Garden State August 2023 Core Objectives
VS 2100940 750ml 12 packFrontline: $356.00 / $29.671cs $327.08 / $27.26VSOP YOUNG MA 2100840 750ml 6 packFrontline $236.00 / $39.331cs $204.54 / $34.09FLAVORED FRENCH BRANDY 750ml 12 packCIN NAMON 2101340PEACH 2101440Frontline: $300.00 / $25.001cs $277.08 / $23.09VS Combo 2100961 – 6 bottles each 200ml & 375mlFrontline: $132.00VS Combo 2100941 – 6 bottles each 750mls, 375mls & 200mlsFrontline: $289.00750ml Combo 2100942 – 6 bottles each VS, VSOP, Peach & CinnamonFrontline: $307.00
NYAK IS CONTEMPORARY : born in the USA in 2005, positioned for the 21stcentury. NYAK BRANDNAME : YAK + NY = NYAK , Cognac street name and New York, birthplace of the culture. NYAK IS BLACK OWNED : Dennis McKinley, our partner, successful businessman based in Atlanta (owner of CRULounge franchise 34 units), is our door opener to celebrities, influencers, the culture in general. NYAK IS THE SMOOTHEST VS AND VSOP: fits the unique “anytime drink” consumption mode of the target group. NYAK VSOP has been created in partnership with national female artist Young M.A ( 6.9 M followers on IG )NYAK Above The Line: Celebrities' endorsement Young MA : 6.9 millions followers : supporting NYAK VS and VSOP NYAK product placement in YMA music videos - 9.8 million viewers: Don Diva : 4 million viewers Tip the surgeon : 1.2 million viewers Successful : 4.6 million viewers Trina Rock Star : 4.6 millions followers: supporting NYAK VS. Local artist : Jaypee , Da Great Ape , etc.Great press available: recipes:
Liters- 38086301cs- $12 disco unt $29.09750mL38086501cs-$12 discount $ 27.093cs- $24 disco unt $26.095cs- $36 disco unt $25.09375mL- 38086631cs- $12 disco unt $14.992cs- $24 disco unt $13,99200mL- 38086711cs-$36 discount $7.59100mL Can 3808680$3.75/ Can50mL 3808691$.95PLEASE ENJOY RESPONSIBLY | ©2023 SKREWBALL SPIRITS, LLC | SAN DIEGO, CA | WHISKEY WITH NATURAL FLAVORS | 35%ABV
ALL Tequila AND Non-AlcoholicMixers ASS ORT !!NO MORE RIPS = NEW LOWER INVOICE COSTOrganicBlanco750ML:BestBottle:$22.09OrganicReposado750ML:BestBottle:$25.19OrganicAnejo750ML:BestBottle:$27.99
1800 Cucumber Jalapeno, the NewestMember of the 1800 Tequila Family!1800 Cucumber Jalapeno is priced the same asSilver/Coconut & Assorts in the family RIP/QDLaunch Sizes are Liter & 750ml: #3806430, #3806440750ml Pricing:1cs- $330.00/$27.50Family RIP:3cs/$3010cs/$250Liter Pricing:1cs- $161.96/$2 6.99Special Launch 1cs QD!Featured Combo #3806431Components:2btl Cucumber Jalapeno l iter1btl Coconut literCost: $67.99Savings: $24.24Standalone 2cs-$80 Special RIP!
