In the Beginning God Created the Earth...the SeaA children’s e-book produced byThe Bible Tells Me So PressCopyright © 2022The Bible Tells Me So CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this book, neither text norillustrations, may be reproduced without permissionin writing by the publisher.PUBLISHED BYTHE BIBLE TELLS ME SO CORPORATIONWWW.THEBIBLETELLSMESO.COMFirst Published February, 2022
e Bible Tells Me So Pressthe SeaIn the Beginning GodCreated the Earth...
When God created the earth, He also created
a lot of water...
over 325,000,000,000,000 gallons of water!
All that water covers a whopping 71% of the surface of the earth.And almost all of it is stored in our special, important, and incredible sea.
EarthEarthEarthMercuryVenusMars(Planets are not shown to scale.) The sea is special, and it makes the earth a very special place as well. No other planet compares to the earth with its amazing sea.
This could never have happened by chance.EarthEarthEarthEarthJupiter (a gas planet)Saturn (a gas planet) Uranus(a gas planet) Neptune (a gas planet)
But the sea is not only special, it’s also very important, because without all thatwater it would be impossible for us to live.
In fact, our bodies are mostly made up of water.
The sea is also important because, along with the trees, it produces the oxygenthat we need. It helps to lter out harmful things in the air,
so the air that we breathe can stay clean and healthy.
And it absorbs heat from the sun to keep the earth’s temperature within a perfect range for us to live.
Safe andComfortable It’s like a giant thermostat to keep us safe and comfortable all the time.
it’s also incredible But the sea is not only special and important,
because it provides a home for over 3 trillion sh and other animals to live in.
Some sea animals, like this humpback whale and her calf,
are really big!
While others, like this little clownsh hiding in a sea anemone,
are very small.
The sea is an incredible source of food for millions of people around the world.
And the sea is incredible in ways that we still haven’t discovered.
Because the sea is so big, we’ve haven’t even explored 5% of it!
Yes, the sea that Godcreated for us is special, important, and incredible.
It’s just what we need.
So, the next time you swim at the beach, drive along the coast, or ride in a boat,
take a moment to stop and thank the Lord for giving us such a special, important, and incredible…
The sea is His,and He made it.Psalm 95:5a
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