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But, there was another football curveballthat made history this season, and it’s inone of the less-successful teams in the SEC:the Vanderbilt Commodores. Vanderbilt has had a winless season thisyear, which is the first way theyinfamously made history. But, there was amore positive mark through kicker SarahFuller; the soccer goalie became the firstwoman to ever score in a Power Fivefootball conference game. This is a huge step for women in sports,especially in such a male dominatedleague: a southern stadium basically reeksof testosterone. While 2020’s sports seasons were largely up in the air, collegefootball in the SEC stayed strong — the season started right onschedule, and even though a lot of things were up in the airregarding new policies and safety measures, most seasonscontinued as planned. In the past few weeks, the SEC season culminated in a victoryby Nick Sabon’s Alabama lineup, something relativelyanticipated considering the team’s success in the past. Lastyear’s national champions Louisiana State University fell shortthis year after losing lead quarterback Joe Burrow to the NFL.With COVID-19 outbreaks within the ranks causing cancelledgames and consistent replacements, this year was the year fora new kind of football to emerge. By: Riya Jayanthi
Her helmet was emblazoned with the phrase “play like a girl.” Deemed a “trailblazer”within the industry, she became the first woman to play and score in one of football’s topconferences. Fuller’s football career came to an unprecedented end, however, as Vanderbilt’schampionship game was cancelled due to COVID-19 and the inability of the team to meetthe roster requirement. Fuller’s time at Vanderbilt is also coming to a close, as her senioryear ends in the spring, and she turns her attention to completing her soccer eligibility atUniversity of North Texas next fall while pursuing her masters. While she may not be on the field again, Fuller’sstory is inspirational for a lot of athletes and shows abig change in the industry as a whole. Fuller’s soccerrun was ridden with injuries: a broken foot, a hairlinefracture, and a slipped disk all impeded her ability toplay for a full season on the team. While that mayhave been the case, Fuller is now a history-maker inthe sports industry, and serves as an inspiration anda reminder of the athletic industry’s development. Before she was called onto the field, Fuller’s soccerteam had just cinched a conference title six days beforeshe took to the field as a last minute replacement. Fullerscored her first goal against Tennessee after making anappearance in kickoff on November 28 against Missouri,solidifying her place in national football history. WhileVanderbilt’s loss to Missouri came at 41-0, her presenceon the field was enough to impress the Missouri coach,Eli Drinkwitz.
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