TMVODKATriple Wave Filtered means that we filter our vodka t hree times using pressureequal to the power of a 30ft wave.We redesigned the filtration process to use hig h pressure in a way that breaks allconventions, delivering a superior, smoother vodka.Filtration is usually about removing elements from a liquid. But in our case, filtration is about enhan cingthe vodka to bring you texture and a rich mouthfeel with an incredibly smooth fin ish.PREMIUMAppearance:Crystal clear, triple filtered for perfect clarit y.Aroma:Clean-but-complex aroma with subtle notes ofcitrus.Taste:Exceptionally smooth and bal anced. Notes ofcitrus with a hint of grilled sweetcorn. Perfectlybalanced with a deliciously rich mouthfeel .Finish:Clean & smooth.Appearance:Crystal clear, triple filtered for perfect clarit y.Aroma:Vibrant, fruity & an unmistakable hit of blackcherryTaste:Velvety smooth mouthfeel leads to rich, boldberry & light lemonFinish:Super juicy refreshing fruit forward finishAppearance:Crystal clear, triple filtered for perfectclarity.Aroma:Fresh juicy ripe pineapple with a hint of roseTaste:Exceptionally smooth, vibrant juicy pinea pplefrom start to finishFinish:Sweet tropical & slightly tart finishAppearance:Crystal clear, triple filtered for perfect clarity.Aroma:Juicy and ripened Mango, intensively fruityTaste:Exceptionally smooth, strong tropical flavours with hintsof orange, cantaloupe and peachFinish:Tropical & lightly fl oral finishRIPS750ML1 Cases $12.00 RIP8 Cases $288.00 RIPBLA CK CHERRY3992130 LITER 6 126.00 21.00$12.00 ON 1CS 114.00 19.00$18.00 ON 2CS 108.00 18.003992140 750ML 12 229.0819.09$24.00 ON 1CS 205.08 17.09MANGO3992230 LITER 6 126.00 21.00$12.00 ON 1CS 114.00 19.00$18.00 ON 2CS 108.00 18.003992240 750ML 12 229.0819.09$24.00 ON 1CS 205.08 17.09PINEAPPLE3992330 LITER 6 126.00 21.00$12.00 ON 1CS 114.00 19.00$18.00 ON 2CS 108.00 18.003992340 750ML 12 229.0819.09$24.00 ON 1CS 205.08 17.09PREMIUM 803992030 LITER 6 126.00 21.00$12.00 ON 1CS 114.00 19.00$18.00 ON 2CS 108.00 18.003992040 750ML 12 229.0819.09$24.00 ON 1CS 205.08 17.09WOW - $.66 50ML’s Trial SizeBLACK CHERRY3992190 50 ML 12 79.20 6.60MANGO3992290 50 ML 12 79.20 6.60PINEAPPLE3992390 50 ML 12 79.20 6.60PREMIUM 80PROOF3992090 50 ML 12 79.20 6.60REVOLUTIONIZING THE VODKA CATE GORYSTRONGBRAND AWARENESSWhite Claw® is an ic onicbrand with iconic flavors, andhas significant household.penetration.EXISTINGCONSUMER BASE50% of White Claw® HardSeltze r Drinkers a lso drinkVodka weekly. 77% of those mixtheir White Claw® wi th Vodka.HIGHPURCHASE INTENT88% of White Claw®Hard Seltzer consumersexpressed an intent to buyWhite Claw® VodkaWHITE CLAW HARD SELTZER IS ALREADY IN MORE HOMES THAN THE #1 VODKA BRANDSOURCES: IPSOS issued a fast facts on line survey to shoppers who consumed White Claw in the past month, both men & women, aged 21-49THE WORLD’S FIRST TRIPLE WAVE FILTERED
Born from the grit of Paso Robles, CA, Iron + Sand is a nostalgic nod to thenatural draw of the historic hot springs, Iron Spring and Sand Spring,that propelled Paso Robles into a bustling destination known asCalifornia’s oldest watering place. Iron and sand are also importantelementsin the wine’s classic Paso terroir, as the sturdy iron trellising supports thebearing vines and the alluvial, well-drained sandy soils are the perfect matchfor Cabernet Sauvignon.2021 PASO ROBLESCABERNET SAUVIGNONVINEYARDSOur Cabernet Sauvignon is sustainably sourced fr om two renowned Paso Roblesvineyards located in prime sub-AVAs.EST REL LA RIVER RANCH VI NE YA RD ,SA N MIG UEL DISTR IC T A V AThe majority of the grapes come f rom the San Miguel District, the northern mosts ub- AVA in the greater Pas o R ob les region. This area was na med after the SanMiguel