In the Beginning God Created the Heavens...The SunA children’s e-book produced byThe Bible Tells Me So PressCopyright © 2022The Bible Tells Me So CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this book, neither text norillustrations, may be reproduced without permissionin writing by the publisher.PUBLISHED BYTHE BIBLE TELLS ME SO CORPORATIONWWW.THEBIBLETELLSMESO.COMFirst Published February, 2022
e Bible Tells Me So PressThe SunIn the Beginning GodCreated the Heavens...
What did God create to ll the sky withbeautiful colors?
What did God create to give us light and to keep us warm?
And what did God create that life on earth cannot live without?
This is what the sun looks like from far away.sun!God created an amazing
This is what the sun looks like up close.
At the start and at the end of every day,
God uses the sun to color the skyin beautiful ways.
As light from the sun travels across the sky and bounces off the clouds,
everything lights upin brilliant, glowing colors.
If there were no sun, we could hardly see anything.
But because God created the sun to give us light,
we can see many beautiful things!
The sun not only gives us light;
it also keepsthe temperature just right for us to live.
The planets that are too close to the sun are too hot for anything to live there,
and the planets that are too far away from the sun are too cold for anything to live there.
But God placed the earth in the perfect spot, not too far away, and not too close to the sun, for there to be all kinds of life.
BecauseGodcreatedthe sun, plants canlive and ourish.
Because God created the sun, animals can live and grow.
And because God created the sun,you and I can live and play!
So, from the rising of the sun in the morning
to its setting in the evening,
we should thank the Lord
for giving us suchan important, wonderful,and perfect…
From the rising of the sunto its settingthe name of Jehovah is to be praised.Psalm 113:3
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