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January 2024

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Vol 60 No 1 January 2024BulletinInstitute of Animal TechnologyWishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year

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Vol 60 No 1 January 2024CONTENTSEDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul Associates monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology *Registered Office:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* BulletinThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSJul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:01 Page 3CONTENTS SOMNI RODENTNRB SYSTEMSyringe tube ≠ nose conesNo more tapeSEALEDCOMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING UK/EU:ProductsAccessoriesFittingsSOMNI Scientific is centered on the animal welfare and research community with a focus on clinical accuracy, clinician/technician safety, economic performance and intuitive functionality.SOMNI PROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICE, CLINICAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT.IAT BULLETIN JAN22.indd 3 28/01/2022 12:11BulletinEDITOR*Carole Associates monthly by theInstitute of Animal Technology*Registered Offi ce:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* 07534 105 703Final copy date for February Bulletin23rd JanuaryThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily refl ect those of the Editor or the Institute.Congress 2024: Invitation to participate 4Dear Readers 5Notice of IAT AGM 6IAT Council Meeting Minutes 7-8BLC Meeting Minutes9-11Dispatches 14-16Babraham Animal Technician Conference 17-21Situations Vacant 21Notice of Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex Branch AGM 22Huntington, Norfolk and Suffolk Branch Report 23AS-ET Sponsors’ Logos24West Middlesex Branch: Call for Symposium 25Notice of Welfare and Reproducibilityin Zebrafi sh Research Meeting 26Diary Dates 27

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➢ the At A Glance version can be viewed on the Congress website - setting out planned schedules for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - registered delegates have the benefit of seeing the detailed running order information once they are logged in - nine workshops with varied, interesting themes will take place - five delegates will make their first time presentation debuts ➢ ABTA 2024 announcement - congratulations to this year’s winner of the Andrew Blake Tribute Award, who is Thomas Bosley from Manchester University for his poster ‘a collaborative effort to improve the welfare of SKH1 mice’ - registered delegates have the benefit of seeing the detailed information once logged in ➢ Final date to register is UPDATE – AVAILABLE NOW SCIENTIFIC and MAIN PROGRAMME ONLINE REGISTRATION Closing date for online registration to attend Congress is 1st March Full and day packages available Accommodation is not included DO YOU HAVE COLLEAGUES WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING BUT DO NOT SEE THE BULLETIN REGULARLY? YOU CAN DOWNLOAD DETAILS ABOUT CONGRESS 2O24 FROM THE CONGRESS WEBSITE AND DISPLAY THEM ON YOUR NOTICE BOARD AT WORK. If you have a question to discuss with the Congress Committee, then email us via ➢ the At A Glance version can be viewed on the Congress website - setting out planned schedules for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - registered delegates have the benefit of seeing the detailed running order information once they are logged in - nine workshops with varied, interesting themes will take place - five delegates will make their first time presentation debuts ➢ ABTA 2024 announcement - congratulations to this year’s winner of the Andrew Blake Tribute Award, who is Thomas Bosley from Manchester University for his poster ‘a collaborative effort to improve the welfare of SKH1 mice’ - registered delegates have the benefit of seeing the detailed information once logged in ➢ Final date to register is UPDATE – AVAILABLE NOW SCIENTIFIC and MAIN PROGRAMME ONLINE REGISTRATION Closing date for online registration to attend Congress is 1st March Full and day packages available Accommodation is not included DO YOU HAVE COLLEAGUES WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING BUT DO NOT SEE THE BULLETIN REGULARLY? YOU CAN DOWNLOAD DETAILS ABOUT CONGRESS 2O24 FROM THE CONGRESS WEBSITE AND DISPLAY THEM ON YOUR NOTICE BOARD AT WORK. If you have a question to discuss with the Congress Committee, then email us via ➢ the At A Glance version can be viewed on the Congress website - setting out planned schedules for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - registered delegates have the benefit of seeing the detailed running order information once they are logged in - nine workshops with varied, interesting themes will take place - five delegates will make their first time presentation debuts ➢ ABTA 2024 announcement - congratulations to this year’s winner of the Andrew Blake Tribute Award, who is Thomas Bosley from Manchester University for his poster ‘a collaborative effort to improve the welfare of SKH1 mice’ - registered delegates have the benefit of seeing the detailed information once logged in ➢ Final date to register is UPDATE – AVAILABLE NOW SCIENTIFIC and MAIN PROGRAMME ONLINE REGISTRATION Closing date for online registration to attend Congress is 1st March Full and day packages available Accommodation is not included DO YOU HAVE COLLEAGUES WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING BUT DO NOT SEE THE BULLETIN REGULARLY? YOU CAN DOWNLOAD DETAILS ABOUT CONGRESS 2O24 FROM THE CONGRESS WEBSITE AND DISPLAY THEM ON YOUR NOTICE BOARD AT WORK. If you have a question to discuss with the Congress Committee, then email us via