Mission, built by Franciscan missionaries in the late 1700s. Fruit from thisregion is subject to the effects of large diurnal shifts, somet imes ex periencin ga swing as large as 50 degrees , helpin g to enha nc e t he beautiful acidit y in thefruit. T he deep alluvia l, s and y soils, c omb in ed with bein g one of the wa rme rAVAs in the Paso Robles region, makes for ripe fruit with smooth, supple tannins.STE F FAN O II VINEY AR D,EL P OMAR DISTRICT A VAAb out 12% of t he gra pes co me f rom the f ami ly- own ed St ef fa no II V ineya rd(formerly known as Parrish Templeton) in the El Pomar District, south of the cityof Paso Robles and east of the Templet on Gap, where sea breezes and marine foghelp to cool the vineyards at nights. Compr is ed of clay, granite a nd calcareoussoils, this site creates beautifully b alanced fruit with enha nced structure.GRO WIN G SEA SONThe 2021 vintage offered lower than avera ge rainfall throughout the sp ring a ndearly su mm e r f oll owed by a w ar m J uly, Aug us t a n d first pa rt of Sep t em ber .T hes e dr y, w a r m condi tio ns h as ten ed ri pen ing, l ead ing to an earlier har ves ttha n the previo us vinta ge . Alt hou g h the yields we re low wi th small clust er san d berries, this vintage pr es ent ed excep tional fruit qualit y, great acidity andcomplex, bala nced flavors that deliver a classic P aso Robles Cabernet.WINEMAKINGAfter careful harves ting, grapes were brought to the winery for processing. Ourunique winery set up, with fermenters situated on top of storage tanks, allows forminima l p u mp usage whil e sendi ng p omace to our press. T he wine under wentthree p ump overs per day, wit h ea ch lot receiv in g cust om scheduling to ens ur eappropriate levels of extraction to fully take advantage of the v ine ya r ds ’ terroir.A small p ort ion of the wi ne (less than 6 %) was placed int o first year F ren chand Amer ica n oa k. T his ex per iment al wi ne ca me out so complem enta ry to thefinal blend that several of these barrels wer e included, bu ildin g p alate weight ,a s mo ot h text ur e an d mo ut hf eel co mpl ex it y. T h e res t of the win e wa s a ge din neutr al bar rels a llowi ng for t he ex traor din ary Pa so R ob les terroir to shinethrough in the final blend.TASTING NO TE SDense purple in color, this wine op ens with aromas of dark red fruit, blueberr y,black cherry, cassis a nd cola with a dusting of baking spice. The wi ne is velvetyand lush pres enting delicious flavors of black cherry and blackb err y withundertones of coffee, mocha and a hint of vanilla. The flavors are complement edby lively acidity a nd fine tannins that lifts the wine sugges ting a long life. Th efinis h is long, su pp le a nd mo uth wat er i ng. T his Pa s o Roble s C ab er net is t heperf ect ma tch for local Santa Ma ria s tyle BBQ of tri-tip wi th s alsa , p inquit obeans, grilled French b rea d, and a crisp green salad, or s low-b rais ed short ribswit h crea my polenta and roasted mus hr oo ms .A P P E L L AT I O N : Paso Robles, CACO M P O S I T I O N :86% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Pet it Verdot, 3% Petite SirahA G I N G :Majority aged an averag e of 9 months in neutral French and American oak barrelsA L CO H O L : 14.1%T. A . : 0.6 4 g/100mLP H : 3.64H A RV E S T D AT E :September 23rd, 2021 – October 18th, 2021R E L E A S E D AT E : May 1, 2023
