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In FY2023 the global landscape continued to produce complexissues that require a multi-faceted and interconnected approach.The focus shifted from recovery following the coronaviruspandemic and the ever-present lens on climate change to a moremulti-dimensional question, covering an interconnectedeconomic, environmental, and humanitarian crisis. Malaysia’s major commodities suffered a setback in 2023 whichincluded a weaker ringgit, as it was overshadowed by demanddeficits to global economic uncertainties pertaining to ongoingpolitical tensions. The depreciation in currency brings with it therisk of inflation and higher import costs, which are felt across thecountry. At Tanoti, we focus on the empowerment and development oflocal communities in the Sarawak region of Malaysia. We arecommitted to making a positive impact on our local economy,environment, and population in order to actively work towardsthe interconnected response needed to address modern issues.We hope to see a world united in facing these matters as wemove into 2024 and will continue to make our contributionsthrough every aspect of our organisation.

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Tanoti is an organisation which aims to preservethe heritage of our nation through thetechniques and practices of artisanal crafts. Weare devoted to improving the livelihoods of ourlocal communities and aim to inspire andgenerate women empowerment throughoutSarawak. Our mission is to build thriving economies andcommunities through the production of artisanalcrafts, with the goal of raising awareness of our heritage and our carefully crafted products to theinternational community. We are committed toensuring that our skills, passion, and knowledgeare passed on to generations to come. Our team consists of 24 strong, passionatewomen who strive to learn the traditional skillsand techniques of our artisanal crafts whilstworking towards building a sense of communityand financial stability.

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Assumed the songket weaving workshop of the former Queen of Malaysia, with 13artisansFirst collaboration with UNIMAS-ISITI to develop the basketry craft of Long Lamai.Coilings, a product from this project, was recipient of the World Craft CouncilAward of Excellence in Handicraft 2016.Collaboration with WWF-Malaysia to undertake Penan Craft Development in theproject area of Kuba’an Puak. In 2019, these Kubaan Puak settlements wereacknowledged as an Emerging Craft Community For Basketry Craft by the StateGovernment.Engaged with further remote villages to develop their crafts potentialCommenced exports to USA and Europe (Germany)Accredited as a Social Enterprise by Ministry of Entrepreneur DevelopmentMalaysia, and approved by Ministry of Finance MalaysiaEmbarked on PPE project by crowd-sourcing 105 home sewists during COVID-19pandemicOrganised TENUN Fashion Week, the largest ever virtual and physical gathering ofhandwoven fashion from 46 communities throughout Southeast AsiaUndertook a project to crowd-source the sewing and distribute packs of clothdiapers to underserved families throughout SarawakProduced the inaugural Hasanah Gold Threads Awards focused on excellenceheritage textiles; and developed Discovery, an interactive, immersive andeducational exhibition on Sarawak’s heritage textiles.

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Tanoti operates to pursue the objectives of heritage preservation, women empowerment and ruralcommunity building. PRODUCTSSERVICESEXPERIENCESCOMMUNITY SOLUTIONS

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PRODUCTSTanoti’s core business is in the production, marketingand sales of handicraft products produced by artisansfrom rural and remote communities of Sarawak.In our crafts business, Tanoti’s ultimate objective is toensure that ancestral techniques continue to bepractised. We aim to establish a prominent marketfor the crafts and textiles industry, starting withSarawak, expanding across Malaysia and eventuallyexpanding to a global market. As we work to expand our craft on an internationallevel, we have worked to develop partnerships,initiated programs and events which have in turnallowed us to share our craft whilst simultaneouslyhelping to support our local communities.

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PRODUCTSCommunities living near rainforests with amplerattan supply enjoy an intimate relationshipwith their ecosystem. They inherited the unique knowledge of the traditional processing of raw rattan peel and enjoy aconvenient access to raw materials for their masterful creations. We purchase the exquisite rattan products and shaved rattan from our talented artisans, empowering them as well as highlighting the importance of forest conservation to our clients. As we work with crafts, we invariably engage withSarawak’s rural and remote communities. Theartisans who have received payment for craftproducts from Tanoti in 2023 were as follows:In 2023, the total payment of RM382,086.97 wasmade to craft artisans for their products, ofwhich 99.8% were paid out to women.

