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Inside Calvary Winter - Spring 2025

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INSIDECALVARYWINTER - SPRING | 2025INSIDE:Who We AreElder LetterDiscipleship CornerTestimoniesAnd more!

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WELCOMEWelcome to Calvary Community Church in wintery Williams Bay, Wisconsin. Our mission is clear: “To Know Christ and Make Him Known.” Each week, we gather for worship, combining contemporary and traditional music with scripture-based messages that resonate with our lives. We strive to create a welcoming space where you can experience God’s love and find belonging. Our Adult Bible Fellowships oer support and connection, while our Calvary Kids and Students programs focus on strengthening family discipleship. Join us this winter as we embrace community and the light of Christ together.2 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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Sunday Services 8:00am & 10:45am The purpose of Sunday services, from beginning to end, is to direct our attention to the Lord and His Word. When we gather on Sundays as the corporate body of Christ, we do so with intentional objectives. We want to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus, lift our voices in song, fellowship with the family of God, give tithes and oerings back to God, and devote ourselves to prayer. All these things can be categorized by one word: worship. That is our goal: to worship God together as His children, all for His glory. Second Saturday On the second Saturday of every month, we gather for a night of praise in the worship center. This is a wonderful opportunity to sing together in celebration of the Lord, share a short devotional, and fully surrender ourselves to Him. We encourage you to invite friends, as we eagerly anticipate the amazing things the Lord will do when His people call upon His name.WHO WE ARE CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 3

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Your Pastors and Elders are currently concentrating on the concept and reality of “what it means to be a Disciple of Christ.” God’s word instructs us to “walk in the same manner as Jesus” (1 John 2:6). Since our Lord was a Discipler, shouldn’t we strive to be the same? His final command on earth was, “Go, therefore, and make Disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19a). Discipling ourselves and others is the divine strategy for continuing our Lord’s work here on earth. Your Pastors and Elders are working to develop a clear understanding of the principles and patterns that will help us embrace this important calling at Calvary Community Church. Our prayer is that each of us, as followers of Christ, will commit to being disciplers! In His service together.the Elders4 | INSIDE CALVARY ADVENT 2024

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Equipping HourWhy do we talk about equipping?GROWTHAndhe gave theapostles, the prophets, theevangelists, theshepherdsand teachers,to equip the saints for the work of ministry, forbuilding upthe body of Christ,until we all attain tothe unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God,to mature manhood,to the measure of the stature ofthe fullness of Christ,so that we may no longer be children,tossed to and for by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness indeceitful schemes.– Ephesians 4:11-14If you have been around Calvary, you have probably heard us talking about equipping. The reason is found in the verses above. We come to be equipped to do the work of ministry—building up the church and making Jesus known. Our prayer is that we don’t come together just to learn more but that we get equipped for the ministry God has for each of us! We have the Equipping Center, which is an online library of resources to help in this, but also, we have the Equipping Hour. The Equipping Hour is a unique opportunity we have at Calvary for people of all ages to get specifically equipped. It is the time between our two Sunday services and consists of several opportunities, each including bible teaching and fellowship—which is what the B and F stand for. We have opportunities for kids (KBF), Students (SBF), and adults (ABF). These groups are designed to bring fellowship opportunities in smaller settings where the Bible is studied, but even more you are being equipped for your unique ministry in making Jesus known in the world. It is not just teaching, it is more! If you haven’t yet tried a class during the Equipping Hour stop by the next steps to find how you can get plugged in.CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 5