Born from the grit of Paso Robles, CA, Iron + Sand is a nostalgic nod to thenatural draw of the historic hot springs, Iron Spring and Sand Spring,that propelled Paso Robles into a bustling destination known asCalifornia’s oldest watering place. Iron and sand are also importantelementsin the wine’s classic Paso terroir, as the sturdy iron trellising supports thebearing vines and the alluvial, well-drained sandy soils are the perfect matchfor Cabernet Sauvignon.2021 PASO ROBLESCABERNET SAUVIGNONM ontereyCountySan MiguelDistrict AVAES T RELLA R IVE R RANCH V IN EYA R DPacificOceanTR IN CHE R O CE NT RAL C O AS T W IN ERYST E FF AN O II VI N EYAR DElPomarDistrict AVASanLuisObispo CountyMaches naMountainN*All vineyards are certified sustainable
#1 Spanish Wine * 90 & 89PT AWARDS FROM WS/WEFamily RIPTempranillo, Garnacha, Reserva, Red Blend, White Blend, Cava & Cava Rose mixExcludes Gran Reserva -(6pks = 1/2 Case)3cs = $36 5cs = $100 10cs = $360Gran Reserva Only1cs = $24
August 2023Campo Viejo All Types(Excl. Gran Res.) – 3cs-$36,5cs-$100, 10cs-$360Top Deal Returns in OctoberDiscover Rioja Responsibly.©2023 Imported by Pernod Ricard USA, New York, NY0
• Meiomi CabernetSauvignon is made• At 90 calories per serving and 8%alcohol by volume, it's a California#1GROWTH DRIVERIN ULTRA PREMIUMCABERNETNEW WINESKU INRED BLENDwith grapes fromesteemed coastalwinegrowing regions.• Features aromas ofdark berries withplush, velvety, fullflavor.• Meiomi Red BlendRed Wine is madewith grapes fromCalifornia'stopwinegrowing regions.• Features aromas ofdark, jammy fruit andsweet vanilla withdark roast mocha andjuicyblackberryflavors.•Pinot Noir that doesn’t sacrifice aromaof flavor.This lower alcohol wine offers anunrivaled, full-bodied taste with alengthy finish, no matter the meal.All SKUs$19.09/btl - $229.08/cs
Meiomi is the “Official Wine of thePGA TOUR and PGA TOUR Champions”.
ALTAVISTAVive MalbecAlta Vista’s Vive Malbec exhibits the true character of its grape variety. Fresh andintense, this wine’s aromas and flavors provide an excellent introduction to thefresh, fruit forward characteristics and overall quality of wines from Argentina.TASTING NOTEShows intense aromas of plum, black cherry and exotic spices, with notes ofcoffee and vanilla from the oak barrels. The fl avors on the palate are fresh, withgood structure and soft tannins, and the finish is full and concentrated, with spicenotes.FOOD PA IRINGThis wine is quite approachable, fun and easy-to-drink, perfect for every-dayconsumption and for relaxed, casual food like Panini sandwiches, pizza and beefor pork empana das.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• P erfect introduction to the best of Argentina• Great value• All grapes are hand-harvested• Fruit-forward and approachable• Made for everyday consumption
ALTAVISTABrut RoséMade with Malbec and Pinot Noirgrapes, Alta Vista's Brut Rosépresents an attractive pearly pinkcolor. Loaded with a persistentperlage, the wine is delicate andelegant in the glass. The nose offerssoft, distinctive hints of cherrybeautifully mixed with floral notes. Onthe palate there is good volume andcitrus flavour, giving this wine theperfect combination of sweetness andstructure.PO INTS OF DISTINCTION• Made from Pinot Noir and Malbecgrown in t he Albaneve estatevineyard.• Combines Alta Vista's Frenchsparkling wine heritage withArgentina's unique terroir• Made in the Charmat method for afresh, vibrant style.ALTAVISTABrut NatureAlta Vista's Brut Nature is a Blanc deBlancs made 100% with Chardonnaygrapes from the Albaneve estatevineyard in the Uco Valley. With noadditional dosage, the wine featureslight yellow color and golden sparkswith a fine and persistent perlage.The aromas are intense and freshrevealing hints of white peach andfresh herbs.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Made exclusively fromChardonnay grown in theAlbaneve estate vineyard.• Combines Alta Vista's Frenchsparkling wine heritage withArgentina's unique terroir• No dosage added after primaryfermentation.• Made in the Charmat method for afresh, vibrant style.