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BulletinJuly 2020• 5Dear ReadersTwo things to tell you, as we graduallycome out of hibernation. The first thing to say,we are now back in printed form, so I do hope youare now returning back to a more structured way ofworking and reading this in the tea room! The second thing, something you will have alreadynoticed – the July edition of the Bulletin is muchsmaller than usual. There are a couple of reasons forthis, obviously while we have been in lockdown, wehave not been attending any conferences, meetings, seminars orworkshops in person, these have all been postponed or pushed intovirtual meetings. Most of which have been done at very short notice – socurrently there is nothing much to report. Additionally, because of theunscheduled changes to our lives, the Bulletin has begun to get verybehind in our print schedule, which we now need to get back as wereturn to printed format. Our August edition will also be small – but Iguarantee our September edition will be back to normal!Back with this edition, we do have some articles of interest to you – let’sstart with MySociety – the IAT membership database. Read pages 8-11 foran explanation of how this works and how you can use it. This is ofinterest to us all, but especially so to those of us who are RAnTechs – wecan use the database to track and keep records of our CPD.Elsewhere, we have AS-ET news, which includes information on the essaycompetition – prize a trip to Congress 2021. See page 16 to see if you areeligible – even if you are not, please pass the information on to thosewho are.Make sure you take care and …Keep Reading!CarolePoverty IAT LAUNCHES EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY GenderRaceSexual OrientationDiscriminationAgeReligion or BeliefDisabilityEthnicityFairAnti-oppres sive practiceFairYout h WorkSexValuesEmpowermentLegislationDifferenc eSocietyEqualRightsStatusOpportunitiesClassBeliefsEducationNOBODY IS THE SAME BUT EVERYONE IS EQUALInstitute of Animal TechnologyAdvancing and promoting excellence in the care and welfare of animals in scienceEnsuring policies, procedures and processes don’t discriminateEducation - equal access to opportunitiesCreating an inclusive culture for NEW 10/7/20 10:01 Page 5January 2024• 5BulletinKeep Reading!Carole Happy New Year to everyone, I cannot believe another has passed by so quickly. Has everyone recovered from the Christmas and New Year festivities? At one point I felt like the image on the front cover –the difference being that unlike the seal, I was not alone in feeling the effect of the excess of the season and I am not an endangered species. On the other hand, the Hawaiian monk seal is the only seal species native to the state of Hawaii and is also endangered.I have recently been asked to comment on an idea to bring the Bulletin online and sending it as an electronic version directly to members email addresses. Of course, we can already see the Bulletin online, as well as having it as a printed version – but I wondered what the readership thought of this, as I have never investigated the idea of sending it directly to people before. Please let me know what you think – contact me at I look forward to your thoughts.In the meantime, keep sending me all your Branch news, meeting write ups and other articles – as we all enjoy hearing about them. To illustrate, in this edition we have editorial on the Babraham Institute’s 2nd Animal Technician Conference (pages 17 – 21), a write up of a paintballing game from the Huntington, Norfolk and Suffolk Branch (page 23) and the minutes from the latest meeting of the Branch Liaison Committee (pages 9 -11).Interestingly in that meeting, the subject of low/poor attendance of AGMcame up, which is a subject I have also seen commented on in other previousBranch News. I think that we live in a changing world and perhaps we do not see these events as important to our lives anymore. This is a shame, especially I also know that some people  nd it very dif cult to speak about what they do for a living, not something that applies when speaking to colleagues. I would encourage everyone to get involved in Branch activities, otherwise without member participation the Branches close and those opportunities to speak very freely and exchange ideas become lost.

