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Intro to The American Gulag Chronicles

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LETTERS FROM PRISONIntroduced by TIM RIVERSOur many thanks to the Telegram channel members who spent countless hours transcribing letters.The American Gulag Chronicles

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Copyright © American Gulag Chronicles Inc. 2022. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the copyright holder or publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.American Gulage ChroniclesAmerican Gulage ChroniclesPO-BOX 625 Odessa FL 33556americangulagchronicles.orgamericangulagchronicles.org1st Edition - 2022-2023eBook - 20232nd Edition - 2023ISBN 797-8-3507-0318-4AuthorAuthor - Tim RiversEditor in Chief/DesignEditor in Chief/Design - Marie Goodwyn TypesetterTypesetter - Shaji Mangadavil Velayudhan *Publishing Editor - Christine WalkerPO Box 133 | Pilot Point, TX 76258 | devildocpublishing.comPO Box 133 | Pilot Point, TX 76258 |

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1 IntroductionIntroductionThe history of the world is replete with examples of the life cycles of great Empires and City States. They all rise, peak, then slowly decline, until the indignities of excess and power struggles cause their nal and complete collapse, relegating them to the history books. This unique collection of letters and artwork is a cautionary tale of such a decline of the once shining city upon a hill–America. Its history, so rich in independence, personal freedoms, and thriving commerce, now portends to follow the same unfortunate road as Rome, ancient Greece, and so many other nation states, which now litter the rugged pages of history.I ask the reader these questions: “Is the American Empire in her nal throes of Greatness? Does She now feed upon her own children and citizens, draining them of freedoms, rights, resources, and property? Has this once Land of the FREE and Home of the BRAVE become a tyrannical police state? One which demands unbending obedience to the authority of a few despotic elites? One who now rules its citizens instead of serving them? Does the concept of justice lay broken and dying upon the rocks of power, bending its sacred purpose to the foul misuse of enslaving and oppressing–rather than protecting and nurturing a healthy, just, and fair society? The letters and the artwork in this book are produced by the latest victims of this despotic rule. Their horrifying tales will wound your heart with sorrow. They tell of the decline of greatness, fairness, and justice in this once proud and free Republic. The idea that Americans–who being assured of their Constitutional rights–uninchingly rose in concert to demand redress of their grievances from their Representatives, must now rot in a horric Gulag of a Jail–where they are denied the most basic human rights, due process and justice because they dared to be brave and patriotic Americans–should be appalling and of grave concern to each of us! When you have nished reading and absorbing the astounding stories and artwork that this trial of Spirit and Faith have produced, you may feel a slight unease … a notion that things are not entirely right … that America as you’ve known it , has gone horribly o its track of greatness. And I hope you ask yourself the one question that keeps me awake at night … How do we save our Republic from repeating the mistakes of history and ending the greatest experiment Mankind has ever undertaken … A Free Nation!De Oppresso Liber ! FREE THE OPPRESSED!

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2Early DaysEarly Days  January to October 20212021 saw a tumultuous spring in America. In the wake of the January 6th events, and the seating of the new administration, the DOJ was given a new mission: to hunt down any and all who were suspected of crimes against the new sitting government on that January day. But it was to be a very special mission, given to a newly militarized FBI. Armed with the potency of a January 6th multi-authority Task Force, they descended on Americans’ homes in a Hollywood display of overwhelming force, shock and awe. Only this light and might show was not visited on suspected terrorists intent on death and destruction, but on ordinary American citizens and their families. The arrests began almost immediately in the early pre-dawn hours after January 6th. As the weeks passed, the take-downs on individuals’ homes became more and more violent and brutal. Those arrested were often hauled away from their families to the District of Columbia, where they were held without bond hearings or due process, while they awaited trial. To hold the new inux of “detainees”, the D.C. Department of Corrections reopened an abandoned jail pod, which once was used to house psychiatric inmates. It was abandoned due to deteriorating infrastructure and antiquated equipment and facilities. It was here that the DOJ placed those they most wished to intimidate and prosecute from the turmoil on January 6th.

