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Inventivity: Case for Support

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Join the Inventivity Movement

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in· vent· tiv· i· ty /inˈvenˈtivədē/ nounusing creativity to thinkand act like an inventorInventivity®

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Dear Friends and Supporters,At the Cade, we believe that inventors are key to a thriving culture. Theirextraordinary ability to solve the “impossible” creates prosperity, optimism, andopportunity for many. We believe that every person has the potential to create, to invent, and to solveproblems. We spark curiosity, unveil courage, and foster resilience in the minds ofthe next generation — or as we call it, cultivate Inventivity. When people embracea mindset of Inventivity, extraordinary things become possible. Since 2010, the Cade Museum has ignited this mindset in hundreds of thousands ofpeople, proving that Inventivity isn’t limited to a select few. It belongs to all of us. Now, as we launch the Inventivity Movement, we are excited to share this successwith communities across the nation. We invite you to join us on this incrediblejourney and to bring our mission to life.Spark Wonder. Invent Possible,Bradley Gamble, CEOCade Museum for Creativity and Invention“Inventivity isn’t limitedto a select few. It belongsto all of us.”

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2010Dr. Cade leads team thatinvents Gatorade at theUniversity of FloridaCade Museum Foundation launches Cade Prizecompetition for early-stageinventors and entrepreneurs1965Cade hires first educator,launching K-12 inventioneducation in its labs 2012Inventivity Framework developed to teach sciencethrough the lens ofinvention2014Dr. Cade and wifeMary found CadeMuseum Foundation2006Cade museum opens to thepubic with in-house exhibitand education teams2018Cade Prize becomes anational competitionwith $100k in prizes20232025Cade launches theInventivity Movement!Phoebe Cade MilesCo-Founder and Board Chair, CADE

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LOSING OUR EDGE - A According to international surveys, employers are no longer confident thatcollege students have skills such as problem solving, creativity, and criticalthinking. It is urgent that we prepare our kids with the skills and mindset they will need to thrive in an uncertain future. Rising generations also feel disconnected from the core foundational principlethat they are made to create and invent. Many are overwhelmed by problems, not believing that they can be a part of the solution. Making matters worse, futurologists tell Gen Z that by 2040, 40% of their jobs will be replaced by robots and AI. [1] Morrison, E. (2022, December 14). Have we overburdenedgen Z with fears of the future?. Psychology Today.1The complexity of technology is developing sorapidly, we need to reimagine how weprepare our kids for the future.

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approximately 60% of students entering US colleges in2022 were deemed not proficient in critical thinking skills of elementary teachers admit they are not preparedto teach science, spending only an average of 16 minsa day on science instructiondespite a 56% increase in funding per pupil in the lastten years, American students are falling in almostevery measure of international rankings includingproblem-solving in every day life [2] Van Damme, D. and D. Zahner (eds.) (2022), Does Higher Education Teach Studentsto Think Critically?, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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The Cade builds upon the remarkable legacy of Americaninnovation by celebrating inventors and entrepreneurs andbringing their way of thinking into the classroom. Viewing life through an inventivity lens helps retrain mindsfrom being overwhelmed by problems to being motivated tofind solutions. Inventions literally change the world — andwhen people learn to think like an inventor anything ispossible. Connecting children to our legacy of invention and teachingthem how to adopt an inventivity mindset is key to sparking asense of possibility in the next generation.INVENTIVITY SPARKS SOLUTIONS A country that invents is a country that succeeds !Entrepreneur Bryan Da Frota explains the four forces of flight “When students become immersed in the process ofinvention, they begin to see themselves as inventors.They ask questions, tackle problems, find creativesolutions and become resilient.” Brad Gamble, CEOCade Museum for Creativity and Invention

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CURIOSITY COURAGERESILIENCEHUMILITYto ask questions about the unknown to embrace problems without apparent solutionsdespite setbacks, believing failure can be just as useful as successto know that solutions often comefrom unexpected sourcesOur curriculum is designed to cultivate thesefour key character traits of inventors:INVENTIVITY MINDSET

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“We were shocked to see that middle schoolscience test scores more than doubled in asingle year after working with the Cade.”Jayne Moraski, Director of Grants and ProgramsConsortium of Florida Education FoundationsINVENTIVITY IN ACTION

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The Cade sparked my creativity at a time when Ireally needed it.”Brandon M., former camper now marketing director“Every time I win the Cade Prize, things take off on a rocket ship!”Vik Ramprakash, Two-time Cade Prize Winner“We love to see our kids’ imagination and creativity shine as they learnabout new concepts and build confidence in the classroom! We aregrateful for our partnership with the Cade!"Dorothy Thomas, SWAG Board Member

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OUR PROGRAMSThree Distinct Initiatives. One Objective: Cultivate Inventivity.INVENTIVITY EDUCATIONIe

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The R&D Lab forInventivity EducationOur flagship destination in Gainesville, Florida is where wegather, connect, and grow the inventivity community. Programs, curriculum, and exhibits spark inventivity and aretested to get real-time feedback from guests. The mostsuccessful content is then revised and adapted for eventualdistribution throughout the nation.