In Store Demo’s AvailableAlta VistaAvailable inFebruary-December 2023• Minimum 3 cases on the floorPOINTS OF DISTINCTION•All Alta Vista vineyards are located above 3,200 feetelevation, producing wines of greater freshness andcomplexity.•Alta Vista owns vineyards exclusively in the bestareas of Mendoza (Luján de Cuyo and Valle de Uco)and Cafayate (Salta).•Alta Vista pioneered and trademarked the “singlevineyard” concept inArgentina.•All grapes are handpicked.•Alta Vista has been recognized by major winepublications as one ofArgentina’s top producers.•Alta Vista's Terroir Management® system adaptsthe vineyard work to each separate plot.
ALTAVISTAEstate MalbecGreat wines are produced in unique places. Alta Vista’s 516 acres of est ate vineyards aresituated in t he best terroirs of Mendoza, at a minimum of 3,200 feet above sea level. Eachvineyard receives expert treatment tailored to each individual grape variety via specificmethods called Terroir Management®. The wine undergoes long pre- and post-fermentationandfollowedTASTINGDeepspices.betweenPOINTS•••••
BODE GANORTONPrivada Family BlendTASTING NOTEA deep red blend with rich arom as of black berries. Rich, smooth and elegantwith a lingering finish given by the integration of the wine's three varietals.FOOD PAIRINGPair with rich flavors like braised meats, osso bucco, mushroom sauces, andsharp, nutty cheeses.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Unique blend of estate-grown Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot.• Aged for 16 months in French oak barrels, followed by 12 months of bottleaging• One of the most awarded red wines from Argentina• Previously reserved sol ely for consumption by the Swarovski family• Fruit is hand-picked and sorted prior to vinification
BODEGA NORTONMalbec D.O.C.Luján de Cuyo was the first Appellation of Origin for Argentine wines. TheD.O.C. classification signifies that all the grapes come from Lujan de Cuyo,and have had an aging process of at least one year in oak barrels and oneyear of bottle aging before release. The grapes for the D.O.C. come fromBodega Norton's Agrelo, Perdriel, and Lunlunta estate vineyards, alllocated wit hin the boundaries of the Lujan de Cuyo wine growing region.TASTING NOTEDeep red in color with violet hues. Aromas f eature ripe red fruits and blackpepper spice with friendly tannins on the palate, and long, well-roundedstructure and finish.FOOD PAIRINGPair with rich flavors li ke braised meats, osso bucco, mushroom sauces,and sharp, nutty cheeses.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Made completely from Malbec grown in Lujan de Cuyo, the 1stwinemaking appellation in Argentina• Aged for 12 months in French oak barrels, followed by 12 months ofbottle aging• The D.O.C. name signifies the wine is made according to theappellation's strict standards• Made to age up to 5 years after release
BODE GANORTONLote NegroLote Negro is the maximum expression of the Valle de Uco and its terroir,which together with the passion of the winemaker creates a winecharacterized by its representation of all the qualities and aromas thatare typical of a Malbec. And when combined with the elegance ofCabernet Franc, it makes this blend a balanced wine, ideal fordiscovering the incredible Valle de Uco.TASTING NOTEDeep red color with ruby notes. Fruit aromas, such as blackberries andraspberries, are combined with spiced notes and m int. The wine hasgreat concentration, which can be attributed to the intense fruit andelegant character.PO INTS OF DISTINCTIONSourced from Bodega Norton's estate vineyards in the Valle de UcoA unique blend of Malbec and Cabernet Franc grown over 3,100 ft abovesea level• Grapes are hand-picked and sorted prior to vinification• Aged in 100% new French oak barrels for 12 months• G rown in complex soils featuring alluvial and sandy components• Privada Family Blend
BODEGANORTON1895 ColecciónPaying tribute to the founding yearthe 1895 Colección wines captureArgentina. Each wine in the collectionfresh, approachable styles meantenjoyment.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Grapes sourced from Argentina's• 100% varietal content showcasescharacteristics of each• Newer vines showcase fresh, vibrant
