Student Name, Unit Number, Outcome Number Date Page 2 of 6 • Assignments MUST be word processed (handwritten documents will not be accepted) • Preferred font is Arial, Century Gothic, Calibri or Times New Roman. Font size 12pt and 1.5 line spacing • Assignments MUST be spell checked prior to submission. o It is not appropriate to submit work that has not been checked. • The pages should be numbered: either in the footer or at the bottom right-hand side of the page. • Your name and the unit and outcome details should be listed in the page header, or at the top left hand of each page. o Examples of preferred layouts are outlined below • Any sources cited must be clearly referenced in the body of the text and then listed in a bibliography o The preferred method of referencing is the Harvard system (please see Referencing Guide) Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader’s understanding. It should have a formal tone and style, appropriate to a piece of educational work. Key characteristics that your tutor will expect to see in your work are: • Planned and focused content: You have answered the question and demonstrated an understanding of the subject. • Structure: Your work should be coherent, written in a logical order and bring together related points and material • Evidenced: Submission demonstrates knowledge of the topic, supports opinions and arguments with evidence and is referenced accurately. • Formal tone and style: Appropriate language and tenses are used. Answers are clear, concise and balanced.
Student Name, Unit Number, Outcome Number Date Page 3 of 6 More guidance on how to write in an academic style can be found here: • • • Always list the unit number and outcome/s no’s as the main title on the first page of your assignment as below: Unit 1, Outcome 2 If you prefer you can include a title page, which should detail your name, the outcome number/s, your tutor and any other info you feel is relevant. Font & Line Spacing The ideal font for assignments is Arial, Century Gothic, Calibri or Times New Roman in either 11pt or 12pt as these are the fonts & sizes that are easiest to read. Line spacing should be 1.5 Header & Footer The Header on every page should include, your name, the unit number and outcome no & if you prefer the date. (Any order of these elements is acceptable) (See below) Student Name, Unit Number, Outcome Number Date The Footer should detail the page number i.e. Page 1 of 5
Student Name, Unit Number, Outcome Number Date Page 4 of 6 The question no & the full question text should be typed out before the answer is inputted i.e. 1. A cat is presented to the practice with a packed cell volume (PCV) of 17%. Tests reveal that the cat is suffering from Mycoplasma felis and a blood transfusion is required. a) List the equipment that will be required to obtain blood from the donor animal and to administer blood to the recipient. (This can be in bold or underlined – whichever you prefer to differentiate between the question and your answer) You should ensure that the questions are answered in order and numbered as they are in the unit assignments. If they are not, we cannot guarantee your tutor will realise the question is merely numbered wrongly. This may lead to the question being marked as incorrect. Answers should be typed below the relevant question using the preferred font, size and line spacing. Tables, Diagrams & Photos Use of tables, diagrams and photos* are perfectly acceptable & positively encouraged to be included in a student’s submission. Note - Nursing plans are particularly effective in table format. See the example below: Activity of living History/problem Goal Nursing intervention Rationale Review date Maintaining vital signs Maintaining hydration status etc
Student Name, Unit Number, Outcome Number Date Page 5 of 6 You can also use diagrams, charts, smart art, anything you like that clearly and concisely demonstrates your point. (see examples below). Remember that any content used or reproduced from another source (including diagrams/images etc) must be fully referenced. Image A: Jones, A, (2018) Current issues in veterinary transfusion medicine, The, Accessed 10/03/22 Q1Q2Q3Q40123456Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4Chart TitleSeries 1 Series 2 Series 3
Student Name, Unit Number, Outcome Number Date Page 6 of 6 If you are unsure how to insert tables or diagrams or would rather not use them, then don’t worry you don’t have to, they are not required, just suggested. *If you do decide to use photos please ensure to compress them fully before uploading otherwise you may experience issues uploading the document if it exceeds the allowed file size. How to compress a photo: • Right click on the photo • Select compress photos from the Picture Tools menu on the main toolbar • You can then choose to compress only that photo or all photos in the document. • Resolution for all should be changed to print size. • Then click OK. Please remember if you have any queries or questions about your assignments or anything to do with the course, please email