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Our educational tools range from aproprietary K-12 cirriculum, toteaching training materials and pop-upexhibits for rural communities. Teaching ScienceThrough the Lensof InventionINVENTIVITY EDUCATIONIeINVENTIVITY EDUCATIONIe

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THE 7 PILLARSOF SCIENCEWe group inventions into categories accordingto core scientific principles, revealing thecommon threads that unite diverse inventions. BUILDING BLOCKSOF INVENTION We’ve crafted hands-on experiments that bring our 32 buildingblocks to life, to make complex concepts easy to understand.Students earn merit badges by completing activities in all 32badges which are keyed to Next Generation Science Standards. TM TM

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Since 2010, the Cade Prize hascelebrated and rewarded inventors andentrepreneurs with recognition andover $100,000 annually in seedfunding. Now a national prize, we aregrowing our network of finalists, whomentor and inspire rising generationsto step into the Inventivity Movement. Support for Inventors& EntrepreneursINVENTIVITY EDUCATIONIe

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IeAffordable museum-grade pop-up exhibitwith Inventivity Curriculum providesInventivity experiences for ruralcommunities and towns with minimalaccessENGAGE →Bring Inventivity to LifeProvide rising generations with the skills and mindset theyneed to thrive in an uncertain future. Cade-curated opportunities, events andactivities that cultivate Inventivity GATHER →Connect & Grow Community Inventivity reaches across existing barriers, invitingeveryone to a seat at the table of Inventivity. Access to national Cade Prize Network andproprietary inventor–based educationalframework INSPIRE →Celebrate InventorsRecognize and celebrate both local and national inventors,using their stories to inspire and motivate futureinventors. THE INVENTIVITY MOVEMENTEquipping communities to create a culture of Inventivity

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George Washington called our start-up nation “The Great Experiment.”The Inventivity Movement invites you to become an active participant inthis great experiment. Unleash your inventivity! The next iteration of theexperiment depends on you!A Constitutional Foundation Deemed essential to the success of our start-upnation, it led to the Patent Office being the 3rdact signed into law — two full years before thePost Office and two full months beforeWashington D.C. was established!Inventivity is for “We the People” “To promote the progress of science anduseful arts by securing for limited time toauthors or inventors the exclusive right totheir respective writings and discoveries.”Article 1, Section 8: The Inventor’s ClauseThe right to authors and inventors is the only rightgranted in the main body of the Constitution. LAUNCHING THE INVENTIVITY MOVEMENT The Inventivity Movement invites you to discoverwho you are meant to be: a creative, inventiveproblem solver. As new Inventivity communities,Americans of all ages will embrace a vibrant cultureof innovation. As we invite rising generations to become activeparticipants in “the Great Experiment” of America,they will join us in writing the next great chapter ofhuman discovery and innovation.

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Inventivity Framework Curriculum Subscription to rotating hands-on demonstrations Teacher training with on-line support Travelling “pop-up” exhibits Teacher training certification Strategies/templates for organizing Inventivityevents Access to Cade Inventor/Entrepreneur Network Bespoke Inventivity events for individualcommunities Opportunities to collaborate with the Cade forgrantsTHE INVENTIVITY TOOLKIT Everything a community needs to help preparetheir students with the skills and the mindsetthey will need to thrive in the future.

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Number ofDonorsAmountTotal1$2,500,000$2,500,0002$1,000,000$2,000,0004$500,000$2,000,0006$250,000$1,500,008$150,000$1,200,00016$50,000$800,000$10,000,000WAYS TO GIVETo launch the Inventivity Movement, weplan to raise 10M over the next five years.Fundraising39.4%Gatorade Trust Royalties17.2%Museum Operations17.2%Other17.2%Grant Funding9.1%

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Phoebe MilesChairman of the BoardJay FantVice Chairman of the BoardScott A. Banks Greg BradleyJames Di Virgilio Carol Ann Dykes-LogueGil LevyRichard Miles Gary Miller Paul SohlNatalie StrappyRhys L. WilliamsBOARD OF DIRECTORSBradley GambleChief Executive OfficerJenna OstasChief Operating OfficerPhil WaiteChief Financial OfficerPatty LipkaDirector of Experiential EducationJulie DeCarmineDirector of MarketingJenna AgresGraphic Design ManagerAmanada BernavilInternal Events ManagerNicole DominguezEducation Program ManagerBrian NanceGuest Services ManagerLili SchultzProgram ManagerChris DeaconSenior Manager of CreativeJody FarmerSenior Manager of Donor EngagementCarmen HurtadoSenior Manager ofEducationGwen MorganSenior Manager ofGuest ExperienceHunter OliverSenior Manager ofOperationsOUR TEAM

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(352) 371-8001hello@inventivity.org904 South Main StreetGainesville, FL 32601EIN 20-1884134