INDIGO HILLVILLA MANUALVillas Virgin (284)540-8002
INDIGO HILLVILLA MANUAL02WELCOMECongratulations! You are among the chosen few who havestumbled upon Nature’s Little Secret. 8 squaremiles of paradise!Villas Virgin Gorda has been operating onVirgin Gorda for over 20 years. We specialize inthe property management of the beautifulhomes in our care and vacation rentals of theseproperties. We are extremely honored that youhave chosen us to provide you with a homeduring your holiday and we are committed tomaking sure you are comfortable during yourstay. We love everything about Virgin Gorda! Welove sailing up to the island and the vista of themountains rising out of the sea. The beaches,vistas, and snorkeling are amazing and TheBaths are a must-visit. We have also enjoyedexploring the old Copper Mine ruins, hiking thepeaks, and lingering over a painkiller at HogHeaven while enjoying the views of the boats inthe North Sound. The local population is madeup of amazingly generous and happy people,we challenge you not to make a friend for life onVG!While you are on the island, Villas Virgin Gordastaff will be here to help you settle in and attendto any issues that may arise. During your stay,the staff are only a phone call, text, or emailaway. We have a dedicated staff whom youmay meet as they come to take care of yourhousekeeping needs or address any concernswith the maintenance of the property. Our goalis to make sure you have everything you need tohave a wonderful stay on Virgin Gorda and thento get out of your way and let you have fun andrelax!Sincerely,VVG Management and staff
Getting AroundOur Beaches + more...About Indigo HillHouse Rules and GuidelinesAbout Virgin Gorda0506080910We encourage you to explorethem all for yourself.A little history of our tiny islandhome.Tips and tricks for traversing VGHelp us protect the villa & do ourpart to conserve island resources.What you need to know aboutIndigo Hill03VILLA MANUAL
Maid Service – Twice weekly maid service isincluded in your stay at the villa (exceptSundays). We do our best to arrive after 9 am andcomplete service by 4 pm. If you'd like less maidservice, please let us know as we don't want tointerrupt your holiday.05VILLA MANUALABOUTINDIGOHILLWIFI password:vvgvilla(all lowercase)Check-in time is 4:00 pm.Check-out is at 10:00 am. Whenever possible, Villas Virgin Gorda willaccommodate early arrivals and late departures. Inthe event the property you have rented has a same-day or next-day turnover, the checkout time will beenforced. Check-Out (10 am)– Please turn off lights/fans,leave keys on the counter, report any maintenanceissues, take the trash to the bin and please leave thevilla unlocked. Someone will be by soon after yourdeparture.Food/Trash – In order to discourage uninvitedanimals/insects from visiting, please do not leaveedibles out overnight. Place any openedcontainers/food items in the refrigerator, freezer,or in a tightly sealed container. All trash ismanaged locally on the island. Please bag all trash(close bags tightly) and deposit in the dumpstersalong the roadside. Help us support Green VIand recycle. Recyclable glass and plastic bottlescan be dropped off at stations around the island.
Screens and Shutters06All the doors have retractable screens. If youhappen to walk into one of the screens, youwill see a red cord at the top. The cord shoulddrop down, pull it and release it and the screenshould tighten up again. Air-ConditioningRain and Louvre WindowsPassing rainstorms are common in theCaribbean. As such, we ask that you pleasekeep windows facing the East (that’s the frontof the property, toward the guest cottage andthe gated entry) closed or only slightly openduring the day if you’re out and about theisland. This will prevent flooding andunnecessary damage to the villa.Indigo Hill Villa is blessed with coolingbreezes and you may never need our AC units,but if you do need them, please turn them offduring the day. Especially if you will be outexploring the island the whole day. Door LocksBefore you arrive, we will program your doorcode for all the villa locks. During your stay, ifthe locks should indicate low battery (byemitting a long beep), please let us know andwe will replace them. Gates and GoatsVirgin Gorda has herds of wild goats thatperiodically visit our area. They can be verydestructive. Please remember to keep the gateclosed at all times. Obstacles.Please use caution on your walk to the pool. The pool path goes beneath the porch andthere is a low overhang. We have painted it tocatch your eye . Please also use caution atnight when entering and exiting the guestcottage. There is a low palm tree where youcould hit your head. We have wrapped it inlighting to draw attention to it. Septic SystemTo help us maintain the villa’s septic system werequest that guests do not put any garbagedown the drains or excess toilet paper is notflushed. Sanitary napkins and other itemsshould be disposed of in the trash and not thetoilets. Indigo Hill Rules andGuidlinesPool Rules - NO DIVINGGLASS: Absolutely, no glass around the pool. Any broken glass in the pool will mean we will have to shutdown the pool for multiple days to drain, clean and refill. SAND: A pool is not a bathtub. Please rinse any sand off your body before jumping in the pool. Sand isvery bad for our pool pump, so please be kind to it.
Indigo Hill Villa is almost 100%solar powered. The AirConditioning units are on theelectric grid. We ask that you stillbe mindful of energy consumptionand turn off lights when not inuse. If you are leaving the villa fora significant period of time, pleaseturn off the AC units. Please alsokeep the AC units turned off inrooms that are not occupied.Water is also a preciousresource on the island. Allwater used comes from the skyand is stored in large cisternsunder the villas. Please conservewater when you can forsubsequent guests, i.e., shortshowers are better than longones. Condense laundry andreuse towels.While the water is potable, werecommend you use bottledwater for drinking & cooking. ELECTRICITY& WATER CONSERVATIONTOWELS*VVG is not liable for refunds due to power or water outages out of our control.PLEASE REUSE TOWELS One person can make adifference. We invite you to helpus conserve water and energyusage by using our towels morethan once. To participate in thisprogram, hang your towels up.Towels left on the floor will bereplenished. Thank you for your help!07
VILLA MANUAL082. There are no stoplights on Virgin Gorda, justone lonely round-about and plenty of stop signs& speed bumps in Spanish Town.3. Buckle that seat belt! While the police presenceis minimal, not wearing your seat belt will get youpulled over if you are spotted.4. There are not many roads to worry about onceyou begin driving. Spanish Town is a series ofblocks with roads running between Lee Road andCrabbe Hill Rd. The Baths are off Tower Roadand the Copper Mine Ruins are off ofCoppermine Rd. The N. Sound Rd. runs northfrom Spanish Town and is the main road “overthe hill”. Points of Interest are well marked withblue and white signs. Your rental car agent shouldprovide you with a map.To take full advantage of allthe sites Virgin Gorda hasto offer, we recommendgetting a rental car. Ourpreferred vendor isMahogany Car Rentals.Once you have a car,learning to drive on ourroads is fairly easy but hereare a few tips. 1. We’re not in the states anymore Toto!Here we drive on the left side of the road.5. Take it easy going “over the hill” from SpanishTown to Gun Creek. These are mountain roadswith steep drop-offs. Also watch out for thewildlife as you never know when you will see achicken, goat, dog, or cow in the road. Mostaccidents on Virgin Gorda are single-caraccidents so take it easy and enjoy the view.6. Watch the locals. Often, the car ahead of youmay stop to speak with someone walking alongthe road or to pick them up or drop them off.Sometimes they pull off, sometimes they juststop. When it is safe, you can pass. If someonewishes to pass you, most of the time they will giveyou a double honk. 7. Gas stations are located at both ends of SpanishTown on Tower Rd. and Little Rd. There are nogas stations in the North Sound so be sure youhave sufficient fuel levels before making the trip"over the hill."GETTINGAROUND.
