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If you have any questionsor need furtherinformation about thenew implementation,IIUM GOGREENShare The Road &Save The LifeWhat are the benefit ofdedicated Bicycle and Micro-Mobility lanes?This initiative is partof a larger drive toencouragesustainable mobility,reduce carbonemissions, and reducetraffic jams on thecampus. PERMISSIBLEMICRO-MOBILITYVEHICLES MAXSPEED: 25 KM/hrAny othervehicles otherthan this needpermission.NON-PERMISSIBLEMICRO-MOBILITYVEHICLESThe blue lane will be used for acontra-flow. Please note that theuse of this lane is prohibited untilan official announcement is made.Pedastrian 6421 5555 / 4173OFFICE OF SECURITYMANAGEMENT (OSeM)International Islamic UniversityMalaysiaP.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Contact Us:Layout of Al-Jami’ah Road atIIUM CampusAwarenessCampaignFeedbackACKNOWLEDGED BY: COMM 3316(STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION)

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The official announcement aboutthe new bicycle and micro-mobility lanes on the IIUM campusis expected to be made afterconstruction is completed and allsafety measures are in place. Staytuned for updates on the officialannouncement through theuniversity's official website.FAQWhen will the officialannouncement aboutthese lanes be made?Where can I park my car ifI can't park on the sides?If you are unable to park on both sides,there are designated parking areas nearthe AIKOL Kulliyah and Wadi Budi whereyou can safely park your car.Additionally, alternative transportationoptions, such as shuttle buses, shouldalso be considered to reduce the needfor parking on campus.NOTEParking isstrictlyprohibited onboth sides ofthe road, eithershared lane orblue lane.Motorcycles arestrictlyprohibited fromusing thecontraflow onboth sides of theroad &pedestrian walk.The dotted lines are for all vehicies, butbicycles and micro-mobilities are givenpriority. This is called the shared lane,and other vehicies are permitted to usethis lane if there are no bicycles ormicro-mobilities present.You can get the legal car sticker fromthe OSEM office. Make sure you have allrequired documents and ID ready whenapplying. Also, ensure you meet theuniversity's conditions for bringing acar on campus. It's crucial to adhere toall rules and guidelines to preventparking violations or fines. Any carwithout the proper sticker may facefines or clamping.Where can I get the legalcar sticker if I want tobring my car to campus?

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The official announcement aboutthe new bicycle and micro-mobility lanes on the IIUM campusis expected to be made afterconstruction is completed and allsafety measures are in place. Staytuned for updates on the officialannouncement through theuniversity's official website.FAQWhen will the officialannouncement aboutthese lanes be made?Where can I park my car ifI can't park on the sides?If you are unable to park on both sides,there are designated parking areas nearthe AIKOL Kulliyah and Wadi Budi whereyou can safely park your car.Additionally, alternative transportationoptions, such as shuttle buses, shouldalso be considered to reduce the needfor parking on campus.NOTEParking isstrictlyprohibited onboth sides ofthe road, eithershared lane orblue lane.Motorcycles arestrictlyprohibited fromusing thecontraflow onboth sides of theroad &pedestrian walk.The dotted lines are for all vehicies, butbicycles and micro-mobilities are givenpriority. This is called the shared lane,and other vehicies are permitted to usethis lane if there are no bicycles ormicro-mobilities present.You can get the legal car sticker fromthe OSEM office. Make sure you have allrequired documents and ID ready whenapplying. Also, ensure you meet theuniversity's conditions for bringing acar on campus. It's crucial to adhere toall rules and guidelines to preventparking violations or fines. Any carwithout the proper sticker may facefines or clamping.Where can I get the legalcar sticker if I want tobring my car to campus?

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The official announcement aboutthe new bicycle and micro-mobility lanes on the IIUM campusis expected to be made afterconstruction is completed and allsafety measures are in place. Staytuned for updates on the officialannouncement through theuniversity's official website.FAQWhen will the officialannouncement aboutthese lanes be made?Where can I park my car ifI can't park on the sides?If you are unable to park on both sides,there are designated parking areas nearthe AIKOL Kulliyah and Wadi Budi whereyou can safely park your car.Additionally, alternative transportationoptions, such as shuttle buses, shouldalso be considered to reduce the needfor parking on campus.NOTEParking isstrictlyprohibited onboth sides ofthe road, eithershared lane orblue lane.Motorcycles arestrictlyprohibited fromusing thecontraflow onboth sides of theroad &pedestrian walk.The dotted lines are for all vehicies, butbicycles and micro-mobilities are givenpriority. This is called the shared lane,and other vehicies are permitted to usethis lane if there are no bicycles ormicro-mobilities present.You can get the legal car sticker fromthe OSEM office. Make sure you have allrequired documents and ID ready whenapplying. Also, ensure you meet theuniversity's conditions for bringing acar on campus. It's crucial to adhere toall rules and guidelines to preventparking violations or fines. Any carwithout the proper sticker may facefines or clamping.Where can I get the legalcar sticker if I want tobring my car to campus?

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If you have any questionsor need furtherinformation about thenew implementation,IIUM GOGREENShare The Road &Save The LifeWhat are the benefit ofdedicated Bicycle and Micro-Mobility lanes?This initiative is partof a larger drive toencouragesustainable mobility,reduce carbonemissions, and reducetraffic jams on thecampus. PERMISSIBLEMICRO-MOBILITYVEHICLES MAXSPEED: 25 KM/hrAny othervehicles otherthan this needpermission.NON-PERMISSIBLEMICRO-MOBILITYVEHICLESThe blue lane will be used for acontra-flow. Please note that theuse of this lane is prohibited untilan official announcement is made.Pedastrian 6421 5555 / 4173OFFICE OF SECURITYMANAGEMENT (OSeM)International Islamic UniversityMalaysiaP.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Contact Us:Layout of Al-Jami’ah Road atIIUM CampusAwarenessCampaignFeedbackACKNOWLEDGED BY: COMM 3316(STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION)

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If you have any questionsor need furtherinformation about thenew implementation,IIUM GOGREENShare The Road &Save The LifeWhat are the benefit ofdedicated Bicycle and Micro-Mobility lanes?This initiative is partof a larger drive toencouragesustainable mobility,reduce carbonemissions, and reducetraffic jams on thecampus. PERMISSIBLEMICRO-MOBILITYVEHICLES MAXSPEED: 25 KM/hrAny othervehicles otherthan this needpermission.NON-PERMISSIBLEMICRO-MOBILITYVEHICLESThe blue lane will be used for acontra-flow. Please note that theuse of this lane is prohibited untilan official announcement is made.Pedastrian 6421 5555 / 4173OFFICE OF SECURITYMANAGEMENT (OSeM)International Islamic UniversityMalaysiaP.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Contact Us:Layout of Al-Jami’ah Road atIIUM CampusAwarenessCampaignFeedbackACKNOWLEDGED BY: COMM 3316(STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION)