ANNUAL REPORTF i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 2 3IndianaDepartment ofVeterans Affairs
F Y 2 0 2 3From the DirectorLast year, IDVA worked with Substance Abuse and Mental Health ServicesAdministration (SAMSHA)and the U.S. Department of Veterns Affairs to develop astrategic plan for the Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among ServiceMembers, Veterans, and their Families. This year, Governor Eric Holcomb approachedthe legislature to fund the challenge and attack Veteran Suicide across the state.IDVA also increased access to the Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF) and introducedthe MFRF Holiday Program, resulting in an increase in applications and fundsdistributed. The team is looking forward to the new MFRF Back to School Program thatwill begin later this summer.IDVA is committed to continuing to find new and better ways to Support, Serve, andAdvocate for the Indiana Veteran Community and expand our programs and reachacross the State through our operations and key partners.IDVA Director Dennis Wimer and theSecretary of the U. S. Department ofVeterans Affairs Denis McDonoughThis has been a remarkable and humbling year. Itremains an honor to work with a dedicated staff whoshares the mission of the Indiana Department ofVeterans Affairs (IDVA): to Support, Serve andAdvocate for the Indiana Veteran Community. Thework they do and the way they tackle challenges isadmirable and IDVA’s customers speak highly of theorganization.This year, significant changes took place within theorganization. We bid farewell to a leader at theVeterans Home who was instrumental in guiding usthrough the challenging times of COVID-19. Withevery goodbye comes a new beginning. IDVAwelcomed a new leader of the Veterans Home, andwe are excited to see how the home thrives underher guidance.
Indiana's Veterans, by the NumbersExecutive TeamIDVA TeamIDVA OverviewDivision Overviews: Training & ServicesMilitary Family Relief FundState Approving AgencyLegal & LegislativeOutreach & CommunicationsIndiana Veterans Memorial CemeteryIndiana Veterans HomeIndiana Veterans Center010203050607080910121314MissionThe mission of the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs is to Support,Serve and Advocate for the Indiana Veteran Community.VisionIndiana is the choice for Veterans to Live, Work and Thrive. ContentsF Y 2 0 2 3
Indiana VeteransP A G E 1F Y 2 0 2 3by the numbers
Gabrielle Owens, General CounselJoseph DeVito, Outreach DirectorAmy Gibson, IVH SuperintendentDennis is a well-rounded leader who has put his years of experience in business,non-profit, and education to work for the agency. His passion for helping peopleand serving the veteran community is what drives his commitment to supportingIndiana's veterans and their families.Tim Winslow, Operations DirectorDennis A. Wimer, DirectorTim is the Assistant Adjutant General in the Indiana National Guard and overseesfour divisions within IDVA. In his role, he collaborates with various organizationsand State agencies to help veterans access their earned benefits.As the General Counsel, Gabrielle brings over 25 years of legal experience tothe team. She also provides leadership in policy, audit and legislativefunctions. Gabrielle’s father is a retired Air Force colonel.Joe, a Coast Guard veteran, Indiana University Southeast graduate, former CountyVeteran Service Officer and District Service Officer, brings experience in business,outreach, and volunteer work. He is passionate about reaching veterans andincreasing the number of veterans served and benefits awarded across the state.Amy brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our community of veteransat the Home. With over 10 years of experience as a Nursing Home Administratorin various communities, she provides oversight and ensures quality care. Amy is a proud graduate of IUPUI and Indiana Wesleyan.P A G E 2Executive TeamAs of July 1, 2023F Y 2 0 2 3
T R A I N I N G & S E R V I C E SP A G E 3Philip A. KrummDirectorTraining ManagerMichael L. HammState VeteranService OfficerTimothy E. DykeDirectorTraining & ServicesJeff ImhofNorthwest DistrictService OfficerCameron LochnerNortheast DistrictService OfficerJosh TolenCentral-West DistrictService OfficerRonald HigginsSoutheast District Service OfficerKevin HintonSouthwest DistrictService OfficerAmber R. MertensDirectorJada ColemanProgram CoordinatorTim WilsonAssistant DirectorKimberly BloodgoodProgram DirectorGary RaineyProgram DirectorSean LitchfordProgram DirectorS T A T E A P P R O V I N G A G E N C YKelly CherryIDVAOffice ManagerShannon NicoloffIDVACustomer ServiceRepresentativeC U S T O M E R S E R V I C EIDVA TeamAs of July 1, 2023F Y 2 0 2 3F Y 2 0 2 3
