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Impact Report

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Table of Ctents25 Years of Gospel Momentum 0403A Letter from Our President08Global Partnerships Transform a Church on Mission 06Gospel Transformation Among Brazilian Immigrants in Orlando10 Empowering West Africans to Join a Gospel Movement12Explosive Growth Opens Door for God to Move14Church Planting with Your Best Friend16Veteran Church Planter Leads a New Mission in Miami18Financial Highlights

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2Our MissiOf the eight billion people in the world today, only about one-third would call themselves Christians. That means billions of people don’t know Jesus. For Acts 29, that is a crisis that can only be met by effective, multiplying churches that boldly preach the gospel so that many might be saved.Our God is worthy. Our mission is urgent. And our churches are ready.Acts 29 LeadershipBOARDLEADERSHIP TEAMBrian HowardPresidentRodney HobbsBoard MemberMatt ChandlerExecutive ChairmanChris LewisBoard MemberHunter BeaumontBoard MemberJoe WidnerBoard MemberBrian HowardPresident Adam FlyntVice Presidentof Church PlantingDan Vander PlaatsVice President of DevelopmentJustin AndersonVice Presidentof US ChurchesTyler JonesVice Presidentof Hub ChurchesRachel WolvertonDirector of Marketing and CommunicationsAndy BeanDirectorof ProjectsRebekah PazDirectorof US EventsScott ZellerVice Presidentof Acts 29 Global

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3A Letter from Our PresidentAs we celebrate 25 years of ministry fruitfulness in Acts 29, I can’t think of an endeavor more worthy than seeing new churches planted and existing churches flourishing in every corner of the world. I’m honored to lead Acts 29 and grateful for your partnership in sharing our passion for God’s glory to fill the earth.In this report, you’ll read stories highlighting the gospel-advancing impact of church planting and stories about thriving churches reaching their communities and seeing lives changed. In 2023, we assessed and trained 79 church planters who are now planting new churches in 22 countries. We saw nearly 7,700 people come to faith in Christ across Acts 29 churches and celebrated more than 6,500 baptisms! Since our last impact report, we have added churches in seven new countries, including Zambia, Poland, and Chile. Acts 29 is gaining immense momentum around the globe, both with the planting of new churches and with the growth of churches in ministry effectiveness. One example of this forward movement is in Brazil, which launched as a new Global Region for Acts 29 this year, with 38 churches. In April 2024, the celebration continued at our NEXT Conference, with over 1,110 attendees from 16 different countries.I’m deeply grateful for the last 25 years of Acts 29 and eagerly anticipate the next 25 and beyond. Your partnership with Acts 29 is invaluable, and these accomplishments have come through our work together. Let’s continue our collaboration with urgency and unity as we strive to see more churches and better churches in every part of the world.Brian HowardPresident

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425 Years of Gospel MentumIn the last 25 years, Acts 29 has grown from a handful of churches in one country to nearly 650 churches in 53 countries. Each Sunday, Christians worship Jesus at Acts 29 churches in 33 distinct languages. Since 1999, we’ve assessed more than 1,500 church planters, and through our churches, we’ve been part of planting thousands of churches in nearly every corner of the globe. These numbers represent lives forever changed by the good news of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your partnership in helping this good work happen. 38Brazil40Latin America80Europe379United States25CanadaEl SalvadorPeruChileBoliviaFrancisco BendfeldtLatin AmericaCristiano GasparBrazilPhilip MooreEuropeGLOBAL REGIONAL DIRECTORS Dwight BernierCanadaOne MokgatleAfricaAdam Ramsey Asia Pacific25 Years of Gospel MentumIn the last 25 years, Acts 29 has grown from a handful of churches in one country to nearly 650 churches in 53 countries. Each Sunday, Christians worship Jesus at Acts 29 churches in 33 distinct languages. Since 1999, we’ve assessed more than 1,500 church planters, and through our churches, we’ve been part of planting thousands of churches in nearly every corner of the globe. These numbers represent lives forever changed by the good news of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your partnership in helping this good work happen. 38Brazil40Latin America80Europe379United States25CanadaEl SalvadorPeruChileBoliviaAustriaFrancisco BendfeldtLatin AmericaCristiano GasparBrazilPhilip MooreEuropeGLOBAL REGIONAL DIRECTORS Dwight BernierCanadaOne MokgatleAfricaAdam Ramsey Asia Pacific

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5Acts 29 Churches Arnd the Wld48Asia Pacific8Middle East/North AfricaZambiaPolandSince January 2023, Acts 29 hasexpanded into 7 new countries!The Brazil Network launchedin April 2024!24Africa5Acts 29 Churches Arnd the Wld48Asia Pacific8Middle East/North AfricaSince January 2023, Acts 29 hasexpanded into 7 new countries!The Brazil Network launchedin April 2024!

