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Important information enclosed Changes coming to your retirement account Great news! The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Dened Contribution Pension Plan and the Ohio Carpenters Annuity Plan are merging to become the Central Midwest Regional Council of Carpenters Dened Contribution Fund (CMRCC Fund). The CMRCC Fund has retained John Hancock as its recordkeeper with BeneSys continuing to serve as administrator. There is no action you need to take while we are busy preparing for the switch. There are a few things you’ll need to know. The legal merger date is July 1, 2024, and your account will be transitioned into the CMRCC Fund starting September 11, 2024, with the transition completed the week of September 30, 2024. While it is being transitioned, you will not have access to your account. Once the transition is complete, you should: Register and secure your account The week of September 30, 2024, you will have access to your account with the CMRCC Fund. To register and access your new account, visit or scan the QR code to download the John Hancock retirement app from your mobile device store and choose "Register Now." You will need to add your personal email address and your mobile phone number for an added level of security. Review your investments Once your account balance is received, it will temporarily be invested into the JP Morgan Government Money Market Fund. Following reconciliation of plan data, your account balance will automatically be transferred into the default investment fund based on your date of birth. These investment portfolios are intended to satisfy the requirements of a “qualied default investment alternative” (“QDIA”) under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”). If your date of birth is not on le, your contributions will be invested into the Moderately Conservative Fund. If your date of birth is obtained, both current and future contributions will be transferred to the appropriate investment portfolio based on your age. The CMRCC Fund oers ve default investment portfolios that are diversied based on your age. You will be automatically enrolled for future contributions on the rst day your employer contributes to the CMRCC Fund on your behalf. Based on your date of birth, contributions will be invested in the corresponding portfolio and will be automatically rebalanced to the next portfolio every 10 years through the age-based investing program. Please refer to the enclosed fund fact sheets for more information including fund performance.

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Age at eligibility Default fund < 30 Aggressive Model 31 - 40 Moderate Aggressive Portfolio 41 - 50 Moderate Portfolio 51 – 60 Moderate Conservative Portfolio 61 and older Conservative Portfolio Note: While you are not required to direct how your account is invested, you may direct all or a portion of the assets in your account out of the age-based investing program and into another portfolio at any time. There are no restrictions on directing assets out of your default age-based investing program and your account will not be charged additional fees or expenses when and if you do so. Once you elect your own fund(s), you are removed from the age-based investing program and will not be allocated to the next fund based on your age automatically. The Galliard Stable Return Fund that is currently oered in your plan will be carried over into the CMRCC Dened Contribution Fund but will not be open to any new contributions. The Stable Return Fund will be closed and mapped into the CMRCC Fund investment portfolios aer a 12-month period expires. The remaining balance in the Stable Return Fund will be mapped into the portfolio you are invested in at that time based on your date of birth, or your current election if you have selected another portfolio. Explore the tool kit Scan the QR code to download the plan’s tool kit. This important guide can help answer most of your most frequently asked questions and common needs related to the CMRCC Fund. On the menu page, you will nd a listing of questions. Click on a specic menu item, to be brought directly to information about that topic. Plan enhancements Along with the plan merger, we are excited to announce several plan enhancements to the CMRCC Fund that will take eect October 1, 2024. The trustees have carefully evaluated and combined the best provisions from both plans to create an enhanced and comprehensive oering. Ohio Carpenters Annuity Fund – existing provision IKORCC Dened Contribution Plan – existing provision New CMRCC Fund enhancement eective 10/01/24 Normal retirement age Age 62 and termination of employment Age 65 and termination of employment Age 62 and termination of employment Early retirement Age 55 OR “Rule of 80” (age plus years of service equal at least 80) and termination of employment Age 50 and termination of employment Age 50 or “Rule of 80” (age plus years of service equal at least 80) and termination of employment Termination benet 12 consecutive months of not working in plan’s trade 18 consecutive months without an employer contribution aer terminating employment 12 consecutive months of not working in plan’s trade