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PRODUCTSUnder Tanoti, crafts production may be delineated into two distinct categories : within the atelier atTanoti House, and with the community. As such, orders given to and payment made to artisans aretreated differently.Location Tanoti HouseProduct Handwoven Songketor Handplaited RattanRemune-rationBase Salary + Completion Bonus (forevery piece) + Additional Bonus forearly completion- Penalty for latecompletionAccom-modationProvided at Tanoti House,with utility fee of RM20per monthBenefits Medical fees, statutorycontributions, annualbonuses, self-caresessionsAn example of the weaving graph for a neckscarf and the corresponding project weaving sheet for the weaver

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PRODUCTSUnder Tanoti, crafts production may be delineated into two distinct categories : within the atelier atTanoti House, and with the community. As such, orders given to and payment made to artisans aretreated differently.Location Within their villagesProduct Community craftproducts (eg. rattan, puakumbu, bamboo, beads)Remune-rationItems are paid to theartisans on a per-piecebasis, as follows:pre-paid items, which aregenerally special order orback-to-back order withclientspost-paid items, whichare items produced bythe artisans which theyhave requested for Tanotito sell on their behalfThe format for an order sheet as well as a visual code of conduct agreement to be signed by artisans whotake orders from Tanoti.

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Tanoti’s craft products go to market via the following avenues: Retail Points of Sale eCommerce Private Clients33%27%20%40% 55%15%Raw Material &ProductionAdministration,Marketing &LogisticsProfitPRODUCTSTanoti House, KuchingTanoti Shop, GMBB Mall, Kuala LumpurBorneo Cultures Museum Shop, KuchingKita Kita, Kuala LumpurNEO Boutique, One & Only Desaru CoastSustain.ED, Kuala LumpurThe Boutique, Datai LangkawiUNPLUG, Kuala LumpurTanoti e-shop at www.tanoticrafts.comFor custom orders Corporate Gifting Hotels Commercial Interiors eCommerce (Singapore)Neepa Hut, California, USAIDENTIFYING THE MAKERSAll of Tanoti’s products are attached with tags whichcredit the artisan maker. Information shall include thevillage from which the artisan originates and her age.

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Tanoti believes in constantly generating awareness for crafts and becomingadvocates for the industry and its artisans. We have participated in variousevents towards this end.PRODUCTSFEB 2023 - Sarawak CreativeIndustry TownhallMAR 2023 - InvestKL, KualaLumpurMAY 2023 - Visit by InternationalConference on Impact AssessmentSEP 2023 - Discovery Textiles ofSarawakOCT 2023 - CIMB ArtoberOCT 2023 - MaybankChampionshipOCT 2023 - Festival Sarawakiana,MiriDEC 2023 - Datai Langkawi 30thAnniversary Fashion ShowDEC 2023 - Eco Fashion ShowMAY 2023 - Talk to fashionstudents at ESMOD KLMAY 2023 - Talk on the exportpotential for the crafts industry forMDECMAY 2023 - Panel Session onsustainable fashion at TatlerSustainability WeekendJUN 2023 - Pitch session for Tanotiat AVPNAUG 2023 - Presentation at theUNITAR summit on IndigenousPeopleNOV. 2023 - Panel Session onsustainability of the creativeindustry at Malaysia Urban Forum /URBANICEMAR 2023 - Borneo InternationalGarden ExpoMAY 2023 - Borneo Festival,1UtamaMAY 2023 - Tatler SustainabilityWeekend, Kuala LumpurJUN 2023 - Rainforest World MusicFestival MarketAUG 2023 - Annual ScientificCongressAUG 2023 - Kuching FestivalNOV 2023 - Suara Alam ConferenceDEC 2023 - Start Up WeekDEC 2023 - Khazanah Tea Talk

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Tanoti Foods was established in 2020 as a COVID19 response initiative to work with local producers tomarket their indigenous food products and present them to the world. It currently works with 25 foodproducers residing in various communities across Sarawak. PRODUCTS

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The objective of Tanoti Foods is to ensure that heritage food practices as well as Sarawak’s ownindigenous ingredients are preserved and conserved, and given the chance to thrive.eCommercewww.tanoticrafts.comwww.langitcollective.comRetail Points of SaleTanoti House, KuchingTanoti Shop, GMBB Mall, Kuala LumpurBorneo Cultures Museum Shop, KuchingRestaurants Bistro á Table, Kuala LumpurGiftingFestive giftingCorporate giftingPRODUCTS CITY OF GASTRONOMYIn 2021, Kuching wasdesignated as a City ofGastronomy under theUnesco Creative CitiesNetwork.As an affiliate of the Kuching Creative Citysecretariat, Tanoti Foods develops foodproducts and offers gastronomy-relatedcontent to assist in promoting Kuching’sstatus as a gastronomic hub.

