Ishmael’s Happy Endingas told by Dr. Morie Vandi, Dr. Melody Curtiss, esq.
Ishmael’s Happy Endingas told by Dr. Morie Vandi, Dr. Melody Curtiss, esq.Copyright 2025Helping Children Worldwide, Inc.SRP - Take Two(c) All Rights Reserved
Ishmael lived with hismother and his youngerbrother in West Africa.His home was in a villagewhere there were nodoctors, no cars, andeven no roads.
When Ishmael was small,a bump started to growon his tummy. When hewas six, the bump was sobig, he was in pain all thetime. He could barelywalk. His mother worried he might die.
Ishmael’s mother heardthat a doctor fromMercy UMC Hospital wascoming. He was going tobe at the next village, tenmiles away. Her sonneeded help. She picked upIshmael and walkedthrough the jungle.
There were many people atthe village when they arrived.They were tired from thewalk and frightened thatnobody would be able to help.Many mothers and babieswere in line for medicine andvaccinations. Ishmael and hismother had to wait theirturn.
The doctor knew what to do.Ishmael got his turn. Thedoctor looked very serious.Then he smiled. He saidIshmael would be okay.
Mercy UMX HospitalMercy UMX HospitalMercy UMX HospitalMercy UMX HospitalHe said Ishmael and hismother would have to go inthe ambulance to the city.
Ishmael needed surgeryto remove a hernia.
Ishmael was frightened. Itwas far away. He was shyof strangers. He was quiet.But the surgery was quick,like the doctor said. Ishmael woke up and knewhis pain was going to stop!
Mercy UMC HosptialThe nurses at Mercy made himfeel safe. They made him aballoon toy. . Ishmael smiled. He was well!
Ishmael’s motherthanked the doctor andnurses for their kindness.She was grateful fortheir skill. She was happythey came to the village.They saved her son.Without MercyOutreach, he would stillbe sick.
Ishmael wants to be ateacher when he grows up.He already helps. He says itis good to help others likeMercy helped him.
Thank you MercyUMC Hospital !!!
Discussing the story:
Have you ever felt sick or in pain?Did someone help you to feel better?What did they do?Why do you think they helped you?What is different about Ishmaelat the end of the story?
What did you learn aboutIshmael’s family?What did you learn aboutwhere Ishmael’s family lives?How is your family the same?How is your family different?
About Mercy UMC Hospital.Mercy Hospital is a 50-bed charity hospital in Bo,Sierra Leone that provides care to 16,000 patientseach year in one of the poorest places on earth.Mercy’s medical outreach team’s mobile clinics savechildren’s lives in remote rural villages. Mercy isowned and managed by the Sierra Leone AnnualConference of the United Methodist Church, butdoes not discriminate in services offered topatients or hiring practices.Helping Children Worldwide is an allied Nonprofit inthe United States that works with Mercy UMC tobuild its capacity to serve children like Ishmael,whose parents have nowhere else to turn for help.Adults who wish to help may go to and learnmore about engaging with the work of Mercy UMCHospital and charity services in other countries.Thank you MercyUMC Hospital !!!
Thank you MercyUMC Hospital !!!https://helpingchildrenworldwide.org501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofitFEIN 76-0729857Ishmael’s Happy Ending isbased on a true story.You can learn more atOptimistic Voices Podcast