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6Samuel Vitalino is the lead pastor of Esperança Bible Presbyterian Church in Orlando, Florida, where vibrant services in both English and Portuguese have met a significant need among the growing population of Brazilian immigrants in Orlando. Originally from Brazil, Samuel felt a call to plant a church that would meet this community’s unique spiritual needs. What began as a vision in 2021 has blossomed into a thriving congregation, with over 400 attendees gathering each Sunday—an incredible testament to God’s work in just three short years!At Esperança, lives are being transformed! The church is currently discipling around 30 families who have found freedom from oppressive religious cults common in Brazil. “The weight of false religion is gone, and they are experiencing the beauty of fellowship,” Samuel says. Together, they are embracing the gospel and deepening their faith, creating a vibrant tapestry of hope and redemption.As the church flourishes, challenges have arisen. With rapid growth, they are quickly outgrowing their current space—a great problem! People are traveling from far and wide, some even driving three hours to be part of what God is doing. The need for more churches is clear, and Samuel is already on a mission to plant three new congregations in Tampa, Jacksonville, and Fort Myers, reaching even more people hungry for the truth.Acts 29 has supported Esperança every step of the way, offering encouragement and coaching to navigate their growth and multiplication. Samuel’s dream to plant a church has exceeded all expectations, reminding us that when you follow God’s call, the results can be extraordinary.Gospel Transformation Among Brazilian Immigrants in Orlando

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7Scan the QR code to learn more about Samuel’s story, including how his participation in an Acts 29 cohort for new church planters has benefited him in his church planting journey.

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8Scan the QR code to learn how churches in Houston, Texas, and Seville, Spain forged a global partnership to bring the good news of Jesus to more people worldwide.

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9Five years ago, Wasilla Bible Church—a 50-year-old church in Wasilla, Alaska—embraced a bold vision for missional growth during a leadership transition. With a commitment to expand their impact, they set two ambitious goals: to partner with churches on every inhabitable continent and to engage more deeply in local church planting.While Wasilla Bible was already a thriving community, they recognized a need to step into the world of church planting. That’s when Jake Davies, their Extended Ministries Pastor, discovered Acts 29. “We couldn’t do this on our own. We needed help,” he shared. “After exploring several organizations, we chose to partner with Acts 29 for their shared theology and proven track record in church planting.” This partnership, formed in 2019, has since propelled them into action, igniting a passion for mission and expansion.Fast forward to today, and Wasilla Bible Church has forged partnerships on every inhabitable continent—from Guatemala to Australia, and Poland to the Philippines. Their commitment doesn’t stop at global outreach; they are also a catalyst for collaboration among Acts 29 churches, fostering mutually beneficial relationships that amplify their collective mission. Recently, they sent a member to plant a new church just a few miles away in Big Lake, Alaska, with plans for a public launch in Fall 2024. Collaborating with other Acts 29 churches in the region, they’ve established a fund to financially support new church plants throughout Alaska.Wasilla Bible Church has transformed their vision into reality. By partnering with Acts 29, they have built a network of global partnerships and church plants. When you support Acts 29, you’re not just contributing to one church; you’re empowering vibrant communities like Wasilla Bible Church to engage in the God-glorifying mission of planting churches worldwide.Global Partnerships Transform a Church on Missi

