HR SAFETYCONGRESS+Tuesday, 23 September 2025City of San Marcos Conference CenterHill Country Human Resource Management Association2025 PROSPECTUS
The Hill Country Human Resource Management Association (Hill Country HRMA) is the local SHRMchapter for HR professionals serving the communities along the IH-35 corridor including Buda, Kyle, SanMarcos, Wimberly, New Braunfels, Canyon Lake and Seguin. The Hill Country Human ResourceAssociation (Hill Country HRMA) was started in the fall of 2008 by a small but dedicated team of HumanResource professionals. The official chartering ceremony was held on January 8th, 2009 and Hill CountryHRMA became Chapter #731, the 36th SHRM Affiliated Chapter in the State. Hill Country HRMA’s missionis to provide area human resource professionals and business leaders with a community in which theygain knowledge of HR and corporate best practices while growing a network of support and enhancingtheir contributions as strategic partners.Hill Country HRMA’s mission is to provide area human resource professionals with an active membershipcommunity in which they gain knowledge, support and networking opportunities for the enhancementof their career satisfaction and professional contributions.About theHR + SAFETY CONGRESSHILL COUNTRY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT | info@hrandsafetycongress.comABOUT HR + SAFETY CONGRESSHill Country Human Resource Management Association’s HR + Safety Congress is a one-day conferencethat will educate human resource, safety, business, and community leaders in multiple areas ofworkplace safety, risk leadership and emergency preparedness.HR + SAFETY CONGRESS HISTORYThe vision for HR + Safety Congress began in 2020 when Anna Marie Prim noticed a need for safety,emergency and risk education in the business and local communities along the I-35 Corridor. Afterjoining the Hill Country HRMA Board of Directors, Anna Marie’s vision evolved from Safety Congress to HR+ Safety Congress in 2023. In April 2024, the Hill Country HRMA’s Board of Directors voted to hold the firstknown HR + Safety Congress in the state of Texas. The first HR + Safety Committee meeting was held inJune 2024 with nine leaders. The HR + Safety Congress Committee later learned that Hill CountryHuman Resource Management Association was previously known as Tri-county Human ResourceManagement and Occupational Health and Safety Association before becoming Hill Country HRMA in2008. This confirmed Hill Country HRMA’s mission to continue to pursue safer and more preparedworkplaces in their community.
About theHR + SAFETY CONGRESSHOTEL: Embassy Suites by HiltonADDRESS: 1001 E. McCarty Lane, San Marcos, Texas 78666RATE: For Monday night, 09/22/2025, the single room rate is $189 + Tax (Must be registered by08/23/2025 using Hilton’s HR + Safety Congress link with code.)PARKING: There will be a charge of $9.00 for guest's overnight parking (discounted from $12/nightand separate from hotel costs)CONGRESS LOCATION & HOTEL | info@hrandsafetycongress.comHill Country Human Resource Management’s dream is to provide scholarships, awards, giveaways andcommunity service projects as a part of the HR + Safety Congress. This is only possible with communityand business support. See the ways you can support listed below.Donating any amount to Hill Country Human Resource Management AssociationProviding Safety or Congress giveaways or suppliesLead a safety education or community service event in your community or businessVolunteer your timeAttend HR + Safety Congress and other Hill Country HRMA eventsJoin our social media pages and share our updatesShare the HR + Safety Congress event with your networkVOLUNTEER, DONATE, AND SUPPORTHill Country HRMA invites you to increase your company’s visibility and participate as an official sponsorof the HR + Safety Congress! With packages available to fit most budgets, you can build brandawareness and reach Business Owners and HR, Safety, and Risk Professionals who influence and makecritical decisions to benefit their organizations.BECOME A SPONSOR