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FoodProducersSales Events for FoodFood ToursVillages EngagedAcross Sarawak CommunitiesImpactedCraft Artisansreceiving total payment ofPromotional Activities, PopUp Sales Events, Sharingsparticipated in to promote craft awarenessParticipants in 4workshops

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Cloth Diaper PacksVisitorsDistributed across Communities Community Artisansattended the 2-day workshop on weavingand social media marketing organised atLong LamaiWomen Trained in the processes of songket weaving, ofwhich 3 continued employment in Tanoti assongket weaversexperienced our DISCOVERY: Textiles of Sarawak exhibition inBorneo Cultures Museum Kuching and Festival SarawakianaMiri.

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SERVICESTanoti has developedvarious workshopmodules to spreadawareness of craft andcraft techniques byinviting the public tolearn certain processes in producing crafts. Wehave produced kitsspecially for this purpose.These interactivelearning activities havecreated interest ofheritage crafts amongstthe participants - wehope the growingawareness of thesetechniques will allowthem to sustain overtime. SONGKET WEAVINGWORKSHOPRATTAN BASKETRYWORKSHOPLOOM BEADINGWORKSHOPCHRISTMAS ORNAMENTWEAVING WORKSHOPEach workshop participantis provided with a kit andshall get the chance todesign and produce a fabricpiece using the technique ofsongket weaving.A workshop lasts between1.5 to 2 hoursEach workshop participantis provided with a kitcomplete with wild rattansplits. During the workshopthey will design and weave arattan panel. A workshop lasts between1.5 to 2 hoursEach workshop participantis provided with a beadingloom and is given thechance to design andproduce a custom loom-beaded bracelet.A workshop lasts between1.5 to 2 hoursIn the Christmas season, wehad run workshops foryoung children to weavetheir own Christmas treeornaments using actualnatural rattan splits.These workshops lastedabout 30 mins per session

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SERVICESWe understand that awareness creation is at its most active when visitors witness the process andexperience the environment themselves. In 2023, we prototyped 3 tourism activities. Going forward, weaim to develop the crafts and foods tourism potential across Sarawak. Tanoti’s tours encompass thefollowing broad categories:WEAVE YOUR OWN SOUVENIRVisitors are invited to weave their ownhandwoven songket souvenirs.COMMUNITY CRAFT TOURSVisitors are brought into remote craftcommunities to experience how communityartisans live and are invited to immerse in theprocesses of craft production.HERITAGE FOOD MAKING TOURSVisitors visit the source of Sarawak’s indigenous foods and shall witnessthe processes undertaken by the communities to produce these foods.

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Our investment in PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTwith community artisans has resulted in newcraft products coming to marketSERVICESTanoti believes that community artisans,despite their remoteness, should be accordedthe opportunity to develop their crafts andacquire new skills to advance their own crafts.In February 2023, in partnership with SocietyAtelier Sarawak and supported by the SarawakTourism Board, we organised a 2-day trainingprogramme with the artisans of Long Lamai.

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SERVICESTanoti provides training to young ladies who have intention to develop a career in songket weaving.Our Songket Weaving Training Programme is supported by Maybank Foundation under the MaybankWomen Eco Weavers programme.In 2023, the Songket Weaving Training Programmeachieved the following:HOSTING OF INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERSTanoti embraces external input and welcomes requests for internship placement at TanotiHouse. In the year 2023, we had the benefit ofcontribution from 4 sets of academic interns andvolunteers, each undertaking different job scopes.