Laura McKeeWomen VeteransCoordinatorP A G E 4O U T R E A C H & C O M M U N I C A T I O N SKirsten ClarkCommunicationsManagerLynn DickeyDirectorJanie GregoryAssistant DirectorM I L I T A R Y F A M I L Y R E L I E F F U N DAlan J. BurnhamSuperintendentCharlie J. BurtonAsst. SuperintendentAlbert S. BennettForemanDavid McKayForemanI N D I A N A V E T E R A N S M E M O R I A L C E M E T E R YAnthony WeberDeputy DirectorL E G A L & L E G I S L A T I V ESalon N. OsborneDigital MarketingManagerIDVA TeamBryan SchmidtHealth & WellnessCoordinatorBrookelynn DeatonGrant & ComplianceAdministratorAs of July 1, 2023F Y 2 0 2 3
Improving the Lives of Indiana Veterans: The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA)Since its establishment in 1945, the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) has beencommitted to enhancing the welfare of Indiana veterans. As benefits and veteran communities haveevolved, IDVA has customized its communication to accommodate all veteran groups. Its staffmembers organize and participate in various events and activities across the state to reach out toveterans and their families throughout the year.IDVA's partnerships with other state agencies and public and private organizations continue toexpand. The Indiana Veterans Center houses numerous veteran agencies, including federal, state, city,and nonprofit organizations. This combination is unparalleled to any other facility in the country.The organization is growing rapidly, and IDVA has been expanding its operations and staff to meet itsgoal of Supporting, Serving, and Advocating for Indiana's entire veteran community. Under theguidance of Director Wimer, the executive team focuses on transparency, implementing effectivepolicies, empowering staff, and striving for positive change.The entire IDVA, including the Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery and the Indiana Veterans Home, isdedicated to achieving its vision that Indiana is the ideal place for veterans to live, work, and thrive.Support, Serve, and Advocate for the Indiana Veteran CommunityP A G E 5The Indiana Veteran Community consists of veterans, family members, caregivers, friends,organizations, and providers that touch veteran lives in some way. Indiana owes a greatdebt to its veterans, past and present, for their personal sacrifices and dedicated service. IDVA is committed to providing quality services, benefits, and programming. We aredevoted to enhancing and expanding Indiana’s resources, and continuing our vision:Indiana is the choice for veterans to Live, Work, and Thrive.IDVA OverviewF Y 2 0 2 3
99%688ApplicationsProcessedDisabled PropertyTax DeductionsNorthwestJeff ImhoffCentral-WestJosh TolenDistrict Service Officers (DSO)The six (6) DSOs each cover 13-15 CVSO offices. Theyprovide on-site training and special projectsassistance to the county offices to bring training andservices to the CVSO office. Central-EastCambria SparksSoutheastRon Higgins SouthwestKevin HintonNortheastCam LochnerP A G E 691 Accredited89 VetraSpec Accts27 AccreditedAsst. CVSOs853Veteran License PlatesDisabled VeteranPurple HeartPOW/MIAApplicationsProcessedOverview of IDVA Training and Services Division Staff and Mobile TeamThe IDVA Training and Services Division is composed of several key members, includingthe Director of Veterans Services, the Training Manager, and the State Veteran ServiceOfficer. In addition, the mobile team consists of six District Service Officers (DSOs).The director of veterans services and the training manager are responsible formanaging daily state benefit applications and online applications for Tuition and FeeExemption. The State Service Officers specifically focus on assisting veterans who areapplying for federal benefits, VA pension benefits, and VA health care enrollment.The District Service Officers are situated throughout the state and provide guidanceand training for newly appointed County Veteran Service Officers (CVSOs) and theirstaff. They also assist with CVSO outreach and conduct quarterly district CVSOtraining and information meetings.Accredited CVSOsCVSOs withVetraSpec Accounts89TotalVetraSpec Accounts155Tuition & Fee ExemptionApplications: 2020-2021 Academic Year: 1,809Tuition & Fee Exemption Applicationsare 100% filed online using ScholarTrack application system1,647 Awarded69 Denied 75 On Hold601ApplicationsProcessedReduced Fee Hunting &Fishing LicenseTraining & ServicesF Y 2 0 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10200 50 00 50 0 