HR + SAFETY CONGRESS AGENDATUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2025City of San Marcos Conference Center1001 East McCarty Lane, San Marcos TX 78666This is an estimated schedule only and this agenda is subject to change at any | info@hrandsafetycongress.com05:00AM05:00AM05:30AM07:00AM07:00AM07:30AM08:00AM09:15AM10:15AM11:00AM11:30AM12:45PM01:30PM02:00PM03:00PM04:00PM05:30PMVendor Setup 09.22.2025Vendor Setup 09.23.2025Congress RegistrationLight Breakfast & Meet the ExhibitorsMeet Exhibitors Welcome Session & Sponsors*Opening Keynote Speaker*Educational Sessions (Five)Educational Sessions (Five)Lunch & CeremonyLunch Keynote Speaker*Educational Sessions (Five)Beverage Break & Meet ExhibitorsEducational Sessions (Five)Closing Keynote Speaker*Closing RemarksMixer (Registration not included in Congress)*Main Meeting Room- 10:00PM- 07:00AM- 07:30AM- 07:30AM- 05:00PM- 08:00AM- 09:00AM- 10:00AM- 11:00AM- 12:30PM- 12:30PM- 01:30PM- 02:00PM- 02:45PM- 04:00PM- 04:30PM- 08:00PM
Silver Sponsorship Package*$1,000$5,000Exhibit Hall Vendor Package*Gold Sponsorship Package*$2,000Recognition on HR + Safety Congress LinkedIn platform Logo listed in HR + Safety Congress schedule materialsLogo and company name on the Hill Country HRMA website’s Congresssponsor sectionLogo and company name on the HR + Safety Congress website’s sponsorsectionCompany promotional item in attendee bag (Sponsor must supply item byAugust 28, 2025)One Draped 6-foot table display, Trashcan and Two chairsCompany promotional item in attendee bag (Vendor must supply item)Advertisement on Congress Whova App as a VendorParticipation in Whova Event App GameExclusive Breakout Room Sponsor for the day (One of Four Rooms)Recognition on HR + Safety Congress LinkedIn platform Logo listed in HR + Safety Congress schedule materialsLogo and Company name on the Hill Country HRMA website’s Congresssponsor sectionLogo and Company name on the HR + Safety Congress website’s sponsorsectionPodium recognition by Hill Country Human Resource ManagementAssociation in sponsored breakout room at time of speaker introductionCompany promotional item in attendee bag (Sponsor must supply item)Sponsor may provide swag and materials in the breakout roomOne sponsor table inside sponsored breakout room for all sessionsOne Congress Mixer Ticket included (Must Register) | info@hrandsafetycongress.comUnlimited30 Available4 AvailableSponsorshipPackagesSilver Price ReducedVendor Price Reduced
$5,000Diamond Sponsorship Package*$3,750$15,000Platinum Sponsorship Package*Titanium Sponsorship Package*$7,500One full Congress registration (Educational sessions, Exhibit Hall & Lunch)Access to main meeting room educational sessions and Exhibit HallOne full Congress registration at 50% discountFour job listings on the Hill Country HRMA website (2025 only)One Hill Country HRMA Membership (Limited to one year)Verbal platform recognition as a Diamond Sponsor by Hill Country HumanResource Management Association Representative during eventOne Congress Mixer Ticket included (Must Register)Sponsor table in main meeting room (Maximum Two People) Access to main meeting room educational sessions and Exhibit HallTwo Congress lunch ticketsSix job listings on the Hill Country HRMA website (2025 only)One Hill Country HRMA newsletter spotlightCompany logo in rotating website advertisement on Hill Country HRMA’shomepageTwo Hill Country HRMA Memberships (Limited to one year)Exclusive recognition at lunch stationVerbal platform recognition as a Platinum Sponsor by Hill Country HumanResource Management Association Representative during eventTwo Congress Mixer Tickets included (Must Register)Sponsor table in main meeting room (Maximum Three People)Includes access to all educational sessions and exhibit boothsThree Congress lunch ticketsTwelve job listings on the Hill Country HRMA website (2025 only)One Hill Country HRMA newsletter spotlightCompany logo in rotating website advertisement on Hill Country HRMA’shomepageFour Hill Country HRMA Memberships (Limited to one year)Exclusive Ten-minute speaking time with presentation during CongressPre-congress registration email list (30 days prior to Congress)Post-congress attendee email list (7 days after Congress)Main congress room sponsor (Sponsor to provide table material)Three Congress Mixer Tickets included (Must Register)Recognition on the HR + Safety Congress LinkedIn platformLogo listed in HR + Safety Congress schedule materialsLogo and Company name on the Hill Country HRMA website’s Congress sponsor sectionLogo and Company name on the HR + Safety Congress website’s sponsor sectionCompany promotional item in attendee bag (Sponsor must supply item by August 28, 2025)Advertisement on Congress Whova | Titanium, Platinum, and Diamond Packages include:*14 Available5 Available1 AvailablePlatinum Price ReducedDiamond Price Reduced
