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ID Tech Haven Curriculum

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I DT E C HH A V E NV E A G L E N N , C E O , F O U N D E R , I N S I G H T F U L D E C I S I O N S , I N C .I D T E C H H A V E N C U R R I C U L U MAt ID Tech Haven, we offer a dynamic curriculum merginghackathons and sprints, empowering students with the skillsto thrive in the digital age. Focused on STEAM education,with a particular emphasis on software development andentrepreneurship, our program guides students from passiveto active users of technology.

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M E S S A G E F R O M O U R C E OHello! I’m Veatrice (Vea), a 20+ year softwaredeveloper. After 14 yrs workingfulltime, I resigned from a job andcareer I loved very much because Ifelt there was something I needed togive and teach to our youth aboutthis digital world we live in, from myeyes, perspectives, and lifeexperiences. I developed aninteractive, rich experience techprogram that teaches mobile andweb development rooted inEntrepreneurship, SoftwareDevelopment, our Digital World, andComputer Science. I D T E C H H A V E N C U R R I C U L U M“I’VE TAKEN MY 20+YEARS AS A SOFTWAREDEVELOPER, ANDENTREPRENEUR – ANDALL THAT I TEACHYOUTH ABOUT OURDIGITAL WORLD –PACKAGED IT UP, ANDWANT TO DELIVER ITTO YOURS”

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Introduction to Software Development: Students will learn thefundamentals of software development, including coding concepts,problem-solving strategies, and project management skills.Mobile App Development: Students will explore the world of mobile appdevelopment, learning how to design, develop, and deploy their own appsusing no-code app builders.Web Development: Students will master the art of web development,building dynamic and interactive websites using platforms like WordPress.Entrepreneurship: Students will develop essential entrepreneurial skills,learning how to turn their tech ideas into viable business ventures.Curriculum OverviewI D T E C H H A V E N C U R R I C U L U M O V E R V I E WINTRODUCTIONAt ID Tech Haven, we offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to empower studentswith the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's digital world. Our programfocuses on STEAM education, with a particular emphasis on software development andentrepreneurship.CURRICULUM COMPONENTSPROGRAM STRUCTUREDuration: The curriculum isdesigned to be completed over[insert duration].Format: The program consists of30+ modules, each focusing on aspecific aspect of softwaredevelopment and entrepreneurship.Delivery Method: The curriculum isdelivered through a combination ofinteractive online lessons, customGoogle Classroom, hands-onprojects, and group mentorshipsessions, and office hours.Hands-on Learning: Our curriculumis designed to be hands-on andinteractive, allowing students toapply what they've learned in real-world scenarios.Career Readiness: By the end of theprogram, students will be equippedwith the skills and knowledgeneeded to pursue careers insoftware development,entrepreneurship, and other tech-related fields.PROGRAM BENEFITS

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User Stories: Students will learn to write userstories, capturing the needs and requirementsof their app users.Product Backlog: Students will create andprioritize a product backlog, outlining thefeatures and functionalities of their app.Sprint Planning: Students will plan their workfor each sprint, breaking down tasks andsetting goals for the upcoming iteration.Daily Standups: Students will participate indaily standup meetings to discuss progress,challenges, and plans for the day.Sprints: Students will work in short, focusedsprints to develop and iterate on their app, witheach sprint typically lasting one to two weeks.Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint,students will present their work during a sprintreview, showcasing their app's progress andreceiving feedback from their peers andinstructors.Burndown Chart: Students will track theirprogress using a burndown chart, visualizingtheir remaining work and sprint goals.Sprint Retro: After each sprint, students willparticipate in a sprint retrospective, reflectingon what went well, what could be improved,and how they can work more effectively in thenext sprint.Assessments | Grading CriteriaI D T E C H H A V E N C U R R I C U L U M O V E R V I E WINTRODUCTIONUsing SCRUM and Hackathons to Build Your Apps and Websites: At ID Tech Haven, we believe in learning by doing. That's why we've combined the SCRUMframework with the excitement of hackathons to create a curriculum that is both engaging andcompetitive. The SCRUM framework, a top industry skill in software development, provides studentswith a structured approach to software development, while hackathons offer an exhilaratingenvironment where students can transform from passive to active users of technology.ASSESSMENTSAt ID Tech Haven, we don't believein traditional grading. Instead,students are assessed based on thework they present during sprintreviews and the feedback theyprovide to their peers. Grading is focused on the quality ofwork, collaboration, and growthdemonstrated throughout theprogram.Career Readiness: Engagement and Collaboration:Active participation andcollaboration are key componentsof our program. Students arerequired to provide feedback totheir peers during sprint reviewsand actively participate indiscussions and activities.GRADING CRITERIA