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Hardship distribution None IRS safe harbor and limited to prot sharing account, rollover, and prior SW Ohio Annuity (avoid foreclosure/eviction; purchase principal residence; post-secondary education tuition; unpaid medical expenses; funeral expenses for immediate family member; repair eligible principal residence casualty losses and other losses arising out of a FEMA-declared disaster) IRS safe harbor and limited to prot sharing account, rollover, and prior SW Ohio Annuity (avoid foreclosure/eviction; purchase principal residence; post-secondary education tuition; unpaid medical expenses; funeral expenses for immediate family member; repair eligible principal residence casualty losses and other losses arising out of a FEMA-declared disaster) Forms of payment Lump sum or quarterly installment payments not to exceed 10 years Standard Form of Payment: 50% joint and survivor annuity for married participants; single life annuity for unmarried participants Optional Forms of Payment: 75% joint and survivor annuity (married only); periodic payments (annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly)*; lump sum or partial lump sum.* (Plan sections 5.03 and 5.04) *= spousal consent if married Lump sum or quarterly installment payments (limited to participant’s lifetime/RMD) Need to talk? Call us anytime during the process at 833-38-UNION (833-388-6466). Representatives are available from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Eastern time, on New York Stock Exchange business days. A fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses should be considered carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other important information about the fund. To obtain a prospectus, contact John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC at 800-294-3575 or visit Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money. The fund’s prospectus provides information regarding details for the applicable fee waivers. Prospectuses may only be available in English. John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC are not aliated with Indian/Kentucky/Ohio Plan, Ohio Carpenters Plan, Central Midwest Regional Council of Carpenters Dened Plan, BeneSys, and none is responsible for the liabilities of the others. When withdrawing money from your plan, carefully consider the options available to you, including rolling your money over to another qualied account to avoid potential tax penalties. John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services to sponsors or administrators of retirement plans as well as a platform of investment alternatives that is made available without regard to the individualized needs of any plan through an open-architecture platform. John Hancock Trust Company LLC, a New Hampshire non-depository trust company, provides trust and custodial services to such plans, oers an Individual Retirement Accounts product, and maintains specic Collective Investment Trusts. Unless otherwise specically stated in writing, John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC does not, and is not undertaking to, provide impartial investment advice or give advice in a duciary capacity. NOT FDIC INSURED. MAY LOSE VALUE. NOT BANK GUARANTEED. © 2024 John Hancock. All rights reserved. S-P595039-GE 07/24-595039 RS0712243711725

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Se adjunta información importante Se realizarán cambios en su cuenta de jubilación ¡Buenas noticias! El Plan de Pensión con Contribución Denida de Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio y el Plan de Anualidad para Carpinteros de Ohio se fusionarán y se convertirán en el Fondo de Contribución Denida del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros del Medio Oeste Central (Fondo CMRCC). El Fondo CMRCC ha mantenido a John Hancock como responsable de los registros, y BeneSys continuará a cargo de la administración. No se requieren acciones de su parte mientras preparamos el cambio. Debe tener en cuenta algunos aspectos. La fecha legal de la fusión es el 1.