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10In the heart of French-speaking West Africa, violence and unrest create daunting challenges. The region encompasses eight countries—Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger, Benin, Togo, and Senegal—and the urgency for the gospel is more palpable than ever. With many Western missionaries departing under pressure, local Christians are stepping up to fill the gap.Pastor Kèo Kognon, Acts 29’s regional director for the Ivory Coast and French-speaking West Africa, emphasizes the pressing need: “Foreigners can’t come to many places in West Africa. Islam and the prosperity gospel are expanding. It’s vital that we train West Africans to become church planters where the gospel is absent. We must take on our responsibility as missionaries; Acts 29 is helping us do just that.”Local churches, led by dedicated pastors, are crucial for advancing the mission in this challenging environment. While the threat of violence looms, the call for more churches is urgent. Acts 29 is addressing this need by equipping local leaders like Kèo with essential training, support, and resources.We are excited to announce the launch of a new church planting training center in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire this fall! As the largest city in the region, Abidjan is the perfect hub for this vital resource. The center will train and equip church planters and pastors from across West Africa, providing them with theological education and practical ministry skills. This center represents a significant answer to prayer, enabling many leaders to gain the confidence and tools they need to spread the gospel effectively in their communities.In the meantime, Pastor Kèo is actively leading training cohorts in Niger, Benin, and the Ivory Coast, with 71 men currently being equipped to share the good news. In 2024, six of these dedicated church planters will undergo the rigorous Acts 29 assessment process, preparing them for impactful ministry.While the challenges in this region are immense, our God is greater. Through the unwavering commitment of local churches and pastors, the gospel is advancing across Francophone West Africa and beyond.Empowering West Africans to Join a Gospel Mment

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11Scan the QR code to learn more from Pastor Kèo about the gospel need in West Africa and how a new Acts 29 training center will advance the mission of church planting.

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12In 2023, churches in Acts 29 celebrated 7,679 conversionsand 6,637 baptisms!

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13In 2014, just two weeks after returning home to the Gold Coast of Australia from a ministry season in the United States, Adam Ramsey began laying the groundwork to plant Liberti Church. What began in a living room—sharing meals, discussing the Bible, and building community—quickly blossomed into something remarkable. With nearly 50 attendees at their first gathering and their first conversion to Christ just three weeks in, Liberti Church was off to an exciting start, reaching almost 100 people before moving into a public space.From the very beginning, Adam and his family envisioned Liberti as a church-planting church, ready to multiply its impact. By their second anniversary in 2017, they sent out their first church plant, and that same year, they revitalized another struggling church in their area. By 2018, Liberti Church had grown into a thriving family of three churches. As the years passed, Liberti experienced explosive growth, moving from one service to three to accommodate their expanding congregation. They soon recognized the need for a new meeting space to continue this momentum.By God’s grace, they connected with Mosaic Church, a nearby congregation in transition with dwindling membership. They began a conversation with Adam about what it would be like to be adopted by Liberti Church. In early 2024, Liberti Church welcomed the people of Mosaic Church into its family and, with it, took responsibility for Mosaic’s 600-seat facility and five acres of property.Liberti, derived from the Latin word for “freed people,” is more than just a name; it embodies the church’s mission. Every Sunday, they proclaim Jesus' liberating truth and celebrate the freedom he brings. This conviction fuels their passion for planting new churches and making disciples, all for the glory of God.By supporting Acts 29, you become a vital part of this mission. You’re joining Liberti Church as they transform lives and communities, proclaiming the freedom of Christ across Australia and beyond.Explosive Growth Opens Door for God to M

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14For residents in the Third Ward on the south side of Houston, hope is often hard to find. Demeko Bivens and Raph Peters, long-time best friends, were attending an Acts 29 church in Mississippi when they felt God’s call on their lives to be church planters to this area of Houston. They desired to bring hope to these residents in a way that only the gospel can do. Community outreach is at the forefront of Sojourn Southside’s ministry. The congregation is actively mentoring at the local elementary school, providing furniture to foster care and adoptive families in their zip code, and is extremely active in a local apartment complex with a violent history. Demeko shares, “The apartment complex we get to serve in and be served by has had murders twice when I have been there. Over time, we have seen residents of the complex start worshiping with us on Sundays and pull up at community events. That may seem small but to know their stories and see them at church and community events is huge.”For Demeko and Raph, their partnership with Acts 29 has been a gift. Wisdom from men who are a few years ahead of them in ministry has been invaluable as they navigate difficult circumstances in the neighborhood. Raph shares, “Being a part of Acts 29—just the relationship and equipping that has been present—has been formative for my wife and me; for Demeko and me.” As Sojourn Southside continues as a faithful gospel presence in their city, men, women, and children are being baptized into the church family. Men and women who said they would never attend church again have become members. Only by God’s grace will Sojourn Southside continue to see God transform not just those in their church body, but their community as a whole. This is why we plant churches. Church Planting with your Best Friend

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151,500+ church planters assessed in nearly every corner of the globe since 1999.

