Create, Connect, Manage, and Visualize Interactive Digital Twin ApplicationsDIGITAL TWIN APPLICATIONSEngineering Operations | In-Service Support | TrainingPowered by Imagine 4D Framework
SELECT LEVEL OF DETAILSHIP DECK COMPARTMENTINTERACTIVE MAPSAutomaticallyupdated with current3D scene.Zoom/Pan to explore.HIGHLIGHT COMPONENTSrelated to EngineeringChanges or Defects.FILTER / SEARCHcomponents based on theirmetadata.Combine filters to adjustyour search.ANALYTICS & DASHBOARDS Create custom reports anddashboards to supportoperations and decisionmaking.In-Service Support Application powered HEAT MAPVisualize heat maps ofDefects andEngineering Changesin physical context.Select and explore heatmap items from withinthe map.
INGEST vast quantities ofengineering files(including metadata) andDRMIS data with anautomated pipeline.CONTINUOUSLY UPDATE Data re-ingestion for up-to-date Digital Twin.EXPLOREAnalyze 3D scenes fromany angle.Visualize metadata relatedto any 3D object, Defect orEngineering Change.See interconnectionsbetween your data.ENGINEERING DESIGNREVIEW Visualize and testEngineering Changes atany time.SIMULATIONIntegrate physics based-simulation models.Visualize data driven 3Dmodels in real time.REAL-TIME DATAIntegrate with real-time,data-driven applications(e.g. IPMS).DIGITAL INFORMATION HUBEasily access related mediaand documentationthrough a single pane ofglass.Attach real-world surveydata throughout Imagine 4D Digital Twin FrameworkTrend
Visualization & Interaction: Multiple PlatformsTRAININGIN-SERVICE SUPPORTCOLLECT real-time data from legacy, remote, mobile andIoT sources as well as Enterprise Applications (e.g. ERP,PLM, MRP, LMS, etc.). STORE decades worth of data. Get immediate access tohigh-fidelity historical, and predictive datasets tomaintain critical operations and keep business insightsflowing.CREATE & VISUALIZE true Digital Twins of your assets,connecting the virtual world with the real world toenhance user familiarity, effectiveness and efficiency onthe job site.ANALYZE & PROCESS raw data streams to make themmore meaningful. See the bigger picture more quickly byadding descriptive tagging and metadata. Use rich, built-in analytics functionalities to easily perform advancedcalculations.CONTEXTUALIZE & ACT by creating custom reports andviews to monitor processes, troubleshoot on the spot andsupport decision making. INTEGRATE, SHARE & EMPOWER by deliveringtrustworthy, analysis-ready operations data to analyticstools to derive new insights. Easily share data via secureinfrastructure that supports remote access through non-custom terminals.ENGINEERING OPERATIONSDeployed: Use Cases for Real-world Challenges+1 514 993 3410