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Bulletin6 • January 2024 Sponsored by:Please email Robert Orvis: to book your team and their meal option. Choices are: Beef or Chicken or Spicy-Bean burger meal.6 persons per team at £10.00 each as Agenda Life Sciences is generously sponsoring the remaining £8.95 per person.Note: Teams of fewer than 6 in a team are welcome, but the minimum cost is £60. Prizes for the highest scoring team and individual.Booking & Payment - in advance.Latest booking date: 10th May BACS payment to: HSBC - Cambridge I.A.T. branch 40-40-45 41322745 Reference: Your team nameWednesday 17th May 2023Tenpin Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7DYArrive at 5.30 - Bowling starts at 6pmNOTICE of IAT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2024The Thirty-Eighth Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Animal Technology will be held at:Congress on Tuesday 12th March at 18.00 hrsAGENDA1. Apologies for absence2. Minutes of the 37th Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 21st March 20233. Matters arising from the Minutes (as published in full on the Members’ section of the IAT website and in abridged form in the Bulletin Vol. 59 No. 6).4. Correspondence5. Annual Report / Council objectives6. Financial Report7. Appointment of the Auditor8. Election of Offi cers: (i) President (ii) Vice President (iii) Council9. Proposals for life and Honorary Membership10. Any other businessDated: January 2024Linda Horan (CEO & Chair of Council)Simon Cumming (Honorary Secretary)THE AGM IS OPEN TO ALL DELEGATESVoting Rights are restricted to voting IAT members onlySponsored by:Please email Robert Orvis: to book your team and their meal option. Choices are: Beef or Chicken or Spicy-Bean burger meal.6 persons per team at £10.00 each as Agenda Life Sciences is generously sponsoring the remaining £8.95 per person.Note: Teams of fewer than 6 in a team are welcome, but the minimum cost is £60. Prizes for the highest scoring team and individual.Booking & Payment - in advance.Latest booking date: 10th May BACS payment to: HSBC - Cambridge I.A.T. branch 40-40-45 41322745 Reference: Your team nameWednesday 17th May 2023Tenpin Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7DYArrive at 5.30 - Bowling starts at 6pm

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 7219th Council Meeting of the Institute of Animal Technology Held as a hybrid (in person and via zoom) meeting on 6th December 2023 at 14.00 hoursOverseas Membership GroupsCouncil discussed a proposal to create an Overseas Membership Group (OMG) for technicians in South Africa. Representatives of Council had met with South African representatives to see if there is potential for creation of OMG. Council discussed the proposed rules for the group and a further meeting with the South African representatives would be arranged.Support for NACWOsAt the President’s Advisory meeting, held at the end of November, there had been discussion about how support could be given to NACWOs to carry out their roles. This issue was further discussed at the Council meeting and a sub-group has been set up, consisting of Vice Presidents and Council members, to take this issue forward. The group hope to meet with Will Reynolds, ASRU Head of Unit, to consider ways NACWOs can be supported.IAT Council electionsThe Honorary Secretary reported that whilst there had been new nominations to stand for election to Council, there had also been resignations from existing Council members. There will, therefore not be an election this year and the full complement of Council members will be confi rmed at the AGM in March.Animal Welfare and TechnologyThe Animal Welfare and Technology (ATW) Editor put out a plea for any material for publication. The Editorial Board are happy to help with preparing an article for publication if you are having diffi culties or are not sure where to start. There are also useful guidance notes available to help you write an article.The Editor also reported that a peer reviewer for ATW articles is stepping down from the role. If anyone would be interested in fi nding out more about this roleplease contact the ATW Editor (