ABOUT VIRGIN GORDAVirgin Gorda is an island in the archipelago of theVirgin Islands which includes the British VirginIslands, the U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Thomas, St.John, and St. Croix), and the Spanish Virgin Islands(Puerto Rico, Culebra, and Vieques). The BVIconsists of over 50 islands and cays, of which about15 are inhabited. Virgin Gorda is the third largest ofthe British Virgin Islands (behind Tortola andAnegada) and the second most populous witharound 4,000 residents. The Virgin Islands were originally settled by theArawak from South America sometime around 100BC. Later came the Caribs from the Lesser Antillesand then the Europeans. Christopher Columbuswas the first European to visit the islands in 1493and popular lore says he named the island “The FatVirgin” because the island’s profile on the horizonlooks like a fat woman lying on her side. TheSpanish initially claimed the islands, followed byDutch settlement, and eventually, they werecaptured by the British. In the colonial days, theislands were also a favorite haunt of pirates whoused the island's close proximity to one another andnumerous bays to hide out. Pay close attention tothe names of the smaller cays and many bays andyou may make connections to those scoundrels ofthe past!From Virgin Gorda, looking east, the passage yousee between Virgin Gorda and Tortola is called theSir Francis Drake Channel. Sir Francis Drake,Britain’s best-known “sea dog”, spent a large part ofhis life in the Caribbean plaguing the Spanish withnumerous raids, resulting in the Spanish kingplacing a huge bounty on his head and the Spanishnickname “El Draque” or the dragon. His finalvoyage to the Caribbean in 1595 found him in theVirgin Islands where he anchored his fleet beforesailing on to Puerto Rico and his doomed attack onthe Puerto Rican fort of El Morro.VILLA MANUAL09In 1837, the British built a Copper Mine on theSW point of the island. The mine wasabandoned and closed in 1862 and neveroperated again. Today, the Copper Mine is anational park and we highly recommendtaking a few hours to explore the area. There isa new visitor’s center opened in early 2017along with fascinating remains of the old mineitself including the original stack, the enginehouse, and the main building. It also offersimpressive views of Handsome Bay andTaylors Bay and the airport along with a viewof most of the south side of the island and theAtlantic. Since it is a national park, you cannotremove anything from the site, but geologyfans will be excited to see various rockspecimens including carbonate of copper,malachite, quartz, and molybdenite. Be sure towear sunscreen and take water.Today, Virgin Gorda is our perfect littleparadise with many different activities topursue.
OUR BEACHESVIRGIN GORDA BEACHES ARE WORLD CLASS.VILLA MANUAL10The BathsSavannah Bay OthersThe most perfect beach on theisland! To get to Savannah Bay,take the N. Sound Rd. out ofSpanish Town. You’ll travel upand over one peak. Afterdriving down from the peak,you will see a sandy roadturning left. Drive down theaccess road to the parking area. You are now at Savannah Baywhich has the longest stretch ofuninterrupted beach on theisland. The sand is powdery andwhite. The water is typicallycalm and brilliant blue. Perfectfor snorkeling when the water iscalm. There are multiple reefpatches right offshore so expectto see reef fish such as ParrotFish, Blue Tang, YellowtailSnapper, Stingrays, and manymore.The most popular attraction onVirgin Gorda are The Bath's.They are bordered by Devil’sbay, Spring Bay, and LittleTrunk Bay which have excellentbeaches. Devil’s Bay isconsistently ranked among thetop beaches in the world! If youenter The Baths from the parkentrance, there is a $3.00 chargeper person. From the welcomebooth, you’ll walk past a fewshops, a coffee shop, and arestaurant, Top of the Baths.The path is fairly easy totraverse but can be slipperyafter the rain and is marked wellto help you along the way. Besure to pause and take a dip atthe Cathedral, the mostphotographed spot at TheBaths.These are just a few of thestunning beaches Virgin Gordahas to offer. Here are a few more...Spring BayMountain Trunk BayNail Bay BeachLong BayGo out and explore! Let us know what your favoritebeach is before you leave ourlittle slice of paradise.
