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HT Case Study Reflections and Re

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Starting Reflecting Reviewing "water pattern" bygrendelkhanis licensed underCC BY-SA 2.0.

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ContentsI. Project: Reflecting on Case Studies II. Exploring, Experiencing and Learning the Techniques III. Psychosensory Session Structure (with metaphor) IV. Psychosensory Session Structure (diagram form) V. Documents for reviewing and reflecting on case studies VI. Checklist for reviewing and reflecting on Havening sessions VII. Some ideas for explorations

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Project: Reflecting on Case Studies As you study Havening on this training, make a case study sheet that you enjoy using and that changes as you learn. Therefore it will reflect how you are currently reviewing your experiences of using the Havening concepts and the Havening Techniques. For example you may at the moment work in a narrative style and in your sessions you may have observed that people respond to UTS (Unconditioned Threat Stimuli - see Primer), or you may be observing that the client is responding to sensory matching related to the past experiences (EMLI - see Primer) or you may be observing that their cumulative experiences have had an impact on their self-eicacy (Landscape - see Primer). Or you may be noticing that the individual is often saying to themselves or others ‘what if this goes wrong, and predicting that this would be hard to do?’ And you can imagine how making some new predictions such as ‘what if this goes well’ could be helpful. Or as you study the Procedural guide or support material on my website you may start noticing in your sessions how individuals ‘airm’, at the start of a session and how the airmations can change. For example they may start by saying ‘I am rubbish, and I can’t do x’ and finish saying ‘I can do x, I can develop my skills, I have the capacity’. And you can see how they could use Airmational Havening to build on that new idea ‘I can develop my skills’. These are all observations that you can reflect on and show in a case study and ultimately the first ones I mentioned (UTS and EMLI) become checklists used in a Havening session and are therefore useful to have in a case study sheet. And are useful when reviewing and reflecting and sharing about your sessions. You will be using self-Havening and experiencing Havening through doing swaps and you can write up notable experiences. And they way you write these experiences may be a bit different from how you write a case where you were facilitating (helping someone else use the Havening concepts and techniques) so you may find you develop several sheets and that’s fine. I share some examples of simple and complete sheets - see from page 13. "Reflections of Porthtowan" byJanetR3is licensed underCC BY 2.0.

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Exploring, Experiencing and Learning the Techniques The following sequence of study is ideal for learning about the Havening Techniques. There are specific sequences that you will use in sessions and we will explore these soon.Psychosensory Academy® Havening Techniques®~ Event Havening ~ Outcome Havening ~ Role Havening ~ Transpirational Havening1. Havening Touch (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets in the resource library and this website) 2. Amplify Havening (this website) 3. Hopeful Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 4. Ifformational Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 5. Airmational Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 6. Event Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 7. Outcome Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 8. Role Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 9. Transpirational Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 10. Airmational Havening (see the Primer, Guide, and Protocol Sheets and this website) 11. Explore a Variety of Sequencing, for Example EH, Then OH, EH Then RH, EH to IH, HH to IH to AH, TH to AH, TH to EHI have designed some projects for you that relate directly to practice. They are designed to be quick and easy to do yet are valuable skill-builders. You can use them to learn the key Havening concepts and techniques that Havening practitioners use in practice. You can upload your results as case studies. I really appreciate when students use the projects because I know for sure that you have learned these concepts and that I can use the Havening terminology confidently, confident that this is easy for you, too. You can also create yourownprojects. Useful study approaches include studying the 'Protocol sheets' for the different techniques (resource library at and considering the principles of each Havening Technique outlined in the Primer and Procedural Guide. There is detailed information on this website, too. When I was first studying, I made a simple worksheet for each Havening Technique and took these into sessions as a reference. I wanted to make sure I was only using Havening concepts and that I was exploring each technique. Other people have made a single sheet withaide-mémoires for each of the Havening Techniques and tick boxes that they can use to track their session. Clearly stating and sharing about each Havening Technique you suggest for the person, helps you learn and is very useful for the person using the Havening Techniques. You will also find this defining helpful when reviewing videos of your Havening sessions.