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Bulletin8 • January 2024 Communications GroupThe Communications group have organised three live webinars during 2023 and are planning on further webinars during 2024. The first webinar was delivered by Wendy Jarrett of UAR, on why openness in animal research is important and how UAR are supporting openness. John Merredith, also from UAR, delivered the second webinar on how technicians can talk to family and friends about the work they do. The Board of Educational Policy delivered the third webinar, with a focus on IAT Education.Future webinars will be advertised in the e-newsletter, Bulletin and on the IAT website. All webinars will be available on the Members’ Section of the IAT website after the initial showing.Tech MonthThe Communications group reported that Tech Month will now take place bi-annually. This is to avoid it becoming stale and repetitive. Tech month 2024 will still feature quizzes and ‘Animal in the House’ but Technician Bingo will not take place. Tech Month is an opportunity for establishments and branches to organise their own events to celebrate technicians.There will be a return of the Photo Competition in 2024. Entries will need to be submitted by mid-February and there will be two prizes – one for the home category and one for the work category. A shortlist will be decided by an online vote via the IAT website. The shortlisted photos will then be displayed at Congress, where delegates will vote for their favourites in each category.The Board of Educational PolicyThe Board of Educational Policy (BoEP) reported that the External Verifier for IAT Higher Education qualifications has stood down from the role. The Board expressed their thanks to Patrick Hayes for his long service in this role. The Board will now be looking to replace Patrick and will prepare further details of the role to be circulated.IAT membership renewals 2024The Administrator reported that membership renewals had been sent out and renewals were being made. Corporate membership renewal invoices have to be raised manually, so if any have been missed, please contact the Administrator ( who can raise an invoice accordingly.The next IAT Council meeting will be held in February 2024 and will be a hybrid meeting.

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 9 Minutes from the Branch Liaison Committee (BLC) meeting Held on Tuesday 5th December 2023 via ZoomNine representatives attended, seven from branches, two from IAT Items discussed:– Welcome and introductions for new attendees and ‘stand-ins’.– Apologies from several branches. Review of actions from previous meeting Hannah, following up a quiz/crossword for Bulletin.Potential speakers for eventsWith reference to potential available speakers for AGMs, etc, due to data protection, it was not appropriate to produce a list.Council suggested:– That Branches could contact suppliers (see Suppliers Register in Bulletin).– Their NVS.– The NC3Rs/RSPCA who are usually willing to give talks. New Actions/DiscussionEdinburgh Branch will be running the Congress Raffle this year – a message has gone out to Branch Secretaries requesting a donation to the raffle. As previously discussed, these should be up to a maximum of £50, ideally linked to the branch and due to travel arrangements should be small enough to travel (flights, etc) or be able to be shipped to the winner.

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Bulletin10 • January 2024 In the future branches will revert to nominating a human/animal charity, with the proceeds of the raffle going to the winning nomination.Action: Branches/Reps to let Edinburgh Branch know of prizes.To attract interest to the IAT stand it was agreed that the BLC would run a competition to guess the number of ‘chocolate’ mice in a jar. Agreed that these should be mixed colours.Action: Lynda to purchase chocolate mice.IAT leaflet for managers – Pictures have been chosen. Awaiting sign off by Council. Action: Lynda to speak to Adrian for progress at Council Meeting. What have you done to make a difference – no update at this meeting.Tech Month – It was planned that there will not be a ’full-blown’ Tech Month in 2024. A question was raised that following REF (Research Excellence Framework) that there will be an increase in the ‘value’ of technical support for research and this may be a backwards step. If it is reduced in 2024 then recognition should be increased in 2025. Action: Lynda to raise with Council. 2024 AGMs – Most branches have dates set for 2024 AGMs, although most branches confirmed that they suffer from poor attendance, even with quizzes and pizza on offer, with one branch reporting difficulty after ‘losing’ a committee member. Discussions around generating interaction between branches, with a suggestion to run an online video game competition. Action: Discuss competition at branch AGMs.South African Branch – The possibility of a South African Branch is currently being discussed. This is with Council and a decision to pursue or not will be made next year.

