Ideal Client GuideB Y - K e l l y N o b l e M i r a b e l l aW W W . S T E L L A R M E D I A M A R K E T I N G . C O M
Kelly Noble Mirabella is aninternationally sought afterMessenger Marketing trainer,consultant and builder. She is thecreator of Baby Got Bot and theowner of Stellar Media Marketing.She has worked with such clients asEcamm, Kerwin Rae, andAgoraPulse and has helpedcountless professionals get theirbot-building to the next level. Before discovering ChatMarketing, Kelly had an action-packed 10 year career in socialmedia marketing which attributesto her vast knowledge of not onlydigital marketing but also running asuccessful bootstrapped business. About MeW W W . S T E L L A R 2 4 7 . C O MEMAIL:Kelly@Stellar247.comFollow Me On Social MediaOver the past 17 years, Kelly hashelped teach and mentor digitalmarketers, REALTORS,entrepreneurs, and professionalsacross various industries to notonly use the digital marketing toolsand platforms available today butalso in the starting and running ofnew entrepreneurial adventures.Kelly’s depth of knowledge is wellknown in the industry and somehave even joked that she is like adigital marketing encyclopedia (foryou kids in the crowd: What is anencyclopedia)
NicheAs the saying goes, the riches are in the niches. Understanding whoyour ideal target market is and really narrowing down on your nichewill make your life so much easier AND your business so much moresuccessful. Determining your target audience is one of the single mostimportant things you can do to help build a successful strategy andto help you successfully reach your goals. If you do not understandwho you are trying to sell to, you cannot properly market to them.You cannot possibly know where to market to them and you will notknow what is important to them (see problems). When youunderstand what your ideal target avatars are you have the addedbenefit of being able to create stellar content that solves problemsand converts leads and lookie-loos into buyers.It is becoming more and more important to provide your targetaudiences and potential customers with content that feels like it wasmade for them. From Messenger experiences that seem more likepersonal chats that speak straight to the prospect, to videos andarticle content that specifically address their needs, customizedcontent converts. But you simply cannot customize anything withoutunderstanding your audience segments. If you really want to divedeep into creating the best content and marketing pieces thatconvert, you may also want to look at creating negative buyerprofiles. In other words, creating buyer profiles of people who arenot ideal for you and are, for lack of a better word, money makers.
Although this is not a step you have to start off with, it can be helpfulto understand negative profiles so you know how and who to avoid.This can help you achieve a lower cost per customer or cost per leadratio and help your bottom line. Plus you will be a far happierbusiness owner when you know who NOT to work with.So how do you determine your target audience? First, it is importantto understand that many companies have one main target audienceand some have several. More likely than not, you will have morethan one buyer profile you will want to target. It is best to start withyour main target and create a customer profile for that market. Youcan then make additional customer profiles for each target personayou wish to address.CREATING AN AVATARWith whom are you trying to connect? In other words, who is yourideal audience? Who is your client's avatar? Many people make themistake of creating content for family, friends, colleagues, and NOTtheir ideal audience. It is vital to have a clear picture of who you wishto serve. Be as specific as possible.Two main parts of this ideal client or patient avatar that you mustdefine:Demographics - who they arePsychographics - why they buy
Sample - JanePsychographicsHard-working and motivatedKnows she wants to be successful but not sure about how Unclearabout her long term goalsDoes not have a lot of time to wasteShe is not price-sensitive and is willing to invest in a quality experiencewhere she can hit the ground running towards her main goals.She is confident in most parts of her life but feels a lack of confidence orimposture syndrome when it comes to pricing, products/services, andsharing her expertise. She is BUSY. She wants to get clear on her goals and have a path tosuccess that does not take up her every waking hours.She enjoys time with her family, reading, and learning new things. Spends a lot of time on YouTube, learning a new skill, or listing topodcasts for entrepreneurs and marketers.She knows she deserves better but is burnt out and needs help takingcontrol of her business, her clients, and, quite frankly, her life.She has a good heart and loves helping people, which is good most ofthe time. But she is also inclined to give away too much for free and notset boundaries.Demographics40 Married mother of 2Entrepreneur 3 years into owning her business andwanting to step it up.Not charging enoughHousehold Income is north of$100,000
YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE AVATAR.Once you have a better understanding of WHO you are chattingwith, it becomes infinitely easier to create marketing and contentmaterials, find the problems that your ideal clients have which helpyou SELL more, and create conversational content that speaks tothat audience. Consider creating avatars for your client’s prospectsas well to help you create messenger experiences that convertbetter.
Your Ideal ClientNAME____________________________AGE_________ MARITAL STATUS______________CHILDREN_______________LOCATION____________________________________________OCCUPATION_______________________________________________EDUCATION________________________________________________BEHAVIORSWhat your client doesGOALSWhat your client wantsOBJECTIONSWhat your client doesn't likePAIN POINTSMOTIVATIONS