2025 RULES & | info@hrandsafetycongress.comCarefully READ the Hill Country HRMA Congress Rules & Regulations: One hundred percent (100%) of total amount due must accompany the application. Full payment isdue with the application but no later than 24 hours. Applications will not be processed, booths will notbe assigned, information will not be placed on the Congress app, etc. without required payment.There will be no refunds for cancellations of sponsorships, donations or for vendor exhibit tables.Termination of Meeting at Exposition: Should the premises in which Hill Country HRMA’s Congress is tobe held become, in the sole judgment of the Association, unfit for occupancy, or should the meetingand trade exposition be materially interfered with by reason of action of the elements, strike picketing,boycott, embargo, injunction, war, riot, emergency declared by a governmental agency, or any otheract beyond the control of Hill Country HRMA, the contract for exhibit space may be terminated. HillCountry HRMA will not incur liability for damages sustained by exhibitor as a result of such termination.In the event of such termination, the exhibitors expressly waive such liability and release theAssociation of and from all claims for damages and agrees that the Association shall have no obligationexcept to refund to exhibitors pro-rated shares of the aggregate amounts received by the Associationas rental for exhibit spaces for said exhibits after deduction being hereby specially agreed to by theexhibitor.If a sponsor or vendor does not follow the rules and regulations set by Hill Country HRMA, then thiscontract may be terminated. In the event of a default by the sponsor or vendor, as set forth in theprevious sentence, the sponsor or vendor shall forfeit as liquidated damages the amount paid by theexhibitor for exhibit space, rental, regardless of whether Hill Country HRMA enters into a further lease ofthe space involved. Booth assignments will be made by Hill Country HRMA. Premium Sponsors will be allocated first choiceby both level of sponsorship and date of payment. Sponsors and vendors will be assigned to ensurevariation within the Event. Hill Country HRMA reserves the right to make the final determination of allbooth assignments in the best interests of the exposition.Sponsors and vendors are prohibited from subletting any part of their assigned exhibit space. Noexhibitor shall assign, sublet, or share the space allotted with another business or firm.The General Rule of the Exhibit Hall is: Be a good neighbor. No exhibit will be permitted that interfereswith the use of other exhibits or impedes access to them or impedes the free use of the aisle. Boothpersonnel, including demonstrators, receptionists, and models are required to confine their activitieswithin the exhibitor’s booth space. Apart from the specific display space for which an exhibitingcompany has under contract with Hill Country HRMA, no part of the exhibit hall and its grounds may beused by any organization other than Hill Country HRMA for display purposes of any kind or nature.Representatives should be attired to maintain the professional and businesslike climate of theconvention.Sponsors and vendors must remain fair to exhibitors around them. The front half of the sidewall mustcontain at least 50% open area to permit side viewing through the booth. If motion pictures, other thanA/V or loudspeakers are used, the exhibitor agrees to comply with the union requirements of theoperation of the equipment. Sound presentation, slides, or movies will be permitted if tuned toconversational level and if not objectionable to neighboring exhibitors. Hill Country HRMA reserves theright to restrict the use of glaring lights or objectionable light effects. The exterior of any display cabinetor structure visible from an adjacent exhibitor’s booth must be finished or suitably decorated at theexpense of the exhibitor erecting or installing such a display and must not include corporate or productidentity that would detract from the adjacent display.Continued...