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3 Early DaysYou’ve Got MailThe Patriot Mail Project, a program begun in the days of the Bundy’s showdowns with the Bureau of Land Management, was reactivated on July 4th, 2021 to provide a mail lifeline to the newly incarcerated Jan. 6th “Defendants”. The program operated a website that provided lists of the prisoners and their addresses and encouraged supporters to write letters of encouragement and support to them. As the newly minted political prisoners began to write back to their supporters, a chain of stories began to emerge in the exchanges. They all desperately wanted their stories to be told to America, and they poured out their experiences and souls’ woes to their new friends on paper, sometimes on ocial forms when stationary was denied. Some Patriot supporters saw the need to tell these patriot’s stories to the nation and the world, and so The American Gulag Chronicles was born.Supporters began to send the letters they received to the Chronicles so they could be transcribed by teams of volunteers, published, and read on multiple social media platforms. As more and more letters were exchanged, the tales of deprivation and abuse, of faith and despair, of brotherhood, and an unshakable patriotism for their Republic, began to emerge. It was an incredible picture of an America that many of us feared and hoped to never see–and it shook readers to their core.Here, in these rst few letters, you will see the “Once Upon a Time” portion of these Chronicles–a moment in time of anguish and anger, when the claustrophobia of solitary connement was a still fresh horror–and the uncertainty of the situation clashed with the awful reality of their experience. We pick up this story well into its beginnings, in the fall of 2021. By then, many in the D.C. Jail, now derisively called the DC GULAG, had fully tasted of the abuse and mistreatments that the DOJ and the DC D.o.C. had planned for them. So, nd a quiet room, go inside, and shut and lock the door. Read these letters and poems as they were written–in solitary connement, locked away from all you care about and love, and in hopes of reaching another person with your words… I bid you, have a rm heart and hear their cries. 

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4Early DaysFrom William Chrestman. September 18, 2021I have not seen my wife or kids in over 6 months and have not been allowed to have any physical contact with them since the FBI and S.W.A.T raided my home with tanks & ash-bang grenades on Febru-ary 11th in a pre-dawn raid.I have lost everything, literally. My wife and 4 daughters now live in 4 dierent homes since we lost our home of 18 years last month. Yet, they fully support me and the rest of the patriots. I am blessed! Please, spread the work about us here in DC. Myself and most of the others are veterans. I and many others have zero violent charges!Ocial/Case Manager CommentsMy family would appreciate any and all support. If you could pass on my Give Send GO account information to any interested, we would be more than grateful. God bless you America.#376975 - CB2 cell #28Give Send Go Account“Help Veteran Billy Chrestman”

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5 Early DaysFrom Joseph Padilla. September 18, 2021Dear Patriots, Despite what you may have heard on the mainstream media, the Capitol riot was instigated by the Capitol Police and other Law Enforcement agencies. Two minutes before the police reported the rst assault on them, they enraged the crowd with pepper spray and non lethal munitions. As a Veteran of the war in Iraq, my rst instinct upon hearing screams and crying women and children, covered in pepper spray and running away, was to push to the front in their defense. While speaking to the cops, I was assaulted by the police. I was charged with assault for defending myself from the police. While violent left wing protesters do worse things and get sweetheart plea deals and bond, I have been detained 7 months without bond.REMEMBER US!

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6Early DaysCOLORSCOLORSI’ve been tried and tested, my colors run true.e blood coursing thru my veins is Red, White, and Blue.From the sands of Iraq to the streets of DC.Shouting give me Freedom, give me Justice, give me Liberty.Foreign and domestic was the oath I took.Hand and hand foot and foot, how the ground beneath us shook.Terrorist - Extremest - Jihadist, true scum of the earth.ese are the ones I have put in my sights, pulled the trigger and turned out their lights.So the maggots and worms could feast with delight.For 2000 years a war has been waged.Did anyone think it would just go away in one triumphant day?Ashley Babbitt, Rosanne Boylandey will never be forgotten inside the hearts of Patriots such as, you or me.ose Oh so beautiful names, echoing into eternity, rising thru the galaxy.Until they have reached Heavens door, suering for, mine and your, freedoms no more, joining Gods angelic army for sure.It could have been, your mother, your daughter, your sister! What then?!Now do you understand?! Now do you see!?From country side to city streets.To where the mountains and the waters meet.In the defense of Old Glory and the Constitution too.I am proud to say I have fought next to you.We the people, Will always hold truee blood coursing thru our veins isRed, White, and BlueJames Mcgrew Jan 6th Political Prisoner  Poem Illustration by Marie Goodwyn, watercolor.