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Prayer Conference Saturday, January 3rd at 8:30am - 12:00pm Our Annual Prayer Conference will be led by Fritz Dale. Because the world needs Jesus—we must pray!!Please join us for a prayer conference weekend followed by a concentrated week of prayer as we begin our new year seeking the hand of God and the moving of his mighty power. We are looking to learn how to lean in even more to the spiritual weapon of prayer that has been entrusted to us. The Word of God. Prayer. Worship and Praise. We know these are the foundational elements for a vibrant Christian life, yet we struggle to be consistent in practicing them — especially prayer. UPCOMING EVENTSConference Speaker Fritz Dale Fritz is the Part-Time Associate Superintendent for the Forest Lakes District of the EFCA. He has been in ministry in the EFCA for 42 years. He received his Masters of Divinity from Trinity Divinity School and spent 22 years as a youth and family pastor in two EFC‘s. He then was an adult discipleship pastor for three years and planted a mother-daughter church plant in Littleton, Colorado. He spent the last 14 years of ministry working at the National Oice of the EFCA as Executive Director of ReachNational and Director of Leadership Formation and Prayer Mobilization. Fritz had the privilege of partnering with President Hamel and President Kompelien for 10+ years in serving our District Superintendents.For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.For theweapons ofour warfare are not of the flesh but havedivine powerto destroy strongholds.– 2 Corinthians 10:3-4What the world is in desperate need of is a spiritual Church using spiritual weapons to fight a spiritual war, under the spiritual reign of Christ.– Walter Chantry6 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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NO REGRETS CONFERENCE February 1st, 2025. Calvary will again be a host site joining 15,000 men from around the world as we discover how Jesus Rescued each of us to a life of transformation and purpose. To see what other opportunities are happening at Calvary, visit or scan this QR codeHoly WeekPALM SUNDAY Join us April 13th as we mark the beginning of Holy Week and reflect on it’s significance.SEDER DINNER Justin Kron will be returning on April 13th to guide us through the remarkable seder experience. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us! GOOD FRIDAY Our Good Friday service will be held April 18th at noon. EASTER April 20th during our 8:00am and 10:45am services.REAL WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Real is a faith-based conference, hosted February 7th and 8th at Spring Creek Church, that encourages and equips women to grow their love for Christ and one another. This year’s keynote speaker is Alisa Childers. NEXT GEN CONFERENCESaturday, January 18, 2025, from 8:30am - 12:00pm join us for a kids and youth ministry training event for all walco-area church volunteers. The morning will include breakfast, a keynote speaker, breakout sessions, tools, resources and encouragement. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 7

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Winter - Spring | 2025Next year we will continue as a church to consider how we can best reveal Jesus in the world that so desperately needs him! We will start the year with a one-day prayer conference followed by a week of prayer as a church, calling our hearts to the Lord together and once again submitting ourselves to his leading for our lives and for the church. Then we will move into a study together on the Holy Spirit. Have you ever wondered about the Holy Spirit? I remember once being challenged to close my eyes and picture God the Father. Pretty quickly I had an image come into my mind. Then I was challenged to picture the Son. Again, an image came quickly. Then I was asked to picture the Spirit. That was not so quick, and in fact, I’m not sure I have ever really had an image that adequately portrays this amazing Person of the Trinity. But his presence in the world is of great importance and greatly misunderstood as well. This winter we will take time to look at the Holy Spirit and the significant role he has in our daily lives. We will seek to uncover the joy and fulfillment that comes from Spirit-filled living, and we will learn the power that is available to us as we submit to his presence in our lives. We will examine the gifts that he gives to help build the Church. We will discover how it is the Spirit who empowers us to be bold and clear in our eorts to help every man, woman, and child have multiple opportunities to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus! As we enter Easter we will look together at the unexpected revelation of the plan of God for redemption. Pastor ChuckTEACHING SERIES8 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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JOIN USSunday Services 8:00am & 10:45am CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 9

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Utilizing the Crowd Cloud Worksheet The Crowd Cloud Activity is designed to help you recognize all the individuals God has brought into your life and reflect on ways to demonstrate the love of Christ to them. This could involve living a life aligned with the Gospel, initiating a Bible study, or pursuing various other actions. To get started, familiarize yourself with the layout of your Crowd Cloud Worksheet, or feel free to print the version available via the QR Code. Surrounding the circle, you will observe eight specific social areas. Starting from the top and moving counterclockwise, these areas include: Family (close friends), Neighbors, Work, Hobbies, Church, Favorite Places, School, and Other. Now it’s time to begin listing names. Before proceeding with the instructions, take at least five minutes to write down as many names as possible related to each of these eight categories. The names can range from close friends to local business employees or simply people you frequently encounter. DISCIPLESHIP CORNER10 | INSIDE CALVARY ADVENT 2024