BODEGA NORTON101 Bubbles101 Bubbles brings the enjoyment of sparkling wine toeveryda y occasions. Made from 100% Gruner Veltliner, thissparkling wine offers an exceptionally fun express ion ofMendoza's rich terroir. With 101 Bubbles each and every sipoffers an opportunity to explore the bubblier side ofArgentina.TASTING NOTEA pale-yellow hue with a hint of green, this light spark lingwine is created with delicate bubbles. Features youthfulcitrus not es and a freshness on the nose, while a crispacidity is balanced with white fruit flavors including peachand pear, c reating a pleasant drinking experience.POINTS OF DI STINCTION• Un iquely refreshing sparkling wine made from GrunerVeltliner• Showcases potential of Gruner Veltliner grown inMendoz a• Bright, citrus notes make this wine eas y to enjoy as anaperitif or paired with food
In Store Demo’s AvailableBodega NortonAvailable inFebruary-December 2023• Minimum 3 cases on the floorPOINTS OF DISTINCTION•The Bodega Norton Estate, originally founded in 1895 byEdmund James Palm er Norton, has grown to over 1,750acres of estate vineyards and over 3,000 acres of landholdings.•Has been owned by Austrian businessman and entrepreneurGernot Langes Swarovski, of the Swarovski Crystal company,since 1989.•Winemaking team led by David Bonomi, who was nam ed aTop 10 South American winemaker by Decanter magazineand Winemaker of the Year by Tim Atkin•The winery has a global presence in 65 countries all over theworld.
MONTESLimited Selection Pinot NoirGREEN CERTIFIEDThe vineyards that produce the grapes for our Montes Limited Selection Pinot Noir arelocated in the Casablanca, Leyda and Zapallar Valleys, all of which can be found in theAconcagua Wine Region. The grapes were handpicked into 22 – 26 lbs trays during thevery early hours of the morning to keep the temperatures low and protect the aromas.Upon arriving at the winery, the bunches were carefully selected, destemmed, andsubmitted to a second selection of the berries. The grapes were gently dropped directlyinto open- top stainless-steel tank s, where the whole berries underwent a 5-day pre-fermentation m aceration at 45º F to very gently extract color and aromas.TASTING NOTEVibrant ruby red in color with an expressive nose featuring aromas of tart cherries, freshstrawberries, and a backdrop of rose petals and wild herbs. T he palate is well balancedwith rich natural acidity that makes this a fresh and juicy wine. Its perfectly roundedtannins give this wine medium volume and good persistence with an elegant, fruityfinish.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Premium wine recognized for being seductive, voluptuous, smooth and satisfying.• Aged for 6-7 months in French oak barrels and stainless steel.• Well balanced on the palate with rich natural acidity making it fresh and juicy.•Vineyards located in Casablanca, Leyda and Zapallar Valleys, Aconcagua WineRegion.
MONTESLimited Selection Carmenère 2017GREEN CERTIFIEDMontes Limited Selection Carmenère is sourced from Montes two estatevineyards in Apalta and Marchigüe. The Finca Apalta Estate vineyardfeatures diverse soils with areas that are influenced by the Ting uiriricaRiver, while other portions are influenced by mudslides and material thathas fallen from the mountains above. The soils tend to be deep on the plainand thinner at t he foot of the mountain and higher areas. Carmenère vinesare best suited to the flatter areas, where the soils are deeper. Marchigüe isflatter with low hills and moderate slopes. The soils are shallow—in somecases no more than 60 cm deep—with moderate clay content and a highcapacity for water retention. The vineyards are located in generally flatareas.TASTING NOTEDeep carmine red with a violet hue, this wine generously offers complexaromas and intensity with touches of sweet spices, mingled with toastedFrench oak along and notes of vanilla and chocolate. A well-balancedstructure that is very smooth and persistent on the palate.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Variety only r eappeared in 1993, after it was thought to be extinctfor200 years.•Premium wine recognised for being seductive, voluptuous, smooth andsatisfying.• 50% aged in 2nd and 3rd use French oak barrels for 10 months.• Volupt uous and well balanced on the palate with round tannins.• Vineyards located in Apalta and Marchigüe, Apalta.
