In the Beginning God Created the Earth...the Small PlantsA children’s e-book produced byThe Bible Tells Me So PressCopyright © 2022The Bible Tells Me So CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this book, neither text norillustrations, may be reproduced without permissionin writing by the publisher.PUBLISHED BYTHE BIBLE TELLS ME SO CORPORATIONWWW.THEBIBLETELLSMESO.COMFirst Published February, 2022
e Bible Tells Me So Pressthe Small PlantsIn the Beginning GodCreated the Earth...
God made the small plants.
They didn’t just happen by chance or by accident.
The grass that we run on,
the owers that we smell,
and the herbs and spices that we enjoy were all made by God for us.
There are about 8,000 different kinds of grass
that cover a little less than half the land on earth.
Much of what we eat comes from grass. Bread, sugar, rice, and even corn come from different kinds of grass.
And we benet from grass in a lot of other ways. For example...
cows and other animals eat a lot of grass.
Then they turn it into the milk that we drink and the meat that we eat.
Grass also helps keep the dirt and soil in place when it rains.
If it weren’t for all the tiny grass roots that take a good hold of the soil, the dirt would be carried away.
Then, there are the beautiful owers.
Flowers are a wonderful source of food for many different kinds of insects, birds, and animals as well as for humans.
When bees or other kinds of insects come to feed on a ower’s nectar, they get pollen caught on their legs and carry it with them when they y away.
This helps the owers to spread and grow in many other places.they get pollen caught on their legs and carry it with them when they y away.
Flowers not only look beautiful, they also smell lovely.
They help make the world a beautiful, colorful, and fragrant place to live.
People have been using herbs and spices for thousands of years.
We use them to make medicines to help us get better when we feel sick.
And spices, like these mint leaves, are fragrant and delicious.
So, the next time you play on a beautiful grassy eld,
admire some lovely owers,
have a delightful tea party, or enjoy a delicious cupcake,
take a moment to stop and give the Lord a big thank You
for the small plants.
He causes the grassto grow for the cattle,and herbage for man’s use,that he may bring forth foodfrom the earth.Psalm 104:14
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