º de julio de 2024, y se realizará la transición de su cuenta al Fondo CMRCC a partir del 11 de septiembre de 2024. La transición se completará la semana del 30 de septiembre de 2024. Mientras se realiza la transición, no podrá acceder a su cuenta. Cuando este proceso se haya completado, deberá hacer lo siguiente: Registrarse y asegurar su cuenta La semana del 30 de septiembre de 2024, tendrá acceso a su cuenta del Fondo CMRCC. Para registrar su cuenta nueva y acceder a ella, visite o escanee el código QR para descargar la aplicación de jubilación de John Hancock de la tienda de su dispositivo móvil y seleccione “Register Now” (Registrarme ahora). Deberá incluir su dirección de correo electrónico personal y número de celular para un mayor nivel de seguridad. Revisar sus inversiones Cuando se reciba el saldo de su cuenta, se invertirá temporalmente en el Fondo de Mercado Monetario del Gobierno JP Morgan. Luego de la reconciliación de los datos del plan, el saldo de su cuenta se transferirá automáticamente al fondo de inversión predeterminado según su fecha de nacimiento. Estas carteras de inversión pretenden cumplir con el requisito de una “alternativa de inversión predeterminada calicada” (QSIA) en virtud de la Ley de Seguridad de los Ingresos de Jubilación de los Empleados de 1974 (ERISA). Si su fecha de nacimiento no está registrada, sus contribuciones se invertirán en el Fondo Moderadamente Conservador. Si se obtiene su fecha de nacimiento, tanto las contribuciones actuales como las futuras se transferirán a la cartera de inversiones adecuada en función de su edad. El Fondo CMRCC ofrece cinco carteras de inversión predeterminadas que se diversican según su edad. Se lo inscribirá automáticamente para futuras contribuciones el primer día que su empleador contribuya al Fondo CMRCC en su nombre. Según su fecha de nacimiento, las contribuciones se invertirán en la cartera correspondiente y se reequilibrarán de forma automática con la próxima cartera cada diez años a través del programa de inversión basado en la edad. Consulte las hojas de datos del fondo para obtener más información, incluido el rendimiento del fondo.

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Edad en el momento de la elegibilidad Fondo predeterminado Menos de 30 Aggressive Model Entre 31 y 40 Moderate Aggressive Portfolio Entre 41 y 50 Moderate Portfolio Entre 51 y 60 Moderate Conservative Portfolio 61 y más Conservative Portfolio Nota: Si bien no es necesario que elija las inversiones de su cuenta puede retirar todos o una parte de los activos de esta del programa de inversión basado en la edad y colocarlos en otra cartera cuando lo desee. No hay restricciones con respecto al retiro de sus activos del programa en cuestión, y no se cobrarán comisiones ni gastos adicionales a su cuenta si lo hace. Cuando elige sus propios fondos, se lo retira del programa de inversión basado en la edad y no se realizará la asignación automática al siguiente fondo basado en la edad. El fondo de rendimiento estable Galliard Stable Return Fund que ofrece actualmente su plan se trasladará al Fondo de Contribución Denida CMRCC, pero no estará abierto a nuevas contribuciones. El fondo de rendimiento estable se cerrará y se incluirá en las carteras de inversión del Fondo CMRCC luego de que nalice un período de 12 meses. El saldo restante del fondo de rendimiento estable se incluirá en la cartera en la que esté invirtiendo en ese momento según su fecha de nacimiento o su elección actual, si seleccionó otra cartera. Explorar el kit de herramientas Escanee el código QR para descargar el kit de herramientas del plan. Esta guía importante puede ayudar a responder algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes y de las necesidades más comunes relacionadas con el Fondo CMRCC. En la página del menú, encontrará una lista de preguntas. Haga clic en una opción del menú para acceder directamente a la información sobre ese tema. Mejoras en el plan Junto con la fusión de los dos planes, nos complace anunciar varias mejoras en el plan del Fondo CMRCC que entrarán en vigencia el 1 de octubre de 2024. Los deicomisarios han evaluado cuidadosamente y combinado las mejores disposiciones de ambos planes para crear una oferta mejorada y completa. Fondo de Anualidad para Carpinteros de Ohio: disposición actual Plan con Contribución Denida del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros de Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio (IKORCC): disposición actual Nueva mejora del Fondo CMRCC a partir del 01/10/2024 Edad jubilatoria habitual 62 años y cese de la relación laboral 65 años y cese de la relación laboral 62 años y cese de la relación laboral Jubilación anticipada 55 años de edad o “Regla de los 80” (edad más años de servicio iguales o superiores a 80) y cese de la relación laboral 50 años y cese de la relación laboral 50 años de edad o “Regla de los 80” (edad más años de servicio iguales o superiores a 80) y cese de la relación laboral Benecio tras el cese de la relación laboral 12 meses consecutivos sin trabajar en el ocio contemplado dentro del plan 18 meses consecutivos sin contribuciones del empleador tras el cese de la relación laboral 12 meses consecutivos sin trabajar en el ocio contemplado dentro del plan Distribución por dicultades nancieras Ninguna Refugio tributario del Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS) y limitado a la cuenta de participación en benecios, Refugio tributario del Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS) y

