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Igrow Epamphlet

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2 GROWING INCHRISTThe mission of I GROW (Christian Education department)in SIBKL is to disciple believers to have a relationshipwith God through Scripture.We believe it is important that disciples not only havehead knowledge of the Word but also to engage with theHoly Spirit for revelation and understanding of God'sheart.In resonating with the heart of God through Scripture,disciples grow to know God more intimately, love Himmore passionately and faithfully yield in obedience to HisLordship; thus fulfilling God's destiny and call.

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LEVEL 1The I GROW track has 4 levels, of which each has its respective modules.OVERVIEWis specially designed for NewBelievers in Christ.DISCIPLESHIP IS A JOURNEYLEVEL 2is available to all who would liketo grow in their relationship withChrist and in the knowledge andapplication of the Word in one'slife.LEVEL 3is for those who would want toexplore and dig deeper into thetruth of God's Word.LEVEL 4consist of special I GROWtheological programs or special I GROW modules that variesyearly.3

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Level Modules14

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New Life1.Water Baptism2.Christian Living3.01 New Life is designed to equip new believers of Christ with a foundationalunderstanding of the Christian walk. From experiencing a NEW LIFE, torenewal of the mind, and walking victoriously in Christ.This module is conducted at cell level; request can be made to your cellleader. NEW LIFENote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.Level Modules15New LifeNew RelationshipCommunication through the BibleCommunication through PrayerVictory over TemptationsLesson TopicsIf you are not in a cell, register your interest at

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Baptismal Class: 1pm - 2pm Baptismal Event: 2pm - 5pmVenue: SMCC, Level 3 North, Community Hall/ Baptism AreaSeason 1Season 2Season 3Season 43 Feb, Sat13 Jul, Sat5 Oct, Sat 7 Dec, Sat02 The Water Baptism Module helps New Believers prepare for water baptism.In this module, New Believers will discover the significance and importanceof water baptism.Note: Participants are required to attend a water baptismal class prior togetting baptised.WATER BAPTISMNote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.6Register at

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Christian Living is the third module of I GROW Level 1. This module helpsNew Believers grow in understanding the Word of God and faith in ChristJesus. It is a progression of a New Believer’s discipleship journey.There are 2 seasons in 2024 as follows:Season 1: 24 Feb - 16 Mar (4 consecutive Sat) | 10:30am - 12pm | SMCCSeason 2: 9 Nov - 30 Nov (4 consecutive Sat) | 10:30am - 12pm | SMCC03 CHRISTIAN LIVINGNote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.7Register at Lordship of Jesus ChristBaptism of the Holy SpiritThe ChurchThe CommunionLesson Topics

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Level Module2Life in Christ1.Spiritual Warfare2.Steps to Freedom3.8

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LIFE IN CHRIST helps disciples to understand the importance of yieldingto the Lordship of Christ. It also helps equip disciples to witness forChrist by sharing the good news and God's goodness.01 LIFE IN CHRISTNote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.9Daily Living in ChristPersonal Prayer AltarBeing Christ WitnessesLesson TopicsScheduleDate 14 Apr - 28 Apr (3 consecutive Sundays)Time 2pm - 4pmVenue Bgn Yin, Level 3, M3-5Registration Link (Link will be open from 16 Mar - 7 Apr)Registration Fee RM 5

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SPIRITUAL WARFARE is a reality of the Christian life. This module givespractical biblical balance and handles on how to stand against the wiles ofthe enemy.In this module, participants learn to declare and appropriate Christ'svictory and His finished work on the Cross.02 SPIRITUAL WARFARENote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.Building Prayer AltarThe Armour of GodThe Blood of JesusSpiritual Warfare10Lesson TopicsScheduleDate 14 July - 11 Aug (4 Sundays, break on 4 Aug)Time 2pm - 4pmVenue Bgn Yin, Level 3, M3-5Registration Link (Link will be open from 8 Jun - 7 July)Registration Fee RM 5

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IntroCounterfeit vs RealDeception vs TruthBitterness vs ForgivenessRebellion vs SubmissionPride vs HumilityBondage vs FreedomCurses vs BlessingsSTEPS TO FREEDOM is part of an on-going journey of discipleship inChrist. The objective of STEPS TO FREEDOM is to lead and guide participants tosecure their identity in Christ and to be set free from 7 major areas thatcan be a hindrance to a victorious Christian walk.03 STEPS TO FREEDOMNote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.11Lesson TopicsScheduleDate 18 Aug & 25 Aug (2 consecutive Sundays)Time 2pm - 6pmVenue Bgn Yin, Level 3, Sanc 3Registration Opens 13 Jul - 4 Aug (Only Physical registration at IGROW Counter)Registration Fee RM 5

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Level 3 ModuleC H R I S T I A N D O C T R I N E1 .12

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The CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE module is for those who want to know thebasis of their Christian faith.Christian maturity is a journey that involves growing in the knowledge andunderstanding of the Word of God.13The Infallibility of ScriptureThe Second Coming of JesusEternal JudgementOnce Saved, Always Saved?Lesson TopicsScheduleDate 7 Sep - 12 Oct (4 Saturdays, break on 14 Sep & 5 Oct)Time 10am - 12pmPlatform Online via ZoomRegistrationLink (Link will be open from 10 Aug - 6 Sep)CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE01

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Level Module41 . I N - D E P T H S T U D Y O F D A V I D A N D S O L O M O N14