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Once you’ve recorded the names, consider the following: 1. Are there groups of unsaved individuals who need Christ? 2. What are the next steps for intentionally reaching out to those groups? We will continue to refine this tool, but for now, focus on praying about the next steps that Christ would have you take.CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 11

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SERVING TESTIMONYThe question has been asked before…” Why volunteer?” We live in a crazy busy world and there are often countless choices and ways to spend the minutes and hours of our days. Sometimes we volunteer because there is a need, we feel guilty, or we want to give back to our community and church. I am a schoolteacher in the public-school setting and my initial thought was that I would never want to teach a Sunday school class because I teach 5 days a week, so I at least deserve a two day break each week, right? Well, there was a need that came up to teach for half a year, because their current teacher was flying o to do mission work in a dierent continent. I was asked, encouraged, and repeatedly reminded of the need and finally said yes, after the Lord worked on my heart. That very first Sunday, I was caught hook, line, and sinker. I had not considered the wonderful blessing of teaching from the Bible and being able to impact the lives of 5th grade students that I get the privilege of spending a year with as we dive into the Bible and the metanarrative of scripture. I also know a lot of the students’ parents, and if I don’t already, I get the opportunity to meet them along the way, too. I’m going on my 3rd year of teaching this class and it is such a breath of fresh air to step into the lives of these students and encourage them to read God’s Word, pursue Him, and to be overwhelmed by The Gospel, the Good News of Jesus. So, why volunteer? When opportunities arise and we are obedient to God, the blessings come pouring over us like a waterfall. It may not be easy, comfortable, and will probably take time, energy, and eort, but the blessings from God are priceless.– Joey HaywoodThe Blessings of Volunteering12 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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Parents are the primary spiritual influencers in their children’s lives, making it vital to seek opportunities to teach children about aspects of faith. One of the most eective ways to nurture your children spiritually is by engaging in faith conversations. A particularly meaningful teaching moment is explaining the significance of communion. Communion, simply put, is a sacred time for believers to come together and remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. At Calvary, we celebrate communion as a church family on the first Sunday of every month. Children are included in this part of service because it provides an excellent opportunity for them to witness and participate in this important act of worship alongside the broader church family. In my own family, my wife and I use this time to engage our kids in meaningful discussion. Before they partake in communion, we always ask them to explain why we do communion. This simple question opens the door to rich conversations about Jesus’ love, sacrifice, and the significance of remembering His work on the cross. Teaching children about communion helps them connect to the broader story of faith and reinforces their role as part of the church body, all while laying a foundation for lifelong discipleship. Pastor KellyWho is Communion for? What is the purpose of communion?The symbolism of bread and cup.Communion is for followers of ChristTo remember the death and sacrifice of Jesus The cup symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed as a sacrifice for our sins. The bread signifies Christ’s body, given willingly for each of us.1 Cor. 11:23-26 Matt. 26:26-98; Luke 22:19-20; and 1 Cor. 11:24-26Exodus 12, Hebrews 9:22, Luke 22:1-20 FAMILY FAITH FOUNDATIONSCommunionHere are 3 things to help you explain communion to children14 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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Consider attending Calvary’s immersive Seder Dinner on April 13th or the Good Friday service on April 18th. Additionally, Calvary oers a kids’ Communion workbook that you can work through together. For more information, reach out to Calvary Kids Director, Carla Raasch.Explore other meaningful ways to engage with your children as you disciple them in understanding Communion. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 15

