Face LifeFace FirstDDeessiiggnneedd IInn CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa,, UUSSAASpaHYDRAFACIAL PRICE LIST
3 steps.30 minutes.The best skinof your life.HydraFacial™ delivers instant and long-lasting results that you can see and feel.Cleanse + PeelUncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing. Extract + HydrateRemove debris from pores with painless suction. Nourish with intense moisturizers that quench skin. Fuse + ProtectSaturate the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides to maximize your glow.The StepsSIX-IN-ONE FACIAL
3 steps.30 minutes.The best skinof your life.HydraFacial™ delivers instant and long-lasting results that you can see and feel.Cleanse + PeelUncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing. Extract + HydrateRemove debris from pores with painless suction. Nourish with intense moisturizers that quench skin. Fuse + ProtectSaturate the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides to maximize your glow.The Steps
Nothing ComparesOnly HydraFacial uses patented technology combined with nourishing ingredients to create an instantly gratifying glow. Frequent treatments help restore skin health.The boosts?Tailor your treatment with HydraFacial super serums to address specic skin concerns. DermaBuilder BoostMinimizes signs of aging and recharges skin with a combination of peptides.GlySal BoostMinimizes congestion in pores and improves supercial acne scars.*Britenol BoostMinimizes the appearance of dark spots and sun spots for an even complexion.*EEA specic claim.
Nothing ComparesOnly HydraFacial uses patented technology combined with nourishing ingredients to create an instantly gratifying glow. Frequent treatments help restore skin health.The boosts?Tailor your treatment with HydraFacial super serums to address specic skin concerns. address specic skin concerns. DermaBuilder BoostMinimizes signs of aging and recharges skin with a combination of peptides.GlySal BoostMinimizes congestion in pores and improves supercial acne scars.*Britenol BoostMinimizes the appearance of dark spots and sun spots for an even complexion.*EEA specic claim.
BROWN SPOTS 4 SESSIONSBEFORE AFTERCONGESTED & OILY SKIN1 SESSION (1 hour post treatment)BEFORE AFTER5 SESSIONSNASOLABIAL FOLDSBEFORE AFTERYEp. We don’t have a type.HydraFacial address all skin care needs:· Fine lines+ Wrinkles· Elasticity+ Firmness· Even Tone+ Vibrancy· Skin Texture· Brown Spots· Congested+ Oily Skin· Enlarged Pores
BROWN SPOTS 4 SESSIONSBEFORE AFTERCONGESTED & OILY SKIN1 SESSION (1 hour post treatment)BEFORE AFTER5 SESSIONSNASOLABIAL FOLDSBEFORE AFTERYEp. We don’t have a type.HydraFacial address all skin care needs:· Fine lines+ Wrinkles· Elasticity+ Firmness· Even Tone+ Vibrancy· Skin Texture· Brown Spots· Congested+ Oily Skin· Enlarged PoresSpaHydraFacial Price ListPlatinum HydraFacial TreatmentSingle Session £150Course of 6 – buy 5 get 1 for free £750Prescribed HydraFacial Treatment with booster (for any specifi c skin concerns)Single Session £190Course of 6 – buy 5 get 1 for free £950Platinum HydraFacial Perk Eye or Lips TreatmentSingle Session £190Course of 6 – buy 5 get 1 for free £950Platinum HydraFacial Perk Eye and Lips TreatmentSingle Session £225Course of 6 – buy 5 get 1 for free £1125Clarifying Back HydraFacialSingle Session £300Course of 6 – buy 5 get 1 for free £1500Add ons:Alginate Mask £30Herb Lavender Mask (for back only) £30DermaLux LED treatment £30Neck £30Decollate £60*Interest-free instalments available
Live confidently through amazing skin.Make the best first impressions.Enjoy the experience. Delight in the result.Let’s do this again.hydrafacial.co.ukHHyyddrraaFFaacciiaall iiss rreeggiisstteerreedd iinn tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess PPaatteenntt aanndd TTrraaddeemmaarrkk OOffffiiccee bbyy EEddggee SSyysstteemmss LLLLCC.. TThhiiss pprroodduucctt aanndd iittss uussee aarree ccoovveerreedd bbyy oonnee oorr mmoorree UU..SS.. aanndd IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ppaatteennttss.. PPaatteenntt iinnffoo:: wwwwww..hhyyddrraaffaacciiaallccoo..ccoomm//ppaatteennttss.. OOtthheerr UU..SS.. aanndd ffoorreeiiggnn ppaatteennttss ppeennddiinngg.. CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©© 22001177 EEddggee SSyysstteemmss LLLLCC.. AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd.. PP//NN 1199771188 -- 0011 -- AASecret Oasis Spa 765 Fulham Road, Fulham, London, SW6 5HA c 020 7371 5118 m info@secretoasisspa.co.uk secret_oasis_spa w www.secretoasisspa.co.ukSpaLive confidently through amazing skin.Make the best first impressions.Enjoy the experience. Delight in the result.Let’s do this again.hydrafacial.co.ukHHyyddrraaFFaacciiaall iiss rreeggiisstteerreedd iinn tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess PPaatteenntt aanndd TTrraaddeemmaarrkk OOffffiiccee bbyy EEddggee SSyysstteemmss LLLLCC.. TThhiiss pprroodduucctt aanndd iittss uussee aarree ccoovveerreedd bbyy oonnee oorr mmoorree UU..SS.. aanndd IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ppaatteennttss.. PPaatteenntt iinnffoo:: wwwwww..hhyyddrraaffaacciiaallccoo..ccoomm//ppaatteennttss.. OOtthheerr UU..SS.. aanndd ffoorreeiiggnn ppaatteennttss ppeennddiinngg.. CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©© 22001177 EEddggee SSyysstteemmss LLLLCC.. AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd.. PP//NN 1199771188 -- 0011 -- AA