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EXPERIENCESIn 2023, Tanoti, together with the ASEAN Handicraft Promotionand Development Association (AHPADA), produced thecountry’s inaugural awards on heritage textiles : the HasanahGold Threads Awards.The awards was conceived to preserve and sustain Malaysia’srich and diverse textile traditions, as well as to ignite a greaterappreciation of heritage textiles. The competition was sponsoredby Yayasan Hasanah, with the support of the Ministry of Finance,Malaysia. The awards ceremony was hosted in Kuching, Sarawak,and supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry andPerforming Arts IG/FB : @hasanahgoldthreads

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EXPERIENCESAs a way to engage the general public on the topic of heritage textiles,Tanoti produced an exhibition pavilion which is fun as it is educational,informative and interactive. The pavilion was erected twice in 2023.Modules included:craft demonstrationcraft workshops batik linut paintingvideo on pua kumbu AR/VR on rattan basketryinteractive beads necklaceBORNEO CULTURES MUSEUM, KUCHING12-18 SEPTEMBER 2023PILOT : EXHIBITION 1FESTIVAL SARAWAKIANA, MIRI2-5 NOVEMBER 2023EXHIBITION 2

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EXPERIENCESFor the Hasanah Gold Threads Awards ceremony, Tanoti sought to produce a unique opening act ofthe event. Our mission was to produce an original song, to be performed by actual textile artisans. Weapproached specific vendors to assist in this project and produced the song Kisah Benang Kita.This provided to be a highly meaningful projectbecause it means that crafts can access a differentaudience through music and dance. Also, craftartisans are able to connect with the general public.

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As recipient of the Hasanah Special Grant in 2021 by Yayasan Hasanah, Tanoti initiated a project toproduce safe and practical reusable cloth diapers, with our community of home sewists in and aroundKuching. These cloth diapers were distributed to low-income communities that do not have access tomunicipal waste collection services across Sarawak. COMMUNITY SOLUTIONSEach diaper package that contains 8 waterproof cloth diapers, a waste bagand a diaper bag with pockets is designed to be reusable and washable.Instructions panel printed onto the diaper bagInstructional video for recipientsIn producing the Tanoti cloth diapers, weinstituted the following elements:SIRIM certification to ensure no skin irritation sewing plan for standardised production byhome sewistsinstructional video and manual to educaterecipients on use, cleaning and storage ofTanoti’s cloth diaper packages

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We collaborated with Rotary Club Kuching Central fordistribution of 3000 diaper packs. On 30 Nov 2022, a tokenhandover ceremony with Rotary Club Kuching Central wasconducted, witnessed by Sarawak Minister of Women,Childhood and Community Wellbeing, Dato Sri FatimahAbdullah.COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS

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As part of the community, Tanoti is grateful to have partnered with several bodies to contribute andensure the success of our ventures in 2023.

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We will produce and host the Hasanah Gold Threads Awards fora second year, focusing on establishing partnerships and reaching awider audience. We hope to create a more successful and fulfillingawards show and continue inspiring others to share in our traditions andheritage.We will organise and host a third Textiles Discovery Programme atthe Borneo Cultures Museum, which will be an immersive andinteraction introduction to the world of Sarawakian textiles forvisitors. This shall be an extension of our existing DiscoveryProgramme. With the support of The Star Foundation, we are executing a clothmaternity pad project to be distributed to government maternitywards around Sarawak which services mothers from underservedcommunities. These pads are designed to be safe to use, easy tomaintain and are able to be reused for many years..We shall be supporting Society Atelier Sarawak in building capacity ofartisans in rural and remote communities, to develop products whichare able to cater to an urban market of consumers. We also aim tobring the artisans to the city so that they are able to connect andinteract. directly with their target audience.

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In 2023, Tanoti was grateful to be featured several times across TVbroadcasts, online articles, magazines and newspapers in Malaysiaand Singapore. These platforms drew attention to our workincluding our Cloth Diaper Project and the Hasanah Gold ThreadsAward. Featured as part of Reena Devi’s “Rise ofIndigenous Art” in the October issue of the PeakSingapore The Cloth DIaperProjectappeared on theNew SarawakTribune’snewspapers on 2February 2023.Tanoti was featured on live broadcast on TVS on 14September 2023.The Hasanah Gold Threads Awards as covered by TheRakyat Post and Options The Edge. An online article published aboutTanoti Crafts on the website of NewSarawak Tribune.

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In particular, we were honoured that our Tanotisongket file bag, worn by Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim, was featured by The EdgeMalaysia, malaymail, New Sarawak Tribune andThe Borneo Post both online and in newspapers. .

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TANOTI SDN BHD (co. reg. no. 201201007878 / 981398-T)Tanoti House, 56 Jalan Tabuan, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia@tanoticrafts@Tanotiwww.tanoticrafts.comTo stay in touch with our community or to learn more about our work,connect with us on social media or visit our website.Please note that the contents of this report are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a legally binding statement.