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I•SERIES Sponsor Opportunities

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4 OUTSTANDING EVENTS4 OUTSTANDING EVENTS4 OUTSTANDING EVENTSA L L R E L E V A N T . A L L P R O F O U N D . A L L W I L L L E A V E Y O U G L A D Y O U A T T E N D E D .presentingsponsorI • S E R I E SE y e - O p e n i n g P r o g r a m m i n gf o r C o m m u n i t y E d u c a t i o nI • S E R I E S2022-2023I N D I V I D U A L & C O R P O R A T ER E S E R V E D S E A T I N G I N C L U D E DS P O N S O R S H I PO P P O R T U N I T I E S

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This award-winning film is a tragic, yet beautiful, telling of the true story ofa young Polish Jewish girl who hides in plain sight as a nanny in aChristian home where dark secrets lurk.OSHER LIFELONG LEARNINGINSTITUTEFLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITYJUPITER, FLW E D N E S D A Y"MY NAME IS SARA"STORY OF 13-YEAR-OLD SARA GORALNIKA   F I L M   B Y   S T E V E N   O R I T TFILM FOLLOWED BY Q&AWITH DIRECTOR, STEVEN ORITTCLICK HEREFOR MORE DETAILS

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P R E S E N T SJAN 25, 20237:00 PMW E D N E S D A YSenior Executive Producer Emerita of PBS’s Nova, shares her latestdocumentary which brings to light the many men and women in the Jewishghettos and concentration camps that bravely resisted their captors.THE BENJAMIN SCHOOLBENJAMIN HALLPALM BEACH GARDENS, FLPRESENTATION FOLLOWEDBY DISCUSSIONCLICK HERECLICK HEREFOR MORE DETAILSFOR MORE DETAILS

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M O N D A YIBIS COUNTRY CLUBWEST PALM BEACH, FLUnforgettable and truly memorable! With incredible courage, Irene GutOpdyke risked her life to safeguard Jews in the home of a Nazi officer.W W 2 H E R O · " A R I G H T E O U S G E N T I L E "RECOUNTING HERMOTHER'S WW2 HEROISMPRESENTATION FOLLOWEDBY Q&ACLICK HEREFOR MORE DETAILS

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MAR 12, 20234:30 PMS U N D A YO R D I N A R Y P E O P L EC H A N G E T H E W O R L D . . .E V E N T O F T H E S E A S O NHE RO# 1 N Y T B E S T - S E L L I N G A U T H O RP R E S E N T S "THE NAZI CONSPIRACY"Three Leaders.One Nazi Plot. The Triple Assassination ThatNearly Changed History.WILLIAM T. DWYER HIGHSCHOOLPALM BEACH GARDENS, FLL E V E L S P O N S O R SA N D A B O V E !HE ROPre-Reception & Book Signing3:30 PM CLICK HEREFOR MORE DETAILS

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 F U L L   S E R I E SS P O N S O R S H I PO P P O R T U N I T I E S8 premium reserved seats at ALL events
Recognition at ALL events:SIGNATURE · $2,500Logo on Screen | Pre-event podium mention
Full-page ad OR personal message in all programs
Business logo OR name(s) on event signage
inSIGHT website
4 premium reserved seats at ALL events
Recognition at ALL events: 
Logo on screen | Pre-event podium mention
Full-page ad OR personal message in all programs
Business logo OR name(s) on event signage
inSIGHT websiteCHAMPION · $1,0002022-2023E y e - O p e n i n g   P r o g r a m m i n gf o r   C o m m u n i t y   E d u c a t i o nI • S E R I E S

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E y e - O p e n i n g P r o g r a m m i n gf o r C o m m u n i t y E d u c a t i o nI • S E R I E S2022-2023Recognition at each sponsored:4 reserved seats at each event sponsoredLUMINARY · $500Business logo OR name(s) on screen and event signageHalf-page ad OR personal message in program(s)HERO · $250Business logo OR name(s) on screen and event signage Quarter-page ad OR personal message in program(s) Recognition at each sponsored:2 reserved seats at each event sponsoredFRIEND · $100Name(s) in program(s)Recognition at each sponsored event:2 reserved seats at each sponsored event I N D I V I D U A L E V E N TS P O N S O R S H I PO P P O R T U N I T I E S

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insightthrougheducation.orgE y e - O p e n i n g P r o g r a m m i n gf o r C o m m u n i t y E d u c a t i o ninSIGHT Through Education, Inc. | PO Box 33054 | Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420 info@insightthrougheducation.orgI • S E R I E SBECOME A SPONSORinSIGHT's Mission:To fund educational grants and programming for teachers andstudents of Palm Beach County and surrounding communities.To inspire and teach lessons learned from the Holocaust andgenocides worldwide.To recognize and oppose hatred, antisemitism and bigotry.To encourage acceptance and respect for all.inSIGHT is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian 501(c)3 all-volunteer organization and has proudly funded over amillion dollars in grants and programming to Palm Beach County schools since its inception in 2010. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE, 1-800-435-7352 OR REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Florida Registration CH34845 | inSIGHT EIN:27-3388434