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[INT] Events Team Guide

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EVENTS TEAMEVENTS TEAMPresented By Interpolguideguide

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The Events Team focuses on making everyone’s time at Interpol muchmore fun and enjoyable! We focus on hosting small-scale in-basegames, big external events and collaborate with differentorganisations to create large-scale seasonal and unique events thatmay be co-hosted by other agencies INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION

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POLICIESPOLICIESMust host 3 events per bi-weekly. The maximumamount of funds a member canrequest per bi-weekly is 33c.Multiple rounds/gameshosted in one sitting countas 1 event hosted for thequota.Hosts may earn points byhosting events in-base,external, and inter-agencycollaborations.Hosts may request funds orreimbursements before or afterhosting on Discord using thegiven formats in respectivechannels. Hosted events must be postedin the #events-logs channel onDiscord using the given formatin the pinned message.

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POINT SYSTEMPOINT SYSTEM10 points per in-base event hosted10 points per external event hosted10 points per inter-agency event hosted3 points per suggestion to improve the Team100 points awarded to the member of the month3 points per successful new member recruited1 point per attempt to recruit

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MEMBER OF THEMEMBER OF THEMONTHMONTH123The Member of the Month is awarded with ET MOTM badge. The Event's management team will vote and reward a member for theiroutstanding contributions at the end of every month.The Member of the Month is awarded 100 points (5 tokens).

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To clarify your questions, you may contact any of the Events Teammanagement members.If we piqued your interest, join us now by clicking here!THANK YOU!THANK YOU!