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Dedicated Instructors: Our team iscommitted to providing ongoing supportand guidance to students throughout theprogram.Mentorship: Students will have access tomentorship opportunities, allowing themto connect with industry professionals andgain valuable insights into the techindustry.Career Services: We are committed tohelping students achieve their careergoals. Our career services team providesresume assistance, interview preparation,and job placement support to helpstudents launch successful careers in tech.T O S T U D E N T S U C C E S SOUR COMMITMENT01Students build knowledge by activelyexploring real-world issues andproblems, developing ideas andtheories and pursuing answers andsolutions.C O M P U T A T I O N A LT H I N K I N GLEARNING OUTCOMES02Students identify a problem witha socialimpact and build a digital web and/ormobile solution to solve it. E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P03Students will be able to evaluate theimpact of potential solutions to softwareengineering problems in a globalsociety, using the knowledge ofcontemporary issues and emergingsoftware engineering trends, models,tools, and techniques.S O F T W A R ED E V E L O P M E N T04Students will be well-prepared anddevelop skills that align with high payingcareers in software development,entrepreneurship, and other tech-relatedfields. 2 1 S T C E N U T R YS K I L L SOur Commitment | Learning OutcomesI D T E C H H A V E N C U R R I C U L U M O V E R V I E W

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from idea to technologyI D E A L F R A M E W O R K01030204Imagine a space where yourwildest tech dreams come tolife. We kick things off byigniting your imagination withsocially disruptive app ideas.Together, we explore thepossibilities, brainstormingways to make a real impact onthe world.Get ready to witness sparks flyas your team transformsrevolutionary ideas intotangible concepts. Withguidance from your instructor,you'll navigate the techlandscape, discovering thetools and technologies neededto bring your vision to life.But wait, it gets even cooler!You and your fellow techenthusiasts get to decide thedirection of our journey. Castyour votes and choose thetheme that will guide ourhackathon adventure. Thepower is in your hands!It's time to assemble yourdream team of innovators.Join forces with like-mindedpeers, each bringing theirunique skills and perspectivesto the table. Together, we'llconquer challenges andcelebrate victories as oneunstoppable force.Brainstorming BrillianceInnovation SparksTheme Voting ThrillsTeam Formation MagicSprint 1Sprint 4Sprint 2Sprint 3HOW OUR HACKATHONS WORK02030405T H E M E VO T I N GT H R I L L ST E A MF O R M AT IO NM A G I CI N N O V A TI O NS P A R K SH A C K A ND B U I L D B O N A NZ A06D E M O D AYS H O W DO WN01B R A I N S TO R M I NG B R I L LI A N C E

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from idea to technologyI D E A L F R A M E W O R K05 06The adrenaline is pumping asyou dive headfirst into thehacking frenzy! Armed withdisruptive innovation andcreativity, you'll craft your appor website with no-codebuilders, overcomingobstacles and unlocking newpossibilities with design youcreate,Lights, camera, action! Stepinto the spotlight andshowcase your masterpiece tofriends, family, and yourcommunity during ourfriendly demo day pitchcompetition. It's your chanceto shine, share your passion,and inspire others with yourinnovative creations.Hack and Build Bonanza Demo Day ShowdownSprint 5 - N Final SprintHOW OUR HACKATHONS WORK02030405T H E M E VO T I N GT H R I L L ST E A MF O R M AT IO NM A G I CI N N O V A TI O NS P A R K SH A C K A ND B U I L D B O N A NZ A06D E M O D AYS H O W DO WN01B R A I N S TO R M I NG B R I L LI A N C EOur custom IDEAL framework teaches teens how to go from ideato digital mobile and web solution. Our framework consists of multiple tracks with many hats. Eachtrack students wear one-to-many hats. Each hat corresponds to ahigh paying career field in tech.