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 11 Branch rules – The Branch rules have been reviewed to bring them up-to-date and to include the BLC. Changes include an extension to submitting AGM reports and branch liaison representative to be nominated at AGM.BLC Meeting Dates – dates for 2024 had been circulated – three zoom meetings and one face-to-face.Easter quiz/crossword – Lynda to contact Hannah. AOB There was a follow up to the question raised if it was possible to have a Branch LinkedIn page. Action: Lynda to raise at Council meeting. Discussion around personal email (especially those that use First.Surname@) being used in communication such as events/posters. The option for Branch secretary emails, for example could be used when emails will be sent to Branch Secretary, although it was agreed that could involve extra work for Branch Secretary and a slowing of replies/communication as emails are forwarded. Further discussion on checking for attendees that are not using a work email. Agreed that Nikki can be contacted if unsure of person’s membership. Meeting ended with Lynda thanking all Branch Representatives for their hard work this year and wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Reporter: Tony Davidge

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Bulletin14 • January 2024 Dispatches...Tech Month 2024This year we will be making a change to the usual Tech Month. We will still have the weekly quiz and puzzles to complete and we will also be running ‘Animal in the House’. The biggest change will be that we are going to run the Photo Competition instead of Technician Bingo.We will be asking for animal related pictures either from home or from work. There will be prizes for the fi rst and second place pictures from both categories. This can be a picture of your pet, or an animal you come across when you are out and about or a laboratory animal from your place of work. If you are taking pictures at work, please ensure you have permission to send them in to us.Registered Animal Technologists (RAnTech)Are you thinking of applying to become a Registered Animal Technologist? Are you attending Congress 2024? Then you could have your interview whilst at Congress. We will have time slots available for interviews during Congress, so why not apply now?The Register of Animal Technologists was established in 1985 to promote professionalism in laboratory animal care and enhance standards of animal welfare. The Register demonstrates to the public, employers and the regulatory authorities the high ethical standards and qualifi cation of career Animal Technologists. Individuals are included on the Register who by qualifi cation, experience and personal conduct are considered suitable to promote a Culture of Care and hold posts of great responsibility in laboratory animal facilities.In order to apply for inclusion on the Register, you will need to hold either the Membership or Fellowship Diploma of the Institute of Animal Technology. In addition, you will need to have fi ve years relevant experience, at least two of which will be post your MIAT or FIAT qualifi cation.

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 15Applications can be made via mySociety – log into your record and apply under the qualifi cation tab. Should you have any problems applying, please contact the IAT Administrator – notes on applying can be found on the IAT website – you have any queries, please contact the IAT Administrator – on introducing a new enrichment item?It is important to undertake evaluation of the enrichment items you add to cages and tanks, especially if you are implementing new items, changing items or rotating items.It is vital that as a community we can share good practice but this needsto have some scientifi c basis. We are all guilty as technicians of saying:‘Oh I just know they (insert the species) use that item, so they must enjoy it’ and this may well be the case but you need science evidence to validate your hypothesis, which can persuade others that it is worth investing in the enrichment item/s.There is a really helpful resource you can use, which was compiled by the IAT, NC3Rs and the RSPCA. It aims to empower Animal Technicians to undertake robust evaluations of environmental enrichment items and assess their impact on Animal Welfare – you do this, then you also have material for a poster or presentation to get you to Congress or to produce an article for ATW, representing a win for you and for your animals.

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Bulletin16 • January 2024 Pain management in ZebrafishEmpirical evidence suggests fish meet the criteria for experiencing pain beyond a reasonable doubt and Zebrafish are being increasingly used in studies of pain and nociception. Zebrafish are adopted across a wide range of experimental fields and their use is growing, particularly in biomedical studies. Many laboratory procedures in Zebrafish involve tissue damage and this may give rise to pain.FELASA have set up a Working Group to review the evidence for pain in Zebrafish, the indicators used to assess pain and the impact of a range of drugs with pain-relieving properties.The full publication is here: Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.orgJoin your local IAT BranchWould you like to join your local Branch of the IAT but do not know how to do this? It is easily done and if you would like to get more involved and/or receive information about your Branch’s activities please use this link: Technology and Welfare (ATW) OnlineATW aims to be the medium for Animal Technologists and all those concerned with the care and welfare of animals used for research purpose to communicate ‘good practice’. ATW especially aims to promote and develop the 3Rs particularly in respect of Refinement. More importantly, it promotes the generally accepted 4th R, Responsibility. The responsibility that all Animal Technologists have in ensuring dissemination of ‘good practice’ to every institution using animals in research. ATW enjoys a unique position as the scientific publication for leading organisations for the welfare of animals used in research.To read online visit the ATW Journal Website –