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7 Early Days  National Anthem by Kyle Fitzsimons, pencil

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138AcknowlegmentThis Chronicle is a work of love, created by American patriots, and a team of skilled and motivated writers, editors, typesetters and proofreaders. They volunteered their time and talents to create this message in a bottle of great urgency and import. Thanks will never be enough for their gifts of love and these poor acknowledgments are a mere shadow of our gratitude for their art and heart! American Gulag Chronicles would not be possible without the many J6 sponsors and patriots who submitted the letters they received in return of their own. Their contributions and participation in this great eort to stay connected to these prisoners is what made this book possible. Both myself, and all of the January 6th prisoners who received their encouraging letters, owe them our eternal THANKS, as well as those who contributed to this book.The Editor in Chief and instigator of this work was Marie Goodwyn, the mother of J6 defendant and video journalist Daniel Goodwyn. She is a erce and tireless ghter for the January 6th men and women and their families. Her work for the Patriot Mail Project and J6 Patriot News are legendary in the J6 support and families community. Her publishing experience and skills in graphic arts made this project a beautiful and compelling work. Thanks will never be enough, but we oer it most profoundly anyway. To our international volunteer team of professional typesetters and proofreaders; your talent and eorts turned a budding idea into a work of TRUTH and love. Our new friend, Shaji, despite working across international time zones, came through every time. Bless you for that! And please accept the gratitude of our January 6th prisoners for caring enough to help!To Christine Walker with Devil Doc Publishing, for taking us on in the 11th hour, streamlining the processes, and giving freely for the sake of her Veteran brothers and sisters caught up in this injustice. To my understanding wife Terri, and my family, thank you for putting up with my obsession . . . it was something I just had to do, and you helped me stay sane through it. Love you all.

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139To my newly found Sons of Liberty and adopted brothers in captivity, We will have that drink one day!And lastly, THANK YOU, The Reader, for hearing the words of these men and women, and for bearing witness to this time of injustice and crisis in America. Now, please, GO DO SOMETHING!-“FuriousTim” Rivers  Tim RiversTim Rivers - A Native of Florida, Tim is a retired IT engineer and writer. With an early background in TV and broadcasting, he found a joy in writing for its own sake, whether it was ctional or technical works. Tim and his wife Terri live in the beauty of the Florida Nature coast and enjoy exploring its natural wonders. Today he provides a voice to the Silenced through his Telegram Channel, The American Gulag Chronicles and speaks out for equal Justice and Liberty in America.

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140IndexA special thank you to the amazing artists for the many art pieces provided for this book. BALLARD, Tom ............................41 BROWN, Jerey ..........................13 BROWN, Jeremy ........................10, 11, 105, 121CALDWEL, Daniel .....................29 CHRESTMAN, William ...........4 CLARK, Eric ....................................100, 101 DeGRAVE, Nathaniel ...............113, 114, 115, 116 FAIRLAMB, Scott .......................16, 60, 106FELLOWS, Brandon ................71FISCHER, AJ ..................................45, 46, 63FITZSIMONS, Kyle...................…7, 9, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, ................................................................. 30, 35, 40, 41, 46, 53, 55, ............................................................... 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 78, 79, ................................................................. 84, 85, 88, 89, 92, 95, 100, ................................................................. 101, 104, 106, 111, 119GIESWEIN, Bobby .....................15, 42, 77GOODWYN, Daniel ..................62JENKINS, Shane .........................17, 33, 34 JENSEN, Doug ............................120 KELLY, Kash ...................................15 Krol, Matthew ...........................117, 121LANG, Jake ....................................47, 99MAZZA, Mark ...............................7, 66 McABEE, Robert ........................57, 94McGREW, James ....................... 6, 12, 13, 17, 31, 32, 48, 55, 56, 57, ................................................................. 58, 76, 111, 112, 117, 118 McHUGH, Sean ...........................14, 27McKELLOP, Jeery ...................7, 8,9, 28, 30, 53, 89, 98 MEGGS, Kelly................................16 MELLIS, John ................................14MILLER, Garrett ..........................51, 52, 72, 73, 74, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85MOCK, Brian ..................................59, 68, 89, PADILLA, Joseph .......................5 PALMER, Robert ........................98 QUAGLIN, Chris ..........................69, 70, 75, 76, 93, 110,122,123RAMEY, Barry ...............................99, 107, REFFITT, Guy ................................36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 90, 110REHL, Zack ....................................91, 92 RICHARDSON, Howard .........104, 105, 102WATKINS, Jessica .....................24, 25, 26, 86, 87, 102, 103YODER, Isaac ................................18, 99 YOUNG, Kyle ................................43, 44

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This is a historic time in America. We are witnessing a clash of giants in a ght for dominance of American culture. Whether we return to our historical roots or pass into a new form of governance is seriously in contest. This book is a chronicle of those who represent the bellwether of this storm for conservative dominance – a group of people who are being imprisoned and persecuted for a cause they believe in by a government that views them as enemies of the state. This book is their story in their own words, written by their own hands. The American people need to read The American Gulag Chronicles and spread awareness of what has happened and is happening to these patriots in this Republic we hold dear. What happened to them could potentially happen to ANY AMERICAN! Letters from PrisonTHE AMERICAN GU L AG CHRONICLESTIM RIVERS