APPROVED69.2%CLOSED17%DENIED13.7%1 - Hardship was not caused by military service.2 - Applicant is over the poverty limit.3 - Applicant had other assets available.4 - There was no general hardship.5 - Applicant had already exhausted MFRF funds.6 - Applicant's reported expenditures were inappropriate.7 - Applicant had less that 12 mo. active duty time.8 - Applicant did not serve during a wartime period.9 - Applicant's discharge was not accepted.10 - Applicant was not IN resident/not a dependant.No longer a barrier to eligibilityP A G E 7MFRF Denial Reason0 29 156 76 004138562,546 MFRFApplications Processed350Denied1,763Approved433ClosedHandling Incomplete Applications at MFRFAt MFRF, we make every effort to contactapplicants and obtain any necessary informationwhen an incomplete application is received. Ifwe're unable to reach them after 30 days, theapplication is closed without any impact on theapplicant's ability to reapply.Assisting Veterans and Dependents through the Military FamilyRelief Fund (MFRF)The Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF) is dedicated to supportingveterans and their dependents who are faced with financial hardships.The fund provides assistance for essential household expenses thathave become difficult to afford. In fiscal year 2023, the MFRFcontinued to offer its regular program, as well as two specialtyprograms: Operation Holiday Program and Operation Back to School.To streamline the application process, the MFRF has created anonline portal on its website for submitting applications.Additionally, a new digital case management system is in placeto ensure more efficient and accurate processing ofapplications.The MFRF has established a robust network of partners to supportveterans in various areas of need, including job searches, financialcounseling, federal and health benefits, and legal counsel.Military Family Relief Fund$254,347.12 Housing$128,446.53 Basic Transportation$265,306.15 Other$87,659.78 Utilities$102,082.05 FoodExpenditures by NeedF Y 2 0 2 3
700+POTENTIALCLIENTSREACHED93%109Catalogs & BulletinsApprovedAPP attracts veterans and theirfamilies from across the nation tolive, work & thrive in IndianaApprenticeshipProgram (APP)Without these APP programs, manyfederal GIBILL® benefitswould remain unused!1IN-PERSONTRAININGSCONDUCTEDApprenticeship Program(APP) developed workshopscollaborating withDepartment of Labor, theDepartment of WorkforceDevelopment, and INVets.P A G E 843TotalSurveysStatewide40CompletedSurveysStatewideCompliance Surveys are assigned by the VA to avoid/detect institutional waste, fraud and abuse.362FACILITIESACTIVE9Outreach & Liaison Events20NEWFACILITIESThe Role of the State Approving Agency (SAA) inApproving Educational Programs for VeteransThe State Approving Agency (SAA) is responsible forapproving a variety of educational programs, includingcollege and non-college degree programs, vocational flighttraining, apprenticeships, and other on-the-job trainingprograms. These approvals enable veterans and other eligibleindividuals to receive federal educational assistance benefitsthrough programs managed by the U.S. Department ofVeterans Affairs (VA). Working in conjunction with the VA, the SAA is responsible forapproving and maintaining the approval of educational andtraining facilities. In FY23, the SAA welcomed two newProgram Directors and an Outreach Coordinator. The agencysuccessfully fulfilled all requirements of the fiscal year 2022cooperative agreement and received a satisfactory rating –the highest possible.State Approving AgencyF Y 2 0 2 3
dis97%D aff3%AMVETSVFWAm. LegDVA VVA050100150200AL34 DenialsAffirmed2.9%MFRF Appeals97.1%35TOTALP A G E 9L E G A L & L E G I S L A T I V E51OverturnedUpheldTuition & Fee Exemption AppealsDAVAMVETS VFW VVAVeteran Service OrganizationGRANTS37 OVER $2500 REQUESTS37 APPROVEDTotal Awarded$86,159.79The Role of the IDVA Legal & Legislative Division (ILL)The IDVA Legal & Legislative Division (ILL) serves as a trusted advisorto the IDVA Executive Team and all other divisions of IDVA. ILL isresponsible for representing IDVA in appeals, coordinating all IDVAlegislative functions, administering grants to nonprofit organizationsthat assist veterans and nationally chartered veteran serviceorganizations, conducting compliance monitoring of state grantfunds, executing contracts and other legal memoranda, andoverseeing administrative activities for the Indiana Veterans AffairsCommission.Legal & LegislativeIndiana Legal ServicesAwarded: $70,177 Spent 100%Veterans Life Changing ServicesAwarded: $76,178 Spent 100%Operation Combat BikesaverAwarded: $86,737 Spent 100%Lafayette Transitional Housing CenterAwarded: $43,200 Spent 100%Hope Southern IndianaAwarded: $31,172 Spent 100% Turnstone Center for Children & Adults w/DisabilitiesAwarded: $16,832 Spent 100%Reach ServicesAwarded: $77,072 Spent 100%Family Service Association of Howard CountyAwarded: $50,000 Spent 100%InteCareAwarded: $49,172 Spent 100%NeighborLink Fort WayneAwarded: $19,172 Spent 100% YMCAAwarded: $21,651 Spent 100% HVAFAwarded: $43,172 Spent 100% Randolph County Veteran Shelter The Journey HomeAwarded: $25,172 Spent 55% (extension granted)Southern IN Veterans Living & Rehab FacilityAwarded: $15,572 Spent 81% (extension granted)Grants For Veterans Services (GVS)FY 2023 Grantees6 TOTAL APPEALS 4 Adoption 2 Residency 0 Over 32 years of age 0 Period of War/Hazardous Duty1 DenialAwardedto ApplicantF Y 2 0 2 3$202,000.00$101,000.00All VSOs 100% Spend
DirectSubscriptions186IDVA sitepop-up1,267NetworkSubscriptions2,583Subscription+2,427TotalNewsletterSubscribers34,002+7.7%GrowthUnique emailsopens295,566Top Stories of FY 2023P A G E 1 0FY 2023Subscriber ProfilesExpanding IDVA's Reach Statewide Through Outreach DivisionIDVA's outreach division has been successful in expanding its reach statewide. One such example is the "The HoosierVeteran" newsletter. With a new layout and design, this publication has garnered increased interest, readership, andsubscriptions. Through the featured articles, the newsletter has developed a following of veterans who enjoy learningabout other fascinating Hoosier veterans, events, and topics. Additionally, other media outlets have distributedHoosier Veteran features statewide. We are excited to share more inspiring tales of veterans this next fiscal year!Outreach & CommunicationsEngagementRate 62%Impressions506KOpen Rate32.6%Click Rate2.1%F Y 2 0 2 3
INSTAGRAMReach: 1,746W INVetWomen of IndianaWho are VeteransIDVAWELLNESSHEALTH & Indiana Governor's Challenge, which aims toprevent suicide among service members, veterans,and their families, is being spearheaded by IDVAHealth & Wellness, in collaboration with key stateagency partners. INJOININ.GOV/DVAWebsite ActivityUsers: 200K Sessions: 414KTotal Page Visits: 125KTop device-mobile: 61.5%Total page views: 495KTop pages:Locate your CVSO 27,792MFRF 21,93010K users w/ 9+ visits67% were new usersHighest day 01/12/22 - 1,014 usersAvg. time on page per visit: 2m 27s726VisitsLinkedin66NewTwitter2k%FACEBOOKReach: 235K37K%P A G E 1 1Expanding Our Digital Footprint at IDVAWith our social media channels, web presence, and digitalmarketing campaigns, the IDVA has established itself as aprominent figure in event promotion and informationdissemination throughout the state. Our digital footprintcontinues to grow with each passing day.Empowering Women Veterans Through WINVet ProgramThe WINVet program is committed to helping women veterans achieve anoutstanding quality of life by providing them with reliable resources, high-qualitycommunity outreach, and fostering extensive networking opportunities. Thewomen's program also coordinates and participates in statewide outreachevents, collaborates with service organizations, and partners with the VA toprovide education and enrichment to women veterans.Outreach & CommunicationsCreating healthyopportunities for theIndiana VeteranCommunity toLive, Work & Thrive.Promoting Health and Wellness for Indiana Veterans with IDVAIDVA Health & Wellness collaborates with communitypartners to prioritize physical and mental health. Ourmission is to improve the overall health of Indiana'sveteran community by targeting key factors that promotelong-term well-being.As a former president and current member of the National Association of StateWomen Veteran Coordinators, the IDVA women veteran coordinatorcollaborates with federal and state agencies to foster relationships that benefitwomen veterans in Indiana. The IDVA Women Veteran Wellness retreats, inpartnership with the Department of Natural Resources, promote mental,physical, and emotional health in a conducive environment. The participationrate for these retreats has risen by 26% since its inception, leading to thedecision to hold two retreats annually starting in 2024.The Women Veteran Registry process was revamped to streamline theapplication process, resulting in over 115 new women veteran applicants. Thismore efficient system provides vital information to offer dedicated supportthroughout the state of Indiana.F Y 2 0 2 3By working together, we canmake significantimprovements in policy,practice, and implementationacross the state. Join us inour mission to make adifference and Join IN.