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Date 6 & 13 Jun (2 consecutive Thursdays)Time 8pm - 10pmVenue Bgn Yin, Level 4, Sanc 2Registration Link (Link will be open from 4 May - 2 Jun)Registration Fee RM 5Come and join us in this module where Pr Isaac will be bringing usthrough:Overview of chronological timeline of both kingsWho were the world powers at play?Understand the geographical mapsWhy are these 2 kings so important?Understand the establishment of a dynastyIN-DEPTH STUDY OF DAVID AND SOLOMONNote: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.1501

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REGISTRATION FEECovers course materials.Confirmation only upon full payment.Submit registration form with fullpayment at I GROW counter, whichopens:Before & After 1st & 3rd services: BY Level 5, Main LobbyAfter 2nd service: SMCC Level 3, Main LobbyCLOSING DATESTEPS TO FREEDOMRegistration closes TWO WEEKSbefore class begins or upon FULLREGISTRATION.ALL CLASSES EXCEPT STEPS TO FREEDOMRegistration closes ONE WEEK beforeclass begins or upon FULLREGISTRATION.LATE / WALK-IN REGISTRATIONSTEPS TO FREEDOMNO WALK-INs nor TRANSFER ofregistration.ALL CLASSES EXCEPT STEPS TO FREEDOMLate / Walk-in Registration is subjectto availability.An additional RM 5 is charged forregistration AFTER the closing date.COURSE MATERIALSALL CLASSESCourse materials will NOT be givento non-attendees.16I GROW MODULES GENERAL INFOMATION

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THANK YOU For more 4, Bangunan Yin, 7 Section 16/11,Jalan Damansara, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangort: +603 7957 2701Address 17

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Register at ER MS J DATESDNA TEA & DNA +Season 1 (2.30pm - 4.30pm)If you would like to explore more about why we do what we do, the DNA Tea & DNA+ isspecially designed for you. We would like to invite you to find out about SIBKL, how it started,what is our vision, mission and core values. DNA Tea & DNA+ is held four times a year. The DNA tea is held onsite while DNA+ is doneonline via Zoom. Both modules are a a pre-requisite for church membership. DNA TEA (onsite) 25 FE BRUARY, 20 24(Sunday)DNA + (online)3 M A R C H , 2 0 2 4( S u n d a y )18Season 2 (2.30pm - 4.30pm)DNA TEA (onsite) 5 MAY, 2024,Sunday DNA + (online) 19 MAY, 2024(Sunday)Season 3 (2.30pm - 4.30pmDNA TEA (onsite) 4 AUGUST, 2024(Sunday) DNA + (online) 11 AUGUST, 2024(Sunday)Season 4 (2.30pm - 4.30pm)DNA TEA (onsite) 3 NOVEMBER, 2024(Sunday)DNA + (online) 10 NOVEMBER, 2024(Sunday)Note: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.

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OTH ER MSJ DATESEQUIPPING &LEADERSHIPReceive training and handles on how to lead others to become effective disciples of Christ. Allmodules are by invitation only. Registration is online via cell leaders. Training consist of an onlinee-learning module followed by an onsite facilitation session.Equipping 1Any regular cell or ministry member who is interested to learnwhat it entails to become a committed disciple in cell or ministryEquipping 2Any cell or ministry member/core who has completed Equipping 1 Leadership 1 Any cell or ministry member/core who have completed Equipping 1 and 2Season 1 ~ 28 JANUARY 2024, SUNDAY (2.00pm - 5.00pm)Pr Chew. Eld SK, Pr Jeffrey, Pr Sum Keong, Pr Daniel, Pr Teng,Pr Tuen, Pr Joseph Season 2 ~ 9 JUN 2024, SUNDAY (2.00pm - 5.00pm)Pr Lindy, Pr Kim, Pr Isaac, Pr Aaron, Pr Miranda, Pr John Jonathan(BM), Pr Gilbert (Chinese) Season 1 ~ 10 MARCH 2024, SUNDAY (2.00pm - 5.00pm)Pr Chew. Eld SK, Pr Jeffrey, Pr Sum Keong, Pr Daniel, Pr Teng,Pr Tuen, Pr Joseph Season 2 ~ 14 JULY 2024, SUNDAY (2.00pm - 5.00pm)Pr Lindy, Pr Kim, Pr Isaac, Pr Aaron, Pr Miranda, Pr John Jonathan(BM), Pr Gilbert (Chinese) Season 1 ~ 7 APRIL 2024, SUNDAY (2.00pm - 5.00pm)Pr Chew. Eld SK, Pr Jeffrey, Pr Sum Keong, Pr Daniel, Pr Teng,Pr Tuen, Pr Joseph Season 2 ~ 8 SEPTEMBER 2024, SUNDAY (2.00pm - 5.00pm)Pr Lindy, Pr Kim, Pr Isaac, Pr Aaron, Pr Miranda, Pr JohnJonathan (BM), Pr Gilbert (Chinese) 19

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Lesson 1 ~ 27 APRIL 2024, SATURDAY (9.30am - 12.30pm)What is leadership? Lesson 2 ~ 4 May 2024, SATURDAY ( 9.30am - 12.30pm)The faithfulness of a leader Lesson 3 ~ 11 May 2024, SATURDAY ( 9.30am - 12.30pm)The character and heart of a leader OTH ER MSJ D ATE SEQUIPPING &LEADERSHIPWe believe that leadership is a journey. Leadership is also a chance for deeper discipleship.We provide leadership modules for current serving leaders to enhance their leadershipstature. Leadership 2Any leader (CL/ML/TL) who has led for more than 3 months (cell orministry). L2 is a prerequisite for Zone Leaders and Chief MinistryLeaders installation.Lesson 4 ~ 18 May 2024, SATURDAY ( 9.30am - 12.30pm)The S.H.A.P.E of a leader 20Note: All dates and venues are subject to change. Visit for the latest info.For more information oniLEAD,