TO DO ON VIRGIN GORDASailing is one of the most popular activities in Virgin Gorda. There is noshortage of boats for hire to take you out for an exciting day on the waterand a chance to visit some of the other islands like Cooper Island, NormanIsland, Peter Island and Anegada. Whether you are interested in fishing,snorkeling, diving, or just sailing/island hopping, there are manycompanies that offer charter services. Check out our "Local Resources"page on our website.GORDA PEAK: The tallest peak on Virgin Gorda is Gorda Peak with anelevation of 1,370 ft. Gorda Peak is in the Gorda Peak National Park and isaccessed from the N. Sound Rd. The land for the park was donated byLaurance Rockefeller in 1974 and is one of the last remaining examples ofCaribbean dry forest in the region. As you follow the trail, you will seeexamples of endangered plant species such as the CalptrantheseThomasina and Zanthonylum Thomasina. You may also see the world’ssmallest lizard if you pay close attention, the Virgin Gorda gecko. The hikeis moderate and shaded.99 STEPS: This isn't for the faint of heart. To get to the trail head, youfirst have to hike along Long Bay Beach from the parking lot. Once youhave a reached the end of the beach, you will see a sign saying "Trail". There are steps and trails that lead the way to some of the most beautifulviews of Long Bay Beach, Nail Bay Beach, and even access to the oftenunused Saddle Bay Beach. Large boulders, flowering frangipanis, air plantsand cactus can all be discovered along the way! Pack your sunscreen and bugspray for ALL hiking endeavors. Another sport getting a lot of attention on Virgin Gorda is bouldering.Bouldering is similar to rock climbing except for athletes who boulderclimb do not use ropes or a harness. The basic equipment is climbingshoes, chalk for your hands, and a bouldering mat or crash pad. VillasVirgin Gorda has several crash pads for rent. Please contact your VVGvilla representative to inquire about renting them. Virgin Gorda is covered in large boulders just begging to be climbed.,especially around The Baths. Please be aware of the environment as youmake your way to boulders that are off the beaten path and try not totrample the vegetation and also be aware not to trespass in the pursuit ofthat perfect climb.HikingBoulderingWater Sports
VILLAS VIRGIN GORDATHE NORTH SOUND12The North Sound is one of the great harbors of the world! It is bordered byVirgin Gorda, Mosquito Island, Prickly Pear Island, and Eustatia Island withNecker Island just behind Eustatia to the North. It is the home of Bitter EndYacht Club, Oil Nut Bay, and Saba Rock. This is also where Sir Francis Drakeanchored his fleet in 1595 and used the hill behind Bitter End to practice hisattack on El Morro. Since he died on the voyage off the coast of Panama afterhis failed attempt at El Morro, it may be the last place he stepped foot on land.With the protection of the islands ringing the sound, this is a world-renownedspot for water sports such as sailing, paddle boarding, and windsurfing. Withover 130 moorings, the North Sound is a perfect spot for boat watching and hashosted nearly all the 200+ mega yachts from around the world. To reach the North Sound, follow the N. Sound Rd. north from Spanish Townuntil you reach a "Y" in the road, where you must either turn right or left. Turn right and it will dead-end at the Gun Creek ferry dock. Parking is limitedand often this is a very crowded lot, you may have to park in the dirt lot furtherfrom the ferry dock or along the road. If you take a left at the "Y", you will endup at Leverick Bay.
BankingWe recommend dealing in cash whenever possibleto avoid International Banking fees and thepotential of identity theft. Many smaller vendorsalso only take cash. If you did not notify your bankor place a travel alert on your account beforearriving, please consider doing so as soon as youarrive to avoid any interruptions in your service.There is one ATM machine located near the VGYacht Harbor at the Banco Popular. The ATM willcharge withdrawal fees, but they are small and willnot add up as much as repeated fees from yourbank while using your cards. There is also an ATMon the backside of Buck's Grocery.The local currency is the US dollar.US Embassy, Consular Section: (246) 431-0225(Barbados), (268) 463-6531 (Antigua)Medicure Ltd. near the police station in SpanishTown (284) 495-5479Island Drug Centre across the street from theYacht Harbor (284) 495-5449.Iris O’Neil Virgin Gorda Clinic The Valley, Hours: 7 am – 10 pm Tel: (284) 852-7700 or (284) 541–1662/3The closest hospital is Peebles Hospital in RoadTown, TortolaFor a medical emergency dial 999 or 911For travelers from other jurisdictions, pleaseconsult your country’s online consulate websitefor information.Emergencies
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