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Explore each technique as precisely aspossibleandthenreflect on whatyoulearned about the principles, how it worked, and what the experience was like. It's a good idea to have experienced fast and comfortable depotentiation several times yourself, short and effective Transpirational Havening and gentle Outcome and Role Havening, and to have generated new ideas using Hopeful Havening and Informational Havening. You can write up your discoveries of self-Havening and experiencing the Havening Techniques as case studies (reflections). Swap sessions and practice with as many different Haveners as you can. Depending on their background and trainer, there will be slightly different approaches and styles, and that'sreallyuseful to experience. You can connect with others via the main Facebook forum and related Messenger groups. You can also create a group and explore topics. I am happy to provide projects on many topics to help you exploreinthis way. The Havening Techniques are fascinatingandthey provide a very complete set of methods. They are very clear and easy to learnandthere are plenty of opportunities for creativity. A range of different skills are used for each technique. These vary from the skills used in formal processes such as Event Havening or TranspirationalHavening,to using narrative and storytelling in Outcome and Role Havening, to questioning and exploring using Hopeful or Ifformational Havening to building new perspectives and new predictions using Airmational Havening. When you have an excellent grasp of all of the techniques, you can start building sequences for sessions. You can consider how Havening can behelpful foreach individualyouworkwith. The most common sequence is to first teach Havening Touch in a way that generates self-eicacy and a safe andgoodassociation. This learning experience will help the person adopt the Havening Techniques as a daily practice.And to share the information that will help the client use the Havening Techniques successfully. For example we can consider what skills does a person need to be able to use the Havening Techniques successfully. We will explore this soon. Haveners usually use Event Havening for depotentation as it is comfortable and quick and then use the other Havening Techniques (see the graphic map on the next page). However sometimes a session with start with Hopeful, or Ifformational Havening on its own can be ideal,orlearning about the biology basis, or Role Havening, Outcome Havening or Transpirational for others. ReflectivegentleTranspirational can be perfect for some people.It'sworth spending time working out what might suitbest. When you come to write up your discoveries you can start with a simple sheet and as you start to be familiar with the Havening concepts you can use those to structure your sessions. You can copy my sheets, or use the V Scale sheets, or make your own if you like. Here are some useful links for writing on PDFs free app

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Psychosensory Session StructurePsychosensory sessions are different from many types of session because the Havening process causes the individual’s brain to make some changes. These short processes are formal rather than conversational and the practitioner’s role is to facilitate the person’s use of the process. We could imagine these processes as stepping stones in a calm, clear, safe and beautiful river that is lovely to walk along to travel to some new and pleasant places and blue skies.Ruth Hartnup, Shallow water, Rathtrevor Beach

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Psychosensory Session StructureWe could imagine the river as our continuing facilitation during the session. For example How we welcome the individual and engage with how they access, experience life and creative styles How we support and enable real agency How we create transparency about the processes and concepts and how we introduce How we explain clearly how the processes work How we invite and answer questions, and use +R How we ensure our clients are well equipped for success and comfort. For example, that they can Question themselves, recall and use the same cue, access, calibrate and track C, Cc, Cxt and present CASE comfortably and share key information at the outset and finish of process use. Use WMA and imagination comfortably. Utilise the changes and take action forwardRuth Hartnup, Shallow water, Rathtrevor Beach

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Stepping Stone One and Exploring the River The first stage of establishing what the session will be like. Check for a current UTS? Consider what action will best help the client - medical aid, social care, skill building? If its’s safe to to share the Havening Techniques. The start of the session is likely to involve (I describe my approach which is an educational approach, uses +R and is outcome focused). • Preparing the client for their successful use of the Havening Techniques, considering how to generate self-eicacy. • Identifying the strengths and skills that the client has that will help them, and helping them develop the skills that will be useful to learn before Havening. • Introducing Havening Touch so it is liked, adopted as a useful practice. • Learning about how we learn, how we respond (CASE) to cues, landscape. • Using a process which is structurally like a dry run of EH (Favourites Game and Amplify Havening). Learning how to use and share QOCTU results. • Teaching about survival system and EMLI, so the person can identify key learning experiences themselves. • Etc, explored in detail laterOne

