BALL STATEstartInternational Services PresentsYOUR PATH TO
Level up through this interactive gameboard to help you navigate your way to Ball State University. You must complete all of the objectives within each level before you can advance to the next one. HOW TO PLAYchecklist itemchecklist itemgo to level 1access carDiNal laNDiNgChecklist items are important benchmarks you must complete in your journey to Ball State. These are located in your Cardinal Landing portal. As you land on a checklist item, be sure to mark your progress online with the button below or at up from an egg to a ying Cardinal as you complete each of the four levels!Click or tap in any level to quickly access your Cardinal Landing portal.
level 1level 1Submit info for I-20siDequestsiDequestfor SEVIS Transfer StudentsSubmit SEVIS transfer formsUpload a copy of your passportSubmit intended visa formProvide proof of nancesvia GlobalBSU at istart.bsu.eduOBJECTIVEOBJECTIVElevel uPclick oN level 1-1 to get starteD.
level 2level 2Schedule your VISA AppointmentPay your I-901 SEVIS feeif applicableSchedule your VISA appointmentTell us about your visa appointmentAfter I-20 is acquiredOBJECTIVEOBJECTIVElevel uPi-20 acquireD. time to get your Name is beNeficeNce, but you caN call me beNNy. i symbolize the geNerosity of our fouNDers, the ball brothers, aND have become aN iNstitutioNal icoN.
level uPlevel 3level 3Complete your health forms Choose health insuranceExplore housing and food optionsgooD thiNgs come to those who Name is frog baby. i am a statue iN the heart of camPus. rumor is you caN rub my Nose for gooD luck oN fiNal exams.Work on the following tasks while awaiting your visa appointment or SEVIS transferOBJECTIVEOBJECTIVE Health Forms Health Insurance START EXPLORING
level 4level 4Register for Orientation andtravel to the United StatesVerify your visa has been grantedRegister forOrientationReserve housing and submit photo IDAfter visa is acquiredPlan travel and inform us about your plansTravel to the USAAttend OrientationFINISH!siDequestsiDequestRegister forclassesOBJECTIVEOBJECTIVEyou are almost there Reserve Housing Photo ID
CONTACT USInternational ServicesEmail WhatsApp OceThank you for playing and welcome to Ball State University! If you have any questions, contact our International Services team; we’re happy to help you as you transition to Ball State.chirPchirPchirPchirP