MONTESLimited Selection Carmenère 2017GREEN CERTIFIEDMontes Limited Selection Carmenère is sourced from Montes two estatevineyards in Apalta and Marchigüe. The Finca Apalta Estate vineyardfeatures diverse soils with areas that are influenced by the Ting uiriricaRiver, while other portions are influenced by mudslides and material thathas fallen from the mountains above. The soils tend to be deep on the plainand thinner at t he foot of the mountain and higher areas. Carmenère vinesare best suited to the flatter areas, where the soils are deeper. Marchigüe isflatter with low hills and moderate slopes. The soils are shallow—in somecases no more than 60 cm deep—with moderate clay content and a highcapacity for water retention. The vineyards are located in generally flatareas.TASTING NOTEDeep carmine red with a violet hue, this wine generously offers complexaromas and intensity with touches of sweet spices, mingled with toastedFrench oak along and notes of vanilla and chocolate. A well-balancedstructure that is very smooth and persistent on the palate.POINTS OF DISTINCTION• Variety only r eappeared in 1993, after it was thought to be extinctfor200 years.•Premium wine recognised for being seductive, voluptuous, smooth andsatisfying.• 50% aged in 2nd and 3rd use French oak barrels for 10 months.• Volupt uous and well balanced on the palate with round tannins.• Vineyards located in Apalta and Marchigüe, Apalta.
MONTESLimited Selection Sauvignon BlancThe vineyards are located in the Leyda Valley, approximately 9 miles from thePacific coast on moderately sloping hillsides with granitic soils and a predominanceof clay. The vines are planted to a density of 13,727 plants per acre and trained tovertical shoot position. Pruning is aimed at achieving low yields to allow the grapesto ripen a little earli er. The canopies of the vines are kept intact until harvest topreserve a very good level of bunch c overage, which enable the fruit to reachharvest with a very good level of aromas in the skins.TASTING NOTECrystalline light greenish-yellow in color. An expressive nose shows great typicitywith fresh aromas of passion fruit, guava, grapefruit, and subtle notes of greenchilies. The smooth palate offers crisp, juicy acidity characteristic of the coastalzone. A medium body complements an elegant, prolonged finish in line with thearomas perceived on the nose.FOOD PAIRINGHighly recommended with razor clams Parmesan, salmon ceviche, Chilean rockcod, and shrimp in garlic sauce.UNIQUE SELLING POINTS• Premium wine recognized for being seductive, voluptuous, smooth and satisfying.• Medium bodied and smooth, vibrant, refreshing acidity with a mineral sensation.• Vineyards located in the Leyda Valley, 9 miles from the Pacific Coast.
MONTESWings CarmenèreThe vineyards that produce the grapes for the Montes Wings are located in theColchagua Valley, at the Finca de Apalta Estate. One of the specialcharacteristics of this Carmenère vineyard is its location on steep slopes, 656feet above the vineyards on the valley floor. The soils are granitic, with animportant percentage of clay, very good drainage, and a south-westernexposure, allowing for more controlled temperatures during the warm summerdays. Apalta has very heterogeneous soils: some strongly influenced by thenearby Tinguiririca River, and others with the more colluvial origin of erodedmaterial from high above in the mountain range that curves around the valley.Soils tend to be deeper on the valley floor, and thinner at the foot of themountains and higher up.TASTING NOTEThe wine shows a deep red color, with the purple undertones very characteristicof Carmenère. The intense nose reveals aromas of black fruit, such asblackberry and blueberry, accompanied by pleasing spice notes of bell pepperand black pepper, joined by sweet notes from t he French oak barrels, deliveringa very complex wine. The rounded palate of the wine shows extremesmoothness and potency, with a very long, pleasant finish.UNIQUE SELLING POINTS• Hillside vineyard blocks at Montes' Apalta Estate• 15% Cabernet Franc is different from Montes' other Carmenère blends• Moderate oak aging allows for fresh expression