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D I G I T A L M I N D S E T &C R O S S - F U N C T I O N A LT E A M S H a n d s - o n s k i l l s d e v e l o p m e n t i n t o p i n -d e m a n d s o f t w a r e d e v e l o p m e n t f i e l d s( W o r d P r e s s a n d H y b r i d M o b i l eD e v e l o p m e n t ) , t h e a v e r a g e s a l a r y o f a C h i c a g oW o r d P r e s s d e v e l o p e r i s $ 6 4 , 1 8 8 , t h e a v e r a g e s a l a r y f o r M o b i l e D e v e l o p e r s$ 7 3 , 0 7 1 ( p a y s c a l e . c o m )P l e a s e n o t e : C u r r i c u l u m T i m e s a r e i t e r a t i v e ,n o t s e q u e n t i a l .T e e n s w o r k i n c r o s s - f u n c t i o n a lt e a m sE a c h m e m b e r m a y b e w o r k i n g o n d i f f e r e n t t a s k s a t t h e s a m e t i m e T h i s a l l o w s t h e t e a m t o g r o w i nk n o w l e d g e q u i c k l y W h e n e v e r y o n e b r i n g s d i f f e r e n ts k i l l s e t s t o a g r o u p , t h e y a r en a t u r a l l y g o i n g t o l e a r n f r o m o n ea n o t h e r a n d e x p a n d t h e i r o w n s k i l ls e t a n d k n o w l e d g e b a s e q u i c k e r

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P A G E 1WHAT OURTEENS SAY!"I loved the experience because it wasreally taking another class and gettingpaid for it. However this program wasmuch more valuable than all my otherclasses bc I gained quality experiencewith business related stuff"WHY WE DOWHAT WE DO"This program taught me more about the fieldof work I've been interested in for some time. Ialso learned that working with a team can besuper useful instead of doing things myself andonly using my input."." think the combination of having us figure outhow to use the tools and demonstrating themworks really well, since we get to learn how touse them and can confirm that we're doing itcorrectly. As an additional note, I also reallylike how Ms. Vea is always so encouraging; Itreally motivates us to do better and makes usfeel better about the work we've done".THE PROGRAM SHOWED MEWHAT IT'S LIKE TO WORK ONA PROJECT WITH A GROUP OFPEOPLE AND HELPED DEVELOPMY COLLABORATION S KILLS.IT INTRODUCED MOREASPECTS OF WORKING IN THECOMPUTER SCIENCE F IELDAND PROVIDED A LOT OFGREAT EXPERIENCES. I THINKIT DEFINITELY HELPED ME BEREADY FOR ANY JOB IN THEFUTURE THAT COULD INVOLVETECHNOLOGY ORCOMMUNICATI ON.from idea to technologyT E S T I M O N I E S

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We provide the Insight, you makethe DecisionsB U D G E TCurriculum Material & HoursAmount4 ($150/hr)$6008 - 24 ($125/hr)$1,000 - $300030 ($116.67/hr)$3,500Instructor HoursAmountRemote$750Live$1500Our pricing is designed to be simple and straightforward, with tiered options to suit your needs:For the curriculum, choose from our tiered pricing based on the number of hours you need.Additionally, you have the option to select a live instructor for a flat fee of $1500 or a remoteinstructor for a flat fee of $750.

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Insightful Decisions, Inc. is an education-tech firm. We're developing a suite of innovativetools and services for middle-high schoolstudents to take ownership of theirdevelopment process, be the driver oftheir destiny, and stay engaged andaccountable to their process to get there. We believe this will enable teens to betheir best versionWHO WE AREWe provide the Insight, you makethe DecisionsA B O U T U S708 491-0105Oak Park, IL 60302CONTACT ID Tech Hackathon, we're not just building – we're shaping thefuture, one disruptive idea at a time. So, what are you waiting for?Join us on this epic journey and let's hack the world together!