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In the Beginning God Created the Heavens... the Atmosphere

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In the Beginning God Created the Heavens...The AtmosphereA children’s e-book produced byThe Bible Tells Me So PressCopyright © 2022The Bible Tells Me So CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this book, neither text norillustrations, may be reproduced without permissionin writing by the publisher.PUBLISHED BYTHE BIBLE TELLS ME SO CORPORATIONWWW.THEBIBLETELLSMESO.COMFirst Published February, 2022

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e Bible Tells Me So PressThe AtmosphereIn the Beginning GodCreated the Heavens...

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The atmosphere is a thin layer of airGod created to cover, protect,and supply the earth inmany wonderful ways.

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From space, the atmosphere looks like a beautiful, glowing, blue blanket that gently wraps all the way around the earth.

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It keeps the airwe need to survive fromescaping into space.

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Without the atmosphere, there could not be any life on earth.

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It’s the only thingthat separates us from the coldand harmful conditions of outer space.

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The atmosphere protects the earth from many dangerous things.

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For example, the sun is always sending different kinds of rays to the earth. Some of these rays are helpful, but some are very dangerous.

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God madethe atmospherein such a wise waythat it stops the harmfulrays from reaching us andonly lets in the helpful ones.

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But God gave us the atmosphereto protect us from more than justdangerous rays from the sun.

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Have you ever seen shooting stars streaking across the night sky?

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What you saw were not actually stars at all. They were pieces of space rock calledmeteorites that were speedingtoward the earth at over150,000miles per hour!

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Although this happens more than25 milliontimes every day,

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most of themare burned upin our atmospherebefore landing on the earth.

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The precious atmosphere God made for us is like a huge shield that keeps us safe all the time.

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Water from the earth’s oceans, lakes, and rivers rises up into the atmosphere and forms clouds. But that’s not all that the atmosphere does. It also helps circulate water throughout the earth.

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Through this process, the salt and impurities in the water are removed.

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Then, the cloudsin the atmosphereare carried around by the windall over the world.

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When the water in the clouds gets too heavyto oat in the air, it falls down to the earthas rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

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This is God’s marvelous way of delivering clean waterto plants, animals, and people all over the world.

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All of this happens in our amazing atmosphere.It is precisely made to be just what we need. This could never have happened by accident.

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God made it in a perfect and wonderful way!

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or a cloud movefrom one placeto anotherto water the earth,So, whenever you look upand see a meteoritefall from the sky,

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take a moment to thank the Lord for the thin but amazing atmosphere...

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He made for us.

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And God made the expanseand separated the waterswhich were under the expansefrom the waters which wereabove the expanse,and it was so.Genesis 1:7

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