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For many generations, Calvary Community Church has had the privilege of sharing the good news of the gospel, not just within its own walls but also as one of the first in our community to do so via local radio broadcast. As technology has advanced to allow us to livestream our services over the internet, so has our ability to share Jesus with the rest of the world. We have been given an amazing opportunity to reach all people groups across the globe and provide a means for our congregation to stay regularly engaged. Recently, while we were upgrading our worship center technology during the building campaign, we installed a dedicated livestream room just outside of the Bayside room, which is used for attending to the audio quality of our broadcasts. When we shared this need, we were also looking ahead at future opportunities to provide a broader digital reach. Over the last year, Calvary has been expanding this digital reach MEDIA SUITEExpanding our Digital Reach250Livestream viewseach Sunday16 | INSIDE CALVARY ADVENT 2024

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We are excited to introduce you to our newest Global Partner, Nate Felth. Nate serves as the Walworth County Area Representative for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). He shared that FCA’s mission is to guide every coach and athlete toward a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Currently, he is collaborating with four high schools in Walworth County. FCA’s approach focuses on making disciples by engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to understand and grow in Christ, while also encouraging them to lead others in this journey. This involves building relationships and sharing the Gospel, as well as equipping coaches and athletes to deepen their faith in Christ.NEWEST PARTNERNate Felthquite dramatically. Because the world needs Jesus, we believe the message of the gospel should saturate not just our local area, but across the country and throughout the globe. Today, as we look at our growing media production of livestreamed sermons, ABF’s, bible studies, Calvary Three, social media, and testimonials from our congregation and global partners, we are casting a vision for an expanded media suite. Our average livestream exposure on Sunday services is about 250 views. Our social media reach across all major platforms is averaging around 4,400 views each week making it 17,500 per month. We have sought to carefully steward this engagement by using the resources we currently have available, but as we look to the future, we see an opportunity for greater reach from this expanded media suite. The media suite would still be located where the current livestream audio room is, but it would be expanded to include the two adjacent storage closets which are also connected to the Bayside room. By turning three small closets into one large room, we will have the space needed to manage all our media uses throughout the church facility from one location, as well as be able to record things such as the Calvary Three, testimonials, livestream hosting, devotionals, original worship music written by members of our congregation, and more. This resource is not only meant to address our digital needs but also our physical.CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 17

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Thanks to the faithful contributions of God’s people, Calvary is able to undertake numerous initiatives that may go unnoticed. Our outreach ministries thrive because individuals choose to support the vision of Calvary. As we strive to connect with our friends, neighbors, and those God has placed in our lives, we share not just the good news of Jesus Christ but also provide tangible assistance. • Each week, we express the love of Jesus by distributing free clothing through our Clothing Outreach Center in Elkhorn. Many families benefit from this service each month, made possible by the generous donations of time and resources. • Throughout the school year, we support elementary school children who are in need with weekend food through our “food in a backpack” program. Thanks to the kind donations we receive, we can provide bags of food to approximately 150 children each week. • Beyond our outreach eorts, we also focus on equipping our sta in their ministries as they respond to God’s calling. One way we do this is through our education fund, which currently supports individuals pursuing further education in their specific ministry fields. • Additionally, God has blessed Calvary with a team of Global Partners who travel to share the Gospel of Christ. Nearly 16% of our total budget is allocated to assist these partners in reaching the places where they are called to serve. As they go forth, we play a small role as the hands and feet of Jesus in those areas. This is entirely possible due to the hearts of those who give to our “missions fund,” allowing us to be conduits of God’s love to the world. Clearly, God is inspiring the hearts of people to give at Calvary. In response, we must diligently pursue the work He has for us and act responsibly. As we listen to God’s voice, it is vital that we give intentionally and follow the calling He places on each of our lives.FINANCIAL OVERVIEW18 | INSIDE CALVARY ADVENT 2024