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 17 A second successful event for the Institute’s Animal Technician Conference Key points:– The Institute welcomed 200 participants to its second Animal Technician Conference, which took place on 15th November 2023.– The event follows the success of the inaugural event last year, for which the two technician organisers received an Outstanding Collaborator Award from the Research Institute Technician Group.– In tailoring the programme to meet the interest of those working in Animal Technology, the event provides a unique opportunity for Animal Technicians to share expertise and focus on career development. On 15th November, 200 Animal Technicians from academic, commercial and governmental organisations across the UK came to the Institute for the second Animal Technician Conference. Established and developed by Animal Technicians from the Institute’s animal facility, the event offers the benefits of new insights, networking, knowledge exchange and professional development opportunities to those who provide the day-to-day care for animals used in research. BAnimal Technician Conference A second successful event for the Institute’s Animal Technician Conference Key points: • The Institute welcomed 200 participants to its second Animal Technician Conference, which took place on 15th November 2023. • The event follows the success of the inaugural event last year, for which the two technician organisers received an Outstanding Collaborator Award from the Research Institute Technician Group. • In tailoring the programme to meet the interest of those working in animal technology, the event provides a unique opportunity for animal technicians to share expertise and focus on career development. On 15th November, 200 animal technicians from academic, commercial and governmental organisations across the UK came to the Institute for the second Animal Technician Conference. Established and developed by animal technicians from the Institute’s animal facility, the event offers the benefits of new insights, networking, knowledge exchange and professional development opportunities to those who provide the day-to-day care for animals used in research. Insert cake photo Sarah Drummond, a member of the organising group and experienced animal technician, said: “I feel so proud that we have been able to deliver a second Animal

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Bulletin18 • January 2024 Sarah Drummond, a member of the organising group and experienced Animal Technician, said: “I feel so proud that we have been able to deliver a second Animal Technician Conference after the success of the fi rst and am grateful for the interest and support we have received from the sector as a whole. We were heartened by the number of sponsors and delegates for this year’s conference. Having a forum for the exchange of ideas, sharing successes and challenges and learning from people ahead of you in their career is so valuable. I am delighted to have played a role in organising this year’s event alongside my colleagues. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and participated.” The event covered animal care for species ranging from alpacas to nematode worms. Speakers from a range of academic and industry organisations (including the Francis Crick Institute, F-Star Therapeutics, the Gurdon Institute, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, PetMedix, the Royal Veterinary College and the University of Cambridge) highlighted research and animal care activities in diverse model organism species.

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 19The event’s programme also placed an important focus on career development and technician welfare. The Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) and The Learning Curve, a provider of training and professional development opportunities for people working in the animal research sector, provided dedicated sessions on ensuring technician wellbeing and continued professional development. Attendees could also select to participate in focussed career development conversations with senior professionals from a range of related careers.Attendees who attended the event highlighted the value of the day for them:“I was very interested to hear from Animal Technologists who work with different species and to learn about the changes the IAT has made to gaining qualifi cations.” External attendee, University of Cambridge“It was such a great networking opportunity! I re-connected with an old friend who I have not seen since university, who is now a facility manager. These in person events are so important to allow people to connect with others in the industry.” Deputy Unit Manager, Biological Support Unit, Babraham InstituteExhibitors getting ready

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Bulletin20 • January 2024 “Lovely to hear people speak about their careers, some of whom have walked out of school without qualifi cations and they have really developed their careers. Gives you hope!” External attendee, Charles River“The mental health focus is key – and informally it is really important to catch up with others in the fi eld and compare experience and get advice, so valuable.” External attendee, University of CambridgeThe event organising team would like to thank everyone who supported the development of the event and the event’s sponsors: Technician Commitment, Babraham Research Campus, S3 Life Science Recruitment, MRC Harwell Advance Training Centre, VetTech, Aston Pharma, The Learning Curve, InterFocus, Plexx, RockStep, Datesand, Transnetyx, Envigo, The Physiological Society, LBS Biotechnology, Tecniplast, Clinipath Equipment, Agenda, Verinnogen and International Product Supplies Ltd. Tom Weaver talk