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reinversión y anualidad SW de Ohio anterior (evitar ejecución hipotecaria/desalojo; compra de residencia principal; matrícula de educación postsecundaria; gastos médicos no pagados; gastos funerarios de un familiar directo; reparación de pérdidas por siniestro de residencia principal subvencionable y otras pérdidas derivadas de una catástrofe declarada por la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias [FEMA]). limitado a la cuenta de participación en benecios, reinversión y anualidad SW de Ohio anterior (evitar ejecución hipotecaria/desalojo; compra de residencia principal; matrícula de educación postsecundaria; gastos médicos no pagados; gastos funerarios de un familiar directo; reparación de pérdidas por siniestro de residencia principal subvencionable y otras pérdidas derivadas de una catástrofe declarada por la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias [FEMA]). Formas de pago Pago único total o pagos a plazos trimestrales no superiores a 10 años Forma de pago estándar: 50 % de renta vitalicia mancomunada y de último sobreviviente para los aliados casados; renta vitalicia única para los aliados solteros. Forma de pago opcional: 75 % de renta vitalicia mancomunada y de último sobreviviente (solo para cónyuges); pagos periódicos (anuales, semestrales, trimestrales o mensuales)*; pago único total o pago único parcial*. (Secciones 5.03 y 5.04 del plan) * = Con consentimiento del cónyuge en caso de estar casados. Pago único total o pagos a plazos trimestrales (limitado a la renta vitalicia/distribución mínima obligatoria [RMD] del aliado) ¿Necesita hablar? Llámenos en cualquier momento del proceso al 833-38-UNION (833-388-6466). Nuestros representantes están disponibles desde las 8:00 A. M. hasta las 10:00 p. m., hora del este, en los días de operación de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York. Antes de invertir, se deben evaluar cuidadosamente los objetivos de inversión, los riesgos, los cargos y los gastos del fondo. El folleto contiene esta y otra información importante sobre el fondo. Para obtener un folleto, comuníquese con John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC al 800-294-3575 o visite Lea el folleto detenidamente antes de invertir o enviar dinero. El folleto del fondo ofrece información sobre los detalles de las exenciones de cargos aplicables. Es posible que el folleto esté disponible solo en inglés. John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC no está aliada con el Plan de Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio, El Plan para Carpinteros de Ohio, el Plan de Contribución Denida del Consejo Regional de Carpinteros del Medio Oeste Central ni con BeneSys, y ninguno es responsable de las obligaciones del otro. Aun cuando la presente comunicación es en español, John Hancock Retirement desarrolla su actividad comercial en inglés. John Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC, 200 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. NO ASEGURADO POR LA FDIC. PUEDE PERDER VALOR. NO GARANTIZADO POR EL BANCO. © 2024 John Hancock. Todos los derechos reservados. S-P600163-SP-GE 07/24-600163

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Ohio Carpenters' Aggressive FundAS OF 2024-06-30INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Portfolios Asset Allocations are also offered as investment options in the Plan. Each Portfolio seeks toachieve the highest potential rate of return for its objective and level of risk by allocating assets in varying percentages to different assetclasses, represented by the portfolio's investment vehicles. The percentage of assets allocated to each asset class will be rebalanced byJohn Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC according to the rebalancing rules provided by the client or financial intermediary. ThePortfolios themselves are not mutual funds.Fund Category:Balanced/AssetAllocationPORTFOLIO DETAILSInception Date 2015-10-07Gross Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.50Net Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.50Fund Total Net Assets ($M) 38.95TOP TEN HOLDINGS AS OF 2024-06-30% of AssetsVanguard Growth Index Inst 21.75Vanguard Value Index Fund (I) 20.40John Hancock Bond Fund R6 18.28Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst 16.56Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl 6.59Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl 6.52BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst 3.97Vanguard Fed Money Market 2.63Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc 1.92MainStay MK HY Corp Bond I 1.38PRINCIPAL RISKSPrincipal Risks include: Administrative Fee, Portfolio Risk, PrivateFund and Underlying Fund/Fund of Funds. See disclosure fordetails.Average Annual Total Returns %As of 2024-06-30YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 YearSinceInceptionOhio Carpenters' Aggressive Fund 7.20 13.52 2.85 7.73 -- 7.97Morningstar Aggressive Targeti836.84 14.87 3.47 8.90 7.83 --Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Due to marketvolatility, current performance may be less or higher than the figures shown. Investment return and principal value willfluctuate so that upon redemption, shares may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance data does not reflectdeduction of redemption fee, which, if such fee exists, would lower performance. For current to the most recent month-endperformance information, please log onto or call a John Hancock representative at (800) 294-3575.Portfolio Snapshotb2 (%)21.75 Vanguard Growth Index Inst20.40 Vanguard Value Index Fund (I)18.28 John Hancock Bond Fund R616.56 Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst6.59 Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl6.52 Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl3.97 BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst2.63 Vanguard Fed Money Market1.92 Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc1.38 MainStay MK HY Corp Bond If1. The Gross Expense Ratio does not include fee waivers or expensereimbursements which result in lower actual cost to the investor. TheNet Expense Ratio represents the effect of a fee waiver and/orexpense reimbursement and is subject to change.Marketing support services are provided by John Hancock DistributorsLLC.{"Id":"fund-page", "FundPage":true}

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Ohio Carpenters' Conservative FundAS OF 2024-06-30INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Portfolios Asset Allocations are also offered as investment options in the Plan. Each Portfolio seeks toachieve the highest potential rate of return for its objective and level of risk by allocating assets in varying percentages to different assetclasses, represented by the portfolio's investment vehicles. The percentage of assets allocated to each asset class will be rebalanced byJohn Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC according to the rebalancing rules provided by the client or financial intermediary. ThePortfolios themselves are not mutual funds.Fund Category:Balanced/AssetAllocationPORTFOLIO DETAILSInception Date 2015-10-15Gross Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.63Net Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.63Fund Total Net Assets ($M) 63.34TOP TEN HOLDINGS AS OF 2024-06-30% of AssetsJohn Hancock Bond Fund R6 44.49Vanguard Growth Index Inst 10.44BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst 9.72Vanguard Value Index Fund (I) 9.27Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst 7.51Vanguard Fed Money Market 6.44MainStay MK HY Corp Bond I 3.40Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl 2.98Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl 2.92Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc 2.83PRINCIPAL RISKSPrincipal Risks include: Administrative Fee, Portfolio Risk, PrivateFund and Underlying Fund/Fund of Funds. See disclosure fordetails.Average Annual Total Returns %As of 2024-06-30YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 YearSinceInceptionOhio Carpenters' Conservative Fund 3.52 8.12 0.01 3.60 -- 4.25Morningstar Conservative Targei790.98 5.18 -1.60 1.86 2.53 --Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Due to marketvolatility, current performance may be less or higher than the figures shown. Investment return and principal value willfluctuate so that upon redemption, shares may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance data does not reflectdeduction of redemption fee, which, if such fee exists, would lower performance. For current to the most recent month-endperformance information, please log onto or call a John Hancock representative at (800) 294-3575.Portfolio Snapshotb2 (%)44.49 John Hancock Bond Fund R610.44 Vanguard Growth Index Inst9.72 BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst9.27 Vanguard Value Index Fund (I)7.51 Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst6.44 Vanguard Fed Money Market3.40 MainStay MK HY Corp Bond I2.98 Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl2.92 Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl2.83 Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Incf1. The Gross Expense Ratio does not include fee waivers or expensereimbursements which result in lower actual cost to the investor. TheNet Expense Ratio represents the effect of a fee waiver and/orexpense reimbursement and is subject to change.Marketing support services are provided by John Hancock DistributorsLLC.{"Id":"fund-page", "FundPage":true}