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As we enter the new year, Calvary presents three key short-term trips for you to consider. Visit for updated information.Czech RepublicThis summer, we will host the Czech English Camp, marking the 27th year of our partnership with the Hranice church to provide an English Camp for Czech children while sharing the Gospel. HondurasIn November, a dedicated team will serve at El Ayudante. This team has been meeting community needs for over 20 years through a medical clinic and various physical projects, all while spreading the love of Jesus. ZambiaThe third opportunity takes us to Chibolya, Zambia, where we will train teachers and help children develop reading skills, all while sharing the message of Jesus.SHORT TERM TRIPSAdditionally, Calvary oers numerous ways to support our Global Partners right here in Walworth County. Opportunities to serve are available at Agape House, Faith Christian School, Inspiration Ministries, Koinonia House, New Day Women’s Clinic, Timber-Lee, and Lake Geneva Ministries.CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 19

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NORTH CAROLINA TESTIMONYThe silence was deafening as I stood there on the edge of the river. Now, 44 days later, the rush of the river subsided to a peaceful flow. Serenity and chaos laid side by side on the banks. Trees bigger than I could hug were shredded and piled up like mountains, filling the now widened path of water. Twisted refrigerators and personal eects mixed within the silt. A raw proximity to death surrounded me as I stood among ghost neighborhoods which once held so much many memories. “She was six and would run down this street every day and I’d say hi,” said our new friend Laski of Relief, NC, as he recalled a memory of his neighbor. “She’d go sit on that rock we called Fishing Rock that juts out into the river. That day that water came like a wave and hit that boulder so hard and fast that the water shot up into the air about 30 feet and stayed shooting up just like that...her family of five got washed away.” The street was quiet now. Fishing Rock still silently sits there, one of many reminders and memorials of life that once was. Selah. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 Under the same sun as Laski, that 27th day of September, I had gotten a haircut with my daughter in a small-town community just like he lived in. My daughter and I enjoyed our time together with our unusually warm September, while Laski watched unspeakable violence pass before his house sitting just above the reaches of the river. There was no warning for him this was coming, just like there was no warning for how loud and fast God would change our lives almost 700 miles away. We started to hear that airplanes and helicopters were the only way to get lifesaving help to people, and God used our love for aviation to begin a pressing whisper to go. We did not know how or when, but we needed to go. We sought out a contact on the ground, not knowing God would use a single Facebook post to open wide some doors which no raging flood could shut. Selah. “Who should I send? Who will go for Us? I said: Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8. “Emily, why did you come? Why are you here?” Andy Palmer, our host of Bakersville, NC, asked with a most sincere heart. I had not been with him for two hours yet, and we had only known of each other’s existence four days prior. The Light Under the Door by Emily Allen20 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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So, with a small laugh I told him, “Andy, I don’t know where you are in faith, but my only answer is God sent us, and I have seen too many miracles this week to know it’s nothing but that. He said ‘go,’ so we went.” We took the first evening with Andy and Silvia Palmer, to explain how God had put it on our hearts to fly a plane of supplies down, as that was the only way to get supplies in at the time. God said no to that idea, and instead He filled our garage and hands with $20,000 worth of Amazon orders, cash donations to buy needed gear, friends with ATVs, and a loaned 24’ trailer. Multiple large purchases would not ring up without an unexplained huge discount at the register, which allowed us to buy more. The feeding of the 5,000 was no longer a miracle just on the ink of white pages…it was in my garage. Neighbors and friends showed up without hesitation to organize, pack, and fill the trailer without me contacting them. A Holy Spirit frequency of my need went out to their hearts. Selah. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you,” Matthew 6:33. While we were loading the ATVs onto the trailer, I needed a second alone. Just over 24 hours prior, I had parked this truck here at the Mitchell County building in Bakersville, NC, not knowing what was to come. Now, I sat there with the most miraculous, intense, Holy Spirit led story I had ever experienced. I was forming a new awareness of His sovereignty and provision, while also trying to process what I had just seen in catastrophic devastation. I stared at the sunset on the mountains from a bench around a war memorial. I have seen what hurricanes can do to homes and trees when I helped after Hurricane Katrina, but this was a new level. Because we were there so “early on,” we had been led by God to what we found out later were some of the worst-hit areas. It was raw with death in story and proximity. My brain was in shock, but my heart was once again sitting in awe of everything He had done in those two days, through highly eicient and pointed connections to get our trailer to Pigeon Roost Freewill Baptist Church. There is no question our trailer was customized and a direct answer to their prayers. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 21

