In the Beginning God Created the Heavens...The StarsA children’s e-book produced byThe Bible Tells Me So PressCopyright © 2022The Bible Tells Me So CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this book, neither text norillustrations, may be reproduced without permissionin writing by the publisher.PUBLISHED BYTHE BIBLE TELLS ME SO CORPORATIONWWW.THEBIBLETELLSMESO.COMFirst Published February, 2022
e Bible Tells Me So PressThe StarsIn the BeginningGod Created the Heavens...
If you look up at the night sky in a bright city, you would probably see something like this.
But if you take a trip away from the lights of the city, you might see something like...
this.Wow! That’s a lot of stars!
They didn’t get there by accident, you know. God made them all.
There are about one hundred thousand hairs on your head.
That number looks like this:100,000.
How many stars do you think are in the universe?
Of course, it’s impossibleto count all of them.
But in 2017, scientists estimated that there are at least 1 septillion stars out there!1 quadrillion according to the European system**
And there are probably many more stars than that out there!That number looks like this:1,000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000, 000.
Our wonderful God, who is much bigger than the universe, made each one of them!
Stars are not only pretty; they are also very helpful.
For centuries, explorers have been using stars to help them nd their way.
One of the brightest stars in the skyis called the North Star.
Wherever you are in the world,the North Star will always tell youwhich way north is.
And if you know which way north is, you can gure out the other directions as well!
Farmers have also been looking up to the stars to keep track of the seasons.
This has helped them to know when to plant and harvest their crops.
When you look up at those amazing stars in the big, night sky,
And that’s just as it should may feel a little humble and small.
Although you are small, it’s wonderful to know that our great God, who madeall those shining stars up there,
knows you and loves you very much.
ask your parents to take you to a place where you can see them clearly.So, if you have never seen those incredible stars,
Then, while you look up in amazement...
take a moment to thank God.
Because even though our God is so big,He knows you very well,cares for you personally,and loves you very much.
When I see Your heavens,the works of Your fingers,the moon and the stars,which You have ordained,what is mortal man,that You remember him,and the son of man,that You visit him?Psalm 8:3-4
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