2,455Governor'sMemorialCertificatesIssuedP R E - N E E DB U R I A LA P P L I C A T I O N91 Submitted90 Approvedvets59%spous41%P A G E 1 2Honoring Veterans and Their Families at the Indiana Veterans Memorial CemeteryThe Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery serves as both a final resting place and a lasting tribute to veterans and theirfamilies. It stands as a symbol of appreciation and gratitude for the sacrifices made in service to our country.V E T E R A N S D A Y 2 0 2 2 GOVERNMENT HEADSTONES163 Ordered163 SetI V M C I N T E R M E N T S49 Spouses/dependents144Veterans41%59%192TOTALDependentsIndiana Veterans Memorial CemeteryHonoring Veterans in Indiana: A Recap of the 2022 Veterans Day CelebrationsOn November 10, 2022, the Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery staff placed Americanflags on all gravesites, and the public was invited to visit the cemetery grounds.The following day, November 11, 2022, the Jefferson County Veterans Council hosted aVeterans Day service in Downtown Madison. The IVMC staff attended the program andthe dinner which followed. Veterans and their families were also provided with a deliciousmeal.Honoring Our Fallen Heroes: Wreaths Across America at IVMCOn December 18, 2022, IVMC hosted Wreaths Across America, an event that saw a remarkableturnout from the community with around 350 attendees. Together, we laid wreaths on everygravesite to honor those who sacrificed everything for our country. A total of 1,650 wreaths wereplaced, each one a symbol of gratitude for our fallen heroes.On May 30, 2023, IVMC hosted aMemorial Day service thatgarnered a large turnout. Theevent featured poignant speechesfrom State Rep. Randy Frye, IDVADirector Dennis Wimer, andMadison Mayor Bob Courtney.2023100%F Y 2 0 2 3
3,000 +Wreaths PlacedHighlights from the Elkhart Vette Show in September 2022The Elkhart Vette Set attended the Elkhart Vette Show and madequite an impact. In addition to donating money, they alsocontributed nine large totes filled with donations.Residents: 124New Residents7506/30/2023P A G E 1 3Indiana Veterans HomeSaluting Branches Day of Service - September 2022Arborists United Veteran Remembrance, a non-profit organization, hoststhe Saluting Branches Day of Service every year. This event, which is thelargest volunteer event in the tree care industry, brings together arboristswho donate a full day of their time to pay tribute to America's militaryservice men and women. The IVH site boasts the highest volunteer turnoutcompared to other locations.Our MissionTo meet the unique needs of Indiana's veterans, spouses and families. Deliver high level care in atherapeutic home-like environment with compassion and comprehensive skilled care whileintegrating arts and cultural programming.Our Vision Honor Indiana's veteran community through high level care, enhancing health and yieldingoptimal quality of life while preserving the rich history of the home.F Y 2 0 2 3
P A G E 1 4FIRST FLOORSECOND FLOORTHIRD FLOORFOURTH FLOORVeterans AdministrationVeterans Benefits Administration (VBA) (800) 827-1000Veterans Readiness & Employment (VBA) (800) 827-1000VA HUD-VASH Vocational Rehabilitation (317) 464-1400INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (317) 232-3910 State Approving Agency (SAA) (317) 234-6062Training & Services (317) 234-8628Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF) (317) 232-3914 Outreach & Communication (317) 234-9769Women Veterans Coordinator (317) 232-3919Legislative & Legal (317) 232-3165State Veteran Service Officer (317) 232-3910Indiana Department of Workforce Development (317) 234-8661Local Veterans Employment Specialist (LVER)Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP)Operation: Job Ready Veterans (317) 982-7781Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans (317) 549-5900Historic Auditorium - Conference/Meeting Space (317) 921-5563The Indy Vet House, Inc. (317) 988-1200Veterans Housing Veterans (BRS Reality Group) (317) 344-9767VA HUD-VASH Veteran Health Initiative Clinic (317) 778-02177 7 7 N O R T H M E R I D I A N S T R E E T - I N D I A N A P O L I S , I N 2 6 2 0 4Indiana Veterans CenterINDIANA VETERANS' CENTERBENEFITS RESORCES SERVICES777777F Y 2 0 2 3Service OrganizationsVolunteers of America (463) 202-5864Disabled American Veterans (317) 319-3844INvets (317) 353-3674American Legion (317) 916-3605
MissionThe mission of the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs is toSupport, Serve and Advocate for the Indiana Veteran Community.VisionIndiana is the choice for Veterans to Live, Work and Thrive.