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Selah. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for You are with me,” Psalm 23:4. After being home in WI for about 10 days, God said ‘go’ again. This time, I was not supposed to take anything to them. The church we stopped at only had 6 out-of-state volunteers. This area had trees put in a blender and poured back in the river, while also widening the length of a football field. Landslides were everywhere, to the point that an entire house was being held up over my head above the road by a few trees. There was nowhere to escape here. Pews from two churches were piled on the side of the road covered in mud, as their sanctuaries were now hollow. Fires burned piles of wood from houses being demolished, and spray paint marked search and rescue areas for dogs to confirm or deny findings of life. Selah. “As they pass through the Valley of Baca (weeping), they make it a source of spring water…They go from strength to strength,” Psalm 84:6. Hope was loud down the road from what was downtown Pensacola, under the name of Camp Miller. This was a gated, 4-acre parcel of land with the most beautiful picture of what selfless love, prayer, and embracing inconvenience looks like. It was full of tents and campers from out-of-state volunteers and run under a machine-like leadership of the most compassionate men. This hub reached so many people up and around those hollers. It was full of people claiming God’s goodness at every opportunity. It was an honor to meet the leadership and volunteers and supply them with more goods. They worked entirely under faith that God would send more people and goods to stock their carpenter-made shelves they have organized. He did and continues to do so. I learned from the Army veteran who was staing the makeshift gas station, “I give out a maximum of 5 gallons of gas to people a day and we just keep getting donated gas. It comes in, it goes out,” Selah. “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act,” Psalm 37:5. The drive home was the glimmer of ‘not all is lost’ as I drove on a brand-new paved blacktop road where it would have been unpassable two weeks ago. As hollowed houses and tree piles passed my peripheral, I processed how this valley of death was slowly having life infused back into it in the most stunning way. The cracked mud which gave no mercy, the horror 22 | INSIDE CALVARY WINTER-SPRING 2025

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stories of uncountable lives lost, the lost jobs, the kids still sleeping in tents with snow coming, and the darkness of mental trauma were all met with the most pure and lovely landscape of worn hands that were open and soft eyes of people saying they were there to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The setting is gruesome, but the hearts of the people who should be devastated to their souls preach His goodness. Both the helpers who responded to the call and the heartbroken victims shine nothing but the light of Heaven. They are His light coming under the door. The Story Continues by Pastor Jon Hovestol After hearing Jeremy and Emily’s story, Helen and I went to visit the Pastor of Pine Branch Baptist Church, whom Jeremy and Emily had connected with to see if we could help in a more long-term way. We met with Pastor Bruce Cannon. We arrived 7 weeks after the hurricane came through, and there was still a lot to do. Their church has been an immense help in organizing people to help with the clean-up, but we saw how tired they have become. People have been very gracious and generous in helping with basic needs, but there are still places which do not have water and sewer for their homes, and some parts will probably not get electricity until January 2025. I believe it is time for the church to get involved in more long-term help for the people who are displaced in North Carolina. Emily and Jeremy Allen have brought supplies and built relationships, and in conversations with them, it is our time to partner in the relief eort at the church level. Pastor Bruce said their real need now is for people to come to help get displaced families back into their homes before winter. There are people living in tents, and the cold weather is coming! We are organizing trips for members of the church to go down and help. If you have an interest in getting involved, please contact me at Ibelievethe more we can assistthis church in helpingthe people of their area, a lasting impact for the Kingdom of Christ willbe there.CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH | 23

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Hwy 50 & Harris Rd | Williams Bay, WI262-245-6294calvarycommunity.netDiscover a wide range of topics including discipleship resources, Bible studies, cultural conversations, books, podcasts, websites, and much more in our Equipping Center. This contemporary library serves as a reliable source for materials endorsed by our church leaders, helping you delve deeper into areas that interest you!