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Stepping Stone Two and Exploring the River Questions/ Considerations -Is there a current UTS? What action will best help the client - medical aid, social care, skill building? -Could the PI be related to the activation of receptors (made during the type of encoding and potentiation that occurs when the four requirements of EMLI come together - as described in the Primer)? -Can the client identify a specific related EMLI, recall, activate the receptors and cue a responseOneTwo

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Stepping Stone Two: Questions -Is there a current UTS? What action will best help the client? -Could the PI be related to the activation of receptors (made during the type of encoding and potentiation that occurs when the four requirements of EMLI come together - as described in the Primer)? -Can the client identify a specific related EMLI, recall, activate the receptors and cue a response?OneTwoThreeResponse to the cue is the same. Unusual, check the process, make sure access is accurate and that working memory is being used. And use EH afresh.Stepping Stone Three: Process -Can Event Havening be used? The preparation stage will have made this clear. -What is accessed? -What are the results of the client using EH?Response to the cue and recall has changed. Much calmerNew insights, may feel elated or now take responsibility or access many similar experiences. Transpirational Havening may be ideal.Perception of the event has changed and this can be built on with OH, RH, IH or Airmational HaveningFinal Stepping Stone in the Session Utilisation of the results from the session. Clearly improved self-eicacy. Development of parallel projects using information learning at the start and to help move away from habits related to the presenting issues. Using Havening as a pleasant pastime, to build the habit for future skills for landscaping.

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The same standard Havening Techniques sequence shown as a diagram. The starting point is at the top this time and works down the page.

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Establishing a sense of safety for the client, enabling responsibility and agency, and preparing the client for their successful use of the Havening Techniques. Through using an educational approach - introducing the Havening Touch so it is liked, adopted and normalised as a useful practice, learning about landscape (how we respond to cues to different types of cues, how we learn, why we learn and how we respond after learning (LTP and LTD)), showing what a formal psychosensory process is like (through FG and Amplify process which mirror the skills for EH), sharing new frames and models (CASE, sensory matching, brain is helping keep one safe). And for the practitioner - identifying the skills that the client has that will help them, and helping them develop the skills that will be useful to learn before starting Havening. Identify how to cue a range of CASEs Q*Q-Is there a current UTS? What may the basis of the Presenting Issue (PI) may be? -Could the PI be related to the activation of receptors (made during the type of encoding and potentiation that occurs when the four requirements of EMLI come together - as described in the Primer)? -Can the client identify a specific related EMLI, recall, activate the receptors and cue a response-Can Event Havening be used? The preparation stage will have made this clear. -What is accessed? -What are the results of the client using EH?Perception of the event has changed and this can be built on with OH, RH, IH or Airmational HaveningResponse to the cue and recall has changed. Much calmerResponse to the cue is the same. Unusual, check the process, make sure access is accurate and that working memory is being used. And use EH afreshorO* C TU*New insights, may feel elated or now take responsibility or access many similar experiences. Transpirational Havening may be ideal.Utilisation of the results from the session. Clearly improved self-eicacy. Development of parallel projects using information learning at the start and to help move away from habits related to the presenting issues. Using Havening as a pleasant pastime, to build the habit for future addiction skills for landscaping. U* QOCTU - Questions, Observations, Calibrations, Tracking and Utilising

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Havening TouchHavening Techniques® Psychosensory Academy®Experiment using Havening Touch when you are experiencing different CASEs, and develop skills and reflect on your experiences and write them up. Describing your experiences helps you learn. Consult your Primer for more information about Havening Touch and Google about brainwaves and oxytocin production in relation to slow touch. And it’s worth reading ‘Taming the Amygdala’. The PDF is in the files in our Messenger group and my website Consider that Havening Touch can also be a working memory activity especially when the client is following directions.

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Examples of simple case review sheets

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Case Studies - Number of 30 (please use your initials and this number as the title of this document - see screenshot)Consider this reflecting process to be like journaling; record what worked and what didn’t, what you observed and any aha moments What was your experience of self-Havening? What did you observe about using Havening Touch? What was your project? What technique/s did you choose? What did you do? What did you observe? What was the outcome? Did you notice a change in your self-eicacy? How frequently did you use this Havening process? What did you learn about Havening? Would you use this again? How might you improve it? Amplify HaveningHavening Technique TypePlace in sequence (eg. 1)Hopeful HaveningIfformational HaveningAffirmational Havening Ideas sheetAny further notes or subjects you would like to discuss with me?