2025 RULES & | info@hrandsafetycongress.comCarefully READ the Hill Country HRMA Congress Rules & Regulations: To ensure the safety of all participants, fire regulations must be observed. Fire regulations requirethat all display materials be flameproof. Electrical signs and equipment must be wired to meet thespecification of the local Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau. Each exhibitor is charged withknowledge of all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention, and publicsafety while participating in this exposition. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for allexhibitors and the sole responsibility is that of the exhibitor. Compliance with such laws ismandatory for all exhibitors and the sole responsibility is that of the exhibitor.Cost of repairing any damages to the exhibit hall will be billed to the responsible sponsor or vendor.Nothing can be posted or tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to the columns, walls,floors, ceiling, furniture, or other properties of the Exhibit Hall, Break Out rooms, or venue.Exhibitors are advised to provide locked storage facilities within their own display area for excessmerchandise and personal items. Hill Country HRMA will have no liability for any loss or damage sustained by an exhibitor duringexhibit hours or at any time, whatever the cause. Exhibitors are solely responsible for securing itemsin their booth. All property of the exhibitor is understood to remain under his/her custody andcontrol, in transit to and from the confines of the hall, subject to the Rules and Regulations of theExposition.Individual booths and materials contained within exhibit booths are the responsibility of theexhibitor.Any sponsorship funds or donations, received in excess of intended purpose, may be used at HillCountry HRMA's discretion at any time, including awards, scholarships, other costs, etc.Hold Harmless Clause. The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses,damages, and claims arising out of injury or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment, and otherproperty brought upon the premises of the hotel center and shall indemnify and hold harmless thevenue, agents, and employees from all such losses, damages, and claims.Sponsor or vendor agrees to pay when all royalties, license fees, or other charges accruing orbecoming due to any firm, persons, or corporation by reasons of any music – either live or recordedor other entertainment of any kind or nature, played, staged, or produced by the sponsor or vendor.Electricity will be provided though you must bring your own extension cord. An outlet may not beavailable at the venue.Hill Country HRMA reserves the right to make changes to these rules. Any matters not specificallycovered herein are subject to decision by Hill Country HRMA. Hill Country HRMA reserves the rightto make such changes, amendments, and additions to these rules as considered advisable for theproper conduct of the exhibit with the provision that all exhibitors will be advised of such changes.Hill Country HRMA qualifies as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c) 6 of the InternalRevenue Code. As such, your sponsorship is not deductible as a charitable contribution, but may bedeductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense depending upon your individual taxcircumstances — please consult your tax advisor.Sponsors and Vendors must notify for shipping address ofpromotional items for attendee bags. Items delivered after August 28, 2025 will not be placed in thebags.
READY TO MOVE FORWARD? FOLLOW THESE STEPS: Complete the online Sponsorship Submission form on the event website or email our team.1. Remit payment of 100% payment via online submission agreement,digital invoice, credit card, or by check. 2.NOTE: An informational reference sheet will be shared via email to theindividual who completed the submission form two weeks before theHR + Safety Congress.RELEVANT DOCUMENTSW-9Exhibitor Packet - Shipping & A/V | info@hrandsafetycongress.comThe Hill Country HRMA Sponsor / Vendor Agreement becomesvalid only when the 2025 Congress submission form is digitallysigned and accompanied by 100% of the balance due.Please note there is an administrative fee associated withprocessing payment online.2025SPONSOR & EXHIBITORAGREEMENT01.2025
THANK YOU!City of San Marcos Convention CenterTuesday, 23 September 20252025 PROSPECTUS