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Ohio Carpenters' Moderate FundAS OF 2024-06-30INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Portfolios Asset Allocations are also offered as investment options in the Plan. Each Portfolio seeks toachieve the highest potential rate of return for its objective and level of risk by allocating assets in varying percentages to different assetclasses, represented by the portfolio's investment vehicles. The percentage of assets allocated to each asset class will be rebalanced byJohn Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC according to the rebalancing rules provided by the client or financial intermediary. ThePortfolios themselves are not mutual funds.Fund Category:Balanced/AssetAllocationPORTFOLIO DETAILSInception Date 2015-10-08Gross Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.57Net Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.57Fund Total Net Assets ($M) 110.38TOP TEN HOLDINGS AS OF 2024-06-30% of AssetsJohn Hancock Bond Fund R6 30.60Vanguard Growth Index Inst 16.58Vanguard Value Index Fund (I) 14.85Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst 12.03BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst 6.68Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl 4.78Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl 4.69Vanguard Fed Money Market 4.42Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc 3.04MainStay MK HY Corp Bond I 2.33PRINCIPAL RISKSPrincipal Risks include: Administrative Fee, Portfolio Risk, PrivateFund and Underlying Fund/Fund of Funds. See disclosure fordetails.Average Annual Total Returns %As of 2024-06-30YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 YearSinceInceptionOhio Carpenters' Moderate Fund 5.37 10.75 1.38 5.68 -- 6.14Morningstar Moderate Target Rii814.19 10.34 1.08 5.83 5.56 --Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Due to marketvolatility, current performance may be less or higher than the figures shown. Investment return and principal value willfluctuate so that upon redemption, shares may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance data does not reflectdeduction of redemption fee, which, if such fee exists, would lower performance. For current to the most recent month-endperformance information, please log onto or call a John Hancock representative at (800) 294-3575.Portfolio Snapshotb2 (%)30.60 John Hancock Bond Fund R616.58 Vanguard Growth Index Inst14.85 Vanguard Value Index Fund (I)12.03 Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst6.68 BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst4.78 Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl4.69 Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl4.42 Vanguard Fed Money Market3.04 Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc2.33 MainStay MK HY Corp Bond If1. The Gross Expense Ratio does not include fee waivers or expensereimbursements which result in lower actual cost to the investor. TheNet Expense Ratio represents the effect of a fee waiver and/orexpense reimbursement and is subject to change.Marketing support services are provided by John Hancock DistributorsLLC.{"Id":"fund-page", "FundPage":true}

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Ohio Carpenters' Moderately Aggressive FundAS OF 2024-06-30INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Portfolios Asset Allocations are also offered as investment options in the Plan. Each Portfolio seeks toachieve the highest potential rate of return for its objective and level of risk by allocating assets in varying percentages to different assetclasses, represented by the portfolio's investment vehicles. The percentage of assets allocated to each asset class will be rebalanced byJohn Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC according to the rebalancing rules provided by the client or financial intermediary. ThePortfolios themselves are not mutual funds.Fund Category:Balanced/AssetAllocationPORTFOLIO DETAILSInception Date 2015-10-07Gross Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.54Net Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.53Fund Total Net Assets ($M) 60.41TOP TEN HOLDINGS AS OF 2024-06-30% of AssetsJohn Hancock Bond Fund R6 24.19Vanguard Growth Index Inst 19.38Vanguard Value Index Fund (I) 