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 21NotesNext Animal Technician Conference 10th October 2024Press contact and Institute lead on opennessDr Louisa Wood, Head of Communications, organisers:Richard Berks, Named Information Manager, Biological Support UnitEmily Boyce, Knowledge Exchange ManagerSusan Buttress, Administration and Events Offi cerBobbie Claxton, Scientifi c Support & Events ManagerSarah Drummond, Experienced Animal Technician, Biological Support UnitMichael Hinton, Web Services Manager and member of the Technician Commitment Steering GroupLottie Mullens, Experienced Animal Technician, Biological Support Unit Reporter: Louisa Wood SITUATIONS VACANTVisit the Careers pages on the IAT Website for the latest vacancies advertising details from

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Hunngdon, Norfolk and Suolk Branch went paintballing Sponsored by Tecniplast On a very pleasant September evening, aer work a group of technicians from Labcorp Hunngdon and Labcorp Eye joined forces with a couple of the Tecniplast team, for a fun evening of shoong each other with paint balls. A great me was had by all, with lots of extra paint balls being purchased above those allocated as part of the evening! There were no real winners on the evening with the last game turning into a free for all, but there were many achy/bruised technicians the next day, but when all was said and done, a great me was had by all and we cannot wait to do it again! The HN&S Branch would really like to thank Tecniplast for helping to cover some of the costs of the event - with the Branch also covering some of the cost. A fantasc me was had by all who aended. Reporter: Joanna Owen Bulletin22 • January 2024 The SH&S Branch is holding its AGM on the evening of Wednesday 7th Februaryin Cranleigh, south of Guildford In addition to the AGM, there will be a presentation from Surrey Diagnostics on health screening, followed by refreshments. For more details or to register attendance please contact Fran Whitmore at thanks to our sponsor for the eveningSurrey, Hampshire and Sussex BranchAGM

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Hunngdon, Norfolk and Suolk Branch went paintballing Sponsored by Tecniplast On a very pleasant September evening, aer work a group of technicians from Labcorp Hunngdon and Labcorp Eye joined forces with a couple of the Tecniplast team, for a fun evening of shoong each other with paint balls. A great me was had by all, with lots of extra paint balls being purchased above those allocated as part of the evening! There were no real winners on the evening with the last game turning into a free for all, but there were many achy/bruised technicians the next day, but when all was said and done, a great me was had by all and we cannot wait to do it again! The HN&S Branch would really like to thank Tecniplast for helping to cover some of the costs of the event - with the Branch also covering some of the cost. A fantasc me was had by all who aended. Reporter: Joanna Owen BulletinJanuary 2024 • 23Huntingdon, Norfolk and Suffolk Branch went paintballingSponsored by Tecniplast On a very pleasant September evening, after work a group of technicians from Labcorp Huntingdon and Labcorp Eye joined forces with a couple of the Tecniplast team, for a fun evening of shooting each other with paint balls!A great time was had by all, with lots of extra paint balls being purchased above those allocated as part of the evening!There were no real winners on the evening with the last game turning into a free for all but there were many achy/bruised technicians the next day. However when all was said and done, a great time was had by all and we cannot wait to do it again!The HN&S Branch would really like to thank Tecniplast for helping to bear some of the costs of the event – with the Branch covering the rest of the cost. A fantastic time was had by all who attended.Reporter: Joanna OwenThe HN&S Branch would really like to thank Tecniplast for helping to bear e of the costs of the event – with the Branch covering the rest of the cost. A fantastic time was had by all who attended.

