you are havingissues logging in, place your orderand we will refund the difference onthe next business day (our systemmakes us wait).

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Waste Focus, a key partner of Savings4Members, specializes in helpingmembers reduce waste, lower disposal costs, and improve sustainability.With expertise in optimizing waste streams and offering innovativerecycling solutions, Waste Focus supports your business in saving moneyand going green. V E N D O R S P O T L I G H T :844.346.3746 | hello@savings4members.comFor the average business, waste handling can be a drastically overlookedarea of your overhead costs, but as a member - you have access to the bestrates possible. Make wasting on waste a thing of the past with yourmember benefits. From dumpsters to bulk items, construction anddemolition materials, and more - Waste Focus will oversee the entireprocess for you, ensuring efficient and effective services that maximizeyour savings from month to month. Its fast, easy, risk-free, and great foryour bottom line.LEARN MORE

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networkdevelopment.wood@itelinc.com877.884.9446, Opt 5UpcomingIndustry EventsOctober 202423-24: PLRB Large Loss Conference JW Marriott Tampa Water Street Tampa, FLOctober 202424-25: Spooky Nook Sports Center Manheim, PA

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COMMENTS ORSUGGESTIONS?0102If you know you will be closed forany reason, please notify NetworkDevelopment ASAP, 877.884.9446 Opt. 5 orChatter @Network Development.We will be closed November 28th &29th, as well as December 25th.Phone : 877.884.9446, Opt. 5Email: membership.wood@itelinc.comIf you will be attending any of the Upcoming Events on our Calendar, please reachout to let us know. We'd love to meet up! Feel free to at any time, call the number below, or reach out toany of us individually.0304Please remember to be responsive to communication from us, particularly onWork Orders. Our Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with our Carriers requireadherence to certain timeframes. If you have an emergency, illness, office closure,or are receiving too much assignment volume, please alert Network Developmentso we can re-assign Work Orders and place you on a temporary or assignment hold.Know any fellow repair and/or restoration firms that would be interested injoining Renovar? You are still eligible for a $300 referral bonus once they'retrained and remain active on the Network for 90 days. Submit HERE.Reminders

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