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Create, Connect, Manage, and Visualize Interactive Digital Twin ApplicationsDIGITAL TWIN APPLICATIONSEngineering Operations | In-Service Support | TrainingPowered by Imagine 4D Framework

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SELECT LEVEL OF DETAILSHIP DECK COMPARTMENTINTERACTIVE MAPSAutomaticallyupdated with current3D scene.Zoom/Pan to explore.HIGHLIGHT COMPONENTSrelated to EngineeringChanges or Defects.FILTER / SEARCHcomponents based on theirmetadata.Combine filters to adjustyour search.ANALYTICS & DASHBOARDS Create custom reports anddashboards to supportoperations and decisionmaking.In-Service Support Application powered HEAT MAPVisualize heat maps ofDefects andEngineering Changesin physical context.Select and explore heatmap items from withinthe map.

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INGEST vast quantities ofengineering files(including metadata) andDRMIS data with anautomated pipeline.CONTINUOUSLY UPDATE Data re-ingestion for up-to-date Digital Twin.EXPLOREAnalyze 3D scenes fromany angle.Visualize metadata relatedto any 3D object, Defect orEngineering Change.See interconnectionsbetween your data.ENGINEERING DESIGNREVIEW Visualize and testEngineering Changes atany time.SIMULATIONIntegrate physics based-simulation models.Visualize data driven 3Dmodels in real time.REAL-TIME DATAIntegrate with real-time,data-driven applications(e.g. IPMS).DIGITAL INFORMATION HUBEasily access related mediaand documentationthrough a single pane ofglass.Attach real-world surveydata throughout Imagine 4D Digital Twin FrameworkTrend

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Visualization & Interaction: Multiple PlatformsTRAININGIN-SERVICE SUPPORTCOLLECT real-time data from legacy, remote, mobile andIoT sources as well as Enterprise Applications (e.g. ERP,PLM, MRP, LMS, etc.). STORE decades worth of data. Get immediate access tohigh-fidelity historical, and predictive datasets tomaintain critical operations and keep business insightsflowing.CREATE & VISUALIZE true Digital Twins of your assets,connecting the virtual world with the real world toenhance user familiarity, effectiveness and efficiency onthe job site.ANALYZE & PROCESS raw data streams to make themmore meaningful. See the bigger picture more quickly byadding descriptive tagging and metadata. Use rich, built-in analytics functionalities to easily perform advancedcalculations.CONTEXTUALIZE & ACT by creating custom reports andviews to monitor processes, troubleshoot on the spot andsupport decision making. INTEGRATE, SHARE & EMPOWER by deliveringtrustworthy, analysis-ready operations data to analyticstools to derive new insights. Easily share data via secureinfrastructure that supports remote access through non-custom terminals.ENGINEERING OPERATIONSDeployed: Use Cases for Real-world Challenges+1 514 993 3410