17.56Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst 14.24Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl 5.65Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl 5.58BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst 5.27Vanguard Fed Money Market 3.49Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc 2.80MainStay MK HY Corp Bond I 1.84PRINCIPAL RISKSPrincipal Risks include: Administrative Fee, Portfolio Risk, PrivateFund and Underlying Fund/Fund of Funds. See disclosure fordetails.Average Annual Total Returns %As of 2024-06-30YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 YearSinceInceptionOhio Carpenters' Moderately Aggressive Fund 6.28 12.10 2.09 6.70 -- 7.12Morningstar Moderately Aggr Tai825.71 12.92 2.35 7.60 6.86 --Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Due to marketvolatility, current performance may be less or higher than the figures shown. Investment return and principal value willfluctuate so that upon redemption, shares may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance data does not reflectdeduction of redemption fee, which, if such fee exists, would lower performance. For current to the most recent month-endperformance information, please log onto or call a John Hancock representative at (800) 294-3575.Portfolio Snapshotb2 (%)24.19 John Hancock Bond Fund R619.38 Vanguard Growth Index Inst17.56 Vanguard Value Index Fund (I)14.24 Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst5.65 Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl5.58 Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl5.27 BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst3.49 Vanguard Fed Money Market2.80 Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc1.84 MainStay MK HY Corp Bond If1. The Gross Expense Ratio does not include fee waivers or expensereimbursements which result in lower actual cost to the investor. TheNet Expense Ratio represents the effect of a fee waiver and/orexpense reimbursement and is subject to change.Marketing support services are provided by John Hancock DistributorsLLC.{"Id":"fund-page", "FundPage":true}

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Ohio Carpenters' Moderately Conservative FundAS OF 2024-06-30INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Portfolios Asset Allocations are also offered as investment options in the Plan. Each Portfolio seeks toachieve the highest potential rate of return for its objective and level of risk by allocating assets in varying percentages to different assetclasses, represented by the portfolio's investment vehicles. The percentage of assets allocated to each asset class will be rebalanced byJohn Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC according to the rebalancing rules provided by the client or financial intermediary. ThePortfolios themselves are not mutual funds.Fund Category:Balanced/AssetAllocationPORTFOLIO DETAILSInception Date 2004-08-02Gross Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.60Net Expense Ratiof1 (%) 0.60Fund Total Net Assets ($M) 145.51TOP TEN HOLDINGS AS OF 2024-06-30% of AssetsJohn Hancock Bond Fund R6 37.48Vanguard Growth Index Inst 13.45Vanguard Value Index Fund (I) 12.10Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst 9.82BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst 8.18Vanguard Fed Money Market 5.42Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl 3.89Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl 3.83Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc 2.98Ohio Carpenters / BONY -0.01PRINCIPAL RISKSPrincipal Risks include: Administrative Fee, Portfolio Risk andUnderlying Fund/Fund of Funds. See disclosure for details.Average Annual Total Returns %As of 2024-06-30YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 YearSinceInceptionOhio Carpenters' Moderately Conservative Fund 4.44 9.41 0.68 4.64 4.17 --Morningstar Moderately Cons Tai802.88 8.10 0.04 4.17 4.29 --Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Due to marketvolatility, current performance may be less or higher than the figures shown. Investment return and principal value willfluctuate so that upon redemption, shares may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance data does not reflectdeduction of redemption fee, which, if such fee exists, would lower performance. For current to the most recent month-endperformance information, please log onto or call a John Hancock representative at (800) 294-3575.Portfolio Snapshotb2 (%)37.48 John Hancock Bond Fund R613.45 Vanguard Growth Index Inst12.10 Vanguard Value Index Fund (I)9.82 Vanguard FTSE All Wld Idx Inst8.18 BlackRock Low Dur Bond Inst5.42 Vanguard Fed Money Market3.89 Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl3.83 Vanguard Small Cap Index Instl2.98 Intercontl Enh Cr US RE Inc2.86 MainStay MK HY Corp Bond If1. The Gross Expense Ratio does not include fee waivers or expensereimbursements which result in lower actual cost to the investor. TheNet Expense Ratio represents the effect of a fee waiver and/orexpense reimbursement and is subject to change.Marketing support services are provided by John Hancock DistributorsLLC.{"Id":"fund-page", "FundPage":true}