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Amplify HaveningHavening Technique TypePlace in sequence (eg. 1)Hopeful HaveningIfformational HaveningAffirmational Havening Any further notes or subjects you would like to discuss with me?Case Studies - Number of 30 (please use your initials and this number as the title of this document - see screenshot)Ideas sheetIf you would like to reflect and review using a narrative style that’s fine. Do include UTS, EMLI, CASE, the Havening Techniques that you used and the length of time you spent on each process. Explain the reason you chose certain approaches and techniques. Describe what went well and what you feel you could do better. If you would like to send in an audio recording explaining your session that is fine too. Please upload a sheet saying you have done this at your dashboard at I can then review it there which means you can more easily keep track of your work and reviews.

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Havening Technique TypePlace in sequence (eg. 1) Any further notes or subjects you would like to discuss with me?Case Studies - Number of 30 (please use your initials and this number as the title of this document - see screenshot)

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This sheet is really useful as a checklist and for tracking if you covered everything. It contains Rons Ruden’s checklists from the Primer. I use this myself in sessions in conjunction with the three V Scales. The V Scales are available at

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Case Studies - Number of 30 (please use your initials and this number as the title of this document) What are the individual’s likes, loves and strengths - self-eicacy?What notable Landscape Shapers are evident at this stage? (Often these relate to experience which fulfilled ELFS or EMLI)Haveners NameDateLength of SessionReferral SourceClient’s ageGenderPage 1Establishing outcome focus, beginning to help the client access a balanced history, sharing new information, building trust and enabling self-eicacy.

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Cognitive? Autonomic? Somatosensory? Emotions?For each EMLI Cue? Title? Date? Event? Meaning? Landscape? Inescapable? When accessed Content? Complex content? Context? Power of CASE Overview of Presenting Issues, unwanted CASEs? Any current or ongoing?Page 2Possibly related key early EMLIs? Is client well prepared to puzzle and identify these?

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Havening or science concepts taught? Ideally only use Havening as this helps you explore all the techniques and get used to Havening. Do note any other types of techniques used in this session for yourself and me. It’s a great idea to write your own Havening Technique Sheets. I used to take all of mine into session with me and refer to them until I learned them off by heart (LTP!)Havening Technique TypePlace in sequence (eg. 1) Page 3Havening Techniques mapping sheet on the next page. This page helps show an overview of the session. Write up the technique or techniques where you learned something or that were interesting, or you thought you did well or you are not sure was ideal (its a good way of asking for input from me and I am always happy to respond. Remember I am here to help you).

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Was the individual well prepared and what was their CASE at the start, or notable C, Cc, Cxt?What was your next stage and what were your reasons? Further use of the same or other Havening Techniques, starting again with the technique, shaping the Landscape - moving forwards and recommendations (ie. further sessions, self-havening, suggested study/projects, etc?Havening Technique selected, and the reason (ie. Learning, resilience-building, current UTS, aim to absorb receptors made during past EMLI, post depotentiation work/Growth Havening?Page 4Mapping the use (by the client) of a Havening TechniqueChanges after using the Havening Technique (C, Cc, Cxt, CASE, new insights, new perceptions, new predicting)? Stages of the Havening Technique used, any criteria used, etc?

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Some ideas for your explorations. Choose a couple of these topics each time you describe a session. Aim to answer all questions by the time you have done all 30 reviews. How did your prepare yourself for a session? How did you approach taking a history? How did you prepare your client and how do you introduce the Havening Techniques? What questions did you ask which you found helpful and not helpful? What was the sequence of techniques that you used and how did you make those choices? Describe using one of the Havening Techniques. What worked well with this technique and what could you improve on the next time? How did you recognise activation of pathways encoded in the amygdala? How did you recognise that changes had taken place? How do you support and explain changes for the client? How did you empower your client/s? What did you learn about Havening in this session? Did you use Havening theory, Havening terminology, or explain the science basis? Were there benefits to sharing this information with the client and is there anything you would like to improve on the next time? What did you learn about this client during this session? Page 5