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16“We need to triple church planting within the next five years. It’s that urgent.”The Great Opportunity,Pinetops Foundation

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17Pablo Di Gilio is no stranger to church planting. Nearly 13 years ago, he planted his first church in Latin America. As his initial congregation flourished, Pablo recognized the call to plant once more. This time, he partnered with Acts 29, seizing the opportunity to be part of a growing network dedicated to spreading the gospel.When Pablo began his journey, Acts 29 wasn’t active in Latin America, but as he planted his second church, Acts 29’s involvement in the country had grown, and Pablo knew he wanted to be part of the network. “Being part of Acts 29 not only encourages my growth but connects me with other church planters and pastors who offer invaluable wisdom and guidance.”Two years ago, Pablo followed another path in his church planting story, this time to Miami, Florida. While Miami’s demographics reflect those of Latin America, Pablo quickly learned that the cultural landscape presented unique challenges. “Our ecclesiology, discipleship, and gospel mission remain unchanged, but planting in Miami is a whole different beast,” he explains. Even though many church planting principles transcend context, the lived-out experience varies greatly and requires a church planter who can apply the principles incarnationally.So, why continue planting churches, especially after achieving success? Pablo is passionate about inspiring other church planters to dream big. “I’d love to steer the hearts of church planters to dream again…to encourage some to consider planting again after they’ve found success elsewhere.” he says. His heart for church planting extends beyond Miami; he remains actively involved with Acts 29 Latin America, eager to support initiatives that empower local leaders.Veteran Church Planter Leads a New Mission in Miami

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18If we had to name a theme of our finances for the last two years, it would be focus.By God’s grace and the generosity of our churches and donors, Acts 29 emerged from the challenging year of 2020 with a very strong cash savings position. With the goal of long-term growth, we chose to spend some of this accumulated savings on personnel, ministry initiatives, and program expenses to position Acts 29 for a years-long investment in more churches and better churches.We knew we needed to focus these resources on preparing for the future.Now that we have made this investment to prepare for what we believe will be a decade-long season of growth, we've balanced our budget to focus attention on what we have been preparing for, inspiring us all to work towards this vision. Though all US programming is covered by US Church giving, we will continue to raise money to fulfill the Great Commission globally, as the need for more churches and better churches is massive. Our hope is that you will participate in this life-saving kingdom mission! If you are interested in participating in this work, visit to learn how you can help make disciples by planting churches.INCOME Church IncomeFundraising IncomeEvent Registration and Other Income Total Income$2,125,446$35,198$321,328$2,481,972$5,215,930$497,178$258,466$5,971,5742023 JAN JUNE 2024EXPENSESNorth America Church Planting (2023) / US Church Planting (2024)Global Church PlantingOperations, Fundraising, and Events Total Expenses$1,009,020$522,685$1,346,650$2,878,355$3,175,874$1,295,125$2,599,146$7,070,1452023 JAN JUNE 2024Financial Highlights*This impact report covers all of 2023 and the first half of 2024 to help transfer our financial year to a new fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

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19Celebrating God's FaithfulnessBillionOverpeople globally don’t know Jesus, roughly5 Network of nearlychurches across650churches joined in 2023 & first half of 2024 including 7963 In 2023,Acts 29 churches celebrated 7679new believers6637 baptisms 30% of world population 53 in 33 languagescountries,worshiping brand-new church plantsand

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20Acts 29 celebrates25 years! Watch now.

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20The last 25 years have been an amazing gift from God, but we believe that it is only a taste of what’s to come. As we embark on the next 25 years, Acts 29 envisions a world transformed by the power of effective and multiplying churches. Our mission remains rooted in the belief that vibrant, missional churches are essential for sharing the life-changing message of the gospel. We are committed to expanding our reach, creating communities where more people, families, and neighborhoods can come to know Christ. The last few years have been uniquely challenging for our world. But we believe now is the time to turn our attention back to the mission and regain our forward lean into our communities with the transformative power of the gospel. We must regain our missional edge so that we might see men and women saved, Christians discipled, leaders trained, existing churches grow, and new churches planted.With a renewed sense of urgency and purpose, we aim to plant and support churches globally, becoming a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation in every corner of the world. Together, we will continue to fulfill our God-given mission and witness the incredible impact of the gospel in lives and communities everywhere. Join us in this mission—together, and by the grace of God, we can see a gospel movement in our lifetime.Are you in?The Next 25 Years21

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Acts 29 Network23052 Alicia PKWYSuite H #621Mission Viejo, CA 92692