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Risks and DisclosuresImportant NotesOther:b2. The portfolio composition, industry sectors, top ten holdings, and credit analysis arepresented to illustrate examples of securities that the fund has bought and diversity of areas inwhich the fund may invest and may not be representative of the fund's current or futureinvestments. The top ten holdings do not include money market instruments and/or futurescontracts. The figures presented are as of date shown, do not include the fund's entireinvestment portfolio, and may change at any time.Index Description:i79. The Morningstar Conservative Index represents a portfolio of global equities, bonds andtraditional inflation hedges such as commodities and TIPS. This portfolio is held in a staticallocation appropriate for U.S. investors who seek below-average exposure to equity market riskand returns. An investment cannot be made directly into an index.i80. The Morningstar Moderately Conservative Index represents a portfolio of global equities,bonds and traditional inflation hedges such as commodities and TIPS. This portfolio is held in astatic allocation appropriate for U.S. investors who seek a slightly below-average exposure toequity market risk and returns. An investment cannot be made directly into an index.i81. The Morningstar Moderate Index represents a portfolio of global equities, bonds andtraditional inflation hedges such as commodities and TIPS. This portfolio is held in a staticallocation appropriate for U.S. investors who seek average exposure to equity market risk andreturns. An investment cannot be made directly into an index.i82. The Morningstar Moderately Aggressive Index represents a portfolio of global equities,bonds and traditional inflation hedges such as commodities and TIPS. This portfolio is held in astatic allocation appropriate for U.S. investors who seek a slightly above-average exposure toequity market risk and returns. An investment cannot be made directly into an index.i83. The Morningstar Aggressive Index represents a portfolio of global equities, bonds andtraditional inflation hedges such as commodities and TIPS. This portfolio is held in a staticallocation appropriate for U.S. investors who seek above-average exposure to equity market riskand returns. An investment cannot be made directly into an index.Principal RisksAdministrative Fee: The expense ratio includes the fund company management fee and theadditional John Hancock Retirement Plan Services, LLC administrative fee.Portfolio Risk: This not a mutual fund, prospectuses are not required, and prices are not availablein local publications. The portfolio allocates its investments among multiple asset classes, whichcan include U.S. and foreign equity and fixed income securities. Foreign investing involves risksnot associated with U.S. investments, including currency fluctuations and political and economicchanges. These risks are likely to be greater for emerging markets than in developed markets.Portfolios that invest in bonds are subject to interest-rate risk and can lose principal value wheninterest rates rise. The portfolio may also allocate its investments in growth and value stocks, realestate investment trusts, and corporate and U.S. government bonds. Asset allocation does notensure a profit or protection against a loss. Please note that asset allocation may not beappropriate for all participants particularly those interested in directing investment options ontheir own. Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the fund carefullybefore investing. An investor should examine the asset allocation of the portfolio to ensure it isconsistent with their own risk tolerance.Private Fund: The fund is not a mutual fund and is privately offered. Prospectuses are notrequired and prices are not available in local publications.Underlying Fund/Fund of Funds: A portfolio's risks are closely associated with the risks of thesecurities and other investments held by the underlying or subsidiary funds, and the ability of theportfolio to meet its investment objective likewise depends on the ability of the underlying fundsto meet their objectives. Investment in other funds may subject the portfolio to higher costs thanowning the underlying securities directly because of their management fees.{"Id":"fund-page", "FundPage":true}

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