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Bulletin24 • January 2024 AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18

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AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18

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Bulletin26 • January 2024 A 2.5 day in-person NC3Rs-funded workshop presented by the Universityof Exeter (with support from the RSPCA Animals in Science Department)aimed at zebrafish researchers, facility managers and technical staff.Workshop theme: latest developments in z ebrafish welfare, husbandry andstudy reproducibility.Invited speakers include: Christian Lawrence (SmartLabs), Lynne Sneddon(University of Gothenburg), Robert Gerlai (University of Toronto), JustinSanders (Oregon State University), Simon MacKenzie (University of Stirling)and Carole Wilson (IAT Council member/formerly UCL).We welcome abstracts fo r short talks and poster presentations. Abstractsubmission closes 19 January 2024. The workshop will also includebreakout groups to discuss the most important issues relating to zebr afishwe lfare and reproducibility.Registration fee: £300 (including lunches, evening meals and refreshments),payable to the RSPCA, who are acting as agent on behalf of the Universityof Exeter in collecting this money.Registration closing date: 22 March 2024Contact: Welfare and Reproducibility in Zebrafish Research9-11 April 2024, Exeter, UKA 2.5 day in-person NC3Rs-funded workshop presented by the Universityof Exeter (with support from the RSPCA Animals in Science Department)aimed at zebrafish researchers, facility managers and technical staff.Workshop theme: latest developments in zebrafish welfare, husbandry andstudy reproducibility.Invited speakers include: Christian Lawrence (SmartLabs), Lynne Sneddon(University of Gothenburg), Robert Gerlai (University of Toronto), JustinSanders (Oregon State University), Simon MacKenzie (University of Stirling)and Carole Wilson (IAT Council member/formerly UCL).We welcome abstracts fo r short talks and poster presentations. Abstractsubmission closes 19 January 2024. The workshop will also includebreakout groups to discuss the most important issues relating to zebrafishwe lfare and reproducibility.Registration fee: £300 (including lunches, evening meals an d refreshments),payable to the RSPCA, who are acting as agent on behalf of the Universityof Exeter in collecting this money.Registration closing date: 22 March 2024Contact: Welfare and Reproducibility in Zebrafish Research9-11 April 2024, Exeter, UKA 2.5 day in-person NC3Rs-funded workshop presented by the Universityof Exeter (with support from the RSPCA Animals in Science Department)aimed at zebrafish researchers, facility managers and technical staff.Workshop theme: latest developments in zebrafish welfare, husbandry andstudy reproducibility.Invited speakers include: Christian Lawrence (SmartLabs), Lynne Sneddon(University of Gothenburg), Robert Gerlai (University of Toronto), JustinSanders (Oregon State University), Simon MacKenzie (University of Stirling)and Carole Wilson (IAT Council member/formerly UCL).We welcome abstracts fo r short talks and poster presentations. Abstractsubmission closes 19 January 2024. The workshop will also includebreakout groups to discuss the most important issues relating to zebrafishwe lfare and reproducibility.Registration fee: £300 (including lunches, evening meals an d refreshments),payable to the RSPCA, who are acting as agent on behalf of the Universityof Exeter in collecting this money.Registration closing date: 22 March 2024Contact: Welfare and Reproducibility in Zebrafish Research9-11 April 2024, Exeter, UKFor more details and registration information see Diary Dates

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BulletinJanuary 2024 • 27Front cover: Hawaiian Monk Seal Courtesy: Ian Treves Front cover: Hawaiian Monk eal DIARY DatesTo View NowProcedures with Care To view: View NowEnvironmental Health Monitoring is a 3Rs Replacement for Live Sentinel RodentsNA3RsC 2021To view: 23rd – 25th January 2024Introduction to programming in RRoyal Society of biology Online Details: introductiontoprogramminginr6th February 2024Symposium West Middlesex Branch LondonDetails: See page 257th – 9th February 2024Italian Zebrafi sh Meeting ItalyDetails: https://itazebra February 2024Royal Society of BiologyArtifi cial Intelligence and Machine Learning Online Details: March 2024IAT Annual General MeetingCongressDetails: See page 6and – 15th March 2024Congress ScotlandDetails: See page 49th – 11th April 2024Improving Welfare and Reproducibility in Zebrafi sh Research Exeter UniversityDetails: page 262nd – 3rd May 2024Openness in Animal ResearchWest MidlandsDetails:

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AIRFLOW RANGEDiscover our comprehensive range of animal containment workstations:Designed with class-leading advantages, and manufactured in the UK.SychemAIR - high eciency air shower SychemFILL - free ow bedding dispenserSychemCHANGE - dual access animal transfer stationSychemWASTE - customisable bedding disposal unitQueen’s Award for Enterprise 2022 Winner of the